ASTM D5995-1998(2010) 0000 Standard Guide for Environmental Site Characterization in Cold Regions《冷区域环境定位特性的标准指南》.pdf

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ASTM D5995-1998(2010) 0000 Standard Guide for Environmental Site Characterization in Cold Regions《冷区域环境定位特性的标准指南》.pdf_第1页
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1、Designation: D5995 98 (Reapproved 2010)Standard Guide forEnvironmental Site Characterization in Cold Regions1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5995; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of las

2、t revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONUnderstanding environmental processes that occur in soil and rock systems in cold regions of theworld depends on adequate

3、 characterization of not only the physical, chemical, and biologicalproperties of soil and rock but also the climatic factors under which they exist. Processes of interestmay include, but are not limited to, surface and subsurface hydrology, contaminant mobilization,distribution, fate and transport,

4、 chemical and biological degradation of wastes, geomorphological, andecological processes in general.1. Scope1.1 Use this guide in conjunction with Guide D5730.1.2 This guide describes special problems to be consideredwhen planning field investigations in cold regions. The primaryfocus of this guide

5、 is presenting the special problems andconcerns of site characterization in the cold regions of theworld.1.3 Laboratory testing of soil, rock, and ground-watersamples is specified by other ASTM standards that are notspecifically discussed in this guide. Laboratory methods formeasurement of physical

6、properties relevant to environmentalinvestigations are included in Guide D5730.1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as thestandard.1.5 This guide emphasizes the care that must be taken by allfield personnel during operations in tundra and permafrostareas of the world.1.6 This guide o

7、ffers an organized collection of informationor a series of options and does not recommend a specificcourse of action. This document cannot replace education orexperience and should be used in conjunction with professionaljudgment. Not all aspects of this guide may be applicable in allcircumstances.

8、This ASTM standard is not intended to repre-sent or replace the standard of care by which the adequacy ofa given professional service must be judged, nor should thisdocument be applied without consideration of a projects manyunique aspects. The word “Standard” in the title of thisdocument means only

9、 that the document has been approvedthrough the ASTM consensus process.1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine th

10、e applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and ContainedFluidsD4083 Practice for Description of Frozen Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure)D5254 Practice for Minimum Set of Data Elements toIdentify a Ground-W

11、ater SiteD5408 Guide for Set of Data Elements to Describe aGround-Water Site; Part OneAdditional IdentificationDescriptorsD5409 Guide for Set of Data Elements to Describe aGround-Water Site; Part TwoPhysical DescriptorsD5410 Guide for Set of Data Elements to Describe aGround-Water Site;Part ThreeUsa

12、ge DescriptorsD5730 Guide for Site Characterization for EnvironmentalPurposes With Emphasis on Soil, Rock, the Vadose Zoneand Ground WaterD5781 Guide for Use of Dual-Wall Reverse-CirculationDrilling for Geoenvironmental Exploration and the Instal-lation of Subsurface Water-Quality Monitoring Devices

13、D5783 Guide for Use of Direct Rotary Drilling with Water-Based Drilling Fluid for Geoenvironmental Explorationand the Installation of Subsurface Water-Quality Monitor-ing Devices1This guide is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D18 on Soil and Rockand is the direct responsibility of Subcommitte

14、e D18.01 on Surface and SubsurfaceCharacterization.Current edition approved May 1, 2010. Published September 2010. Originallyapproved in 1996. Last previous edition approved in 2004 as D599598(2004).DOI: 10.1520/D5995-98R10.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcont

15、act ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.D6001 Guide for Direct

16、-Push Ground Water Sampling forEnvironmental Site Characterization3. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsDefinitions of terms used in this guide arein accordance with Terminology D653.3.1.1 Guide D5730 identifies major references from a rangeof disciplines that can be used as additional sources fordefinitions

17、 of terms that are related to environmental sitecharacterization.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 active layer, nthe top layer of ground above thepermafrost table that thaws each summer and refreezes eachfall.3.2.2 alpine permafrost, npermafrost developed in tem-perate climat

