ASTM F1196-2000 Standard Specification for Sliding Watertight Door Assemblies《防水拉门组件标准规范》.pdf

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ASTM F1196-2000 Standard Specification for Sliding Watertight Door Assemblies《防水拉门组件标准规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: F 1196 00An American National StandardStandard Specification forSliding Watertight Door Assemblies1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1196; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of

2、 last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers the design, manufacture, andtesting of sliding watertight door assemblies intended to ensu

3、rethe watertight integrity of personnel access openings in water-tight bulkheads.1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas the standard. The values given in parentheses are forinformation only.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:A 36/A 36M Specification for Carbon Structur

4、al Steel2F 1197 Specification for Sliding Watertight Door ControlSystems32.2 Military Specification:MIL-S-901 Shock Test, H.I. (High Impact); Shipboard Ma-chinery, Equipment and Systems, Requirements for42.3 American Bureau of Shipping:Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels52.4 Code of Federa

5、l Regulations:6Title 46, Part 159.010, Independent Laboratory: Accep-tance, Listing and TerminationTitle 46, Part 163.001, Doors, Watertight, Sliding (and DoorControls), for Merchant Vessels (through the 1991 edition)2.5 International Maritime Organization (IMO):International Code for the Applicatio

6、n of Fire Test Proce-dures (FTP)73. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 door assemblya door panel and its associated panelstiffening.3.1.2 frame assemblya rigid frame designed to be at-tached to a watertight bulkhead. The guide tracks necessary toensure proper door and frame alignment are also included

7、 aspart of the frame assembly.3.1.3 horizontal sliding watertight doora sliding water-tight door that opens and closes with a horizontal movement.3.1.4 opening handthe direction in which a horizontalsliding watertight door opens. A left-hand opening door opensto the left when viewed from the side of

8、 the bulkhead on whichthe door assembly is located. A right-hand opening door opensto the right when viewed from the side of the bulkhead onwhich the door assembly is located.3.1.5 pressure headthe pressure which a sliding water-tight door assembly is designed to withstand. For a doorlocated below t

9、he bulkhead deck, it is equivalent to thepressure exerted by a column of water the height of which isequal to the vertical distance from the bulkhead deck to thedoor sill in its installed location. For a door located above thebulkhead deck, it is equivalent to the pressure exerted by themaximum head

10、 of water for its location, as determined in thedamage stability calculations.3.1.6 sliding watertight door assemblya steel door assem-bly and a steel frame assembly fitted with a replaceableinterface between the two that ensures watertightness betweendoor and frame at the design pressure head.3.1.7

11、 vertical sliding watertight doora sliding watertightdoor that opens and closes with a vertical movement.4. Classification4.1 Sliding watertight doors consist of four types:4.1.1 Type IAHorizontal doors that conform to the sizesspecified in Table 1 as illustrated in Fig. Type IBVertical door

12、s that conform to the sizesspecified in Table 2 as illustrated in Fig. Type IIAHorizontal doors that conform generally tothe requirements of this specification, but that necessitatespecial requirements as indicated in Section 5.1This specification is under the jurisdiction of Committee F25 o

13、n Ships andMarine Technology and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F25.03 onOutfitting.Current edition approved Dec. 10, 2000. Published February 2001. Originallypublished as F 1196 89. Last previous edition F 1196 94 (Reapproved 2000).2Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.04.3Annual Boo

14、k of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.07.4Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.5Available from American Bureau of Shipping, ABS Plaza, 16855 NorthchaseDr., Houston, TX 77060.6Available from Superintendent of Documents

15、, U.S. Government PrintingOffice, Washington, DC 20402.7Available from the International Maritime Organization, 4 Albert Embankment,London, SE1 7SR UK.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.4.1.4 Type IIBVertical doors that

16、conform generally to therequirements of this specification, but that necessitate specialrequirements as indicated in Section 5.4.2 Watertight doors consist of three classes:NOTE 1These classifications are in agreement with those defined andaccepted by the International Convention for the Safety of L

17、ife at Sea(SOLAS), regulatory bodies, and classification societies.4.2.1 Class 1Doors that are hinged and dogged. Thisspecification is not applicable to this class of door.4.2.2 Class 2Sliding doors that are operable both locallyand remotely by hand gear.4.2.3 Class 3Sliding doors that are operable

18、both locallyand remotely by hand and by power.5. Ordering Information5.1 The following shall be specified when ordering:5.1.1 Quantity,5.1.2 Type,5.1.3 Class,5.1.4 Size,5.1.5 Opening hand,5.1.6 Door and frame material,5.1.7 Pressure head (if other than standard),5.1.8 Supplementary requirements (if

