ASTM D5635-2004a Standard Test Method for Dynamic Puncture Resistance of Roofing Membrane Specimens《屋面薄膜试样耐动态穿孔性能的标准试验方法》.pdf

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ASTM D5635-2004a Standard Test Method for Dynamic Puncture Resistance of Roofing Membrane Specimens《屋面薄膜试样耐动态穿孔性能的标准试验方法》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM D5635-2004a Standard Test Method for Dynamic Puncture Resistance of Roofing Membrane Specimens《屋面薄膜试样耐动态穿孔性能的标准试验方法》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM D5635-2004a Standard Test Method for Dynamic Puncture Resistance of Roofing Membrane Specimens《屋面薄膜试样耐动态穿孔性能的标准试验方法》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM D5635-2004a Standard Test Method for Dynamic Puncture Resistance of Roofing Membrane Specimens《屋面薄膜试样耐动态穿孔性能的标准试验方法》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM D5635-2004a Standard Test Method for Dynamic Puncture Resistance of Roofing Membrane Specimens《屋面薄膜试样耐动态穿孔性能的标准试验方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: D 5635 04aStandard Test Method forDynamic Puncture Resistance of Roofing MembraneSpecimens1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 5635; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last re

2、vision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This test method covers the evaluation of the maximumdynamic puncture load that roofing membrane samples canwithstand, witho

3、ut allowing the passage of water, when sub-jected to impact from a rigid object having a sharp edge.1.2 This laboratory test can be conducted at any desiredtemperature using membrane samples manufactured in a fac-tory or prepared in a laboratory.1.3 Roof membrane specimens to which the test method i

4、sapplicable include bituminous built-up, polymer-modified bi-tumens, vulcanized rubbers, non-vulcanized polymeric, andthermoplastic materials.1.4 This test method is not applicable to aggregate-surfacedmembrane specimens; however, it is applicable to specimenshaving factory-applied granules.1.5 The

5、values stated in SI units are to be regarded as thestandard. The values given in parentheses are for informationonly.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priat

6、e safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2C 578 Specification for Rigid, Cellular Polystyrene ThermalInsulationD 1079 Terminology Relating to Roofing, Waterproofing,and Bituminous Materials3. Termi

7、nology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 For definitions of terms used in this test method, referto Terminology D 1079.4. Summary of Test Method4.1 The roofing membrane test specimen, set on a thermalinsulation substrate, is subjected to a predetermined dynamicimpact load created by a rigid falling puncture head

8、. The headfalls through a quarter-circle trajectory from a vertical positionto horizontal position under gravitational acceleration.4.2 The puncture energy is increased from 5 to 50 J (119 to1190 ftpdl) in 2.5 J (59.4 ftpdl) increments until puncture ofthe membrane specimen occurs or until the maxim

9、um energy isreached.4.3 Puncture of the test specimen is assessed by visualexamination and verified by conducting a watertightness test.5. Principle of the Test Method5.1 The energy at impact is equated to the potential energyof the raised puncture head as follows:E 5 mgH (1)where:m = mass of the pu

10、ncture head (in kg or lbm),g = gravitational acceleration (in m/s2or ft/s2), andH = height through which the puncture head falls (in metresor feet).In this test method, the height is fixed at 0.51 m (1.67 ft).With gravitational acceleration being equal to 9.8 m/s2(32ft/s2), the impact energy is, thu

11、s, equal to the following:E 5 5m (2)where:m = kg.orE 5 53.4m (3)where:m = lbm.Increasing the mass of the puncture head from 1 to 10 kg (2.2to 22 lbm) in increments of 0.5 kg (1.1 lbm) increases the1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D08 on Roofingand Waterproofing and is th

12、e direct responsibility of Subcommittee D08.20 onRoofing Membrane Systems.Current edition approved July 1, 2004. Published July 2004. Originally approvedin 1994. Last previous edition approved in 2004 as D 5635 04.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM C

13、ustomer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.puncture energy from 5 to 50 J (

14、119 to 1190 ftpdl) inincrements of 2.5 J (59.4 ftpdl).NOTE 1A counter weight placed on the falling arm opposite to theaxis of rotation eliminates the need to include the mass of the arm in thedetermination of the impact energy.6. Significance and Use6.1 An important factor affecting the performance

15、of mem-brane roofing systems is their ability to resist dynamic punctureloads. This test method provides a means to assess dynamicpuncture resistance.6.2 This test method can be used to compare the dynamicpuncture resistance of a single type of membrane as a functionof a variety of insulation substr

16、ates or, conversely, to comparethe resistance of a number of membrane specimens set on asingle type of insulation.6.3 The effect of temperature on puncture resistance can bestudied by conducting the test under controlled conditionsusing such equipment as an environmental chamber, oven, orfreezer.6.4

