ASTM F1732-1996(2005) Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer and Drain Pipe Containing Recycled PVC Material《聚氯乙烯(PVC)污水管和排水管包括回收PVC材料的标准规范》.pdf

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ASTM F1732-1996(2005) Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer and Drain Pipe Containing Recycled PVC Material《聚氯乙烯(PVC)污水管和排水管包括回收PVC材料的标准规范》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM F1732-1996(2005) Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer and Drain Pipe Containing Recycled PVC Material《聚氯乙烯(PVC)污水管和排水管包括回收PVC材料的标准规范》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM F1732-1996(2005) Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer and Drain Pipe Containing Recycled PVC Material《聚氯乙烯(PVC)污水管和排水管包括回收PVC材料的标准规范》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM F1732-1996(2005) Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer and Drain Pipe Containing Recycled PVC Material《聚氯乙烯(PVC)污水管和排水管包括回收PVC材料的标准规范》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM F1732-1996(2005) Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer and Drain Pipe Containing Recycled PVC Material《聚氯乙烯(PVC)污水管和排水管包括回收PVC材料的标准规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: F 1732 96 (Reapproved 2005)An American National StandardStandard Specification forPoly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer and Drain Pipe ContainingRecycled PVC Material1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1732; the number immediately following the designation indicates the ye

2、ar oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers pipe made from PVC com-poun

3、d that includes recycled PVC material. This specificationcovers requirements and test methods for materials, dimen-sions, workmanship, chemical resistance, and joint tightness ofpoly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) sewer and drain pipe. Four-inchperforated pipe is also covered; the joint tightness test is not

4、applicable for this product. A form of marking to indicatecompliance with this specification is also included.1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas the standard. The values given in parentheses are forinformation only.1.3 The text of this standard references notes and footno

5、teswhich provide explanatory material. These notes, footnotes,and theAppendices (excluding those in tables and figures) shallnot be considered as requirements of this standard.1.4 The following precautionary caveat pertains only to thetest methods portion, Section 7, of this specification: Thisstand

6、ard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the userof this standard to establish appropriate safety and healthpractices and determine the applicability of regulatory limita-tions prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM

7、 Standards:2D 618 Practice for Conditioning Plastics for TestingD 1600 Terminology for Abbreviated Terms Relating toPlasticsD 1784 Specification for Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC)Compounds and Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride)(CPVC) CompoundsD 2122 Test Method for Determining Dimensions of Ther-mop

8、lastic Pipe and FittingsD 2152 Test Method for Adequacy of Fusion of ExtrudedPoly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe and Molded Fittings byAcetone ImmersionD 2321 Practice for Underground Installation of Thermo-plastic Pipe for Sewers and Other Gravity-Flow Applica-tionsD 2412 Test Method for Determination

9、of External LoadingCharacteristics of Plastic Pipe by Parallel-Plate LoadingD 2444 Test Method for Determination of the Impact Re-sistance of Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings by Means of aTup (Falling Weight)D 2564 Specification for Solvent Cements for Poly(VinylChloride) (PVC) Plastic Piping Systems

10、D 2729 Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC)Sewer Pipe and FittingsD 3034 Specification for Type PSM Poly(Vinyl Chloride)(PVC) Sewer Pipe and FittingsF 412 Terminology Relating to Plastic Piping Systems2.2 Federal Standard:Fed. Std. No. 123 Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies)32.3 Military S

11、tandard:MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage33. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsDefinitions used are in accordance withTerminology F 412, and abbreviations are in accordance withTerminology D 1600, unless otherwise specified. The abbre-viation for poly(vinyl chloride) is PVC.3.2 Definitions of Ter

12、ms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 external recycled materialclean rework materialgenerated by a manufacturer, processor, or fabricator in afacility outside the plant where this pipe (PS 1) is made.3.2.2 internal recycled materialclean rework materialgenerated from the manufacturers own pipe or fitt

13、ing produc-tion.3.2.3 post-consumer recycled materialthose plastics com-posed of post-consumer material or recovered material only, orboth, that may or may not have been subjected to additional1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F17 on PlasticPiping Systems and is the dir

14、ect responsibility of Subcommittee F17.62 on Sewer.Current edition approved Mar. 1, 2005. Published March 2005. Originallyapproved as PS 1 in 1994. Last previous edition approved in 1996 as F173294.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service

15、at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.1Copyright ASTM International, 1

16、00 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.processing steps of the types used to make products such asrecycled-regrind, or reprocessed or reconstituted plastics.These materials must be clean and graded as to material cellclass.3.2.4 recycled materialsgeneral t

17、erm that encompasses allthree subgroupsexternal recycled material, internal recycledmaterial, and post-consumer recycled material.NOTE 1The terms in 3.2.1 and 3.2.3 come from ISOTC 138 SC1. Useof recycled materials will reduce the amount of landfill space needed.4. Significance and Use4.1 The requir

