ASTM D6412 D6412M-1999(2005) Standard Specification for Epoxy (Flexible) Adhesive for Bonding Metallic and Nonmetallic Materials《用于粘结金属和非金属材料的环氧(柔性)粘结剂的标准规范》.pdf

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ASTM D6412 D6412M-1999(2005) Standard Specification for Epoxy (Flexible) Adhesive for Bonding Metallic and Nonmetallic Materials《用于粘结金属和非金属材料的环氧(柔性)粘结剂的标准规范》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM D6412 D6412M-1999(2005) Standard Specification for Epoxy (Flexible) Adhesive for Bonding Metallic and Nonmetallic Materials《用于粘结金属和非金属材料的环氧(柔性)粘结剂的标准规范》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM D6412 D6412M-1999(2005) Standard Specification for Epoxy (Flexible) Adhesive for Bonding Metallic and Nonmetallic Materials《用于粘结金属和非金属材料的环氧(柔性)粘结剂的标准规范》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM D6412 D6412M-1999(2005) Standard Specification for Epoxy (Flexible) Adhesive for Bonding Metallic and Nonmetallic Materials《用于粘结金属和非金属材料的环氧(柔性)粘结剂的标准规范》.pdf_第4页
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1、Designation: D 6412/D 6412M 99 (Reapproved 2005)Standard Specification ForEpoxy (Flexible) Adhesive For Bonding Metallic AndNonmetallic Materials1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 6412/D 6412M; the number immediately following the designation indicates theyear of original adoptio

2、n or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of lastreapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 The specification covers a two-part modified epoxypaste adhesive for bondi

3、ng metallic and nonmetallic materials.The adhesive should be suitable for forming bonds that canwithstand environmental exposure to temperatures from 184to 82 C (300 to 180 F) when exposed to an expectedcombination of stress, temperature, and relative humidity to beencountered in service.NOTE 1When

4、coordinated through the Department of Defense (DoD)and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), thispractice will be a direct replacement of MIL-A-82720 (OS), MIS-26872,and MSFC-SPEC-2037.1.2 The values stated in SI units or inch-pound units are tobe regarded separately as standard.

5、 Within the text, theinch-pound units are shown in brackets. The values stated ineach system are not exact equivalents; therefore, each systemmust be used independently of the other. Combining valuesfrom the two systems may result in nonconformance with thisspecification.1.3 The following precaution

6、ary statement pertains to thetest method portion only, Section 8, of this specification: Thisstandard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the userof this standard to establish appropriate safety and healthpractices and d

7、etermine the applicability of regulatory limita-tions prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2A 109 Specification for Steel, Strip, Carbon (0.25 Maxi-mum Percent), Cold RolledA 167 Specification for Stainless and Heat-ResistingChromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and StripB 209 Specif

8、ication for Aluminum and Aluminum-AlloySheet and PlateD 907 Terminology of AdhesivesD 1002 Test Method for Apparent Shear Strength of Single-Lap-Joint Adhesively Bonded Metal Specimens by Ten-sion Loading (Metal-to-Metal)D 1876 Test Method for Peel Resistance of Adhesives(T-Peel Test)D 2240 Test Met

9、hod for Rubber PropertyDurometerHardnessD 2393 Test Method for Strength Properties ofAdhesives inTwo-Ply Wood Construction in Shear by Tension LoadingD 2651 Guide for Preparation of Metal Surfaces for Adhe-sive BondingD 3951 Practice for Commercial PackagingD 4142 Guide for Testing Epoxy ResinsE 595

10、 Test Method for Total Mass Loss and CollectedVolatile Condensable Materials from Outgassing in aVacuum Environment2.2 National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA):3JSC Sp-R-0022 General Specification, Vacuum StabilityRequirement of Polymeric Material for Spacecraft Appli-cationMSFC-HDBK-527/

11、JSC-09604 Material Selection List forHardware SystemsGSFC RP 1124 Outgassing Data for Selecting SpacecraftMaterialsNOTE 2Copies of specifications, standards, drawings and publicationsrequired by suppliers in connection with specific purchases should beobtained from the purchaser or as directed by hi

12、s contracting officer.3. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsMany terms in this specification are de-fined in Terminology D 907.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 epoxy-polyamide high viscosity adhesive, nan ep-oxy paste base (B) and a modified amide paste accelerator (A)when mixed in a

13、proper ratio results in a viscous paste.1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D14 onadhesives and is the direct responsibility of subcommittee D14.80 on Metal Bondingadhesives.Current edition approved April 1, 2005. Published June 2005. Originallyapproved in 1999. Last prev

14、ious edition approved in 1999 as D 6412/D 6412M - 99.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Unless

15、otherwise indicated, copies of the above documents are available fromant NASA installation library or document repository.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.3.2.2 epoxy-polyamide low viscosity adhesive, nan epoxyliquid b

16、ase (B) and a modified amide liquid accelerator (A)when mixed in a proper ratio results in a viscous liquid.4. Significance and Use4.1 GeneralThis specification provides testing proceduresand specimen requirements to differentiate between the physi-cal and adhesive bonding properties of two types of

