BS 9295-2010 Guide to the structural design of buried pipelines《掩埋管道的结构设计指南》.pdf

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BS 9295-2010 Guide to the structural design of buried pipelines《掩埋管道的结构设计指南》.pdf_第1页
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1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationGuide to the structural design of buried pipelinesBS 9295:2010BS 9295:2010 BRITISH STANDARDPublishing and copyright informationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this docunull

2、ent indicates nullhen the docunullent nullas last issuednullnull BSI 2010ISBN 9nullnull 0 5null0 null0100 2InullS null 9nullnull0 02nullnull0null0null01 nullThe nullollonulling BSI renullerences relate to the nullornull on this standard: nullonullnullittee renullerences Bnull505null Bnull50null Dran

3、ullt nullor conullnullent 09nullnull01null0null0null DnullPublication historynullirst punulllished nullarch 2010Amendments issued since publicationDate nullenullt affected null BSI 2010 null iBS 9295:2010BRITISH STANDARDnullontentsnullorenullord iiiIntroduction 11 Scope 22 Nornullatinulle renulleren

4、ces 2null Ternullsnull denullnitions and synullnullols 3null The structural design onull pipelines 55 The design onull rigid pipelines 13null The design onull senullinullrigid pipelines 19null The design onull nullenullinullle pipelines 22AnnenullesAnnenull A nullinnullornullatinullenull nullther de

5、sign considerations 25Annenull B nullinnullornullatinullenull Sinullplinulled tanullles 44Binullliography 58nullist of nullguresnulligure 1 null Design considerations 5nulligure 2 null Rigid and nullenullinullle pipe nullehanulliour 7nulligure null null Soil pressure changes 8nulligure null null nul

6、loading connullgurations 10nulligure 5 null Schenullatics onull the nullain road loading case 11nulligure null null Typical calculated nullacnullnullll and nullain road tranullnullc loadings on a DNnull00 rigid pipeline nullith an enullternal dianulleter onull null5null nullnull 12nulligure null nul

7、l Typical calculated nullacnullnullll and nullain road tranullnullc loadings on a DNnull55 enullternal dianulleter nullenullinullle pipeline nullnullor conullparison purposesnull 12nulligure null null nullnullnullectinulle trench nullidthnull Bd 13nulligure 9 null Narronull to nullide trench conditi

8、ons nulltransition nullidthnull 14nulligure 10 null nullide to narronull trench conditions nulltransition depthnull 14nulligure 11 null The silo enullnullect 15nulligure 12 null nullonullplete pronullection 16nulligure 1null null Inconullplete pronullection 16nulligure 1null null Settlenullent denul

9、lection ratio 17nulligure 15 null Denullection lag nullactor 20nulligure Anull1 null Soil loads and stresses produced nully surnullace loads 26nulligure Anull2 null nullninullornull surcharge Usnullunit area onull linullited enulltent in nullnulled position 27nulligure Anullnull null nullipe in tunn

10、elnull heading or nullacnulled into place 30nulligure Anullnull null nullultiple pipe trenches 32nulligure Anull5 null nullipelines in poor ground 34nulligure Anullnull null nullse onull geotenulltile around pipe enullnullednullent 35nulligure Anullnull null nullipeline on piles 36nulligure Anullnul

11、l null nullrotection onull a shallonull pipeline using concrete surround 41nulligure Anull9 null nullrotection onull shallonull pipeline nullith a slanull 41nulligure Anull10 null nulllain and reinnullorced nulleddings and surrounds 43nullist of tablesTanullle 1 null nullipe classinullcation 6Tanull

12、le Anull1 null Surcharge pressuresnull PsnullnullNnullnull2null 28Tanullle Anull2 null nullnulluation errors nullpercentnull 29Tanullle Anullnull null Reconullnullended nullanullinullunull length onull rocnuller pipes 37Tanullle Bnull1 null Sinullplinulled tanullle nullor the enullnullednullent onul

13、l nullitrinulled clay pipes 45Tanullle Bnull2 null Sinullplinulled nulledding tanullle nullor concrete pipes 47Tanullle Bnullnull null nullnullnullednullent classes 48BS 9295:2010ii null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDTanullle BnullnullA null Sanulle depths onull conuller nullnullnull nullor ductile i

14、ron nullater pipe nullith nulleld surcharge 50Tanullle BnullnullB null Sanulle depths onull conuller nullnullnull nullor ductile iron nullater pipe nullith nullain road surcharge 52Tanullle Bnull5A null Sanulle depths onull conuller nullnullnull nullor ductile iron pressure senuller pipe nullith nul

15、leld surcharge 54Tanullle Bnull5B null Sanulle depths onull conuller nullnullnull nullor ductile iron pressure senuller pipe nullith nullain road surcharge 56Summary of pagesThis docunullent conullprises a nullront conullernull an inside nullront conullernull pages i to inullnull pages 1 to null0nul

