ASTM F2875-2010 Standard Guide for Laboratory Requirements Necessary to Test Commercial Cooking and Warming Appliances to ASTM Test Methods《按照ASTM试验方法测试市售烹饪及加热用具所必需的实验室要求的标准指南》.pdf

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ASTM F2875-2010 Standard Guide for Laboratory Requirements Necessary to Test Commercial Cooking and Warming Appliances to ASTM Test Methods《按照ASTM试验方法测试市售烹饪及加热用具所必需的实验室要求的标准指南》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM F2875-2010 Standard Guide for Laboratory Requirements Necessary to Test Commercial Cooking and Warming Appliances to ASTM Test Methods《按照ASTM试验方法测试市售烹饪及加热用具所必需的实验室要求的标准指南》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM F2875-2010 Standard Guide for Laboratory Requirements Necessary to Test Commercial Cooking and Warming Appliances to ASTM Test Methods《按照ASTM试验方法测试市售烹饪及加热用具所必需的实验室要求的标准指南》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM F2875-2010 Standard Guide for Laboratory Requirements Necessary to Test Commercial Cooking and Warming Appliances to ASTM Test Methods《按照ASTM试验方法测试市售烹饪及加热用具所必需的实验室要求的标准指南》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM F2875-2010 Standard Guide for Laboratory Requirements Necessary to Test Commercial Cooking and Warming Appliances to ASTM Test Methods《按照ASTM试验方法测试市售烹饪及加热用具所必需的实验室要求的标准指南》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: F2875 10Standard Guide forLaboratory Requirements Necessary to Test CommercialCooking and Warming Appliances to ASTM Test Methods1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2875; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the

2、 case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 The scope of this guide includes the laboratory andorganizational requirements to test

3、commercial cooking andwarming appliances (for example, griddles, fryers, ovens,steam cookers, and hot food holding cabinets) for preheatenergy consumption and time, idle energy rate, cooking-energyefficiency, and production capacity, in accordance with theappropriate ASTM test methods under the juri

4、sdiction ofCommittee F26, including the following:Test Method F1275Test Method F1361Test Methods F1484Test Method F1496Test Methods F1521Test Method F1605Test Method F1639Test Method F1695Test Method F1784Test Method F1785Test Method F1786Test Method F1787Test Method F1817Test Method F1964Test Metho

5、d F1965Test Method F1991Test Method F2093Test Method F2140Test Method F2142Test Method F2144Test Method F2237Test Method F2238Test Method F2239Test Method F2380Test Method F24731.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematicalco

6、nversions to SI units that are provided for information onlyand are not considered standard.1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health pract

7、ices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2F1275 Test Method for Performance of GriddlesF1361 Test Method for Performance of Open Deep FatFryersF1484 Test Methods for Performance of Steam CookersF1496 Test Method for Perfor

8、mance of Convection OvensF1521 Test Methods for Performance of Range TopsF1605 Test Method for Performance of Double-SidedGriddlesF1639 Test Method for Performance of Combination OvensF1695 Test Method for Performance of Underfired BroilersF1784 Test Method for Performance of a Pasta CookerF1785 Tes

9、t Method for Performance of Steam KettlesF1786 Test Method for Performance of Braising PansF1787 Test Method for Performance of Rotisserie OvensF1817 Test Method for Performance of Conveyor OvensF1964 Test Method for Performance of Pressure and KettleFryersF1965 Test Method for Performance of Deck O

10、vensF1991 Test Method for Performance of Chinese (Wok)RangesF2093 Test Method for Performance of Rack OvensF2140 Test Method for Performance of Hot Food HoldingCabinetsF2142 Test Method for Performance of Drawer WarmersF2144 Test Method for Performance of Large Open VatFryersF2237 Test Method for Pe

11、rformance of Upright OverfiredBroilersF2238 Test Method for Performance of Rapid Cook OvensF2239 Test Method for Performance of Conveyor BroilersF2380 Test Method for Performance of Conveyor ToastersF2473 Test Method for Performance of Water-Bath Rether-malizers3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:1This gu

12、ide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F26 on Food ServiceEquipment and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F26.06 on Productivityand Energy Protocol.Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2010. Published December 2010. DOI:10.1520/F2875-10.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM

13、website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United

14、States.3.1.1 cooking-energy effciency, nquantity of energy im-parted to the specified food product, expressed as a percentageof energy consumed by the appliance during the cooking event.3.1.2 cooking energy rate, naverage rate of energy con-sumption during the cooking-energy efficiency tests, Btu/h(