17、 epoxy-polyamide adhesive.5. Classification5.1 The epoxy-polyamide adhesive shall be furnished as oneof the following types:5.1.1 Type IConsists of two-part kits of Part B, base andPart A, accelerator. Grade 1The high viscosity adhesive system iscomposed of an epoxy base (B) and a modified po

18、lyamideaccelerator (A). Grade 2The low viscosity adhesive system iscomposed of an epoxy liquid base (B) and a modified polya-mide liquid accelerator (A).5.1.2 Type IIConsists of premixed, frozen, Type I, Grade1 or Type I, Grade 2.6. Ordering Information6.1 Procurement DocumentsPurchasers may

19、select any ofthe desired options offered herein and the procurement docu-ments should specify the following:6.1.1 Title, number and dated revision letter of this specifi-cation,6.1.2 Adhesive type and grade numbers,6.1.3 Amounts and unit quantities of adhesive required,6.1.4 Curing conditions,6.1.5

20、Level of Packaging and packing required, and6.1.6 Whether or not qualification (see 6.2) is necessary.6.2 QualificationIn the case the adhesives for which thepurchaser requires qualification, the procurement documentsshould state that the awards will be made only for adhesivesthat are qualified at t

21、he time set for opening of bids.7. Test Requirements7.1 MaterialThe adhesive shall be thermosetting and,when tested using the tests described in Section 8 shall meetthe strength requirements of this specification. The adhesiveshall not have a detrimental effect on the surfaces being bondedover the r

22、ange of temperatures at which the adhesives will beused.7.2 QualificationThe adhesive shall be qualified at thetime for opening of bids. The qualification shall only apply tothe formulation on which the qualification tests have beenmade (see 6.2). Any changes by the manufacturer in formula-tion or i

23、n the method of manufacturing, shall be cause ofdesignating the adhesive as a new product.7.3 ProcessingMethods of specimen surface preparation,that is, cleaning and etching adherends, cure time, temperatureand pressure shall be in accordance with the manufacturersrecommendation.7.4 The physical, me

24、chanical and outgassing properties ofthe adhesive shall meet the requirements specified in Table 1.Although, it is not listed in Table 1, Type II materials shall meetthe same requirements as Type I materials.8. Test Methods8.1 Qualification TestsFor qualification, the adhesiveshall be tested using t

25、he tests described in this section. Testmethods and requirements are included in Table 1.8.2 Preparation of Test Specimens:8.2.1 Tensile Shear: AdherendThe metal bonded shall be 6061-T6 or2024-T3 aluminum alloy.NOTE 3The use of steel substrates for the evaluation and lot accep-tance of the ma

26、terial is optional at the discretion of the procuring agency.Use Specification A 109 Grade 2 Steel or Specification A 167, Type 302corrosion resistant steel. Surface TreatmentAdherend surfaces shall becleaned and etched in accordance with Guide D 2651. CureCure time, temperature and pr

27、essure shall bein accordance with the adhesive manufacturers recommenda-tion.NOTE 4Test panels or specimens, or both, other than the breakawaytype shall be cut in such a manner that minimum vibration or heat isgenerated during the cutting operation.NOTE 5Adhesive bondline thickness for tensile shear

28、 specimens shallbe 0.05 to 0.13 mm 0.002 in. to 0.005 in. and 0.25 to 0.43 mm 0.010 to0.017 in. for T-Peel specimens. Control of bondline thickness shall beaccomplished by placing two lengths of appropriate diameter stainlesswire 0.13 mm for tensile shear and 0.43 mm for T-Peel in the lengthwisedire

29、ction on the specimen bond area during the adhesive bondingoperation; the use of the same diameter glass beads approximately 0.5 %by weight, thoroughly mixed in the adhesive may also be used to maintainuniform bondine thickness.8.2.2 Hardness specimens shall be prepared using a mixtureof resin and c

30、atalyst for Type I Grades 1 or 2 in the ratiosspecified by the manufacturer or Type II premixed. Pour thethoroughly mixed material into an aluminum foil cup approxi-mately 7.6 cm 3.0 in. in diameter to a minimum thickness of6.3 mm 0.25 in.; cure per manufacturers recommendation.8.3 Test Procedures:8

31、.3.1 Room-Temperature Tensile ShearSubject at leastfive specimens to a tensile shear test at normal temperature 256 3C 77 6 5F in accordance with Test Method D 1002.8.3.2 High-Temperature Tensile ShearTest at least fivespecimens at 60 6 3C 140 6 5F and 82 6 3C 180 6 5Fin accordance with Test Method

32、D 1002. Bring the specimen totemperature as indicated by a temperature at the bondline andstabilize for 10 min. Stabilize the chamber at the test tempera-ture for 45 min prior to testing.8.3.3 Low-Temperature Tensile ShearTest at least fivespecimens at 55 6 3C 676 5F in accordance with TestMethod D

33、1002. Bring the specimen to temperature as indi-cated by a thermocouple at the bondline and stabilize for 10min. Stabilize the chamber at the test temperature for 45 minprior to testing.8.3.4 Room-Temperature T-PeelTest at least five speci-mens in accordance with Test Method D 1876 constructed from2