17、 The test method can be useful in developing perfor-mance criteria for membrane roofing systems.6.5 The test method can be useful in developing classifica-tions of dynamic puncture resistance of membrane roofingsystems.6.6 While it is considered that the results obtained by thislaboratory test can a

18、fford a measure of the dynamic punctureresistance of membrane roofing systems in the field, (providedthat service loads and temperature conditions are known) nodirect correlation has yet been established.7. Apparatus7.1 Dynamic Puncture DeviceThe dynamic puncture de-vice consists primarily of a heav

19、y base, a falling arm, andpuncture head (see Fig. 1).7.1.1 The falling arm is attached to the base so that it canrotate freely (for example, using ball bearings) from a verticalto horizontal position. The length of the arm is sufficiently longso that the puncture head can be secured to it at a dista

20、nce thatis 0.51 m (1.67 ft), 60.5 %, from the point of rotation at thebase.7.1.2 The shape and dimensions of a typical puncture headare given in Fig. 2. When mounted on the arm, the face of thepuncture head is parallel to axis of rotation. Several heads ofdifferent mass may be needed. Alternatively,

21、 a means foradding weights to a given puncture head to increase its masscan be used. The head and additional weights shall constitute acontinuous series of mass from 1 to 10 kg (2.2 to 22 lbm) in 0.5kg (1.1 lbm) increments. The mass of the puncture head shallbe within 60.5 % of that selected.NOTE 2I

22、t is suggested that the puncture head be fabricated from 1018mild steel to minimize risk of damage during its use. No matter the metalfrom which the puncture head is made, users of the test device shouldperiodically examine the puncture head to check that damage has notoccurred during use.7.1.3 A co

23、unter weight, equivalent to the mass of the fallingarm, is placed on the arm on the side of the axis of rotationopposite to that holding the puncture head. The presence of thecounter weight eliminates the need to include the mass of thearm in the determination of the puncture energy. Alternatively,i

24、f a counter weight is not used, then the mass of the arm shallbe included in the determination of the impact energy.7.1.4 The device shall incorporate a mechanism that allowsthe puncture head to be kept stationary in an upright position,forming an angle from the vertical not exceeding 5. Thismechani

25、sm shall allow release of the arm so that it falls freelywithout any additional motion imposed.NOTE 3A vacuum release mechanism has been found suitable for thispurpose.7.1.5 The base of the device, supporting the arm andpuncture head, is placed on a horizontal surface that issufficiently stable. Thi

26、s surface shall not shake, vibrate, orotherwise move when the test is conducted at maximum impactenergy. The arm and puncture head of the dynamic puncturedevice shall be horizontal when the puncture head contacts thehorizontal surface of the test specimen (see Fig. 1). Heavy rigidshims having length

27、 and width dimensions larger than those ofthe test specimen and substrate may be used.7.2 Specimen FrameA frame, having minimum exteriorand interior dimensions of 250 by 250 mm (9.8 by 9.8 in.) and200 by 200 mm (7.9 by 7.9 in.), respectively, and a minimummass of 2.5 kg (5.5 lbm) is used to hold the

28、 test specimen inplace on the insulation substrate during the test. Adheremedium abrasive, 60 grit sand paper to the bottom surface ofthe specimen frame.NOTE 4The bottom surface of the frame is that surface which sets onthe specimen. The use of sand paper assists in securing the specimenduring test.

29、 Double-side adhesive tape has been found suitable foradhering the sand paper to metal frames. The sand paper is replaced withnew pieces when it no longer assists in securing the specimen during test.7.2.1 It is not prohibited to use clamping for holding the testspecimen in place on the insulation s

30、ubstrate and for inhibitingthe test specimen from slipping under the specimen frameduring impact (Note 5).NOTE 5Nonreinforced rubber membrane materials have been foundto be prone to such slipping when clamping is not used.FIG. 1 Schematic of the Dynamic Puncture DeviceD 5635 04a28. Sampling and Samp

31、le Preparation8.1 Single-Ply SamplesCut the test specimens directlyfrom the sheet membrane material in accordance with Multi-Ply Samples Prepared in the Laboratory:8.2.1 Condition all components at 23 6 2C (74 6 3F) and50 6 5 % relative humidity for 24 6 0.25 h prior to construct-ing the mem

32、brane sample.8.2.2 Prepare the multi-ply membrane samples at least 0.90by 1.20 m (3 by 4 ft) in accordance with the membranemanufacturers instructions or by using other preparationmethods at the discretion of the test laboratory. The method ofpreparation shall be described in the report of the test.

