ASTM E283-2004 Standard Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows Curtain Walls and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen《通过.pdf

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ASTM E283-2004 Standard Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows Curtain Walls and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen《通过.pdf_第1页
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ASTM E283-2004 Standard Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows Curtain Walls and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen《通过.pdf_第2页
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ASTM E283-2004 Standard Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows Curtain Walls and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen《通过.pdf_第3页
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ASTM E283-2004 Standard Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows Curtain Walls and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen《通过.pdf_第4页
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ASTM E283-2004 Standard Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows Curtain Walls and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen《通过.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: E 283 04Standard Test Method forDetermining Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows,Curtain Walls, and Doors Under Specified PressureDifferences Across the Specimen1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 283; the number immediately following the designation indicates

2、 the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the

3、 Department of Defense.1. Scope1.1 This test method covers a standard laboratory procedurefor determining the air leakage rates of exterior windows,curtain walls, and doors under specified differential pressureconditions across the specimen. The test method described isfor tests with constant temper

4、ature and humidity across thespecimen.1.2 This laboratory procedure is applicable to exteriorwindows, curtain walls, and doors and is intended to measureonly such leakage associated with the assembly and not theinstallation. The test method can be adapted for the latterpurpose.NOTE 1Performing tests

5、 at non-ambient conditions or with a tem-perature differential across the specimen may affect the air leakage rate.This is not addressed by this test method.1.3 This test method is intended for laboratory use. Personsinterested in performing field air leakage tests on installed unitsshould reference

6、 Test Method E 783.1.4 Persons using this procedure should be knowledgeablein the areas of fluid mechanics, instrumentation practices, andshall have a general understanding of fenestration products andcomponents.1.5 Throughout this test method, SI units are listed first inaccordance with E06 metric

7、policy, and shall be considered theprimary units. Non-SI units are provided in parenthesis forreference purposes.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate sa

8、fety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific hazardstatement see Section 7.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2E 631 Terminology of Building ConstructionsE 783 Test Method for Field Measurement of Air LeakageThrough Installed

9、Exterior Windows and Doors3. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsTerms used in this standard are defined inTerminology E 631.3.2 Descriptions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 air leakage rate (qAor ql), L/(sm2) (ft3/minft2), orL/(sm) (ft3/minft)the air leakage per unit of specimen area(A) or per unit

10、length of operable crack perimeter (l).3.2.2 extraneous air leakage (Qe), m3/s (ft3/min)the vol-ume of air flowing per unit of time through the test chamberand test apparatus, exclusive of the air flowing through the testspecimen, under a test pressure difference and test temperaturedifference, conv

11、erted to standard conditions. DiscussionExtraneous leakage is the sum of allleakage other than that intended to be measured by the test.3.2.3 specimenthe entire assembled unit submitted fortest as described in Section specimen air leakage (Qs), L/s (ft3/min)the volumeof air flowing pe

12、r unit of time through the specimen under atest pressure difference and test temperature difference, con-verted to standard conditions.3.2.5 specimen area (A), m2(ft2)the area determined bythe overall dimensions of the frame that fits into the roughopening.3.2.6 standard test conditionsin this test

13、method, dry airat:Pressure101.3 kPa (29.92 in. Hg)Temperature20.8C (69.4F)Air Density1.202 kg/m3(0.075 lbm/ft3)1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 onPerformance of Buildings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.51on Performance of Windows, Doors, Skyligh

14、ts and Curtain Walls.Current edition approved March 1, 2004. Published March 2004. Originallyapproveed in 1965. Last previous edition approved in 1999 as E 283 91 (1999).2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annu

15、al Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.3.2.7 test pressure differences, Pa (lbf/ft2)the specifieddifferential stati

16、c air pressure across the specimen.3.2.8 total air flow (Qt), L/s (ft3/min)the volume of airflowing per unit of time through the test chamber and testapparatus, inclusive of the air flowing through the test speci-men, under a test pressure difference and test temperaturedifference, converted to stan

17、dard conditions.3.2.9 unit length of operable crack perimeter (l), m (ft)thesum of all perimeters of operable ventilators, sash, or doorscontained in the test specimen, based on the overall dimensionsof such parts. Where two such operable parts meet the twoadjacent lengths of perimeter shall be coun

18、ted as only onelength.4. Summary of Test Method4.1 The test consists of sealing a test specimen into oragainst one face of an air chamber, supplying air to orexhausting air from the chamber at the rate required tomaintain the specified test pressure difference across thespecimen, and measuring the r