18、ements of this specification are intended toprovide pipe suitable for non-pressure drainage of sewage,surface water, and certain other liquid wastes in applicationsoutside the building limits where toughness, resistance todeterioration from action of water and chemicals, dimensionalstability, resist

19、ance to aging and, except for the perforated pipe,where strong tight joints are required. The PVC plastic sewerand drain pipe described in this specification are not intendedfor use as public or municipal collector sewers, or theirextended branches, but they are intended for the following:4.1.1 Buil

20、ding sewers and underground drains,4.1.2 Storm drainage,4.1.3 House connections to septic tanks,4.1.4 Leaching system piping for septic tank effluents,4.1.5 Footing drains (foundation drains),4.1.6 Industrial waste disposal,4.1.7 Land drainage.5. Materials5.1 GeneralThe pipe shall be made from a PVC

21、 com-pound having a minimum tensile strength of 4000 psi (27.6MPa) and a minimum cell class of 12154-C in accordance withSpecification D 1784. This PVC compound shall contain aminimum of 5 % of recycled PVC material. Compounds thathave different cell classification because one or more propertiesare

22、superior to those of the specified compounds are alsoacceptable, as long as the pipe meets all the requirements ofthis specification.6. Requirements Requirements6.1 WorkmanshipThe pipe and fittings shall be homoge-neous throughout and free from visible cracks, holes, foreigninclusions, or other inju

23、rious defects. The pipe shall be asuniform as commercially practical in color, opacity, density,and other physical properties.6.2 FlatteningThere shall be no evidence of splitting,cracking, or breaking when the pipe is tested in accordancewith Extrusion QualityThe pipe shall not flake or dis

24、inte-grate when tested in accordance with Test Method D 2152.NOTE 2This test is intended only for use as a quality control test, notfor use as a simulated service test.6.4 Impact ResistanceThe impact resistance of pipe shallbe determined in accordance with Test Method D 2444, usinga 20-lb (10-kg) Tu

25、p A and Holder B (flat plate), and shallcomply with the requirements given in Table 1 (Note 2). Forperforated pipe, samples are to be cut and tested at randomwithout regard to hole location, except that the point of impactshall not coincide with a perforation.6.5 Dimensions:6.5.1 Pipe dimensions sha

26、ll comply with Table 2, Table 3,and Table 4, as applicable, when measured in accordance withTest Method D 2122.6.5.2 Pipe shall be supplied in 10 ft 614-in. laying lengthsunless otherwise specified.6.5.3 For belled pipe, the thickness of the belled sectionshall be considered satisfactory if the bell

27、 was formed frompipe meeting the requirements of Table 3.6.6 Pipe StiffnessThe pipe stiffness at 5 % deflection(F/Dy) shall not be less than the values given in Table 5 whentested in accordance with Test Method D 2412.NOTE 3The 5 % deflection criterion, which was arbitrarily selectedfor testing conv

28、enience, should not be considered as a limitation withrespect to in-use deflection. The engineer is responsible for establishingthe acceptable limit.NOTE 4The strength and load-carrying capabilities of plastic drainand sewer pipe are measured and reported as Pipe Stiffness which isdetermined in acco

29、rdance with Test Method D 2412. The term “crushstrength” is not applicable to plastic pipe because (a) the values obtainedcan be significantly different, depending on the bedding, loading, ortesting technique used; and (b) the term derives from rigid pipe and refersto its ultimate strength at ruptur

30、e.6.7 Solvent CementThe cement shall comply with Speci-fication D 2564.6.8 Joint TightnessJoints made with pipe and fittings orwith belled-end pipe shall show no signs of leakage whentested in accordance with PerforationsUnless otherwise specified, the perfo-rated pipe shall have two rows of

31、 holes 13 mm (12 in.) indiameter on 125-mm (5-in.) centers, with allowable tolerancesof 61mm(116 in.) on the diameter and + 6, 0 mmTABLE 1 Impact Strength Requirements for PVC Sewer andDrain Pipe at 23C (73F)Nominal PipeSize, in.Drop Heightft (20-lb Tup A) (mm) (10-kg Tup A)2 1.75 (485)3 2.00 (555)4

32、 2.25 (625)5 3.00 (830)6 3.50 (970)TABLE 2 Diameters and Tolerances for PVC Sewer and DrainPipeNominalPipe Size, in.Average OutsideDiameter, in.(mm)Average InsideDiameter, min, in. (mm)2 2.250 6 0.006 2.000(57.15 6 0.15) (50.80)3 3.250 6 0.008 2.875(82.55 6 0.20) (73.02)4A4.215 6 0.009 3.875(107.06

33、6 0.22) (98.42)5 5.300 6 0.010 4.875(134.62 6 0.25) (123.82)6 6.275 6 0.011 5.875(159.39 6 0.28) (149.22)AStandard and perforated pipe.F 1732 96 (2005)2(+14 , 0 in.) on the spacing, and the rows shall be parallel tothe axis of the pipe and 120 6 5 apart when measured inaccordance with 7.5.7. Test Me

