ASTM F2342-2006 Standard Specification for Design and Construction of Composition or Quality Constituent Measuring Devices or Systems《成分或质量要素测量设备或系统设计和建造的标准规范》.pdf

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ASTM F2342-2006 Standard Specification for Design and Construction of Composition or Quality Constituent Measuring Devices or Systems《成分或质量要素测量设备或系统设计和建造的标准规范》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM F2342-2006 Standard Specification for Design and Construction of Composition or Quality Constituent Measuring Devices or Systems《成分或质量要素测量设备或系统设计和建造的标准规范》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM F2342-2006 Standard Specification for Design and Construction of Composition or Quality Constituent Measuring Devices or Systems《成分或质量要素测量设备或系统设计和建造的标准规范》.pdf_第3页
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1、Designation: F 2342 06Standard Specification forDesign and Construction of Composition or QualityConstituent Measuring Devices or Systems1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 2342; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the cas

2、e of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers the requirements for designand construction of electronic device

3、s or systems for measur-ing composition or quality constituents of live animals, live-stock and poultry carcasses, and individual cuts of meat, or acombination thereof. Examples include, but are not limited, tohalf and whole carcasses, primals, subprimals, and boxed meat.1.2 The values stated in SI

4、units are to be regarded asstandard. No other units of measurement are included in thisstandard.1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health p

5、ractices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory requirements prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2F 2463 Terminology for Livestock, Meat, and PoultryEvaluation Systems3. Terminology3.1 For definitions relating to livestock, meat, and poultryevaluation systems, see Terminol

6、ogy F 2463.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 electronic device, ndevice operating by the prin-ciples of electronics, which may consist of one or moresubassemblies and perform a specific function. DiscussionElectronic devices may be completemeasuring instruments (for exa

7、mple, pH meter, compositionmeasuring device) or part of a measuring instrument (forexample, measuring element, indicator).3.2.2 electronic system, nelectronic device or group ofelectronic devices used to measure and record composition orquality constituents.3.2.3 fault condition, nabnormal condition

8、 that may causea reduction in, or loss of the capability of, a functional unit toperform a required function. DiscussionPrincipally, a fault is the result of anerror in the data contained in or flowing through an electronicmeasuring device or system.3.2.4 inch-pound unit, nin ASTM standards,

9、unit basedon the inch and pound, commonly used in the United States ofAmerica and defined by the National Institute of Standards andTechnology, including certain other units accepted for use withthe units. DiscussionInch-pound, also known as US Cus-tomary Units, are one type of non-SI units.A

10、nother example ofnon-SI units is the centimetre gram second (cgs) system.3.2.5 indicating element, nelement incorporated in a mea-suring device or system by means of which its output, relativeto quantity or quality measurement, is displayed or “read” fromthe device itself as, for example, a digital

11、indicator.3.2.6 meat, nall edible products and by-products har-vested by the meat-packing industry.3.2.7 National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP),nprogram administered by the National Conference onWeights and Measures, Inc. (NCWM) in cooperation with theNational Institute of Standards and Technology

12、(NIST), stateand local governments, and the private sector for determining,on a uniform basis, conformance of a type, with an applicablestandard.3.2.8 recording element, nelement incorporated in a mea-suring device by means of which its output, relative to quantityor quality measurement, is permanen

13、tly recorded on a tape,ticket, card, electronic storage medium, or the like, in the formof a printed, stamped, punched, perforated representation, or aretrievable electronic record.3.2.9 reference material, nphysical object used as a basisfor comparison or calibration.1This specification is under th

14、e jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F10 onLivestock, Meat, and Poultry Evaluation Systems and is the direct responsibility ofSubcommittee F10.10 on Design Specification.Current edition approved May 1, 2006. Published May 2006. Originallyapproved in 2003. Last previous edition approved in 2005 as F 2342

15、 05.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO

16、Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.3.2.10 SI unit, nin ASTM standards, unit of the Interna-tional System of Units (SI) and other units specifically ap-proved in IEEE/ASTM SI 10 as a unit for use with SI.3.2.11 units of measure, nfor the purpose of this specifi-cation, the unit