19、esultant air flow through thespecimen.5. Significance and Use5.1 This test method is a standard procedure for determiningthe air leakage characteristics under specified air pressuredifferences at ambient conditions.NOTE 2The air pressure differences acting across a building envelopevary greatly. The

20、 factors affecting air pressure differences and theimplications or the resulting air leakage relative to the environment withinbuildings are discussed in the literature.3,4,5These factors should be fullyconsidered in specifying the test pressure differences to be used.5.2 Rates of air leakage are so

21、metimes used for comparisonpurposes. Such comparisons may not be valid unless thecomponents being tested and compared are of essentially thesame size, configuration, and design.6. Apparatus6.1 The description of the apparatus in this section isgeneral in nature. Any suitable arrangement of equipment

22、capable of maintaining the required test tolerances is permitted.6.2 Test ChamberA well sealed box, wall, or other appa-ratus into or against which the specimen is mounted andsecured for testing. An air supply shall be provided to allow apositive or negative pressure differential to be applied acros

23、sthe specimen without significant extraneous losses. The cham-ber shall be capable of withstanding the differential testpressures that may be encountered in this procedure. At leastone static air pressure tap shall be provided on each side of thespecimen to measure the test pressure differences. The

24、 pressuretap shall be located in an area of the chamber in which pressurereadings will not be affected by any supply air. The air supplyopening to the chamber shall be located in an area in which itdoes not directly impinge upon the test specimen.6.2.1 Supply Air SystemA controllable blower, exhaust

25、fan, or reversible blower designed to provide the required airflow at the specified test pressure difference.The system shouldprovide essentially constant air flow at the specified testpressure difference for a time period sufficient to obtainreadings of air flow.6.2.2 Pressure Measuring ApparatusA

26、device to measurethe differential test pressures to 62 % of setpoint or 62.5 Pa(60.01 in. of water column), whichever is greater.6.2.3 Air Flow Metering SystemA device to measure theair flow into the test chamber or through the test specimen.7. Hazards7.1 PrecautionGlass breakage may occur at the te

27、stpressure differences applied in this test. Adequate precautionsshould be taken to protect personnel.8. Test Specimen8.1 The test specimen for a wall shall be of sufficient size todetermine the performance of all typical parts of the wallsystem. For curtain walls or walls constructed with prefabri-

28、cated units, the specimen width shall be not less than twotypical units plus the connections and supporting elements atboth sides, and sufficient to provide full loading on at least onetypical vertical joint or framing member, or both. The heightshall be not less than the full building story height

29、or the height3Available from American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, 1791 Tullie Circle N.E., Atlanta, GA 30329. ASHRAEHandbook of Fundamentals, 1989.4Fluid MetersTheir Theory and Application, 5th Edition, 1959.5Available from American Society of Mechanical Engine

30、ers, 345 E. 47th St.,NewYork, NY10017. Power Test Code, 2nd Edition, 1956, Part 5, Chapter 4, “FlowMeasurements.”FIG. 1 General Arrangement of the Air Leakage ApparatusE283042of the unit, whichever is greater, and shall include at least onfull horizontal joint, accommodating vertical expansion, such

31、joint being at or near the bottom of the specimen, as well as allconnections at top and bottom of the units.8.1.1 All parts of the wall test specimen shall be full sizeusing the same materials, details, and methods of constructionand anchorage as used on the actual building.8.1.2 Conditions of struc

32、tural support shall be simulated asaccurately as possible.8.2 The test specimen for a window, door, or other compo-nent shall consist of the entire assembled unit, including frameand anchorage as supplied by the manufacturer for installationin the building. If only one specimen is to be tested these

33、lection shall be determined by the specifying authority.NOTE 3The air leakage rate is likely to be a function of size andgeometry of the specimen.9. Calibration9.1 Calibration shall be performed by mounting a plywoodor similar ridge blank to the test chamber in place of a testspecimen, using the sam

34、e mounting procedures as used forstandard specimens. The blank shall be 19 6 3mm(34 618in.) thick with a 150-mm (6-in.) diameter hole(s) over whichNIST traceable orifice plates shall be mounted. The blank shallbe attached to a minimum 140 mm (512 in.) deep (nominal 23 6) pine test frame (buck) with

35、dimensions 1220 mm wide by1830 mm high (4 ft wide by 6 ft high).The test frame and blankshall be sealed at all joints.9.2 Each NIST traceable orifice plate shall be constructed of3mm(18 in.) thick stainless steel having an outside diameterof 200 mm (8 in.) and interior square edge diameters of 25.40

