ASTM E329-2011a 0625 Standard Specification for Agencies Engaged in Construction Inspection Testing or Special Inspection《从事施工检查 特殊检查 或施工用材料试验的机构的标准规范》.pdf

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ASTM E329-2011a 0625 Standard Specification for Agencies Engaged in Construction Inspection Testing or Special Inspection《从事施工检查 特殊检查 或施工用材料试验的机构的标准规范》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM E329-2011a 0625 Standard Specification for Agencies Engaged in Construction Inspection Testing or Special Inspection《从事施工检查 特殊检查 或施工用材料试验的机构的标准规范》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM E329-2011a 0625 Standard Specification for Agencies Engaged in Construction Inspection Testing or Special Inspection《从事施工检查 特殊检查 或施工用材料试验的机构的标准规范》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM E329-2011a 0625 Standard Specification for Agencies Engaged in Construction Inspection Testing or Special Inspection《从事施工检查 特殊检查 或施工用材料试验的机构的标准规范》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM E329-2011a 0625 Standard Specification for Agencies Engaged in Construction Inspection Testing or Special Inspection《从事施工检查 特殊检查 或施工用材料试验的机构的标准规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: E329 11aAn American National StandardStandard Specification forAgencies Engaged in Construction Inspection, Testing, orSpecial Inspection1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E329; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or,

2、 in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1. Scope*1.

3、1 This specification defines the minimum requirements forinspection agency personnel or testing agency laboratoryagencies engaged in:a. Construction inspection of construction and materialsused in construction,b. Special Inspection, andc. Testing of construction and materials used in construc-tion.1

4、.2 Criteria are provided for evaluating the competence ofan agency to properly perform designated tests, inspections, orSpecial Inspection services. This specification establishes es-sential characteristics pertaining to the organization, manage-ment, personnel, facilities, quality systems, responsi

5、bilities,duties, test and inspection methods, records, and reports of theagency. This specification may be supplemented by morespecific criteria and requirements if required.1.2.1 This specification specifically addresses factors rel-evant to an agencys ability to produce precise, accurate testdata

6、or determine the conformity of construction and materialsused in construction with regulations, codes, standards, orspecifications containing the requirements against which thetest or inspection will be performed, or both. Specific orgeneral requirements include: Technical competency of perso

7、nnel, Validity and appropriateness of test and inspectionmethods and procedures, Traceability of measurements and calibrations tonational standards, Suitability, calibration, and maintenance of testequipment, Sampling, handling, and transportation of test items, Qu

8、ality assurance of test and inspection data, Reporting of test and inspection data or findings, and1.2.1.8 Non Conformance Report (NCR) management andrecords.1.3 This specification can be used as a basis to assess anagency and is intended for use in accrediting agencies, publicor private, eng

9、aged in construction inspection. Special inspec-tion or testing of construction and materials used in construc-tion. These inspection services include but are not limited toreinforced concrete, precast concrete, structural steel erection,welding, bolting, soil and rock, foundations, masonry, sprayed

10、fire-resistive materials, fire stops, exterior insulation and finishsystem (EIFS), and Special Cases. Building officials can useSpecification E329 as a tool in the qualification and establish-ment of competency of construction inspection, Special inspec-tion, and testing agencies in the fields cover

11、ed by SpecificationE329.1.4 A certificate of accreditation, including the scope ofaccreditation, is required to comply with this specification.1.5 The users of an accredited agency must review theagencys scope of accreditation to ensure the agency has beenaccredited for its technical competence to p

12、erform the specifictests or inspections requested by the user.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2A880 Practice for Criteria for Use in Evaluation of TestingLaboratories and Organizations for Examination and In-spection of Steel, Stainless Steel, and Related Alloys3C1077 Practice forAgencies

13、Testing Concrete and ConcreteAggregates for Use in Construction and Criteria forTesting Agency EvaluationC1093 Practice for Accreditation of Testing Agencies forMasonryD3666 Specification for Minimum Requirements for Agen-cies Testing and Inspecting Road and Paving MaterialsD3740 Practice for Minimu

14、m Requirements for Agencies1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E36 onAccreditation it is not theintent of this specification that the supervisory personnel bedirectly present at such locations at all times. If the qualifiedperson in 6.2.2 performs as a supervisor, they do

15、 not have tocomply with the certification requirements.6.3 Special Inspection Agency6.3.1 The following personnel requirements must be satis-fied by an agency that provides Special Inspection services:6.3.2 The Special Inspection services of the agency shall beunder the direction of a licensed/regis

