ASTM D5098-2005a Standard Specification for Artists Acrylic Dispersion Paints《画家用丙烯酸乳化漆的标准规范》.pdf

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ASTM D5098-2005a Standard Specification for Artists Acrylic Dispersion Paints《画家用丙烯酸乳化漆的标准规范》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM D5098-2005a Standard Specification for Artists Acrylic Dispersion Paints《画家用丙烯酸乳化漆的标准规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: D 5098 05aStandard Specification forArtists Acrylic Dispersion Paints1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 5098; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in p

2、arentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification establishes requirements for compo-sition, physical properties, performance, and labeling of artistsacrylic emulsion paints.1.

3、2 This specification covers pigments, vehicles, and addi-tives. Requirements are included for pigment identification,lightfastness, bleeding, consistency, and drying time.1.3 Table 1 lists some pigments meeting the lightfastnessrequirements in this specification. In order to identify otherpigments t

4、hat meet these requirements, instructions are givenfor test specimen preparation. Test methods for determiningrelative lightfastness are referenced.1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as thestandard. The values given in parentheses are for informationonly.1.5 This pertains only ot t

5、he test method section found inSections 6 and 7, and Appendix X2. This standard does notpurport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associatedwith its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standardto establish appropriate safety and health practices anddetermine the applicabil

6、ity of regulatory limitations prior touse.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 185 Test Methods for Coarse Particles in Pigments,Pastes, and PaintsD 279 Test Methods for Bleeding of PigmentsD 387 Test Method for Color and Strength of ChromaticPigments with a Mechanical MullerD 476 Classifica

7、tion for Dry Pigmentary Titanium DioxidePigmentsD 602 Specification for Barium Sulfate PigmentsD 1210 Test Method for Fineness of Dispersion of Pigment-Vehicle Systems by Hegman-Type GageD 1640 Test Methods for Drying, Curing, or Film Forma-tion of Organic Coatings at Room TemperatureD 3168 Practice

8、 for Qualitative Identification of Polymersin Emulsion PaintsD 4236 Practice for Labeling Art Materials for ChronicHealth HazardsD 4303 Test Methods for Lightfastness of Colorants Usedin Artists MaterialsD 4838 Test Method for Determining the Relative TintingStrength of Chromatic PaintsD 4941 Practi

9、ce for Preparing Drawdowns of Artists PastePaintsE 284 Terminology of Appearance3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 colour index name, nconsists of the category (typeof dye or pigment), general hue, and an assigned number givento a colorant in the Colour Index3as an international identifi-cation sys

10、tem. DiscussionFor example, the Colour Index Nameof one phthalocyanine blue pigment is Pigment Blue 15 (PB15).3.1.2 Colour Index Number, na five-digit number given inthe Colour Index that describes the chemical constitution of acolorant. DiscussionFor example, the Colour Index Num-ber

11、of one phthalocyanine blue pigment is 74160.3.1.3 Appearance terms used in this specification are de-fined in Terminology E 284.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 acrylic emulsion paint, npaint containing a stableaqueous dispersion of polymers or copolymers of acrylic acid,meth

12、acrylic acid, esters of these acids, or acrylonitrile; some-times termed latex, acrylic latex, or polymer emulsion paint.1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D01 on Paintand Related Coatings, Materials, andApplications and is the direct responsibility ofSubcommittee D01.57

13、 on Artist Paints and Related Materials.Current edition approved July 1, 2005. Published August 2005. Originallyapproved in 1990. Last previous edition approved in 2005 as D 5098 05.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.o

14、rg. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Colour Index, 3rd ed., 5 Vols and Revisions. The Society of Dyers andColourists, London, 197175. Available from the American Association of TextileChemists and Colorists, P.O. Bo

15、x 12215, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.3.2.2 glycols, ngeneral term for dihydric alcohols used toprovide freeze-thaw stability in acrylic and other water-basedvehicle systems.4. Sign

16、ificance and Use4.1 This specification establishes quality requirements andprovides a basis for common understanding among producers,distributors, and users.4.2 It is not intended that all paints meeting the require-ments be identical nor of uniform excellence in all respects.Variations in manufactu

17、re, not covered by this specification,may cause some artists to prefer one brand over another, eitherof which may be acceptable under this specification.5. Labeling Requirements5.1 Pigment(s) Identification:5.1.1 Every label shall include for each pigment containedin the paint the information underl

18、ined in Table 1 whichincludes the Common Name, Colour Index Name, and anyadditional terms necessary to identify the form of the pigment.5.1.2 The complete pigment identification given in Table 1,which also includes the Colour Index Number and a simplechemical description, shall be given in an approp

