BS EN ISO 9488-2000 Solar energy Vocabulary《太阳能 词汇表》.pdf

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1、| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BRITISH STANDARD BS EN ISO 9488:2000 The E

2、uropean Standard EN ISO 9488:1999 has the status of a British Standard ICS 01.040.27; 27.160 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW Solar energy VocabularyThis British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Engineering Sector Committee, was publishe

3、d under the authority of the Standards Committee and comes into effect on 15 January 2000 BSI 01-2000 ISBN 0 580 35760 0 BS EN ISO 9488:2000 Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date Comments National foreword This British Standard is the English language version of EN ISO 9488:1999. It is i

4、dentical with ISO 9488:1999. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee RHE/25, Solar heating, which has the responsibility to: aid enquirers to understand the text; present to the responsible international/European committee any enquiries on the interpretation, or

5、proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed; monitor related international and European developments and promulgate them in the UK. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Cross-references The British Standards which implement i

6、nternational or European publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the section entitled “International Standards Correspondence Index”, or by using the “Find” facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue. A British Standard does not purport to

7、include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, t

8、he EN ISO title page, the EN ISO foreword page, the ISO title page, pages ii to v, a blank page, pages 1 to 47 and a back cover. The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued.EN ISO 9488:1999A Referencenumbe r Numroderfrence ISO9488:1999(E/F) INTERNA

9、TIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE ISO 9488 Firstedition Premiredition 19991001 SolarenergyVocabulary nergiesolaireVocabulaire EN ISO 9488:1999)F/E(9991:8849OSI ii Contents Page 1 Scope. 1 2 Solar geometry. 1 3 Radiationtermsandquantitie s 5 4 Radiationmeasuremen t 14 5 Radiationpropertiesandproce

10、sse s. 16 6 Indoorandoutdoorclimate s 19 7 Collectort ypes 20 8 Collectorcomponentsandrelatedquantitie s. 23 9 Typesofsolarheatin gs ystems 33 10 Systemcomponentsandrelatedquantities(otherthancollec tors). 36 11 Nonsolarspecificterm s. 38 Bibliography. 41 Alphabeticalinde x 42 EN ISO 9488:1999OSI )F

11、/E(9991:8849OSI iii Sommaire Page 1 Domainedapplication. 1 2 Gomtriesolaire 1 3 Terminologiedura yonnementet grandeursph ysiquesrelatives 5 4 Mesuragedura yonnement. 14 5 Propritsdura yonnementetprocessusradiatifs . 16 6 Climatsintrieuretextrieur. 19 7 Typesdecapteurs . 20 8 Composantsdecapteuret gr

12、andeursrelatives 23 9 Typesdinstallationssolairesthermiques . 33 10 Composantsdinstallationset grandeursrelatives(autresque lescapteurs) . 36 11 Termesnonspcifiqueslner giesolaire 38 Bibliographie. 41 Indexalphabtique . 44 EN ISO 9488:1999)F/E(9991:8849OSI OSI iv Foreword ISO(theInternationalOrganiz

13、ationforStandardization)isaworldwide federationofnationalstandardsbodies(ISOmemberbodies).Theworkof preparingInternationalStandardsisnormallycarriedoutthroughISO technicalcommittees.Eachmemberbodyinterestedinasubjectforwhich atechnicalcommitteehasbeenestablishedhastherighttoberepresented onthatcommi

14、ttee.Internationalorganizations,governmentalandnon governmental,inliaisonwithISO,alsotakepartinthework.ISOcollabo ratescloselywiththeInternationalElectrotechnicalCommission(IEC)on allmattersofelectrotechnicalstandardization. InternationalStandardsaredraftedinaccordancewiththerulesgivenin theISO/IECD

15、irectives,Part3. DraftInternationalStandardsadoptedbytheTechnicalCommitteesare circulatedtomemberbodiesforvoting.PublicationasanInternational Standardrequiresapprovalbyatleast75%ofmemberbodiescastinga vote. AttentionisdrawntothepossibilitythatsomeoftheelementsofthisInter nationalStandardmaybethesubj

16、ectofpatentrights.ISOshallnotbeheld responsibleforidentifyinganyorallsuchpatentrights. InternationalStandardISO9488waspreparedbyTechnicalCommittee ISO/TC180, Solarenergy . EN ISO 9488:1999OSI )F/E(9991:8849OSI v Avantpropos LISO(Organisationinternationaledenormalisation)estunefdration mondialedorgan

17、ismesnationauxdenormalisation(comitsmembresde lISO).LlaborationdesNormesinternationalesestengnralconfieaux comitstechniquesdelISO.Chaquecomitmembreintressparune tudealedroitdefairepartieducomittechniquecrceteffet.Les organisationsinternationales,gouvernementalesetnongouvernementales, enliaisonaveclI

18、SOparticipentgalementauxtravaux.LISOcollabore troitementaveclaCommissionlectrotechniqueinternationale(CEI)en cequiconcernelanormalisationlectrotechnique. LesNormesinternationalessontrdigesconformmentauxrglesdon nesdanslesDirectivesISO/CEI,Partie3. LesprojetsdeNormesinternationalesadoptsparlescomitst