34、thods7.1 ConditioningCondition the specimens prior to test at23 6 2C (73.4 6 3.6F) and 50 6 5 % relative humidity fornot less than 40 h in accordance with Procedure A of PracticeD 618 for those tests where conditioning is required.7.2 Test ConditionsConduct the tests in the standardlaboratory atmosp

35、here of 23 6 2C and 50 6 5 % relativehumidity, unless otherwise specified.7.3 MaterialsDetermine the physical and chemical prop-erties of PVC compounds used in the manufacture of pipe andfittings meeting this specification in accordance with the testmethods specified in Specifications D 1784.7.4 Fla

36、tteningFlatten three specimens of pipe, 51-mm(2-in.) long, between parallel plates in a suitable press until thedistance between the plates is 40 % of the outside diameter ofthe pipe. The rate of loading shall be uniform and such that thecompression is completed within 2 to 5 min. On removal of thel

37、oad, examine the specimens for evidence of splitting, crack-ing, or breaking.7.5 Joint TightnessJoin two pieces of pipe in accordancewith the manufacturers instructions and with solvent cementin accordance with 6.7. Allow the joined unit to stand for 24 hat room temperature. Subject the unit to an i

38、nternal waterpressure of 170 kPa (25 psi) at room temperature for 24 h. Thejoints shall not leak.7.6 PerforationFor the perforated pipe the hole diameterand the distance between hole centers shall be measured witha steel rule with at least 1-mm (116-in.) graduations. The anglebetween the two rows of

39、 holes shall be measured with an indexhead capable of measuring accurately to within 1.8. Retest and Rejection8.1 If the results of any test(s) do not meet the requirementsof this specification, the test(s) shall be conducted again onlyby agreement between the purchaser and the seller. Under suchagr

40、eement minimum requirements shall not be lowered, nortests omitted, substituted, changed, or modified, nor shallspecification limits be changed. If, upon retest, failure occurs,the quantity of product represented by the test(s) does not meetthe requirements of this specification.9. Certification9.1

41、When specified in the purchase order or contract, amanufacturers certification shall be furnished to the purchaserthat the material was manufactured, sampled, tested, andinspected in accordance with this specification, and has beenfound to meet the requirements. When specified in the pur-chase order

42、 or contract, a report of the test results shall befurnished. Each certification so furnished shall be signed by anauthorized agent of the manufacturer.10. Marking and Labeling10.1 Pipe in compliance with this specification shall beclearly marked as follows at intervals of 1.5 m (5 ft) or less:10.1.

43、1 Manufacturers name or trademark and code,10.1.2 Nominal pipe size,10.1.3 Sewer and DrainThe marking “Recycled PVC,”and10.1.4 This designation, ASTM F1732.11. Quality Assurance11.1 When the product is marked with this designation;F1732 the manufacturer affirms that the product was manufac-tured, in

44、spected, sampled, and tested in accordance with thisspecification and has been found to meet the requirements ofthis specification.12. Installation Procedures12.1 In order to function properly, pipe and fittingsproducedto this specification should be installed in accordance withPractice D 2321 or th

45、e Plumbing Code requirements.12.2 For installation of perforated pipe, in order to provideadequate drainage of ground waters into the pipe and to sustainproper side support, only Class I material shall be used asrecommended.12.3 Fittings conforming to Specification D 2729 or D 3034shall be used with

46、 this pipe.13. Keywords13.1 drain pipe; PVC; recycled PVC; sewer pipeTABLE 3 Minimum Well Thicknesses for PVC Sewer and DrainPipeNominal Pipe Size, in. Minimum Wall Thickness, in. (mm)2 0.070 (1.78)3 0.070 (1.78)4 0.075 (1.90)5 0.090 (2.27)6 0.100 (2.54)F 1732 96 (2005)3SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTSGOV

47、ERNMENT/MILITARY PROCUREMENTThese requirements apply only to federal/military procurement, not domestic sales or transfersS1. Responsibility for InspectionUnless otherwise speci-fied in the contract or purchase order, the producer is respon-sible for the performance of all inspection and test requir

48、e-ments specified herein. The producer may use his own or anyother suitable facilities for the performance of the inspectionand test requirements specified herein, unless the purchaserdisapproves. The purchaser shall have the right to perform anyof the inspections and tests set forth in this specifi

49、cation wheresuch inspections are deemed necessary to ensure that materialconforms to prescribed requirements.NOTE S1.1In U.S. federal contracts, the contractor is responsible forinspection.S2. Packaging and Marking for U.S. Government Procure-ment:TABLE 4 Socket Dimensions and Tolerances for PVC Sewer Pipe BellsNominalSize, in.A Average Entrance Diameter,in. (mm)B Average Bottom Diameter,in. (mm)C Minimum Socket Depth,in. (mm)AD Minimum Inside Diameter,in. (mm)A2 2.264 6 0.006 2.245 6 0.006 0.750 2.000(57.51 6 0.15) (57.02 6 0.15) (19.

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