18、e mountainous areas of the world.3.2.3 continuous permafrost, npermafrost occurring ev-erywhere beneath the exposed land surface throughout ageographic regional zone, with the exception of widely scat-tered sites, such as newly deposited unconsolidated sediments,where the climate has just begun to i

19、mpose its influence on theground thermal regime that will cause the formation ofcontinuous permafrost.3.2.4 discontinuous permafrost, npermafrost occurring insome areas beneath the ground surface throughout a geo-graphic regional zone where other areas are free of permafrost.3.2.5 icing, na sheet-li

20、ke mass of layered ice, either on theground surface or on the surface of river ice. Aufeis (German),Naled (Russian).3.2.6 permafrost, nthe thermal condition in earth materi-als where temperatures below 0 C persist over at least twoconsecutive winters and the intervening summer; moisture inthe form o

21、f water and ground ice may or may not be present.Earth materials in this thermal condition may be described asperennially frozen, irrespective of their water and ice content.4. Significance and Use4.1 This guide, when used in conjunction with GuideD5730, provides direction to the selection of the va

22、riousASTM standards that are available for the investigation of soil,rock, the vadose zone, ground-water, and other media wherethe investigations have an environmental purpose and areconducted in cold regions of the world. It is intended toimprove consistency of practice and to encourage rationalpla

23、nning of a site characterization program by providinginformation to assist in the design of an environmental recon-naissance or investigation plans. This guide is intended toprovide information that will help minimize the effect of sitecharacterization operations on areas of frozen ground orpermafro

24、st and increase the safety of environmental operationsin cold regions.4.2 This guide presents information and references for sitecharacterization for environmental purposes in cold regions ofthe world.5. Special Problems of Cold Regions5.1 SafetyWhen working in very cold temperatures safetyis of utm

25、ost importance. Weather is volatile and unpredictable.The difficulty of working under arctic conditions tends to causefrustration and increases the chance of injury. Freezing ofexposed flesh and hypothermia can occur very quickly underwinter conditions. Specific training in arctic survival tech-niqu

26、es in accordance with the Department of the Army orcomparable training is recommended for anyone expected towork in these conditions.5.2 TundraAll operations in areas of tundra must beundertaken with special care. What causes a minor impact in atemperate region from a small environmental site charac

27、teriza-tion study will have a greater impact on tundra or areasunderlain by permafrost. Special care and attention during theplanning process must be given to field operations to preventdamage to the tundra surface and vegetation. Winter fieldoperations when tundra is protected by snow and ice are l

28、essdamaging than summer operations but increase difficultiescreated by very cold temperatures (see 5.3).5.2.1 Give special attention to all operations using any formof vehicle in tundra areas. Because of the fragile nature oftundra only a single vehicle pass or aircraft landing may be allthat is req

29、uired to cause uncontrolled degradation of thevegetation and underlying permafrost.5.2.2 Give special attention to any operation using a motor-ized or heat producing unit (for example, drilling equipment).These items must be insulated in order to protect permafrost orfrozen surface layers against he

30、at transfer, which can result inirreversible degradation of the vegetation and underlyingpermafrost.5.3 Very Cold TemperaturesField operations during sea-sons of very cold temperatures require special planning andconcern. Work elements that would require only an hour or soto perform in temperate cli

31、mates may require several days toperform under the winter temperatures of cold regions. Siteinvestigation planning should take into consideration and allowsufficient time to perform all steps of the investigation. Someprocedures, such as tactile methods for visual-manual classifi-cation of soils, ma

32、y not be feasible during cold weather.5.4 PermafrostThe cold winters and short summers of thepolar regions produce a layer of frozen ground or permafrostthat remains frozen through the summer. Permafrost is aphenomenon of the polar and subpolar regions of the world.About 20 % of the worlds land is u

33、nderlain by permafrost.Permafrost and permafrost hazards uniquely affect most activi-ties in the cold regions, and permafrost and associated hazardsmust be considered in the planning of all environmental sitecharacterization operations.5.4.1 Many permafrost areas of the world are not in equi-librium

