BS 5266-1-2016 Emergency lighting Part 1 Code of practice for the emergency lighting of premises《应急照明 第1部分 建筑物应急照明的操作规程》.pdf

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BS 5266-1-2016 Emergency lighting Part 1 Code of practice for the emergency lighting of premises《应急照明 第1部分 建筑物应急照明的操作规程》.pdf_第1页
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BS 5266-1-2016 Emergency lighting Part 1 Code of practice for the emergency lighting of premises《应急照明 第1部分 建筑物应急照明的操作规程》.pdf_第2页
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BS 5266-1-2016 Emergency lighting Part 1 Code of practice for the emergency lighting of premises《应急照明 第1部分 建筑物应急照明的操作规程》.pdf_第3页
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BS 5266-1-2016 Emergency lighting Part 1 Code of practice for the emergency lighting of premises《应急照明 第1部分 建筑物应急照明的操作规程》.pdf_第4页
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BS 5266-1-2016 Emergency lighting Part 1 Code of practice for the emergency lighting of premises《应急照明 第1部分 建筑物应急照明的操作规程》.pdf_第5页
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1、BS 5266-1:2016Emergency lighting Part 1: Code of practice for theemergency lighting of premisesBSI Standards PublicationWB11885_BSI_StandardCovs_2013_AW.indd 1 15/05/2013 15:06Publishing and copyright informationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the documentwas last

2、issued. The British Standards Institution 2016Published by BSI Standards Limited 2016ISBN 978 0 580 91983 1ICS 13.200; 29.120.99; 91.160.10The following BSI references relate to the work on this document:Committee reference EL/1/1Draft for comment 16/30331553 DCPublication historyFirst published Jul

3、y 1975Second edition, February 1988Third edition, October 1999Fourth edition, December 2005Fifth edition, November 2011Sixth (present) edition, May 2016Amendments issued since publicationDate Text affectedBS 5266-1:2016 BRITISH STANDARDContentsForeword ivIntroduction 11 Scope 22 Normative references

4、 23 Terms and definitions 34 Consultation and records 54.1 Consultation 54.2 Supply of plans 64.3 Records 65 Illumination for emergency lighting conditions 65.1 General 75.2 Illumination for safe escape Emergency escape lighting 75.3 Illumination for safety in the building Emergency safety lighting

5、135.4 Illumination for continued activity Standby lighting 146 Emergency lighting design 146.1 System integrity 146.2 Failure of individual normal lamp 146.3 Failure of emergency lighting luminaire 156.4 Mounting height of luminaires 156.5 Spacing between luminaires 156.6 Classification of operation

6、 of emergency lighting systems 156.7 Choice of appropriate emergency lighting systems 157 Power supplies and equipment 167.1 Power supplies 167.2 Battery supplied systems 167.3 Generators 177.4 Lamps and luminaires for emergency lighting 178 Wiring systems and circuits 178.1 Wiring for self-containe

7、d systems 178.2 Wiring for central power supply systems 188.3 Wiring circuits 228.4 Electromagnetic compatibility 239 Application of emergency escape and safety lighting for typicalpremises 239.1 General 239.2 Premises used as sleeping accommodation 239.3 Non-residential premises used for treatment

8、or care 239.4 Non-residential premises used for recreation 249.5 Non-residential premises used for teaching, training and research, andoffices 249.6 Non-residential public premises 259.7 Industrial premises used for manufacture, processing or storage ofproducts 259.8 Multiple use of premises 259.9 C

9、ommon access routes within blocks of flats or maisonettes 259.10 Covered car parks 259.11 Sports stadia 2510 Emergency lighting design procedure 2610.1 General 2610.2 Determine requirements 2610.3 Design of illuminance 2610.4 Design of system 27BRITISH STANDARD BS 5266-1:2016 The British Standards I

10、nstitution 2016 i10.5 Design of circuit protection and controls 2710.6 Installation, operating and commissioning instructions 2810.7 Handover 2811 Certificates and log book 2812 Routine inspections and tests 2913 Servicing and repair of emergency lighting systems 3013.1 Actions to be taken by the re

11、sponsible person 3013.2 Action to be taken by the competent person to repair luminaires 3013.3 Servicing of specialist components 3113.4 Emergency lighting system service spares 31AnnexesAnnex A (informative) Summary of standards covering emergency lighting 32Annex B (informative) Developments in em

12、ergency lighting application andtechnology 33Annex C (informative) Guidance on the application of emergency lightingsystems 34Annex D (informative) Measuring illuminance of emergency lighting 35Annex E (informative) Typical illuminance for specific locations 37Annex F (informative) Emergency lightin