17、s of measure shall be the International System ofUnits (SI). DiscussionSI units are divided into three classes:base units, derived units, and supplementary units.4. Materials and Manufacture4.1 Indicators and Recording ElementsAll measuringdevices or evaluation systems shall be provided with

18、 anindicating element, and all systems must include a recordingelement appropriate in design and adequate in amount forpurposes of measuring, training, calibrating, and testing. Therecording of measurements may be an electronic record.Primary indications and recorded representations shall be clear,d

19、efinite, accurate, and easy to read during normal use andtesting of the device.4.2 The minimum character size of all indications necessaryto the measurement process shall be not less than 4 mm andeasy to read under any ambient condition.4.3 Any measuring or evaluation device or system without abuilt

20、-in recording element shall be provided with a communi-cation interface that permits interfacing with a recordingelement.4.4 All measuring or evaluation devices or systems musteither (1) automatically maintain a ready-to-measure or evalu-ate condition, (2) automatically display a visual indication a

21、ndrecord a fault condition, or (3) provide no indication ofmeasurement or evaluation.5. Physical Properties5.1 Units of Measure:5.1.1 All measuring devices or evaluation systems shallindicate, or record in the appropriate unit of measure for thetechnology applied. The value of the smallest un

22、it indicated or recordedshall not exceed 0.05 in. or 1.0 mm for devices providing alinear measurement, or 0.1 % of capacity for units measuringmass.5.2 Operating Temperature:5.2.1 All measuring devices or systems shall operate withinapplicable tolerance requirements over the normal ambienttemperatur

23、e range of -10 to 40C (14 to 104F) unless markedwith a restricted temperature range. If the temperature range isnarrower than -10 to 40C (14 to 104F), the ambient tempera-ture at the time of device calibration shall be posted on thedevice. If a measuring device or system is marked with arestricted o

24、perating temperature range, the minimum operatingtemperature range shall be not less than 30C (54F).5.2.2 A device or system shall not display or record anyusable values until the operating temperature necessary foraccurate measurements and a stable ready to measure referencepoint has been attained.

25、5.3 A device or system shall be designed to operate withinprescribed tolerances when subjected to environmental distur-bances normally found in the environment in which it is used.Examples of disturbances include but are not limited to RadioFrequency Interference (RFI), Electromagnetic Interference(

26、EMI), acoustic changes, ambient light, and so forth.5.3.1 If the measuring accuracy of a measurement device isadversely affected by the speed of operation, the device mustbe marked with a maximum number of measurements per hour.6. Other Requirements6.1 Error Message(s):6.1.1 All measurement devices

27、or systems shall be equippedwith a mechanism that provides a visual and recorded faultindication or message if any condition causes an invalidmeasurement as defined by the manufacturer.6.1.2 If the placement of the measurement device is criticalto the accuracy of the measurement process for any meas

28、uringor evaluation device or system used for evaluating carcasses: The device shall leave a placement mark or dot onthe carcass being evaluated, or6.1.2.2 The device or system shall not accept the measure-ment or shall indicate a fault condition if the device isinappropriately placed on a car

29、cass that is properly presentedfor measurement or evaluation.6.1.3 If the application pressure of the sensor is critical tothe accuracy of the measurement or evaluation process for anymeasurement or evaluation device or system used for evaluat-ing carcasses, the sensor shall automatically allow meas

30、ure-ment or evaluation only when the application pressure is withinthe range prescribed by the manufacturer.6.2 Prior to installation, the manufacturer of a measuringdevice or system must supply all manuals and checklistsnecessary for proper installation, operation, and maintenanceof the device or s

31、ystem. Any manual updates or revisions shallbe made available to the user by the manufacturer.6.3 Prior to installation, the manufacturer of a measuringdevice or system must supply reference materials, after theyare verified and documented with traceability to a nationalstandard by an independent th

