ASTM F1507-1999(2011) Standard Specification for Surge Suppressors for Shipboard Use《船用电涌抑制器标准规范》.pdf

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ASTM F1507-1999(2011) Standard Specification for Surge Suppressors for Shipboard Use《船用电涌抑制器标准规范》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM F1507-1999(2011) Standard Specification for Surge Suppressors for Shipboard Use《船用电涌抑制器标准规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: F1507 99 (Reapproved 2011)An American National StandardStandard Specification forSurge Suppressors for Shipboard Use1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F1507; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revi

2、sion, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification establishes performance requirementsof surge suppressors for use on shipboard ac

3、power circuits.1.2 Surge suppressor shall be a protective device for limit-ing voltage transients on equipment by discharging, dissipatinginternally, bypassing surge current, or a combination thereofand which prevents continued flow of follow current to groundand is capable of repeating these functi

4、ons.1.3 Surge suppressors covered by this specification mayconsist of a single circuit element or may be a hybrid deviceusing several suppression devices.2. Referenced Documents2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on thedate of material purchase form a part of this specification to the

5、extent referenced herein:2.2 American National Standards:2ANSI/IEEE Std 4 IEEE Standard Techniques for HighVoltage TestingANSI/IEEE C62.41 Recommended Practice on Surge Volt-age in Low-Voltage AC Power CircuitsANSI/IEEE C62.45 Guide on Surge Testing for EquipmentConnected to Low-Voltage AC Power Cir

6、cuitsANSI/IEEE C84.1 Electrical Power Systems andEquipmentVoltage Ratings2.3 Military Standard:3MIL-STD-1399 Section 300; Military Standard InterfaceStandard for Shipboard Systems, Section 300, ElectricPower, Alternating Current2.4 Underwriters Laboratories Standard:4UL 1449 Transient Voltage Surge

7、Suppressors, 2nd Edition3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:NOTE 1These definitions other than specific to the standard are takenfrom UL 1449, ANSI/IEEE C62.41, and MIL-STD 1399 to provide forharmonization of terms.3.2 power interfaceThe electrical points where the surgesuppression device is electrically

8、connected to the ac powersystem.3.3 combination waveA surge delivered by an instrumentthat has the inherent capability of applying a 1.2/50-s voltagewave across an open circuit and delivering an 8/20-s currentwave into a short circuit. The exact wave that is delivered isdetermined by the instantaneo

9、us impedance to which thecombination wave is applied. (Also called combinationvoltage/current surge or combination V/I surge.)3.4 crest (peak) value (of a wave, surge or impulse)Themaximum value that a wave, surge, or impulse attains.3.5 electric power sourceThe electric power that is sup-plied for

10、testing.3.6 electric power system groundGround is a plane orsurface used by the electric power system as a commonreference to establish zero potential. Usually, this surface is themetallic hull of the ship. On a nonmetallic hull ship, a specialground system is installed for this purpose.3.7 follow (

11、power) currentThe current from the connectedpower source that flows through a surge protective devicefollowing the passage of discharge current.3.8 frequency toleranceFrequency tolerance is the maxi-mum permitted departure from nominal frequency duringnormal operation, excluding transient and cyclic

12、 frequencyvariations. This includes variations such as those caused byload changes, switchboard frequency meter error, and drift.Unless specified otherwise, frequency tolerance shall be con-sidered to be 610 % of nominal frequency.3.9 inrush currentThe inrush current is a sudden changein line curren

13、t that occurs during startup or as a result of achange to the operating mode. Inrush current is dependent onthe type of load connected to the surge suppressor, andtypically will rise to a maximum value in a few millisecondsand decay to rated value in several milliseconds to severalseconds.1This spec

14、ification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F25 on Shipsand Marine Technology and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F25.10 onElectrical.Current edition approved April 1, 2011. Published April 2011. Originallyapproved in 1994. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as F1507 99(20

15、06).DOI: 10.1520/F1507-99R11.2Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, http:/ from Standardization Documents Order Desk, DODSSP, Bldg. 4,Section D, 700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5098, http:/dodssp.dap

16、 from Underwriters Laboratories (UL), 2600 N.W. Lake Rd., Camas,WA 98607-8542, http:/.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.3.10 leakage currentLine current drawn, either line-to-line or line-to-ground,

17、by the suppressor when operated at themaximum continuous operating voltage.3.11 maximum continuous operating voltageMaximumsinusoidal rms voltage which may be continuously appliedwithout degradation or deleterious effects.3.12 measured limiting voltageThe crest (peak) value ofthe voltage measured at