34、024-T3 alclad aluminum alloy or 6061-T6 aluminum 0.8 mm0.032 in. thick. T-peel specimens shall be etched in accor-dance with Guide D 2651.D 6412/D 6412M 99 (2005)28.3.5 Room-Temperature Shore D HardnessConduct atleast ten Shore hardness readings as required. Test in accor-dance with Test Method D 22

35、40 at 25 6 3C 77 6 5F.8.3.6 Outgassing RequirementsOutgassing shall meet therequirements of National Aeronautics and Space Administra-tion (NASA) specification SP-R-0022 tested in accordancewith Test Method E 595.9. Inspection9.1 Responsibility for InspectionUnless otherwise speci-fied in the contra

36、ct or purchase order, the supplier is respon-sible for the performance of all inspection requirements asspecified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contractor purchase order, the supplier may use his own or any otherfacility suitable for the performance of inspection requirementspecified

37、herein. The purchaser has the right to perform any ofthe inspections set forth in this specification where suchinspections are deemed necessary to assure compliance withthe requirements.9.2 Classification of InspectionsThe inspection require-ments are classified as follows:9.2.1 Qualification inspec

38、tion (see 9.3), and9.2.2 Quality conformance inspection (see 9.4).9.3 Qualification Inspection:9.3.1 Qualification TestUnless otherwise specified by thepurchaser, adhesives that have not passed the qualificationtests, must be tested against this specification and proved tomeet all its specified requ

39、irements. At the option of the purchaser qualification tests maybe performed at any time. Data SheetA dated, coded, and titled data sheetstating the adhesive material property data and instructions formixing, curing, application, handling, storage and shelf lifeshall be supplied by the

40、 manufacturer upon the initial purchaseorder. Reorders of the same material do not require a duplicatecopy of the data sheet unless otherwise requested. The datasheet shall be forwarded along with the test report (see 9.3.2)when requesting qualification.9.3.2 Test ReportIn addition to the qualificat

41、ion testsamples, the manufacturer shall furnish a certified, dated andnumbered report giving the results of all tests listed in Section8. The individual and average values for the test shall bereported. The test report shall include all the requirements ofSection 7. The type of adherends, surface pr

42、eparation includingcleaning, etching and application of primer, assembly condi-tions, pressure, temperature and time of curing used in theTABLE 1 Property Requirements for the Epoxy (Flexible) AdhesiveTestATestMethodRequirementType I, Grade 1 Type I, Grade 2Uncured PropertyResin Weight, kg/liter (lb

43、/gal)Part A 1.26 10.5-1.32 11.0 0.96 8.0-1.02 8.5Part B 1.33 11.1-1.39 11.6 1.13 9.4-1.17 9.8Viscosity, CPS 25 6 3C 77 6 5F D 2393Part A 40 000-80 000 20 rpm min 5000-9000 20 RPMPart B 75 000-150 000 20 rpm min 1100-1500 20 RPMCured PropertyType I, Grade 1Cured at 25 6 3C 77 6 5F for 7 days,or2h666

44、3C 150 6 5F,or 30 min 93 6 3C 200 6 5FType I, Grade 2Cured at 25 6 3C 77 6 5F for 30 days,or4hat666 3C 150 6 5F,or 30 min 93 6 3C 200 6 5FRoom-Temperature Shear, MPa psi256 3C 77 6 5FD 100217.2 2500 min 8.2 1200 minHigh-Temperature Shear, MPa psi826 3C 180 6 5FD 10022.8 400 1.42 200Low-Temperature S

45、hear, MPa psi556 3C 67 6 5FD 100220.7 3000 20.7 3000Room-Temperature T-Peel, Kg/m lb/in.256 3C 77 6 5FD 1876466 25 446 25Room-Temperature Shore D Hardness256 3C 77 6 5FD 224050 40Outgassing Characteristics E 595Total mass Loss (TML), % #1.00 #1.00Vacuum Condensible Material (VCM), % #0.10 #0.10Stora

46、ge Life TestAAAThe storage life at the maximum recommended temperature and under the recommended storage conditions shall be stated in the manufacturers data sheet.D 6412/D 6412M 99 (2005)3preparation of the test panels shall be reported. The report shallcertify that the preparation of the adhesive

47、and test specimensconformed to the description given in the instruction sheet. Test ReportThe manufacturer shall submit withthe test report (see 9.3.2) a copy of the data sheet that containsthe information specified in Quality Conformance Inspection:9.4.1 Lot Acceptance TestsSampl

48、es of each lot of adhe-sive delivered on contract or purchase order shall be subjectedto the following: a test report shall be furnished for all qualityconformance test specimen in this specification, and shall besigned by an authorized representative of the laboratorymaking the tests. Room-T

49、emperature Tensile Shear StrengthTheroom temperature tensile shear strength test shall be conductedin accordance with High-Temperature Tensile Shear StrengthTestshall be conducted in accordance with Low-Temperature Tensile Shear StrengthTest shallbe conducted in accordance with Room-Temperature T-PeelThe room-temperatureT-peel test shall be conducted in accorda

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