13、g classifications 40Annex G (informative) Guidance on illuminance measurements andcalculations 41Annex H (informative) Model completion certificate 43Annex I (informative) Model certificate for completion of small newinstallations 49Annex J (informative) Emergency lighting log book 52Annex K (inform

14、ative) Model certificate for verification of existinginstallations 54Annex L (informative) Additional guidance on the compliance checklist andreport for an existing site 57Annex M (informative) Model periodic inspection and test certificate 59Bibliography 62List of figuresFigure1Types of emergency l

15、ighting 1Figure 2 Example of rooms requiring emergency lighting 9Figure A.1 Summary of standards covering emergency lighting 32Figure G.1 Conventional escape route where the floor is the workingplane 42Figure G.2 Cooking stove where the surface of the stove is the workingplane 42Figure G.3 Fire pane

16、l needing to be read on the vertical plane 42Figure H.1 Model completion certificate General declaration 43Figure H.2 Model completion certificate Design Declaration ofconformity 44Figure H.3 Model completion certificate Installation Declaration ofconformity 46Figure H.4 Model completion certificate

17、 Verification Declaration ofconformity 47Figure I.1 Model certificate for completion of small new installations Generaldeclaration 49Figure I.2 Model certificate for completion of small new installations Declaration of conformity 50Figure K.1 Model certificate for completion of existing installation

18、s Generaldeclaration 54Figure K.2 Model certificate for verification of existing installations Checklistand report 55Figure M.1 Model emergency lighting inspection and test certificate 59BRITISH STANDARDBS 5266-1:2016ii The British Standards Institution 2016Figure M.2 Model emergency lighting inspec

19、tion and test record 60Figure M.3 Model emergency lighting fault action record 61List of tablesTable E.1 Typical illuminance for specific locations 39Summary of pagesThis document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to vi,pages 1 to 64, an inside back cover and a back cover.BRITI

20、SH STANDARD BS 5266-1:2016 The British Standards Institution 2016 iiiForewordPublishing informationThis part of BS 5266 is published by BSI Standards Limited, under licence fromThe British Standards Institution, and came into effect on 31 May 2016. It wasprepared by Subcommittee EL/1/1, Emergency li

21、ghting, under the authority ofTechnical Committee EL/1, Light and lighting applications. A list of organizationsrepresented on these committees can be obtained on request to their secretary.SupersessionThis part of BS 5266 supersedes BS 5266-1:2011, which is withdrawn.Relationship with other publica

22、tionsThis part of BS 5266 is intended for use in conjunction with BS EN 1838and BS EN 50172.BS EN 50172:2004, 4.1 specifies compliance with the wiring rules givenin HD 384/HD 60364. The UK applicable parts of HD 384/HD 60364 areimplemented in the IET Wiring Regulations (BS 7671).BS 5266 is published

23、 in the following parts: Part 1: Code of practice for the emergency lighting of premises; Part 2: Code of practice for electrical low mounted way guidance systemsfor emergency use; Part 4: Code of practice for design, installation, maintenance and use ofoptical fibre systems; Part 5: Specification f

24、or components parts of optical fibre systems; Part 6: Code of practice for non-electrical low mounted way guidancesystems for emergency use Photoluminescent systems; Part 8: Emergency escape lighting systems (also numbered BS EN 50172).The following topics are covered in BS EN 50172 and BS EN 1838:

25、general requirements for emergency escape lighting; escape route lighting; open area (anti-panic) lighting; high risk task area lighting; standby lighting.Detailed guidance on fire risk assessments is given in PAS 79, in a series ofguides published by the Department for Communities and LocalGovernme

26、nt 111, and in guidance published by the Justice Department of theScottish Government 1221.Guidance on risk assessments for health and safety is given in HSE publicationINDG 163 22.A summary of the hierarchy of standards covering the different aspects ofemergency lighting systems is given in Annex A

27、.Information about this documentThis is a full revision of the standard. The principal change introduced is anexpansion of the scope to cover emergency safety lighting and standby lighting,as well as emergency escape lighting.BRITISH STANDARDBS 5266-1:2016iv The British Standards Institution 2016The

28、 aim of this standard is to promote wider understanding of the differenttypes of emergency lighting system which may be employed, and to giveguidance on their correct application to the varied requirements of differentcategories of premises.The recommendations given in this standard have been drawn

29、up to encourageuniformity of application, based on providing adequate safety to people in theevent of interruption of the normal lighting, and having due regard to thehazard level and degree of familiarity of occupants with particular premises.The standard recognizes that, in addition to ensuring sa

30、fe unobstructed meansof escape from the premises at all times, an important function of emergencylighting is to make possible the immediate location and operation of fire alarmcall points and fire-fighting equipment, and another is to minimize the chanceof panic arising in enclosed spaces, such as l