16、tered design professionaland a full-time employee of that agency. The person shall haveat least two years experience in Special Inspections. Theorganization can consist of one or more separate facilitiesproviding Special Inspection. A licensed/registered designprofessional can have engineering manag

17、erial responsibilityfor one or more facilities within the organization as defined bySection The qualifications of the field supervisor shall bedetermined by the applicable building official. If no require-ments have been set forth, the following shall apply: Afield supervisor of Speci

18、al Inspection shall have atleast two years Special Inspection experience in the type ofwork being supervised. This person shall be certified in theareas he or she is supervising. The qualifications of the Special Inspector shall bedetermined by the local building official. If no requirementsh

19、ave been set forth, the following shall apply: ASpecial Inspector shall be certified by a third party.This certification exam shall include; a written examinationwhich shall include reading plans as a performance element.The examination shall demonstrate the candidates ability tocorrectly per

20、form the required duties and evaluate the inspec-tion results for specification and code compliance. The licensed/registered design professional accord-ing to 6.3.2, in addition to the requirements of shalldocument the experience and job training of each SpecialInspector under his sup

21、ervision. The design professional shallmaintain such documentation for a minimum of three yearsafter the individual(s) have left their employment.6.3.4 A person can fill one or more of the levels ofmanagement, supervision, inspector, or technician positions inaccordance with 6.3.2-, provided

22、the person qualifies forthe highest level worked.7. Equipment7.1 The agency shall furnish all items of equipment, includ-ing reference materials, required for the correct performance ofinspections and tests. In those cases where the agency needs touse equipment outside its permanent control, it shal

23、l ensurethat the relevant requirements of this specification are met.7.2 All equipment shall be properly maintained. Mainte-nance procedures shall be documented and shall include aschedule for future maintenance.7.2.1 Any equipment that has been subjected to overloadingor mishandling, or that gives

24、suspect results, or has been shownby verification or otherwise to be defective, shall be taken outof service, clearly identified, and wherever possible, stored at aspecified place until it has been repaired and shown bycalibration, verification, or test to perform satisfactorily. The agency s

25、hall examine the effect of this defect onprevious inspections or tests.7.3 Each item of equipment including reference materialsshall, when appropriate, be labeled, marked or otherwiseidentified to indicate its calibration status.7.4 Records shall be maintained for each item of equipmentand all refer

26、ence materials significant to the inspections or testsperformed. The records shall include:7.4.1 The name of the item of equipment,7.4.2 The manufacturers name, type identification, andserial number or other unique identification,7.4.3 Date received and date placed in service,7.4.4 Condition when re

27、ceived (for example, new, used,reconditioned, and so forth),7.4.5 Copy of the manufacturers instructions, where avail-able, condition when received (for example, new, used, recon-ditioned, and so forth),7.4.6 Details of maintenance carried out to date,7.4.7 Dates and results of calibrations or verif

28、ications, orboth, and date of next calibration or verification, or both,7.4.8 History of any damage, malfunction, or repair, and7.4.9 Current location.8. Quality System, Audit and Review8.1 The agency shall establish and maintain a quality systemappropriate to the type, range, and volume of inspecti

29、ons andtesting activities it undertakes. The elements of this systemshall be documented. The quality documentation shall beavailable for use by the agencys personnel.8.1.1 The agency shall define and document its policies andobjectives for, and its commitment to good practice and qualityof, inspecti

30、on or testing services.8.1.2 The agency management shall ensure that these poli-cies and objectives are documented in a quality manual andcommunicated to, and understood and implemented by allpersonnel concerned. The quality manual shall be maintainedcurrent under the responsibility of the quality m

31、anager.8.2 The quality manual, and related quality documentation,shall state the agencys policies and operational proceduresestablished in order to meet the requirements of this specifi-cation. The quality manual and related quality documentationshall also contain:8.2.1 A quality policy statement, i

32、ncluding objectives andcommitments, by top management,8.2.2 The organization and management structure of theagency, its place in any parent organization and relevantorganizational charts,8.2.3 The relations between management, technical opera-tions, support services, and the quality system,8.2.4 Pro

33、cedures for control and maintenance of documen-tation,8.2.5 Job descriptions of key personnel and reference to thejob descriptions of other personnel,8.2.6 Identification of the agencys approved signatories(where this concept is appropriate),E329 11a58.2.7 The agencys procedures for achieving tracea