18、 the leads, terminals, receptacle con-tacts and the like, intended for connection to the load(s) to beprotected, and resulting from application of a specified surge.3.13 nominal frequencythe nominal frequency is the des-ignated frequency in Hz.3.14 nominal system voltageA nominal value assigned tode

19、signate a system of a given voltage class in accordance withANSI/IEEE C84.1. For the purpose of this standard, nominalsystem voltages are 120, 208, 240, and 480 vac.All voltages inthis standard are root-mean-square (rms) unless stated other-wise. All tolerances are expressed in percent of the nomina

20、lsystem voltage.3.15 one-port transient voltage surge suppressorA TVSShaving one set of electrical connections (terminals, leads andthe like) intended only for shunt-connection to the ac powercircuit, such that load current in the ac power circuit bypassesthe TVSS.3.16 peak overshoot voltageMaximum

21、voltage above thevoltage protection level (peak voltage minus suppressionvoltage rating) across the suppressor output terminals duringinitial response to a voltage spike.3.17 rated rms voltage (varistor)Maximum continuoussinusoidal rms voltage which may be applied to a varistor.3.18 response time (v

22、aristor)The time between the pointat which the wave exceeds the voltage protection level (sup-pression voltage rating) and the peak of the voltage overshoot.For the purpose of this definition, voltage protection level isdefined with an 8/20-s current waveform of the peak currentamplitude as the wave

23、form used for this response time.3.19 secondary surge arrestorA surge protector deviceacceptable ahead of the service entrance equipment on circuitsnot exceeding 1000-V rms (location category C as described inANSI/IEEE C62.41).3.20 surgeAtransient overvoltage superimposed on the acpower circuit. A v

24、oltage surge is generally one in which thesuperposition of the surge and normal power frequency voltageinvolves peak voltage levels of twice or more the normalvoltage of the ac power system and generally lasting not morethan one-half period of the nominal system voltage waveform.3.21 surge protectiv

25、e device (SPD)A protective devicecomposed of any combination of linear or non-linear circuitelements and intended for limiting surge voltages on equip-ment by diverting or limiting surge current; it prevents contin-ued flow of follow (power) current and is capable of repeatingthese functions as spec

26、ified.3.22 temporary overvoltage (TOV)Avoltage swell from asudden change in voltage which goes outside the voltagetolerance limits but does not exceed 120 % of nominal systemvoltage and returns to and remains within these limits within 2s after the initiation of the disturbance.3.23 transient voltag

27、e surge suppressor (TVSS)A surgeprotective device intended for connection electrically on theload side of the main overcurrent protection in circuits notexceeding 600 V. (Location Categories A and B as described inANSI/IEEE C62.41.)3.24 two-port transient voltage surge suppressorA TVSShaving one set

28、 of electrical connections (terminals, leads andthe like) intended for connection to the ac power circuit andone or more separate sets of electrical connections (terminals,leads, outlet receptacles, and so forth) intended for connectingthe load(s) to be protected. This device is series-connected suc

29、hthat load current will flow through the transient voltage surgesuppressor.3.25 voltage dropVoltage differential measured from in-put terminals to output terminals under conditions of rated loadcurrent for two-port surge suppressors.3.26 voltage protection levelA suppression rating (orratings) in vo

30、lts or kilovolts, selected by the manufacturer thatis based on the measured limiting voltage determined duringsurge testing.Also referred to as the suppression voltage rating.3.27 voltage spikeA voltage spike is a voltage change ofvery short duration (100 s to12 cycle). The standard 1.2/50-slightnin

31、g impulse, as defined by ANSI/IEEE Std 4,isthecharacteristic voltage spike used for test purposes.3.28 voltage toleranceVoltage tolerance is the maximumpermitted departure from nominal system voltage during nor-mal operation, excluding transient voltage variations. Voltagetolerance includes variatio

32、ns such as those caused by loadchanges, switchboard meter error, and drift. Unless otherwisespecified, voltage tolerance shall be considered to be 610 % ofnominal system voltage.4. Classification4.1 Surge suppressors covered in this specification shall beclassified by class and type.4.2 The two clas

33、ses of surge suppressors covered in thisspecification are based on and reflect ANSI/IEEE C62.41locations.4.2.1 Class ASurge suppressor associated with long cir-cuit branch that being greater than 30-ft cable distance from thedistribution panel and usually installed as a series-connectedTVSS at the d

34、istribution system receptacle (wall outlet).4.2.2 Class BSurge suppressor for short branch circuit,either installed at loads within 30-ft cable distance from thecircuit breaker distribution panel or within the distributionpanel.4.3 Type designations for surge suppressors covered in thisspecification