19、echniques sontsoumisauxcomitsmembrespourvote.Leurpublicationcomme Normesinternationalesrequiertlapprobationde75%aumoinsdescomi tsmembresvotants. Lattentionestappelesurlefaitquecertainsdeslmentsdelaprsente Normeinternationalepeuventfairelobjetdedroitsdepropritintellec tuelleoudedroitsanalogues.LISOne

20、sauraittretenuepourresponsable denepasavoiridentifidetelsdroitsdepropritetavertideleurexis tence. LaNormeinternationaleISO9488atlaboreparlecomittechnique ISO/TC180, nergiesolaire . EN ISO 9488:1999EN ISO 9488:1999INTERNATIONALSTANDARD ELANOITANRETNIEMRON OSI )F/E(9991:8849OSI 1 Solarenergy Vocabular

21、y nergiesolaire Vocabulaire Sonnenenergie Vokabular 1Scope ThisInternationalStandarddefines basictermsrelatingtosolarenergy. NOTEInadditiontotermsanddefini tionsusedintwoofthethreeofficial ISOlanguages(English,Frenchand Russian),thisInternationalStandard givestheequivalenttermsanddefini tionsintheGe

22、rmanlanguage;these arepublishedundertheresponsibility ofthememberbodyforGermany(DIN). However,onlythetermsanddefinitions givenintheofficiallanguagescanbe consideredasISOtermsanddefini tions. 1Domaine dapplication LaprsenteNormeinternationale dfinitlestermesfondamentaux relatifslnergiesolaire. NOTEEn

23、 complment des termes et dfinitionsdonnsdansdeuxdestrois languesofficiellesdelISO(anglais, franaisetrusse),laprsenteNorme internationaledonnelestermesquiva lentsetleursdfinitionsenallemand; ilssontpublissouslaresponsabilit ducomitmembredelAllemagne (DIN).Toutefois,seulslestermeset dfinitionsdonnsdan

24、sleslangues officiellespeuventtreconsidrs commetermesetdfinitionsISO. 1Anwendungsbereich DieseInternationaleNormdefiniert grundlegendeBegriffeimBereich derSonnenenergie. ANMERKUNGZustzlich zu den BegriffenundDefinitioneninzweivon dendreioffiziellenSprachenderISO (Englisch,FranzsischundRussisch), ent

25、hltdievorliegendeinternationale NormdieentsprechendenBegriffeund DefinitionenindeutscherSprache; diesewerdenunterderVerantwortung derMitgliedskrperschaftDeutschlands (DIN)publiziert.Esknnenjedochnu r dieindenoffiziellenSprachenangege benenBegriffundDefinitionenalsISO BegriffeundDefinitionenangesehen

26、 werden. 2Solar geometry 2Gomtrie solaire 2Geometrie der Sonnenbahn 2.1 aphelion pointintheEarthsorbitatwhichit isfurthestfromthesun NOTE Attheaphelion,theEarthis approximately152310 6 kmfromthe sun. 2.1 aphlie lepointdelorbiteterrestreleplus loignduSoleil NOTE laphlie, la Terre est approximativemen

27、t152 310 6 kmdu Soleil. 2.1 Aphel PunktinderErdumlaufbahn,deram weitestenvonderSonneentferntist ANMERKUNGBei Aphel ist die Ent fernungderErdezurSonneetwa 152 310 6 km. 2.2 perihelion pointintheEarthsorbitatwhichit isclosesttothesun NOTEAt the perihelion, the Earth is approximately147310 6 kmfromthe

28、sun. 2.2 prihlie lepointdelorbiteterrestreleplus rapprochduSoleil NOTEAuprihlie,laTerresetrouve approximativement147 310 6 kmdu Soleil. 2.2 Perihel PunktinderErdumlaufbahn,derde r Sonneamnchstenist ANMERKUNGBei Perihel ist die Ent fernungderErdezurSonneetwa 147 310 6 km. EN ISO 9488:1999)F/E(9991:88

29、49OSI OSI 2 2.3 solardeclination d anglesubtendedbetweentheEarth sunlineandtheplaneoftheequa tor(northpositive) NOTEThesolardeclinationiszeroon equinoxdates,varyingbetween +23,45(June22)and 223,45 (December22). 2.3 dclinaisonsolaire d angleformparladroitereliantla TerreauSoleiletleplanquatorial (pos

30、itifverslenord) NOTELadclinaisonestgalezro auxquinoxesetvariede+23,45(22 juin) 223,45(22dcembre). 2.3 Sonnendeklination d WinkelzwischenderVerbindungs linieErdeSonneundderquator ebene(gegenNordenpositiv) ANMERKUNGDie Sonnendeklination istandentagundnachtgleichenNullund variiertzwischen+23,45(22.Juni

31、)und 223,45(22.Dezember). 2.4 solarazimuthangle solarazimuth g S projectedanglebetweenastraight linefromtheapparentpositionof thesuntothepointofobservation andduesouth(inthenorthern hemisphere)orduenorth(inthe southernone),measuredclockwise inthenorthernhemisphereand anticlockwiseinthesouthernone, u

