ASTM F1457-1994b(2006) Standard Terminology Relating to Laser Printers《激光打印机的相关标准术语》.pdf

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ASTM F1457-1994b(2006) Standard Terminology Relating to Laser Printers《激光打印机的相关标准术语》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM F1457-1994b(2006) Standard Terminology Relating to Laser Printers《激光打印机的相关标准术语》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: F 1457 94b (Reapproved 2006)Standard Terminology Relating toLaser Printers1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1457; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number

2、 in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 These definitions are intended for users of laser printers,so that they will be able to better understand the terminologyused by others in t

3、he field. For general terms related to printers,see Terminology F 909.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2F 909 Terminology Relating to PrintersF 1125 Terminology of Image Quality in Impact PrintingSystems3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:A4Asymbol for ISO standard metric cut-size paper which isn

4、ominally 20 by 30 cm or exactly 210 by 297 mm.ACK, na communication control character transmitted by areceiver as an affirmative response to a sender; a signal thatthe printer receiver sends to the host indicating that theprinter has received a message and is ready to receive thenext message.ADCabbr

5、eviation for automatic density control.American Standard Code for Information Interchangeadata communications code set consisting of a 7-bit-plus-parity code that can be translated with a leading “0” as an8-bit set. (See ASCII.)ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Inter-change.asynchronous, a

6、dja data transmission in which the timebetween transmitted characters can vary, it is controlled bystart and stop codes at the beginning and end of data sets.(See synchronous.)automatic density control , nthe process whereby the tonerlayer deposited on the substrate is controlled by the printer.(See

7、 ADC.)baud, na measure of data transmission speed; ideally onebaud equals one bit per second.BCDabbreviation for block circuit diagram.bead carryoverbeads of developer appearing on a print orcopy, or both; a deletion around each particle is common.binary digit, na unit of electronic data. (See bit.)

8、binary synchronous transmission, n a form of data send-ing. (See binary digit, synchronous, and asynchronous.)bisynic (BSC), nan IBM-developed method of binary syn-chronous transmission.bitbinary digit.bit mapa pattern of bits representing the dots in a printedimage.block, na group of data transmitt

9、ed as a unit.block circuit diagram, nan illustration of the interconnec-tion of the major elements of a system, each element beingpresented by a block. (See BCD.)bridging, vthe clumping of toner which causes a hollow areain the toner supply that prevents the free flow of toner to thedispenser auger.

10、DISCUSSIONBridging is a different phenomenon from the imagequality bridging as defined in Terminology F 1125.byte, na set of seven or eight bits used to represent acharacter or control function.carrier detect, na communication control character used inan RS232 system to signal the sender that the re

11、ceiver ison-line. (See CD.)carriage return, nan operation which advances the cursor tothe beginning of a new line. (See CR.)carrier return, na code which instructs the printer to begina new line.centronics interface, na parallel interface standard thatconnects elements of a communications system.cha

12、racter cel, nthe rectangular-shaped areas on a pagecontaining a single character with its portion of the spacewhich separates it from adjacent characters.character pitch, nthe number of characters that can beprinted in a horizontal 1 in. (25.4 mm).character setthe collection of all the characters av

13、ailable ina given font.1This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F05 onBusiness Imaging Products and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F05.01on Nomenclature and Definitions.Current edition approved June 1, 2006. Published June 2006. Originallyapproved in 1993. Last pre

14、vious edition approved in 2001 as F 1457 94b (2001).2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyrigh

15、t ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.CCITTabbreviation for Comite Consultatif InternationalTelegraphique et Telephonique (Consultive Committee forInternational Telephone and Telegraph).CDabbreviation for carrier detect.clear to sen

16、d, na control circuit that indicates to the dataterminal equipment that data can or cannot be transmitted.(See CTS.)cluster controller, na device in an IBM Model 3274, 3276,or equivalent that controls the flow of information in a localarea mand, na byte or sequence of bytes from the hostcomputer whi

17、ch invokes options available with the laserprinter.Comite Consultatif International Telegraphique et Tele-phonique (Consultive Committee for International Tele-phone and Telegraph), na committee established underthe United Nations to recommend worldwide communica-tion usage standards. (See CCITT.)co