33、 Thequantity of material in each layer of the membrane sample shallbe within 10 % of that specified, and the entire sample shall bewithin 5 %. Cut the test specimens directly from this largermembrane sample, in accordance with 9.1.9. Test Specimens9.1 DimensionsThe dimensions of the membrane testspe

34、cimens and insulation substrates are 250 by 250 mm (9.8 by9.8 in.). Cut the test specimens and substrates to size using ametal template having these dimensions.9.2 Number of SpecimensThe number of specimens canvary depending upon the actual performance of the membranematerial found during testing. I

35、t is suggested that at leasttwelve specimens be available at the beginning of the test.9.3 Type of Membrane Specimen SubstrateThe use of anyroof insulation as a membrane specimen substrate is allowable.The membrane substrate shall be expanded polystyrene boardconforming to Specification C 578, Type

36、IX and having athickness of 38 mm (1.5 in.), 615 %, unless otherwise speci-fied. Whatever insulation is used, the sections used as thespecimen substrate throughout the test shall be taken from thesame manufactured lot.10. Conditioning and Test Temperature Selection10.1 Condition the apparatus and al

37、l specimens at theselected test temperature 62C (63F) for a minimum of 8 hprior to testing.NOTE 1Dimensions are in millimetres.FIG. 2 Shape and Dimensions of Puncture HeadD 5635 04a310.2 It is not prohibited to conduct tests across a range ofcold, room, and elevated temperatures. Unless otherwise sp

38、eci-fied, the test shall be conducted at 23C (74F).10.2.1 The selected temperature shall be maintained at62C (63F) throughout the test.11. Procedure11.1 Screening Procedure:11.1.1 Secure the membrane specimen on the insulationusing the specimen frame.11.1.2 Position the assembly under the falling ar

39、m of thedynamic puncture device so that the puncture head is set on thecenter of the surface of the specimen. Align the arm andpuncture head horizontally to the specimen surface. Thedirection of the test specimen (that is, longitudinal or trans-verse) shall be perpendicular to the direction of the p

40、uncturehead.11.1.3 Select an initial mass of the puncture head, in integralincrements of 0.5 kg (1.1 lbm), somewhat below that at whichthe specimen may be expected to fail.NOTE 6Pretesting specimens at various masses is useful to estimatethe initial load to be applied.11.1.4 Raise the arm and punctu

41、re head to the verticalposition and allow it to fall freely onto the specimen surface.Then visually examine the specimen to determine whetherpuncture has occurred.11.1.5 If it cannot be determined visually that the specimenhas or has not punctured, apply a suitable watertightness test.One example of

42、 a suitable test is the use of water pressure of5000 Pa (0.73 lbf/in.2) applied for 15 min to the surface of themembrane specimen that was subjected to the impact (Note 7).Another example is a dielectric test (Note 8). If the testspecimen is not watertight, repeat the procedure in 11.1.4 and11.1.5 o

43、n another test specimen using a puncture head havinglesser mass.NOTE 7One type of watertightness test that has been used to examinewhether membrane specimens have been punctured incorporates a watercolumn sealed to the top of the membrane specimen. A water height of 500mm (20 in.) provides a pressur

44、e of 5000 Pa (0.73 lbf/in2). A similar typeof watertightness test uses a chamber in which the membrane specimen issealed and into which water is forced at the specified pressure.NOTE 8One dielectric test for examining whether membrane speci-mens have been punctured uses a 15 kV dielectric tester wit

45、h a pointedelectrode. The test specimen is placed on a metal plate (second electrode),such that contact exists between the impacted area of the specimen and themetal plate. The size of the metal plate is at least that of the specimen. A15 kV charge is applied across the specimen at the location of t

46、he appliedpuncture force by passing the pointed electrode over the impacted areawhile in contact with the specimen surface. If sparks are observed,puncture has occurred.11.1.6 Using the same specimen, repeat 11.1.4 and 11.1.5 asnecessary, increasing the puncture head mass by 0.5 kg (1.1lbm) each tim

47、e, until puncture occurs or until the maximumpuncture head mass of 10 kg (22 lbm) is reached. Shift thespecimen and insulation substrate at least 25 mm (1 in.) so thatthe puncture head impacts an area that was not previouslystruck.11.1.7 Using a new membrane specimen and a new insula-tion substrate,

48、 repeat the test at the last mass selected to verifythe results of the screening procedure.11.2 Dynamic Puncture Resistance Determination:11.2.1 Conduct the test on three new membrane specimensand insulation substrates in accordance with 11.1, using apuncture head mass that is 0.5 kg (1.1 lbm) less

49、than that whichcaused puncture in the screening procedure or at the 10 kg (22lbm) maximum mass that did not result in puncture. Considerthe results as follows: If none of the three specimens are punctured at thisselected mass, repeat the test, using three new specimens atincrementally higher puncture head masses, the number oftimes necessary until at least one of the three specimens fail, oruntil the maximum mass of the test is reached. Calculate thegreatest energy at which none of a set of three specimens failedusing Eq 2 (or 2B). Report that


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