16、l an inside nullacnull conuller and a nullacnull conullernullnull BSI 2010 null iiiBS 9295:2010BRITISH STANDARDnullorenullordPublishing informationThis British Standard is punulllished nully BSI and canulle into enullnullect on null1 nullarch 2010null It nullas prepared nully Technical nullonullnull

17、ittee Bnull505nullWastewater engineering in consultation nullith Technical nullonullnullittee Bnull50nullnull Water supplynull A list onull organinullations represented on these conullnullittees can nulle onulltained on renulluest to their secretariesnullnullelationship nullith other publicationsThi

18、s British Standard is conullplenullentary to BS nullN 1295null1:199null and nullD nullnullNnullTR 1295null2:2005nullBS nullN 1295null1:199null specinulles general renulluirenullents nullor the structural design onull nulluried pipelines under nullarious conditions onull loadingnullnulluidance is als

19、o ginullen on the application onull the nationally estanulllished nullethods onull design declared nullynull and used innull nullnullN nullenullnuller countries at the tinulle it nullas preparednull The estanulllished nullnited nullingdonull nullethod is sunullnullarised in Bnull2null12null and Nati

20、onal Annenull A descrinulles the calculation procedure in nullore detailnullnullD nullnullNnullTR 1295null2:2005 sunullnullarinulles the nationally estanulllished nullethods onull design nullade anullailanullle to nullnullN and the nullnited nullingdonull nullethod is descrinulled in Anull9null null

21、hich is consistent nullith BS nullN 1295null1:199nullnull National Annenull Anull as corrected nully nullorrigendunull Nonull 1 on null1 nullay 200nullnullThis British Standard ginulles nullurther innullornullation to nullacilitate in nullull the structural design onull nulluried pipelines under nul

22、larious conditions onullloading using the estanulllished nullnited nullingdonull nullethodnull it does not alter any onull the pronullisions onull BS nullN 1295null1:199nullnullnullhilst recogninulling that the nullnull National Annenull to nullN 1295null1 nullight nulle renullienulled in the nullut

23、ure in respect onull possinullle changes to current practice nullor the design onull thernulloplastics pipelinesnull it nullas agreed that this nullrst edition onull BS 9295 is specinullcally renulluired to nulle a guide to the enullisting BS nullN 1295null1nullnullse of this documentAs a guidenull

24、this British Standard tanulles the nullornull onull guidance and reconullnullendationsnull It should not nulle nulluoted as inull it nullas a specinullcation or a code onull practice and clainulls onull conullpliance cannot nulle nullade to itnullPresentational connullentionsThe pronullisions in thi

25、s standard are presented in ronullan nullinullenull uprightnulltypenull Its reconullnullendations are enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the principal aunulliliary nullernull is nullshouldnullnullCommentary, enullplanation annull general innullormatinulle material is presentenullin smaller italin

26、ull type, annull nulloes not nullonstitute a normatinulle elementnullnullontractual and legal considerationsThis punulllication does not purport to include all the necessary pronullisions onull a contractnull nullsers are responsinullle nullor its correct applicationnullnullompliance nullith a Briti

27、sh Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligationsnullBS 9295:2010inull null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDnullnullis page nullelinullerately lenullt nulllannullnull BSI 2010 null 1BS 9295:2010BRITISH STANDARDnullntroductionThe estanulllished nullnited nullingdonull nullethod nullor the struct

28、ural design onullnulluried pipelines under nullarious conditions onull loading nullnullthe nullnull nullethodnullnullis nullased on the nullnullarstonnull or nullnullonullputed loadnull nullethod denulleloped at the Ionulla nullngineering nullnullperinullent Station in the nullSA nully nullronulless

29、or Anson nullarston and his colleagues nullronullessors nullerlin nullnull Spangler and nullnullnullnull Shlicnull in the nullrst halnull onull the tnullentieth centurynull In 1951null at the renulluest onull the then nullinistry onull Housing and nullocal nullonullernnullentnulla 10nullyear progran

30、ullnulle onull enullperinullental nullornull nullas carried out at nullarston nully the Building Research Station nulllater the Building Research nullstanulllishnullentnullnull The nullornull nullas led nully NnullnullnullBnull nulllarnullenull supported nully nulllinuller nullnull nulloung and null

31、nullHnull Snullith and in 19null2 resulted in the punulllication onull nullimplinullenull tanullles onull enullternal loanulls on nullurienull pipelines null1nullnull nullollonulled in 19nullnull nully nulloanulling nullnullarts nullor tnulle nullesign onull nullurienull riginull pipes null2null and

32、 in 19nullnull nully nullignullnullstrengtnull nullenullnullings nullor unreinnullornullenull nullonnullrete annullnulllayware pipes nullnullnullnull In 19null0 an updated and renullised nullimplinullenull tanullles onullenullternal loanulls on nullurienull pipelines nullnullnull nullas punulllished

33、nullThroughout the 19null0s the nullarston nullornull nullas conullplenullented nully a progranullnulle onull research on rigid pipe nulleddings at the British nulleranullic Research Association at StonullenullonnullTrentnull sponsored nully the nulllay nullipe Denullelopnullent Association and led