19、riate producerpublication. Manufacturers are encouraged to put this completeidentification on the container label when label size permits.5.1.3 The Common Name shall be placed on the front of thelabel and shall be the name of the paint except as described in5.1.5 and 5.1.6. Other identification may

20、be placed elsewhereon the container.5.1.4 The Colour Index Name may be spelled out in full orabbreviated depending on the size of the label. Example:Pigment Blue 15, or Pig. Blue 15 or PB Substituted PigmentsIn the case of substituted pig-ments, the word “Hue” in equal size letters shall fo

21、llow in thetitle, on the front of the tube, immediately after the name of thepigment that has been simulated. Directly below the title, theCommon Name from Table 1 of the pigment(s) used shall begiven in letters no less than the next type size smaller than thetitle; or if more than one pigment is us

22、ed, then 5.1.7 coveringmixed pigments, can be followed. For example:CADMIUM RED MEDIUM HUE(Naphthol Red AS-OL)COBALT BLUE HUE(mixture)5.1.6 Proprietary names or optional names may be usedprovided the Common Name(s) given inTable 1 appears on thefront of the label directly under the proprietary or op

23、tionalname in letters no less than the next type size smaller than theproprietary or optional name; or if more than one pigment isused, then 5.1.7 covering mixed pigments, can be followed.5.1.7 Mixed PigmentsArtists paints containing more thanone pigment comply with this specification if all colored

24、pigments included in the mixture are on the suitable pigmentlist (Table 1) and provided the mixture itself has passed allother test requirements in this specification. The CommonNames for the pigments in the mixture, or the word “Mixture,”must appear under the title in letters no less than the next

25、typesize smaller than the title. For example:PERMANENT GREEN LIGHT PERMANENT GREEN LIGHT(Cadmium Yellow Light, (Mixture)Phthalocyanine Blue)If the word “Mixture” is used under the title, the CommonNames of the pigments in the mixture, as given in Table 1,must be listed along with their Colour Index

26、Names and theLightfastness Category of the mixture somewhere on the label.The lightfastness category shall be that of the least lightfastpigment. This lightfastness category may be changed if themixture is tested for lightfastness in accordance with TestMethods D 4303 and results indicating a differ

27、ent category aresubmitted to ASTM Subcommittee D01.57 for evaluation.5.2 Provide on the label identification of polymer used inthe paint.NOTE 1The type of polymer can be identified by using PracticeD 3168.5.3 LightfastnessThe label shall contain the word “Light-fastness” followed by the appropriate

28、rating, I or II, as givenfor each pigment in Table Lightfastness I pigments, when made into paint speci-mens as described in Section 7 and exposed, tested, and ratedin accordance with Test Methods D 4303, shall have a colordifference (DE*ab) of 4 or less CIELAB units between thespecimens mea

29、sured before and after exposure.5.3.2 Lightfastness II pigments, when made into paintspecimens as described in Section 7 and exposed, tested, andrated in accordance with Test Methods D 4303, shall have acolor difference (DE*ab) of more than 4.0 but not more than 8.0CIELAB units between the specimens

30、 measured before andafter exposure.5.3.3 Pigments were placed in a lightfastness category onthe basis of either known historical performance in art works orthe ratings from four lightfastness tests conducted as describedin Test Methods D 4303. Results from further tests on these, orother pigments, a

31、re solicited by ASTM Subcommittee D01. The lightfastness category of a pigment shall bechanged if results from several further tests conducted inaccordance with Test Methods D 4303 and approved byASTMSubcommittee D01.57, establish a different lightfastness cat-egory than the one given in T

32、able Additional pigments shall be placed in Table 1 afterthey have been tested for lightfastness in accordance with TestMethods D 4303 and the test results submitted to ASTMSubcommittee D01.57 for evaluation, provided the resultsdemonstrate that the pigments have the lightfastness ratingsr

33、equired for Lightfastness I or Lightfastness II, as described in5.3.1 and For information and to establish nomenclature, pig-ments in Lightfastness III, IV, and V categories are given inTable X1.1 inAppendix X1. However, such pigments are not tobe used in paint conforming to this specifi

34、cation.5.4 ToxicityAll products and labeling must conform to theFederal Hazardous Substances Act and to Practice D 4236.5.5 Statement of Conformance“Conforms to ASTMSpecification D 5098,” or “Conforms to ASTM D 5098,” or“Conforms to the quality requirements ofASTM D 5098.”ThisD 5098 05a2statement ma