15、kJ/h) or kW.3.1.3 energy input rate, npeak rate at which an applianceconsumes energy, Btu/h (kJ/h) or kW.3.1.4 idle energy rate, nan appliances rate of energyconsumption while maintaining a ready-to-cook or hold state ata specified thermostat set point, Btu/h (kJ/h) or kW, .3.1.5 pilot energy rate,

16、nrate of energy consumption byan appliances continuous pilot (if applicable), Btu/h (kJ/h).3.1.6 preheat energy, namount of energy consumed bythe appliance while warming the cooking or holding area fromambient temperature to the specified thermostat set point, Btu(kJ) or kWh.3.1.7 preheat time, ntim

17、e required for the appliance towarm the cooking or holding area from ambient temperature tothe specified thermostat set point, min.3.1.8 production capacity, nmaximum rate at which anappliance can bring the specified food product to a specified”cooked9 condition, lb/h (kg/h).3.1.9 production rate, n

18、rate at which an appliance bringsthe specified food product to a specified “cooked” condition,lb/h (kg/h).NOTE 1 Does not necessarily refer to maximum rate.NOTE 2Production rate varies with the amount of food being cooked.3.1.10 uncertainty, nmeasure of systematic and precisionerrors in specified in

19、strumentation or measure of repeatabilityof a reported test result.4. Summary of Guide4.1 Guide to outline requirements for laboratories to test toASTM performance specifications for commercial cookingappliances that include the necessary organizational structure,facility, equipment, instrumentation

20、, procedures, reporting andproficiency testing.5. Significance and Use5.1 This guide provides criteria for evaluating the capabilityof a laboratory to properly perform commercial cookingappliance energy consumption and cooking-energy efficiencyevaluations, and to establish essential characteristics

21、pertainingto the organization, personnel, facilities, and quality systems ofthe laboratory.6. Organization of the Laboratory6.1 The following information concerning the organizationof the laboratory shall be provided by documentation:6.1.1 A description of the organization including: The comp

22、lete legal name and address of the mainoffice, The names and positions of the principal officers anddirectors, The laboratorys ownership, managerial structure,and principal members, The functional description of the laboratorys orga-nizational structure, operational departments,

23、 and support de-partments and services. This may be demonstrated in the formof charts that depict all the divisions, departments, sections,and units and their relationships, All relevant organizational affiliates of the labora-tory and the principal officers of affiliates and directors of the

24、affiliates, where applicable, External organizations and organizational compo-nents, and their functions, that are utilized for significanttechnical support services, and6.1.1.7 A brief history of the laboratory including its rela-tionship with its organizational component affiliations andoth

25、er supporting information.6.1.2 A general description of the type of users of thelaboratorys services.6.1.3 A listing of the relevant technical services offered.6.2 Independence:6.2.1 If the testing laboratory is part of an organizationperforming activities other than testing or calibration, or both

26、,the laboratory shall define the responsibilities of key personnelin the organization that have an involvement or influence onthe testing, equipment purchase, test data, reports, and calibra-tion activities, or combination thereof, of the laboratory inorder to identify potential conflicts of interes

27、t.6.2.2 When a laboratory is part of a larger organization, theorganizational arrangements shall be such that departmentshaving conflicting interests, such as design engineering, pro-duction, commercial marketing, or finance do not adverselyinfluence the laboratorys compliance with the requirements

28、ofthis guide.6.2.3 If the laboratory wishes to be recognized as a third-party laboratory, it shall demonstrate that it is impartial and thatit and its personnel are free from any undue commercial andfinancial pressures and job performance evaluations that mightinfluence their technical judgment. The

29、 third-party testing orcalibration laboratory shall not engage in any activities thatmay endanger trust in its independence of judgment andintegrity in relation to its testing or calibration activities.7. Responsibilities and Duties7.1 An appliance testing laboratorys capabilities shall in-clude, bu

30、t not be limited to, the following (where applicable):preheat energy consumption and time, idle energy rate,cooking-energy efficiency, and production capacity, as definedin the appropriate ASTM test methods.7.2 It is the responsibility of the laboratory to ensure thefollowing:7.2.1 It performs only

31、examinations for which it is ad-equately equipped and staffed,7.2.2 Its employees perform only examinations for whichthey are adequately qualified,7.2.3 Its equipment is calibrated and its personnel arequalified, and7.2.4 All equipment, equipment calibrations, and personnelqualifications are properl