32、singtheprojectionsonthelocal horizontalplane NOTEThesolarazimuthisnegativein themorning(easterndirections),0o r 180atnoon(dependingontherelative valuesonsolardeclinationandlocal latitude),andpositiveintheafternoon (westerndirections),overthewhole globe.Itdivergesfromthegeographical azimuth,whichisme

33、asuredclockwise fromduenorth,overthewholeglobe. 2.4 azimutsolaire g S angleentreladirectiondusud (danslhmisphrenord)oudunord (danslhmisphresud)etlapro jectionsurleplanhorizontaldela droitereliantlaTerreauSoleil,me surdanslesensdesaiguilles dunemontredanslhmisphre nordetdanslesenscontrairedans lhmisp

34、hresud,enutilisantles projectionssurleplanhorizontaldu pointdobservation NOTE Lazimutsolaireestngatifle matin(directionest),gal0ou180 midi(suivantlesvaleursrelativesde ladclinaisonsolaireetdelalatitude locale),etpositiflaprsmidi(direction ouest),surtoutleglobe.Ildiffrede lazimutgographique,lequelest

35、tou joursmesurdanslesensdesaiguilles dunemontrepartirdunord,indpen dammentdelhmisphredupoint dobservation. 2.4 Sonnenazimut Sonnenazimutwinkel g S Winkelzwischenderaufdiehori zontaleEbeneprojiziertenVerbin dungslinievonderSonnenposition zumStandpunktundderSdrich tung(aufderNordhalbkugel)bzw. derNord

36、richtung(aufderSd halbkugel).DerWinkelwirdaufde r NordhalbkugelimUhrzeigersinn gemessen,aufderSdhalbkugel entgegendemUhrzeigersinn ANMERKUNGDer Sonnenazimut ist aufderganzenErdeamMorgenne gativ(stlicheRichtung),0oder180 amMittag(abhngigvonrelativen WertenderSonnendeklinationundde r lokalengeographis

37、chenBreite)undam Nachmittagpositiv(westlicheRichtung). Erunterscheidetsichvomgeogra phischenAzimut,deraufderganzen ErdeimUhrzeigersinnalsAbweichung zurNordrichtunggemessenwird. 2.5 zenith pointverticallyabovetheobserver 2.5 znith pointsituverticalementaudessus delobservateur 2.5 Zenit Punktdersichse

38、nkrechtberdem Standpunktbefindet 2.6 solarzenithangle u z angulardistanceofthesunfromthe vertical 2.6 distanceznithaleduSoleil u z angleformparladroitereliantla TerreauSoleiletlaverticale 2.6 Sonnenzenitwinkel u z WinkelvonderSenkrechtenzu r Sonne 2.7 solaraltitudeangle solarelevationangle h complem

39、entofthesolarzenithan gle h=90 2 u z 2.7 hauteursolaire h complmentdeladistancezni thaleduSoleil h=90 2 u z 2.7 Sonnenhhe h KomplementrwinkelzumSonnen zenitwinkel h=90 2 u z EN ISO 9488:1999OSI )F/E(9991:8849OSI 3 2.8 solarhourangle v anglebetweenthesunprojectionon theequatorialplaneatagiventime and

40、thesunprojectiononthesame planeatsolarnoon NOTEThesolarhouranglechanges byapproximately360within24 h (approximately15perhour).This angleisnegativeformorninghoursand positiveforafternoonhours,i.e.v(in degrees) 15( Hr212)where Hristhe solartimeinhours. 2.8 anglehoraireduSoleil v angleformparlaprojecti

41、ondu Soleilsurleplanquatorialun momentdonnetlaprojectiondu Soleilsurcemmeplanaumidivrai NOTELangle horaire du Soleil augmenteapproximativementde360 en24h(environ15parheure);ilest mesurngativementlematinet positivementlaprsmidi,soit v(en degrs)15(TSV212),oTSVestle tempssolairevrai,enheures. 2.8 Sonne

42、nstundenwinkel v WinkelzwischenderProjektionde r Sonneaufdiequatorialebenezu einergegebenenZeitundderPro jektionderSonneaufdiequa torialebenezurSonnenzeit12.00 Uhrmittags ANMERKUNG Der Sonnenstunden winkelndertsichumca.360 innerhalbvon24Stunden(ca.15pro Stunde).DieserWinkelistinden Vormittagsstunden

43、negativundinden Nachmittagsstundenpositiv,d.h. v 15(St 212);wobeivderStunden winkel,StdiesolareZeitinStundenist. 2.9 solarnoon localtimeofdaywhenthesun crossestheobserversmeridian 2.9 midivrai midisolaire heurelocalelaquelleleSoleil passeaumridiendupointdobser vation 2.9 solarerMittag Ortszeit,zuderdieSonnenbahn denMeridiandesStandortsschnei det 2.10 solartime hourofthedayasdeterminedby theapparentangularmotionofthe sunacrossthesky,withsolarnoon asthereferencepointfor12:00h NOTESolar time = standard time +4( L st 2 L loc )+ E,where L st isthe standardmeridianf

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