35、y be combined with other conformance state-ments, such as, “Conforms to the quality and health require-ments of ASTM Specification D 5098 and Practice D 4236.”5.6 AddressInclude on the label (1) the name and addressof the manufacturer or importer and (2) the country ofmanufacture.6. Quality Assuranc

36、e for Artists Acrylic Emulsion Paints6.1 Conditions not Covered in This Specification that Affectthe Quality of Artists Acrylic Emulsion Paints :6.1.1 SubstrateFactors such as the texture, gloss, effectivepH, porosity, chemical composition, and condition of thesubstrate will affect gloss, gloss unif

37、ormity, drying time,adhesion, and the flexibility of the dried film.6.1.2 Environmental ConditionsFactors such as tempera-ture, humidity, air flow, and light conditions affect applicationproperties, film formation, drying time, and adhesion.6.1.3 StorageFactors such as aging, and high and lowtempera

38、tures may cause changes in consistency.6.2 VehiclesOnly acrylic polymer emulsions or acryliccopolymer emulsions may be used (see Note 1).6.3 PigmentsThe pigments shall be limited to those rec-ommended for use in acrylic emulsion paints in the list ofsuitable pigments in Table 1. Their lightfastness

39、rating shall bethe numeral given in the same row.6.4 AdditivesSurfactants, preservatives, defoamers, gly-cols, solvents, and thickeners may be used to achieve agingstability, to control foaming, to ensure freeze-thaw stability andfilm coalescence, and to obtain a desired consistency.6.5 InertsInerts

40、 shall be included only to adjust productgloss or sheen, or to produce desirable working qualities.6.6 Preparation of SampleEmpty the contents of a previ-ously unopened container onto a glass slab and mix thoroughlywith a spatula to a homogeneous sample.6.7 Coarse ParticlesPaints shall be free of ov

41、ersize par-ticles and shall form a uniform film upon drying. The maxi-mum content of coarse particles shall be 1 weight % asdetermined by Test Methods D 185.6.8 Fineness of DispersionDetermine the fineness ofdispersion by Test Method D 1210. For paste paint: on a glassplate, using a spatula, mix the

42、 paint with an equal volume ofwater until homogeneous. The maximum allowable grindreading is 40 m (1.5 mils).6.9 ConsistencyPaints shall be smooth and creamy. Thepaste type of paint shall not flow or level when applied with apalette knife.6.10 Freeze-Thaw StabilityUsing a freezer that has atemperatu

43、re of 7C (20F) or lower, subject the paint to fivefreeze-thaw cycles. A freeze-thaw cycle shall consist of freez-ing the paint to a solid state (minimum of 18 h) and thenthawing the paint to room temperature (minimum of 5 h). Thepaint shall then meet the requirements of 6.7, 6.8, and Drying

44、Use a 150-m (6-mil) clearance film applica-tor to make a uniform drawdown on a lacquer-sealed panel. Ata relative humidity of 50 to 75 % and a temperature of 18 to27C (65 to 80F), the dust-free drying time, determined inaccordance withTest Methods D 1640, shall be not less than 10min.6.12 Tinting st

45、rength requirements will be included in thisspecification as appropriate tinting strength standards forindividual pigments are established. Test Method D 387 maybe used to determine the tinting strength of pigments or paintswhen all ingredients are known. Test Method D 4838 can beused to determine t

46、he relative tinting strength of chromaticpaints containing a single pigment and the same vehicle butwhere other ingredients are unknown.6.13 Bleeding of PigmentsDetermine the bleeding char-acteristics of the dry paint film by Test Methods D 279, TestMethod B. The film of the paint to be tested shall

47、 be appliedwith a 7.6-cm (3-in.) wide, 150-m (6-mil) clearance filmapplicator, following Practice D 4941. The overstripe of paintused shall meet the specifications of the white described in7.4.1 of this standard. Apply the overstripe in one applicationas a drawdown at an angle perpendicular to that

48、of the paintbeing tested. Extend this second paint layer off the first filmand over the region where black and white meet on the chart,in order to determine if the thickness is great enough to achieveopacity as determined by the Procedure section of PracticeD 4941 (see Note 2). If opacity is insuffi

49、cient, increase thethickness of the overstrip layer. The extent of color migrationshall be no greater than moderate, as determined by theprocedure in provided in Test Methods D 279.NOTE 2Depending on the particular white paint used, a 250-m(10-mil) application may be sufficient. The 6- and 10-mil multipleclearance applicator,4has been found suitable. If the 10-mil clearanceprovides insufficient opacity, an adjustable clearance film casting knife50-6250 m (0-250 mils) will allow controlled increases in film thickness.7. Lightfastness Deter


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