36、mm (1.000 in.), 38.10 mm (1.500 in.), and 50.80 mm (2.000in.).9.3 Fasten the orifice plate to the blank, centered over a150mm (6inch) diameter hole. Seal the hole in the orificeplate with a suitable adhesive tape so that an extraneousreading on the air flow system can be obtained. Measure theamount

37、of such leakage with the orifice plate sealed, at the airpressure difference to be applied during calibration. Afterdetermining the extraneous leakage, remove the adhesive tapefrom the hole in the orifice plate and repeat the process todetermine the total measured flow.9.4 Calibration of the air lea

38、kage test equipment shallconsist of determining the flow through the air flow system tobe calibrated using all applicable orifice plate sizes for thedesign range of the flow metering apparatus. The orifice plateto be used for each of the following air flow ranges is indicatedin Table 1.NOTE 4Three o

39、rifice plates are used to allow the air flow measuringequipment to be used for a variety of specimen sizes and chamber/wallsetups.NOTE 5At test pressure other than 75 Pa (1.57 psf), the laboratoryshall calibrate the airflow measuring equipment with the applicable orificeplates and record the measure

40、ments at the specified pressure(s). Usingpressures greater than 75 Pa (1.57 psf) may not permit reproducibilitybetween laboratories, nor may it warrant meeting calibration tolerancerequirements as specified at 75 Pa (1.57 psf).9.5 The air flow measuring system shall be consideredwithin the limits of

41、 calibration when the maximum air flowreading during testing does not exceed the highest calibratedair flow value by 20 %. The air flow measuring system shall beconsidered to be all piping and test chamber elements from theair flow measuring device to the orifice plate.9.6 The measured flow at each

42、listed pressure for eachorifice plate shall be determined with an error not greater than6 5 % when the flow is greater than 0.944 L/s (2 ft3/min) or 610 % when the flow is less than 0.944 L/s (2 ft3/min) butgreater than 0.236 L/s (0.5 ft3/min).NOTE 6At lower flows, a greater percentage of error will

43、 usually beacceptable. If higher precision is required, special flow measuringtechniques are necessary. The accuracy of the specimen leakage flowmeasurement is affected by the accuracy of the flowmeter and the amountof extraneous leakage of the apparatus (Annex A1).9.7 Alternate means may be used fo

44、r calibrating the air flowmeasuring system as long as they can be proven to provide thesame level of accuracy and are traceable to NIST.9.8 Calibration shall be performed at least once every sixmonths using the method described above. Alternative orificemounting conditions may be used during interim

45、 calibrationperiods for air flow checking purposes.10. Test Conditions10.1 The specifying authority shall supply the followinginformation:10.1.1 Specimen test size,10.1.2 Test pressure difference (if no value is designated, 75Pa (1.57 lb/ft2), and10.1.3 Direction of air flow, exfiltration or infiltr

46、ation. (Ifnone is specified, the test shall be infiltration.)10.2 Air Leakage RateBasis for reporting air leakage rateshall be total air leakage L/s (ft3/min), per unit length ofoperable crack perimeter, L/(sm) (ft3/minft), and per unit areaof outside frame dimension, L/(sm2) (ft3/minft2).11. Proced

47、ure11.1 Remove any sealing material or construction that is notnormally a part of the assembly as installed in or on a building.Fit the specimen into or against the chamber opening. Instal-lation should be such that no parts or openings of the specimenare obstructed.NOTE 7Nonhardening mastic compoun

48、ds or pressure sensitive tapecan be used effectively to seal the test specimen to the chamber, and toachieve air tightness in the construction of the chamber. These materialscan also be used to seal a separate mounting panel to the chamber. Rubbergaskets with clamping devices may also be used for th

49、is purpose, providedthat the gasket is highly flexible and has a narrow contact edge.11.2 Without disturbing the seal between the specimen andthe test chamber, adjust all hardware, ventilators, balances,TABLE 1Orifice PlateHole SizesNominalFlowDifferential PressureAcross Orifice Plate25.4mm(1.0in.) 3.47L/s(7.36ft3/min) 75 Pa (1.57 psf)38.1 mm (1.5 in.) 7.66 L/s (16.24 ft3/min) 75 Pa (1.57 psf)50.8 mm (2.0 in.) 13.64 L/s (28.90 ft3/min) 75 Pa (1.57 psf)E283043sash, doors, and other components included as an integral partof the specimen so t

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