32、ird party, for use in the initialsetup and calibration of evaluating devices before use. Thesereference materials can be used as standards for ensuringaccuracy. Reference materials shall be uniquely identified (forexample, serial number) and shall be retained by the device orsystem owner for subsequ

33、ent verification of device accuracyand calibration when required.7. Product Marking7.1 All measuring or evaluation devices or systems shall bepermanently marked for the purpose of identification with thefollowing information:7.1.1 Name, initials, or trademark of the manufacturer ordistributor.7.1.2

34、Model designation that positively identifies the patternor design of the device prefaced by the term “Model,” “Type,”or “Pattern.” These terms may be followed by the term“Number” or an abbreviation of that word. The abbreviationfor the word “Number” shall, as a minimum, begin with theletter “N” (for

35、 example, No or No.). The abbreviation for theword “Model” shall be “Mod.” or “Mod”.NOTE 1Prefix lettering may be initial capitals, all capitals, or alllowercase.F23420627.1.3 Except for equipment with no moving or electroniccomponent parts, a non-repetitive serial number prefaced bywords, an abbrev

36、iation, or a symbol that clearly identifies thenumber as the required serial number prefaced by the words“Serial Number” or an abbreviation of that term.Abbreviationsfor the word “Serial” shall, as a minimum, begin with the letter“S,” and abbreviations for the word “Number” shall, as aminimum, begin

37、 with the letter “N” (for example, S/N, SN,Ser. No, and S No.).7.1.4 For devices that have an NTEP Certificate of Con-formance (CC) Number or a corresponding CC addendumnumber, the NTEP CC shall be prefaced by the terms “NTEPCC,” “CC,” or “Approval.” These terms may be followed bythe term “Number” o

38、r an abbreviation of that word. Theabbreviation for the word “Number” shall, as a minimum,begin with the letter “N” (for example, No or No.).7.2 The required information shall be so located that it isreadily observable without the necessity of disassembling ofany parts requiring the use of any means

39、 separate from thedevice or system. The required information may be displayedon the indicator screen either continuously or by initiating akeystroke. If a keystroke is required to display markinginformation, the key shall be clearly identified.8. Calibration and Configuration Security8.1 Sealing of

40、Calibration and Configuration Parameters:8.1.1 Adevice or system shall be designed with provision(s)for applying a security seal that must be broken or for usingother approved means of providing security (for example, datachange audit trail available at the time of inspection), beforeany change that

41、 detrimentally affects the metrological integrityof the device can be made to any measuring element.8.1.2 Audit trails shall use the format set forth in Table 1.9. Keywords9.1 composition measuring devices; design specifications;livestock; poultry; quality constituent measuring devicesASTM Internati

42、onal takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentionedin this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the riskof infringement of such rights, are entirely thei

43、r own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years andif not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standardsand should b

44、e addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of theresponsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you shouldmake your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standard

45、s, at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the aboveaddress or at 610-832-

46、9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website( 1 Categories of Devices and Methods of Sealing for Meat, Poultry, and Livestock Evaluation SystemsCategories of Devices Method of SealingCategory 1: No remote configuration Seal by physical

47、 seal or two event counters: one for calibrationparameters and one for configuration parameters.Category 2: Remote configuration capability, but access iscontrolled by physical hardware. Device shall clearly indicate thatit is in the remote configuration mode and record such a messageif capable of p

48、rinting in this mode.The hardware enabling access for remote communications mustbe at the device and sealed using a physical seal or two eventcounters: one for calibration parameters and one for configurationparameters.Category 3: Remote configuration capability access may beunlimited or controlled

49、through a software switch (for example,password)An event logger is required in the device; it must include an eventcounter (000 to 999), the parameter ID, the date and time of thechange, and the new value of the parameter. A printed copy of theinformation must be available through the device or throughanother on-site device. The event logger shall have a capacity toretain records equal to ten times the number of sealableparameters in the device, but not more than 1000 records arerequired. (Note: Does not require 1000 changes to be stored foreach parameter.)F234


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