18、nfiguration, nthe state of the various interface and print-ing options that are set for the host and printer.constant velocity transport, na mechanism which feeds thepaper through the printer at a steady rate. (See CVT.)corotron, na name for a specific type of corona.corona, na device used to place

19、a uniform electrical chargeon the surface of a xerographic photoreceptor.CRabbreviation for carriage return.CRCabbreviation for cyclic redundancy check.CTSabbreviation for clear to send.customer video, na printer control printed wiring board thatreceives video data and commands from a host to transf

20、erthem to the image output terminal control. (See C-Video.)C-Videocustomer video.CVTabbreviation for constant velocity transport.cyclic redundancy check, nan error checking system usedin data transmission. (See CRC.)data monitor, na mode of printer operation in which theinformation transmitted to th

21、e printer is printed in hexadeci-mal set, ndata communications equipment for transmittingcoded data over phone products interface, na parallel interface standard thatis used to connect elements of a communications stream compatibility, nthe extent to which an elec

22、-tronic signal agrees with the signal requirements of a system.(See DSC.)data terminal equipment, nany piece of equipment atwhich a communications path ends or begins, a terminal ora printer. (See DTE.)data terminal ready, nan electronic signal from the printerto the host that the printer is ready t

23、o be used. (See DTR.)DC1/DC3, na control sequence used with asynchronoustransmission that enables the printer to signal the host to startand to stop transmitting data.descender, nthat portion of an alphabetic character thatextends below the baseline.DIP switchdual in-line package memor

24、y access, nan input/output facility whichallows transfers directly in or out of main storage withoutpassing through the processors general registers. (SeeDMA.)distorted image, na character, symbol, line drawing, orhalftone that is deformed in shape or is vague and lacking adefinite outline.DMAabbrev

25、iation for direct memory, vto transfer data from the host to a server, in thiscase a printer.DRAMdynamic random access memory.dry toner, nthe material in a dry developer system whichwhen deposited on a substrate by the field of an electrostaticcharge pattern, becomes the visible reco

26、rd.DSCabbreviation for data stream compatibility.DTEabbreviation for data terminal equipment.DTRabbreviation for data terminal ready.dual in-line package switch, na device used to direct thesignal line to or from one component or another. (See DIPswitch.)duplex channel, na data transmission system c

27、apable oftransmitting in both directions at once.dynamic random access memory, nRAM than cannot beretained without continuous or regular stimulation. (SeeDRAM.)EBCDICextended binary code decimal interchange code.electronic scanning system, na device used to look atreadable pages and convert the text

28、 found there to anelectronic signal. (See ESS.)EMabbreviation for end of message.emulation, na technique where one device (in this case, aprinter) is expected to behave exactly like another.end of message, nan electronic signal from the sender to thereceiver indicating the last byte has been transmi

29、tted. (SeeEM.)end of text, nan electronic signal sent to indicate the end ofthe printable body of the message, it may be followed bycontrol bytes. (See ETX.)EPROMerasable programmable read only memory; a typeof memory chip used in computing equipment (in this case,a printer).equipment check, nan ind

30、ication of a problem in the printer,sent by the printer to the cluster controller.erasable programmable read only memory, na type ofmemory chip used in printers where the content of the chipcan be read only when in normal use, but with specialtreatment it can be erased and reprogrammed.ERRexternal r

31、OM receptacle.ERR, nan error.ESC, nabbreviation for escape; a keyboard control characterwhose function varies with the software or type of terminal.Esc key, nthe keyboard key which is used to generate theESC.ESSabbreviation for electronic scanning system.F 1457 94b (2006)2ETXabbreviation for end of

32、text.ETX/ACK, na standard for “ready/not-ready” status com-munication between the host and a printer.extended binary code decimal interchange code, naneight-bit code set used on communications lines with IBM orIBM-compatible terminals and computers. (See EBCDIC.)external ROM receptacle, na printed w

33、iring board thataccepts read only memory cartridges containing fonts oremulations. (See ERR.)family, na set of fonts sharing the same type style, butdiffering in height, weight, and posture.fixed pitch, adjdescribes a character set in which allcharacter cells are of equal width. (See proportional sp