31、ifts. Although the standard makesrecommendations for the provision of emergency lighting in a wide variety ofpremises, the fact that particular types of premises are mentioned in Clause 9does not necessarily mean that all such premises are required by law to haveemergency lighting installed. For cer

32、tain types of premises, the provisions of thisstandard might be supplemented or replaced by alternative requirements at thediscretion of the enforcing authority.Use of this documentAs a code of practice, this part of BS 5266 takes the form of guidance andrecommendations. It should not be quoted as i

33、f it were a specification andparticular care should be taken to ensure that claims of compliance are notmisleading.Any user claiming compliance with this part of BS 5266 is expected to be able tojustify any course of action that deviates from its recommendations.BSI permits the reproduction by indiv

34、idual users of BS 5266-1:2016, Figures H.1,H.2, H.3, H.4, I.1, I.2, K.1, K.2, M.1, M.2 and M.3. This reproduction is onlypermitted where it is necessary for the user to use the sample certificates givenin the figures during each application of the standard.Presentational conventionsThe provisions in

35、 this standard are presented in roman (i.e. upright) type. Itsrecommendations are expressed in sentences in which the principal auxiliaryverb is “should”.Commentary, explanation and general informative material is presented insmaller italic type, and does not constitute a normative element.Where wor

36、ds have alternative spellings, the preferred spelling of the ShorterOxford English Dictionary is used (e.g. “organization” rather than“organisation”).Contractual and legal considerationsThis publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of acontract. Users are responsible for

37、its correct application.Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legalobligations.Particular attention is drawn to legal requirements in respect of emergencylighting. Further guidance is given in the Building Regulations 2010, ApprovedDocument B 23 and its equivalents in Wales

38、24, Scotland 25 and NorthernIreland 26.BRITISH STANDARD BS 5266-1:2016 The British Standards Institution 2016 vBRITISH STANDARDBS 5266-1:2016This page deliberately left blankvi The British Standards Institution 2016IntroductionUK legislation imposes a duty on persons, including employers and other p

39、ersonswith control of premises, to carry out risk assessments and to take suchprecautions as to ensure as far as reasonably practicable the safety of theoccupants. These measures include the provision of safe means of escape,including emergency escape routes and exits, together with, where necessary

40、,signs indicating them. Legislation also states that suitable and sufficientemergency lighting needs are to be provided, where people are particularlyexposed to danger, in the event of failure of the supply to the normal lighting.There is increasing recognition of the application of emergency lighti

41、ng to assistthe safety of occupants who stay in a building during a mains supply failure. Inmany instances, particularly in places with frequently occurring power cuts, itmight not be necessary or appropriate to evacuate the premises in the event offailure of the supply to the normal lighting, but p

42、recautions need to be taken toenable occupants to remain on the premises in safety. This revised edition of thestandard covers the use of emergency lighting in premises that are notevacuated immediately, as well as conventional emergency escape lighting.Some guidance on new developments in emergency

43、 lighting application andtechnology is given in Annex B.Emergency lighting can perform the following functions, some of which can becombined into a single system:a) emergency escape lighting, which provides illumination of escape routes,signs and points of emphasis to assist occupants to evacuate th

44、e premises;b) emergency safety lighting, which provides lighting for safe movement in thepremises when the occupants need not evacuate the premises immediately;c) standby lighting, powered by an alternative power supply, which providessufficient lighting to operate the premises normally in the event

45、 of a totalfailure of the main power supply.The different types of emergency lighting are illustrated in Figure 1. Guidanceon the application of emergency lighting systems is given in Annex C.Figure 1 Types of emergency lightingBRITISH STANDARD BS 5266-1:2016 The British Standards Institution 2016 1

46、1 ScopeThis part of BS 5266 gives recommendations and guidance on the factors thatneed to be taken into account in the design, installation and wiring of electricalemergency lighting systems, in order to provide the lighting performanceneeded for safety of people in the building in the event of fail

47、ure of the supplyto the normal lighting.This British Standard applies to emergency lighting systems used to:a) assist occupants to leave a building during an emergency;b) help protect occupants if they stay in a building during an emergency;c) help occupants to continue normal operations in the even

48、t of failure of thesupply to the normal lighting.This part of BS 5266 also gives recommendations for lighting in areas with fixedseating.This part of BS 5266 is not applicable to dwellings; however, its provisions areapplicable to common access routes within blocks of flats or maisonettes.2 Normativ

49、e referencesThe following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in thisdocument and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, onlythe edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of thereferenced document (including any amendments) applies.BS 4678-4, Cable trunking Part 4: Specification for cable trunking made ofinsulating materialBS 5499-4:2013, Safety signs Part 4: Code of practice for escape route signingBS 54


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