19、any),5.1.9 Additional requirements as contracted by the manu-facturer and purchaser, and5.1.10 ASTM specification designation.6. Design6.1 Sliding watertight door assemblies shall be designed tomaintain watertightness within the limits set forth in thisspecification. Doors shall be designed to open

20、and close withinthe limitations specified in Specification F 1197.6.2 Assemblies shall be of substantial and rigid constructionto ensure that doors can be closed under a static headequivalent to a water height of at least 1 m above the sill on thecenterline of the door.6.3 There shall be a replaceab

21、le interface between the doorand frame assemblies, such as a brass rubbing strip or resilientgasket, to ensure watertightness between door and frame at thedesign pressure head.6.3.1 The replaceable interface may be incorporated into thedoor assembly, the frame assembly, or both.6.3.2 Assemblies shal

22、l be designed and constructed so as tobe capable of preventing the passage of smoke and flame to theend of the 1-h standard fire test described by IMO FTP. WhenTABLE 1 Type IA Door DimensionsSize Door SizeA,in.AB,in.C,in.D,in.E,in.F,in.1 2 ft. 2 in. by 5 ft. 6 in. 26 66 64 76 17 782 2 ft. 6 in. by 5

23、 ft. 0 in. 30 60 72 84 16 723 2 ft. 6 in. by 6 ft. 0 in. 30 72 72 84 18 844 3 ft. 0 in. by 5 ft. 6 in. 36 66 84 96 18 78A1 in. = 25.4 mm.FIG. 1 Type IA Door and FrameTABLE 2 Type IB Door DimensionsSize Door SizeA,in.AB,in.C,in.D,in.E,in.1 2 ft. 2 in. by 5 ft. 6 in. 26 66 142 155 172 2 ft. 6 in. by 5

24、 ft. 0 in. 30 60 130 143 163 2 ft. 6 in. by 6 ft. 0 in. 30 72 154 167 184 3 ft. 0 in. by 5 ft. 6 in. 36 66 142 155 18A1 in. = 25.4 mm.FIG. 2 Type IB Door and FrameF 11962specified by the purchaser, assemblies shall also be insulated toprevent the transfer of heat to at least the same degree as thead

25、jacent bulkhead. A fire test is not required if the assemblydesign incorporates details that have been demonstrated suchas by a fire test on a similar door with smaller dimensions, toprevent the passage of smoke and flame. Also, a separatepressure test to determine continued watertightness after the

26、standard fire test is not required.6.3.3 Assembles shall be designed in such a manner that thereplaceable interface will be protected from damage when thedoor is in the open position.6.4 Sliding watertight door assemblies shall be designed toprovide sufficient allowance or means of adjustment to mai

27、n-tain the original watertight integrity as the watertight jointwears through normal usage.6.5 Means shall be provided for lubrication of all partsnecessary for satisfactory operation.6.6 Sliding watertight door assemblies shall have a maxi-mum horizontal opening of 48 in. (122 cm).6.7 Door Assembli

28、esType I (standard) doors are designedfor a pressure head of 20 ft (6 m) of water. Type II (nonstand-ard) doors shall be designed for the pressure head as specifiedin 3.1.5 and 5.1.7, but not less than 20 ft (6 m) for doorsinstalled below the bulkhead deck.6.7.1 The door panel and panel stiffener as

29、sembly shall bedesigned based on 40 % of the yield strength of the materialused to construct the panel and its stiffeners (see 7.1).6.7.2 The door panel and stiffener assembly shall have amaximum deflection of span/ Retaining grooves or aligning strips shall be providedat the tops and botto

30、ms of horizontal assemblies and at thesides of vertical assemblies to maintain doors in properalignment when they are not in the closed position.6.8 Frame AssembliesThe door frame shall be continuouson all four sides. The door frame shall be of sufficient rigidityto maintain a watertight seal under

31、the applicable operatingconditions and the design head as specified in If the door frame is to be welded to the bulkhead on areinforcing member, which acts as a secondary frame andwhich is continuous around the door opening, the I of thatmember may be included to obtain the required frame

32、I value.(See also the Appendix X1.)6.8.2 The frame extension for sliding watertight doors shallbe made in one continuous piece, or suitable construction shallbe used to ensure proper alignment.6.8.3 Horizontal doors shall be supported by lubricatedrollers to maintain alignment and minimize friction.

