1、| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BRITISH STANDARD BS EN ISO 3740:2001 The E
2、uropean Standard EN ISO 3740:2000 has the status of a British Standard ICS 17.140.01 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW Acoustics Determination of sound power levels of noise sources Guidelines for the use of basic standardsThis British Standard, having been prepa
3、red under the direction of the Health and Environment Sector Committee, was published under the authority of the Standards Committee and comes into effect on 15 February 2001 BSI 02-2001 ISBN 0 580 36699 5 BS EN 3740:2001 Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date Comments National foreword T
4、his British Standard is the official English language version of EN ISO 3740:2000. It is identical with ISO 3740:2000. It supersedes BS 4196: Part 0: 1981 which is withdrawn. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical Committee EH/1, Acoustics, to Subcommittee EH/1/4, Machine
5、ry noise, which has the responsibility to: aid enquirers to understand the text; present to the responsible international/European committee any enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed; monitor related international and European developments and p
6、romulgate them in the UK. A list of organizations represented on this subcommittee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Cross-references Attention is drawn to the fact that CEN and CENELEC Standards normally include an annex which lists normative references to international publications with
7、 their corresponding European publications. The British Standards which implement these international or European publications may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the section entitled “International Standards Correspondence Index”, or by using the “Find” facility of the BSI Standards E
8、lectronic Catalogue. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages Thi
9、s document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN ISO title page, the EN ISO foreword page, the ISO title page, pages ii to vi, pages 1 to 25, the annex ZA page, an inside back cover and a back cover. The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was
10、 last issued.EUROPEANSTANDARD NORMEEUROPENNE EUROPISCHENORM ENISO3740 November2000 ICS01.014.01 Englishversion AcousticsDeterminationofsoundpowerlevelsofnoise sourcesGuidelinesfortheuseofbasicstandards(ISO 3740:2000) AcoustiqueDterminationdesniveauxdepuissance acoustiquemisparlessourcesdebruitGuidep
11、our lutilisationdesnormesdebase(ISO3740:2000) AkustikBestimmungderSchallleistungspegelvon GeruschquellenLeitlinienzurAnwendungder Grundnormen(ISO3740:2000) ThisEuropeanStandardwasapprovedbyCENon17September2000. CENmembersareboundtocomplywiththeCEN/CENELECInternalRegulationswhichstipulatethecondition
12、sforgivingthisEurope an Standardthestatusofanationalstandardwithoutanyalteration.Uptodatelistsandbibliographicalreferencesconcernings uchnational standardsmaybeobtainedonapplicationtotheManagementCentreortoanyCENmember. ThisEuropeanStandardexistsinthreeofficialversions(English,French,German).Aversio
13、ninanyotherlanguagemadebytra nslation undertheresponsibilityofaCENmemberintoitsownlanguageandnotifiedtotheManagementCentrehasthesamestatusasthe official versions. CENmembersarethenationalstandardsbodiesofAustria,Belgium,CzechRepublic,Denmark,Finland,France,Germany,Greece, Iceland,Ireland,Italy,Luxem
14、bourg,Netherlands,Norway,Portugal,Spain,Sweden,SwitzerlandandUnitedKingdom. EUROPEANCOMMITTEEFORSTANDARDIZATION COMITEUROPENDENORMALISATION EUROPISCHESKOMITEEFRNORMUNG ManagementCentre:ruedeStassart,36B1050Brussels 2000CEN Allrightsofexploitationinanyformandbyanymeansreserved worldwideforCENnational
15、Members. Ref.No.ENISO3740:2000EForeword ThetextoftheInternationalStandardISO3740:2000hasbeenpreparedbyTechnicalCommittee ISO/TC43“Acoustics“incollaborationwithTechnicalCommitteeCEN/TC211“Acoustics“,thesecretariat ofwhichisheldbyDS . ThisEuropeanStandardshallbegiventhestatusofanationalstandard,either
16、bypublicationofanidentical textorbyendorsement,atthelatestbyMay2001,andconflictingnationalstandardsshallbewithdrawnat thelatestbyMay2001 . AccordingtotheCEN/CENELECInternalRegulations,thenationalstandardsorganizationsof thefollowing countriesareboundtoimplementthisEuropeanStandard:Austria,Belgium,Cz
17、echRepublic,Denmark, Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Iceland,Ireland,Italy,Luxembourg,Netherlands,Norway,Portugal, Spain,Sweden,SwitzerlandandtheUnitedKingdom. Endorsementnotice ThetextoftheInternationalStandardISO3740:2000wasapprovedbyCENasaEuropeanStandardwithout anymodification. NOTE:Normativerefer
18、encestoInternationalStandardsarelistedinannexZA(normative). ENISO3740:2000 Reference number ISO 3740:2000(E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 3740 Second edition 2000-11-01 Acoustics Determination of sound power levels of noise sources Guidelines for the use of basic standards Acoustique Dtermination des
19、niveaux de puissance acoustique mis par les sources de bruit Guide pour lutilisation des normes de base ENISO3740:2000 ii ENISO3740:2000 ISO 0473:(0002)Eiii Contents Page Foreword.iv Introduction.v 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and definitions .2 4 Determination and declaration of sound
20、 power levels5 4.1 Reasons for the determination of sound power levels5 4.2 Methodology.5 5 Noise declaration according to ISO 48716 6 Selection of the appropriate International Standard for determination of sound power levels6 6.1 Quantities to be measured and determined6 6.2 Considerations affecti
21、ng choice of method6 6.3 Synopses6 6.4 Test environments.6 6.5 Measurement uncertainty .7 6.6 Procedure for selection.7 Annex A (normative) Synopses of basic International Standards on sound power level determinations.11 Annex B (informative) Acoustical test environments.19 Annex C (informative) Fac
22、tors affecting the choice of measurement method 21 Annex D (informative) Guidance on the choice of appropriate International Standard for determining the sound power level of a sound source.23 Bibliography25 ENISO3740:2000 ISO 0473:(0002)E iv Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standard
23、ization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to
24、be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Stand
25、ards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies ca