34、ac-ing.)font, na set of characters that share the same type style andsize.glitch, na print defect that displaces the laser scan line sothat it appears to start and stop late.GEgraphic escape.graphic escape, nan electronic signal sent to the printer totake it out of the graphic mode. (See GE.)half-du

35、plex channel, na data transmission channel capableof transmitting in both directions, but in one direction at atime.handshaking, van exchange of signals between two devicesin a computer network, as prelude to data exchange, it is todetermine the readiness of each device to a data exchange.HDLCabbrev

36、iation for high-level data link control.hex, nabbreviation for hexadecimal.hexadecimal, na base-16 numbering system consisting of 16different digits, 0 through 9 and A through F. (See hex.)high-level data link control, na CCITT standard for com-munication line protocol. (See HDLC.)high-voltage power

37、 supply, na source of electrical powerwhich provides voltage above logic levels, usually internalto the component. (See HVPS.)hollow characters, nprint defects in which the center of thedark area is lighter than the edge, such that the characterappears to have a heavy, na device or comp

38、uter delivering the information to aserver, in this case a printer.HVPSabbreviation for high-voltage power supply.image area, nthat portion of the page which is printed,including the space between letters and lines. (See percentcoverage and maximum image area.)image density, na perception of the ima

39、ge darkness asdetected by the eye or measured by a reflection densitometer,where the image density is the log to the base ten of thereciprocal of the reflectance. (See reflectance.)interface, nthe area in a device where different subsystemsconnect electrically or a device used to establish a connec-

40、tion between two different devices.International Organization for Standards, nan organiza-tion that develops and publishes international standards for avariety of technical applications, including data processingand communications. (See ISO.)intervention required, na message from the host computerin

41、dicating to the operator that some action is required beforeprinting can continue.IOT controller, na printed wiring board in the image outputterminal that controls the operation of the image outputterminal and communicates with the electronic scanningsystem.ISOabbreviation for International Organiza

42、tion for Stan-dards.landscape mode, adja printer output orientation in whichthe printed lines run parallel to the direction of movement ofthe paper. (See portrait mode.)LASERlight amplification by stimulated emission of radia-tion.leadinga typographical term indicating the amount of whitespace betwe

43、en lines of printed characters.LEDlight emitting diode.LF, see line feed.light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation,na device that generates a narrow beam of coherent light.(See LASER.)light emitting diode, na solid-state electronic device ortransistor which emits light. (See LED.)line

44、ending, nan electronic code sequence denoting the endof a printed line or of a command.line feed, nanASCII command, which when sent to a printerwill advance the printing to the next line. (See LF.)logotype, na single image which generally contains asymbol, trademark, or identifying name of a busines

45、s,association, or product. (See logo.)logosee logotype.loopback test, na test in which a known signal is sent froma source to a remote device or interface, and the receivedsignal is then returned and checked against the transmittedsignal to verify that no change occurred.low-voltage power supply, na

46、 source of electrical powerwhich provides voltage at logic levels, usually internal to thecomponent.LVPSsee low-voltage power supply.maximum image area, nthe portion on a page which can beprinted. (See percent coverage and image area.)maximum page length, nthe maximum number of lines oftext or graph

47、ic equivalent which a printer can output onto asheet of paper; this value can be set by either the printer orthe computer, or both.maximum print position, nthe rightmost point at which theprinter can mark the paper.MDSAsee message data storage area.message data storage area, na RAM in the receiving

48、devicewhere the incoming signal is stored until it is ready to betaken into the devices working memory.microprocessor unit/image generator, na set of compo-nents on the printer PWB which convert coded data (ASCII)into video data.MPPsee maximum print position.MPU/IGsee microprocessor unit/image gener

49、ator.F 1457 94b (2006)3MODEMmodulator/demodulator.modulator/demodulator, na device that converts electronicsignals from the form used in data processing (digital) to theform used in communication (analog), and vice versa. (SeeMODEM.)NAK, na signal from the printer which indicates that theprevious data block was in error and that retransmission canbegin; also used as a not ready signal.not ready signal, na signal from a device in a systemindi


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