33、6.8.4 The bottom of the frame assembly shall be designed sothe door will not be prevented from closing properly bylodgements of dirt or debris.6.8.5 A sill plate of316-in. (5-mm) minimum thickness maybe used to cover the bottom trackway provided it is designed toretract automatically when the door c

34、loses. Sill plate hingesshall be designed and located to prevent clogging with dirt.6.9 Actuating Component AttachmentsAssemblies shallbe fitted with the necessary attachments for actuating compo-nents and controls.6.9.1 Door control systems shall comply with the require-ments of Specification F 119

35、7.7. Materials and Manufacture7.1 Materials:7.1.1 The door panel, panel stiffness, door frame, tracks, andall attachments affecting watertight integrity shall be made ofa material accepted in the Rules for Building and ClassingSteel Vessels of the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS Rules)for use in th

36、e fabrication of watertight subdivision bulkheads,for example, Specification A 36/A 36M steel. Special consid-eration shall be given to the choice of materials for componentsexposed to corrosive environments such as on assemblieslocated in engine rooms and cargo holds.7.1.2 All fasteners shall be br

37、ass or stainless steel suitablefor the purpose intended.7.2 Manufacture:7.2.1 All welding of the door frame shall be continuous.Door panel stiffeners may be attached by intermittent welding.All welding shall be in accordance with the requirements ofPart I, Section 30 of the ABS Rules.7.2.2 All load-

38、bearing main structural components of thedoor and frame shall have a minimum thickness of14 in. (7mm).7.2.3 The contact surfaces of the door and frame shall befinished as necessary to provide a plane surface and a joint thatmeets the requirements of this specification. Cast doors andframes, and door

39、s and frames fabricated by welding, shall bethermally stress relieved before final machine work is per-formed.8. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance8.1 All sharp and ragged edges shall be ground flush andremoved.8.2 Door, frame, and guide rail assemblies shall be abrasiveblasted to “near white” meta

40、l in accordance with good com-mercial practice and coated with a nonhazardous primer.9. Inspection and Testing of Doors9.1 Shop Tests and Inspections (see also the SupplementaryRequirements):9.1.1 Visual ExaminationEach completed door and frameshall be examined for quality workmanship and to assurec

41、onformance to design plans and this specification.9.1.2 Hydrostatic TestEach completed sliding watertightdoor assembly shall be subjected to a hydrostatic shop test toverify its strength, rigidity, workmanship, and watertightness. Hydrostatic Test SetupThe door frame shall bemounted in either

42、 a vertical or horizontally flat position on areinforced test plate or slab. Means shall be provided to vent airfrom the enclosure formed by the door, frame, and plate and tosupply water, at the required test pressure, to this enclosure.Means shall also be provided for catching and measuring theamou

43、nt of water that leaks between sealing surfaces of the doorpanel and frame. Except in the case of double-seated doors, itwill only be necessary to apply pressure to that side of the doorwhich will tend to separate the sealing surfaces. Hydrostatic Test ProcedureThe door shall beclosed by oper

44、ating equipment that restricts the amount ofF 11963closing force to that available from the operating gear to beused in the shipboard installation. The enclosure shall then becompletely filled with water, the air shall be vented, and thetest pressure shall be applied and held for at least 10 min dur

45、ingwhich time the leakage rate shall be determined. The testpressure shall not be less than that specified in 6.7 and 6.8. Themeasured leakage rate, A, shall not exceed that given by thefollowing formula:A gal/h! 5P 1 15!303 Sh31600orp3130D (1)where:P = perimeter of door opening, ft;h = test head, f

46、t; andp = pressure, lb/in.210. Certification10.1 The manufacturer shall furnish to the purchaser writtencertification for each sliding watertight door assembly. Thecertification shall specify that the assembly has been manufac-tured, inspected, and tested in accordance with this specifica-tion and t

47、hat it has been found to meet the requirementscontained herein (see also S3.1.3).11. Nameplate11.1 Watertight Door NameplateA substantial corrosion-resistant nameplate shall be permanently attached to eachwatertight door on which is legibly stamped the name of themanufacturer, manufacturers serial n

48、umber, ASTM specifica-tion designation, pressure head, the fire endurance rating inaccordance with IMO FTP, and the date (see also SupplementalRequirement S4).12. Packaging and Package Marking12.1 Sliding watertight door assemblies shall be crated orattached to a pallet in a manner acceptable for sh

49、ipment by acommon carrier. The door and door frame assemblies shall beshipped as one unit.12.2 Machined surfaces shall be coated with a preservativebefore shipment.12.3 Operating controls should be packaged with the doorfor shipment. See Specification F 1197 for packaging require-ments for controls.12.4 MarkingShipments shall be marked with the cus-tomer and purchase order, ASTM specification designation,classification, size, and other pertinent data as required by theapplicable purchase order.13. Keywords13.1 marine; ship; shipboard equipment; watertight d


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