26、sting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. International Standard ISO 3740 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/T
27、C 43, Acoustics, Subcommittee SC 1, Noise. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 3740:1980), which has been technically revised. Annex A forms a normative part of this International Standard. Annexes B to D are for information only. ENISO3740:2000 ISO 0473:(0002)Ev Introduc
28、tion 0.1 General The series of International Standards, for which this International Standard serves as a guideline for use, comprises ISO 3741, ISO 3743-1, ISO 3743-2, ISO 3744, ISO 3745, ISO 3746, ISO 3747, ISO 9614-1 and ISO 9614-2. In principle, the methods of determining sound power levels desc
29、ribed in ISO 3741 to ISO 3747 and ISO 9614-1 and ISO 9614-2 cover all types of machinery and equipment. ISO 3741 to ISO 3747, ISO 9614-1 and ISO 9614-2 make up a set of basic International Standards which specify the acoustical conditions and instrumentation to be used, describe the procedures to be
30、 followed, and give general information on the mounting and operation of the machine under test in order to determine sound power levels. The selection of standards for the determination of sound power levels can, for practical reasons, have consequences for the selection of standards for the determ
31、ination of the emission sound pressure levels (see ISO 11200) and vice versa. It is beneficial to make the choice of standards concurrently with respect to the two noise emission quantities. 0.2 Relationships to other standards This International Standard is one of a series which specifies various m
32、ethods for determining the noise emission of a piece of machinery or equipment, or a sub-assembly of such equipment (referred to throughout this International Standard as the “machine under test“). Standards in this series are grouped in three categories. a) Methods for the determination of sound po
33、wer levels This category includes the following standards (see Table 1): ISO 3741 to ISO 3747 give methods with precision grade, engineering grade or survey grade of accuracy for determining sound power levels of machinery and equipment using sound pressure level measurements in different types of e
34、nvironments; ISO 9614-1 and ISO 9614-2 describe methods for determining the sound power levels of machinery and equipment using sound intensity level measurements. b) Methods for the determination of emission sound pressure levels at work stations and at other specified positions This category inclu
35、des the following standards: ISO 11200 gives guidelines for the choice of the method to be used; ISO 11201, ISO 11202 and ISO 11204 give methods for determining emission sound pressure levels of machinery and equipment from measured sound pressure levels; ISO 11203 gives methods for determining the
36、emission sound pressure levels of machinery and equipment from the sound power levels. ENISO3740:2000 ISO 0473:(0002)E vi c) Noise test codes For a particular family of machinery or equipment, a noise test code specifies the following: the methods and instruments to be used for the determination of
37、the sound power level; the method to be used for the determination of emission sound pressure levels at work stations and/or at other specified positions; the positions of the work stations; the mounting and operating conditions of the machine under test for the purpose of determining the noise emis
38、sion quantities; the method to be used for verifying declared noise emission quantities. ISO 12001 gives rules for the drafting and presentation of a noise test code. ENISO3740:2000 INTENRATIONAL TSANDADR ISO 0473:(0002)E1 Acoustics Determination of sound power levels of noise sources Guidelines for
39、 the use of basic standards 1 Scope This International Standard gives guidance for the use of a series of nine International Standards describing various methods for determining the sound power levels from all types of machinery and equipment. It provides: brief summaries of these basic Internationa
40、l Standards; guidance on the selection of one or more of these standards which are appropriate to any particular type (see clause 5 and annex D). The guidance given applies only to airborne sound. It is for use in the preparation of noise test codes (see ISO 12001) and also in noise testing where no
41、 specific noise test code exists. This International Standard is not intended to replace any of the details of, or add any additional requirements to, the individual test methods in the other basic standards referred to. These basic standards specify the acoustical requirements for measurements appr
42、opriate for different test environments and accuracies. It is important that specific test codes for various types of machinery and equipment be established and used in accordance with the requirements of these basic International Standards. Such standardized noise test codes will recommend the basi
43、c International Standard(s) to be used and will give detailed requirements on mounting and operating conditions for a particular family to which the machine under test belongs. If no specific noise test code exists for a particular type of machinery, this International Standard is of use for the cho
44、ice of the most suitable of the basic standards. In all cases, the mounting and operating conditions of the machine under test should be in accordance with the general principles given in the basic standards. NOTE Two quantities which complement each other can be used to describe the sound emission
45、of machinery or equipment. One is the emission sound pressure level at a specified position and the other is the sound power level. The International Standards which describe the basic methods for determining emission sound pressure levels at the work station and at other specified positions are the
46、 series ISO 11200 to ISO 11204. 2 Normative references The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not a
47、pply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members o
48、f ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 3741:1999, Acoustics Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure Precision methods for reverberation rooms. ISO 3743-1, Acoustics Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure Engineering methods for small, movable sources in reverberant fields Part 1: Comparison method for hard- walled test rooms. EN