32、y maintained in accordance with thisguide.7.3 The following duties are those usually performed by thelaboratory:F2875 1027.3.1 Performance of all testing in accordance with thespecified ASTM test methods, and7.3.2 Preparation of formal reports of all the results of thetesting defined in 7.3.1. The l

33、aboratory shall be prepared tosubstantiate examination results when required.7.4 The laboratory shall maintain a records retention policythat is compatible with its mission.8. Personnel8.1 The laboratory shall document and maintain a record ofthe following:8.1.1 Written outline or chart defining ope

34、rational personnelpositions and their lines of responsibility and authority,8.1.2 Job description for each professional, scientific, super-visory, and technical position category, documenting the re-quired education, training, or experience, or a combinationthereof.8.1.3 Records or resumes that docu

35、ment the qualifications,work experience, and training history of each person in aposition described in The laboratory shall make available a description of itsmeans of ensuring the continued competence of its personnel toperform commercial cooking appliance testing, including themaintena

36、nce of written records to document the results.9. Personnel Qualification9.1 Commercial cooking appliance testing personnel, in-cluding contracted personnel, shall be qualified with a mini-mum of two years post-secondary education or equivalentwork experience, be proficient in data acquisition and r

37、ecord-ing of energy measurement, water measurement, and tempera-ture systems, and be able to operate data acquisition hardwareand related software.9.2 LEVEL IQualified to perform specific calibrations,specific examinations and specific evaluations (with specificwritten instructions).9.3 LEVEL IIQual

38、ified to set-up and calibrate equipmentand to interpret and evaluate results with respect to codes,standards, and specifications. Shall be able to prepare writteninstructions and be qualified to provide on-the-job training,guidance to trainees, and to report examination results.9.4 LEVEL IIICapable

39、and responsible for establishingtechniques, interpreting codes, and designating the test methodand technique to be used. Capable of training Level I and IIpersonnel. Shall have a practical background in the technologyand be familiar with other commonly used methods.10. Procedures Manual10.1 The labo

40、ratory shall prepare a written or electronicprocedures manual for the type of work for which the labora-tory is contracted.Additional requirements or clarifications arecontained in 10.2 through 10.6. The Procedures Manual shallbe of sufficient detail to provide complete guidance on its useto the lab

41、oratory personnel.NOTE 3The procedures manual may include multiple volumes foreach type of work conducted by the testing laboratory.10.1.1 The laboratory management shall designate a personor persons within the laboratory who shall have responsibilityfor maintaining the laboratorys quality system. T

42、his person orpersons shall have direct access to top management. Thisperson or persons shall ensure that an internal audit isconducted at least once every year to verify that the qualitysystem is functioning properly as documented in the Proce-dures Manual.10.1.2 The laboratory shall maintain a reco

43、rd of changes tothe Procedures Manual.10.2 Operational ProceduresThis section shall containthe information necessary to control the various activitiesnecessary for testing appliances. Items covered shall includereceiving and preparing samples, identification and marking,test procedures and specifica

44、tions to be used, reports, andreturn of samples.10.3 Personnel QualificationThis section shall containthe requirements and procedures for training, as outlined inSection Equipment Maintenance and CalibrationAll testequipment shall be calibrated and traceable to the NationalInstitute of Stan

45、dards and Technology (NIST) or equivalent.This section shall contain all of the following:10.4.1 Inventory ListingAll available equipment shall belisted with the following information noted: Name of the manufacturer, Equipment model and serial number, Characteristics subject

46、to calibration, Range of operation and range of calibration, Reference to recognized standardization proce-dures acceptable to the authority, if applicable, Frequency of calibration, Allowable tolerances or maximum sensitivity, and10.4.1.8 Source of verification,10.4.

47、2 CalibrationEach instrument, when calibration isrequired, shall have either a calibration sticker affixed or recordof certification on file, containing the following: Instrument calibrated, Serial number, Calibration date, Calibration next due date, and10.4.2.5 Name

48、of individual who performed last calibration.If calibration is not required, a sticker stating “no calibration isnecessary” shall be affixed, or a record shall be on file to thiseffect. Equipment that has been subjected to overloadingor mishandling, gives suspect results, or has been shown t

49、o bedefective or outside specified limits, shall be taken out ofservice. It shall be isolated to prevent its use or clearly labeledor marked as being out of service until it has been repaired andshown by calibration or testing to perform correctly. Thelaboratory shall examine the effect of the defect or departurefrom specified limits on previous tests or calibrations, or both,and shall institute the following measures:(1) The laboratory shall have a procedure that shall beimplemented when any aspect of its testing or calibration work,or both, or the resul

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