34、 with the existing climate. Any small disturbance of thethermal regime of the permafrost, such as a tire track or drillhole, may result in a drastic change in the underlying perma-frost. Therefore, extreme care must be given to prevent damageto the environment when conducting characterization opera-

35、tions in areas underlain by permafrost.5.4.2 Permafrost acts as a natural barrier in some areas,containing aquifers not usually exposed to surface conditions.Penetration of the permafrost layer into underlying groundwater during installation of monitoring wells or collection ofdeep core samples can

36、increase and exacerbate the fate andD5995 98 (2010)2transport of environmental contaminants. This can, in turn,change a relatively small, contained site into a much larger areaof contamination with greater environmental impact in a regionwith fragile, highly specialized flora and fauna.5.5 Seepage I

37、cingsGround-water that seeps or flows atground surface often results in the formation of disruptiveicings. Because many of these seepage sites are located alongroad cuts the icings may result in loss of use of the roadway.Seepage icings from uncontrolled artesian well flow have beenknown to cause di

38、sruptions. Seasonal frost moves downwardmore quickly along roadways than it does adjacent undisturbedareas. At times, seasonal frost will move downward to contactthe underlying permafrost and form a frost dam within the soilthat impedes the flow of ground-water. Hydrostatic pressurewill then increas

39、e, forcing water to the surface forming anicing. Special attention must be given when undertakingenvironmental site investigations in cold regions to prevent theoccurrence of icings, unless specifically created by design forconstruction of winter haul roads.5.6 Frost HeavingIn areas of fine-grained

40、sediments, suchas silt and clay, frost heaving along with loss of bearingstrength is a major problem that must be considered wheninstalling recorder sites for monitoring operations in coldregions. Frost heaving may distort structures, collapse wellcasings, and cause changes in casing elevations of w

41、ells. If notcorrected, changes in casing elevation may result in water levelmeasurements that are not correct. During design, siting orconstruction of structures, frost heaving must be consideredand taken into account.5.7 Transient Artesian ConditionsDuring drilling opera-tions, special attention mu

42、st be given to possible artesianground-water conditions below any existing permafrost layers.Drilling operations in cold regions must include plans fordealing with the artesian pressures and blow-out prevention.This may require the use of forward rotary drilling equipmentand mud additives to increas

43、e the specific weight of the drillingfluid during drilling. Guide D5783 on direct rotary drillingshould be consulted for information on use of drilling fluidadditives.6. Site Investigation Plan6.1 Review objectives of the investigation prior to finaldevelopment of a detailed site investigation plan.

44、 In coldregions this requires the involvement of individuals or organi-zations with experience working in such regions. The detailedsite investigation plan should clearly identify the types of datathat are required to meet the objectives of the investigation.Considerations for identifying data requi

45、rements include:6.1.1 Data required to comply with applicable federal, state,or local regulatory programs.6.1.2 Data required as inputs to computer models expectedto be used.6.1.3 Data required for selection and design of any imple-mentation measures (that is, protective measures at controlledwaste

46、disposal sites, remediation options at contaminatedsites).6.1.4 Data and information on any known geologic orhydrologic hazards at the site.6.1.5 Data required for risk assessment or to proposealternative cleanup levels.6.2 A site visit prior to extensive collection of existing datashould be made un

47、less the limited scope of a project does notallow multiple visits. The advantage of such a visit is that itmay prevent preconceived ideas derived from inaccurate ex-isting information from influencing initial conceptual sitemodel development. A complete environmental site investiga-tion will usually

48、 encompass the following activities:6.2.1 Review available information, both regional and local,on the geologic history (including seismic activity and otherpotential geologic hazards), rock, soil, ground-water, surfacewater, and other significant environmental and anthropogenicfeatures (for example

49、, buried utilities) occurring at the pro-posed location and in the immediate vicinity of the site.6.2.2 In cold regions, the site investigation plan shouldinclude information as to study site selection, routes of accessto the site with minimum environmental damage, type andnumber of tests to be performed at the site, and disposal ofwaste produced by tests and personnel along with any specialrequirements needed to reduce the effects of the testing on thesurrounding environment. Nonintrusive, nondestructive geo-physical testing methods, such as seismic refraction, e


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