35、 are as follows:4.3.1 Type I; Permanent Connected TypeA suppressordesigned for hard-wired or panel-mount applications. This typesurge suppressor is the only one-port-type TVSS.4.3.2 Type II; Plug-In TypeA suppressor provided withblades for direct connection at a receptacle and with integraloutput re

36、ceptacle(s). By nature of its design, a plug-in suppres-sor is inserted into the circuit as a series connection.4.3.3 Type III; Cord-Connected TypeA suppressor that isconnected to a receptacle through a flexible cord that ispermanently attached to the suppressor device. The cord shallF1507 99 (2011)

37、2be in accordance with requirements of UL 1449. Cord-connected devices shall not have means for permanent mount-ing.4.3.4 Type IV; Power Director (Power Center) TypeAsuppressor unit with two-pole main circuit breaker, a masterswitch for controlling all receptacle outlets, and individualswitches for

38、controlling all outlets.5. Ordering Information5.1 Orders for suppressors under this specification shallinclude the following:5.1.1 This specification number;5.1.2 Nominal system voltage120, 208, 240, and 480 V;5.1.3 Frequency50, 60, and 400 Hz;5.1.4 Servicesingle-phase, three-phase delta, three-pha

39、sewye;5.1.5 Load current;5.1.6 Surge suppressorclass and type;5.1.7 Protection modes;5.1.8 Voltage protection level (suppression rating), ifknown;5.1.9 Quantity;5.1.10 Testing requirementsinclude only if tests otherthan the production tests required by this specification are to beperformed;5.1.11 Ce

40、rtification requirements; and5.1.12 Packaging and shipping requirements.6. Materials and Manufacture6.1 MaterialsAll materials used in the construction ofthese surge suppressors shall be of a quality suitable for thepurpose intended and shall conform to the requirements of thisspecification.6.1.1 Al

41、l metallic enclosures shall be either painted orcoated with corrosion resistant material.6.2 ManufacturePlastic, when used, shall be a suitablethermoplastic or thermosetting material so molded as toproduce a dense solid structure, uniform in texture, finish, andmechanical properties.7. Requirements

42、Requirements7.1 Performance Requirements:Maximum continuous operatingvoltage110 % of nominal voltageTemporary overvoltage withstand 120 % of nominal voltage for2sVoltage dropALess than 0.25 % of nominalvoltage at rated currentSystem frequency tolerance 610 % of nominal frequencyVoltage protection le

43、velB120-V nominal suppressor 6350 V208-V, 240-V nominal suppres-sor6700 V480-V nominal suppressor 61200 VMaximum peak overshoot voltage Less than 250-V overvoltageprotection level for voltagespike with 5 kV/s or lowerrate of riseResponse time Less than 50 nsMaximum leakage current Less than 30-mA li

44、ne-line or line-groundInrush current 10 times rated current for 10cyclesPeak surge current 3000 AOperating temperature 10 to 60CStorage temperature 40 to 85CMinimum insulation resistance tocase10 MV at 500 VDCHumidity resistance 0 to 100 %Minimum life 2000 operationsAFor two-port (plug-in and series

45、-connected) suppressors only.BMeasured line-to-line and line-to-neutral with an 8/20-s, 3000-A peak wave-form per ANSI/IEEE C62.41 applied.7.2 Operating Requirements:7.2.1 Protection modes for all two-port hybrid surge protec-tive devices shall provide protection for common mode (line-to-ground and

46、neutral-to-ground) and normal mode (line-to-line) transients.7.2.2 Fails to an open (versus short) circuit unless otherwisespecified and provides indication (visual) of failure.7.2.3 Capable of installation into a dedicated container formounting or as an assembly or component of a switchboard orpowe

47、r supply.7.2.4 Maximum voltage drop for two-port devices at fullcurrent/voltage shall not exceed 0.25 % of nominal systemvoltage.7.3 Grounding Requirements:7.3.1 The surge suppressor shall be provided with a meansfor grounding all exposed dead-metal parts that might becomeenergized. Grounding shall

48、be accomplished in accordancewith the requirements of UL 1449.7.3.2 Type I (permanently connected) suppressors requiringgrounding shall have a field-wiring terminal or an insulatedground lead that is intended solely for connection of agrounding conductor.7.3.3 The flexible cord of Types III and IV s

49、uppressorswhich requires grounding shall have a grounding conductorconnected to the suppressor enclosure. Type II, direct plug-in,suppressors requiring grounding shall be provided with agrounding pin as one of the attachment plug contacts.7.3.4 Any leads emanating from a suppressor are to be ofcolor coded insulated wire. The color green shall be used forthe grounding conductor and shall not be used for any otherpurpose.7.4 Supplementary Protection:7.4.1 Surge protective devices that are series-connected(Types II, III,


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