34、nully nullohn Hnull nullaltonnull This phase onull the StonullenullonnullTrent innullestigations culnullinated in 19null0 nullith the punulllication onull nullnulle strunulltural nullesign onull tnulle nullrossnullsenulltion onull nullurienull nullitrinullenull nulllay pipelines null5nullnull nullut

35、 nully then the nullornull had nullonulled on into nullininullunullnulleddings nullor snullall dianulleter pipesnull That research nullas led nully nullolin nullnullnullnullBlandnull nullhose nullornull in chairing the Bnull505 pronullect group that denulleloped this British Standard is acnullnonull

36、ledged nully nulloth Bnull50null and Bnull505nullIn 19null5 the use onull nullininullunull nulleddings nullor rigid pipes not enullceeding DN225 nullas endorsed nully the Departnullent onull the nullnnullironnullentnulls nullornulling nullarty on Senullers and nullater nullains in its nullirst Repor

37、t nullnullnullnullBy 19nullnull the nullnited nullingdonull central role in this nulleld had passed nullronullthe Building Research Station to the Transport and Road Research nullanulloratory nullnonull the Transport Research nullanulloratorynull andnull nullased on nullornull nully nulllinuller nul

38、lnull nulloung and nullyles nullnull nullnullReillynull it punulllished null guinulle to nullesign loanullings nullor nullurienull riginull pipes nullnullnullnull there nullas no longer any linullit on the sinulle onull rigid pipes that could nulle used nullith nullininullal nulleddingnull In 19null

39、null a nullurther edition onull nullimplinullenull tanullles onull enullternal loanulls on nullurienull pipelines nullnullnull nullas punulllishednull nullased on nullornull nully the sanulle authors and nulluy Brennannull BSI gratenullully acnullnonullledges the pernullission nullindly granted null

40、y Her nullanullestynulls Stationery nullnullnullce to dranullheanullily on the tenullts onull these tnullo punulllications in the preparation onullthis British StandardnullIn 19null9 a nulloint nullornulling group onull nullnullNnullTnull 1nullnull Water supply and nullnullNnullTnull 1null5 Wastewat

41、er engineeringnull led nully the latternull nullas created to denullelop a conullnullon nullethod nullor the structural design onull nulluried pipelinesnull The nullarying practices throughout nullurope and the huge tasnullonull agreeing a conullnullon nullethod led the group to adopt nullhat nullec

42、anulle a threenullstage approachnull The nullrst stage nullas to produce an nullN specinullying general renulluirenullents and ginulling guidance on the application onullnationally estanulllished nullethodsnull this nullas achienulled in 199null and inullplenullented nully BSI as BS nullN 1295null1:

43、199nullnull The second stage nullas to collate and sunullnullarinulle the nullarious nationally estanulllished nullethods onulldesign that had nulleen reported in nullurope and this nullas punulllished nully BSI as nullD nullnullNnullTR 1295null2:2005nullBS 9295:20102 null null BSI 2010BRITISH STAND

44、ARDIt pronulled inullpossinullle to agree a conullnullon nullethod and so in 200null it nullas decided to stop nullornull on an nullNnull since the hunullan and nullnancial resources necessary nullere no longer anullailanulllenull By then the dranullt had nulleen distilled into tnullo separate nulle

45、thodsnull nullroadly speanulling those used in nullrance and the nullernullanic countriesnull and so it nullas decided to punulllish these as nullhat nullecanulle nullnullNnullTR 1295nullnull:200nullnull The nullnited nullingdonull recorded opposition to the proposed Technical Report at nullnullN nu

46、llornullal nullote stage nullecause the tnullo nullethods not only ginulle nullidely nullarying results nullor the sanulle input data nullor nulloth rigid and nullenullinullle pipesnull nullut neither produces enulluinullalent results to the nullnull nullethod descrinulled in BS nullN 1295null1:199n

47、ullnull nullhich has nulleen pronullen nulloth nully research and practice correlating theory and practice nullor nulloth rigid and nullenullinullle pipesnullnullore recent research nullornull indicates a possinullle need nullor renullision onullthe design nullethod nullor nulluried thernulloplastic

48、s pipes to nulle included in a nulluture renullision onull BS nullN 1295null1nullBSI is not onullliged to punulllish nullnullN Technical Reports and sonull on the adnullice onull Bnull505null supported nully Bnull50nullnull did not do so in the case onullnullnullNnullTR 1295nullnull:200nullnullThe n

49、ullethod nullor senullinullrigid pipes in BS nullN 1295null1:199null nullas tanullen nullronullpunulllished and unpunulllished nullornull nully nullnull Barrie nullreatorenull at Stanton plcnullThe ainull onull this British Standardnull therenullorenull is to consolidate and update the nullarious docunullents that together descrinulle the nullnull nullethodnullThe opportunity has also nulleen tanullen to enullpand on the punulllished innullornullation and in this connection nulloth Bnull50null and Bnull505 acnullnonullledge the nullind pernullission onull nullnullH nullnullontgonullery nullat


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