34、bility ofmeasurements,8.2.8 The agencys scope of inspections or tests, or both,8.2.9 Arrangements for the agency to review all new ser-vices to ensure that it has the appropriate facilities andresources before commencing such services,8.2.10 Reference to the test procedures used,8.2.11 Procedures fo

35、r handling inspection and test items,8.2.12 Reference to the equipment and reference measure-ment standards used,8.2.13 Reference to procedures for calibration, verificationand maintenance of equipment,8.2.14 Procedures to be followed for feedback and correc-tive action whenever testing discrepancie

36、s are detected, ordepartures from documented policies and procedures occur,8.2.15 The agency management arrangements for excep-tionally permitting departures from documented policies andprocedures or from standard specifications,8.2.16 Procedures for dealing with complaints,8.2.17 Procedures for pro

37、tecting confidentiality and propri-etary rights, and8.2.18 Procedures for audit and review.8.3 The agency shall arrange for audits or inspections of itsactivities at appropriate intervals to verify that its operationscontinue to comply with the requirements of the qualitysystem. Such audits shall be

38、 carried out by qualified personnelwho are independent of the activity to be audited.8.3.1 If the audit findings cast doubt on the correctness orvalidity of the agencys inspections or test results, the agencyshall investigate the findings and circumstances to determine ifthe agencys inspection or te

39、st results reported to the client andother parties were affected. If the agencys investigationdetermines that the agencys inspection or test results wereaffected, the agency shall take immediate corrective action andshall immediately notify, in writing, the client and any otherparty as required by t

40、he contract between the agency and client.8.4 The quality system adopted to satisfy the requirementsof this specification shall be reviewed at least once a year bythe management to ensure its continuing suitability and effec-tiveness and to introduce any necessary changes or improve-ments.8.5 All au

41、dit and review findings, external and internal, andany corrective actions that arise from them shall be docu-mented. The person responsible for quality shall ensure thatthese actions are discharged within the agreed timescale.8.6 In addition to periodic audits, the agency shall ensurethe quality of

42、results provided to clients by implementingchecks. These checks shall be reviewed and shall include, asappropriate, but are not limited to:8.6.1 Internal quality control schemes using, whenever pos-sible, statistical techniques,8.6.2 Participation in proficiency testing or peer reviews,8.6.3 Regular

43、 use of certified reference materials or in-house quality control using secondary reference materials, orboth,8.6.4 Replicate inspections or testing using the same ordifferent methods,8.6.5 Re-inspection or re-testing of retained items, and8.6.6 Correlation of results for different characteristics o

44、f anitem.NOTE 1Compliance with the requirements specified in any of thefollowing appropriate documents would satisfy the requirements ofsections 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 of Specification E329; Practice D3740,Specification D3666, Practice C1077, Practice C1093, Practice E543,Practice A880, AASHTO R18, or

45、 ANSI/ISO/IEC 17025 for laboratoriesand ANSI/ISO/IEC 17020 for inspection bodies.9. Responsibilities and Duties9.1 It shall be the responsibility of the agency to ensure thatit performs only tests and inspections, or both, for which it isadequately equipped and staffed, and that its personnel perfor

46、monly tests and inspections, or both, for which they are ad-equately trained.9.2 The following duties are those usually performed by theagency:9.2.1 Obtain representative samples of those materials re-quired by project specifications, and authorized by contract, tobe tested and evaluated.9.2.2 When

47、samples are collected by the agency, the agencymust ensure that there is proper protection, handling, andstoring of the samples to ensure that they remain representativeof the material being used at the time of sampling.9.2.3 When the agency is responsible for collectingsamples, the samples must be

48、identified with the respectiveportions of the work in which the material represented was orwill be used.9.2.4 Perform all testing and inspection operations in accor-dance with appropriate standards as referenced in the contract.9.2.5 Call to the attention of the project sponsor anyirregularities or

49、deficiencies in the construction materials orprocesses, or both, as related to construction materials, that thecontract specifically states the agency is responsible for in-specting.9.2.6 Submit promptly to the project sponsor and distributeas specified in the contract formal reports of all tests andinspections which indicate compliance or noncompliance withthe specifications. The reports shall be complete and factual,citing the methods used in obtaining samples, the tests per-formed, the specified values for the measured characteristics,the values obtained, the parts of th

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