BS EN 60384-25-1-2006 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Blank detail specification - Surface mount fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors with conductive polymer .pdf

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BS EN 60384-25-1-2006 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Blank detail specification - Surface mount fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors with conductive polymer .pdf_第1页
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BS EN 60384-25-1-2006 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Blank detail specification - Surface mount fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors with conductive polymer .pdf_第2页
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BS EN 60384-25-1-2006 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Blank detail specification - Surface mount fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors with conductive polymer .pdf_第3页
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BS EN 60384-25-1-2006 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Blank detail specification - Surface mount fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors with conductive polymer .pdf_第4页
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BS EN 60384-25-1-2006 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Blank detail specification - Surface mount fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors with conductive polymer .pdf_第5页
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1、 g49g50g3g38g50g51g60g44g49g42g3g58g44g55g43g50g56g55g3g37g54g44g3g51g40g53g48g44g54g54g44g50g49g3g40g59g38g40g51g55g3g36g54g3g51g40g53g48g44g55g55g40g39g3g37g60g3g38g50g51g60g53g44g42g43g55g3g47g36g58Part 25-1: Blank detail specification Surface mount fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors with co

2、nductive polymer solid electrolyte Assessment level EZThe European Standard EN 60384-25-1:2006 has the status of a British StandardICS 31.060.40; 31.060.50Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment BRITISH STANDARDBS EN 60384-25-1: 2006BS EN 60384-25-1:2006This British Standard was published u

3、nder the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 29 September 2006 BSI 2006ISBN 0 580 49208 7Amendments issued since publicationAmd. No. Date Commentscontract. Users are responsible for its correct application.Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal o

4、bligations.National forewordThis British Standard was published by BSI. It is the UK implementation of EN 60384-25-1:2006. It is identical with IEC 60384-25-1:2006.The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee EPL/40X, Capacitors and resistors for electronic equipment.

5、A list of organizations represented on EPL/40X can be obtained on request to its secretary. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 60384-25-1 NORME EUROPENNE EUROPISCHE NORM August 2006 CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Stand

6、ardization Comit Europen de Normalisation Electrotechnique Europisches Komitee fr Elektrotechnische Normung Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels 2006 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members. Ref. No. EN 60384-25-1

7、:2006 E ICS 31.060.40; 31.060.50 English version Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment Part 25-1: Blank detail specification Surface mount fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors with conductive polymer solid electrolyte Assessment level EZ (IEC 60384-25-1:2006) Condensateurs fixes utilis

8、s dans les quipements lectroniques Partie 25-1: Spcification particulire cadre Condensateurs fixes lectrolytiques en aluminium pour montage en surface lectrolyte solide en polymre conducteur Niveau dassurance de la qualit EZ (CEI 60384-25-1:2006) Festkondensatoren zur Verwendung in Gerten der Elektr

9、onik Teil 25-1: Vordruck fr Bauartspezifikation Oberflchenmontierbare Aluminium-Elektrolyt-Kondensatoren mit leitfhigem Polymerfestkrper-Elektrolyten Bewertungsstufe EZ (IEC 60384-25-1:2006) This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2006-07-01. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CE

10、N/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to

11、 any CENELEC member. This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official

12、versions. CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slov

13、akia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Foreword The text of document 40/1734/FDIS, future edition 1 of IEC 60384-25-1, prepared by IEC TC 40, Capacitors and resistors for electronic equipment, was submitted to the IEC-CENELEC parallel vote and was approved by CENELEC as E

14、N 60384-25-1 on 2006-07-01. The following dates were fixed: latest date by which the EN has to be implemented at national level by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement (dop) 2007-04-01 latest date by which the national standards conflicting with the EN have to be withdrawn

15、 (dow) 2009-07-01 Annex ZA has been added by CENELEC. _ Endorsement notice The text of the International Standard IEC 60384-25-1:2006 was approved by CENELEC as a European Standard without any modification. _ EN 60384-25-1:2006 2 3 EN 60384-25-1:2006 FIXED CAPACITORS FOR USE IN ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT

16、Part 25-1: Blank detail specification Surface mount fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors with conductive polymer solid electrolyte Assessment level EZ Blank detail specification A blank detail specification is a supplementary document to the sectional specification and contains requirements for s

17、tyle, layout and minimum content of detail specifications. Detail specifications not complying with these requirements may not be considered as being in accordance with IEC specifications nor shall they so be described. In the preparation of detail specifications the content of 1.4 of the sectional

18、specification shall be taken into account. The numbers between square brackets on the first page of the detail specification correspond to the following information, which shall be inserted in the position indicated. Identification of the detail specification 1 The “International Electrotechnical Co

19、mmission“ or the National Standards Organization under whose authority the detail specification is drafted. 2 The IEC or National Standards number of the detail specification, date of issue and any further information required by the national system. 3 The number and issue number of the IEC or natio

20、nal generic specification. 4 The IEC number of the blank detail specification. Identification of the capacitor 5 A short description of the type of capacitor. 6 Information on typical construction (when applicable). 7 Outline drawing with main dimensions which are of importance for interchangeabilit

21、y and/or reference to the national or international documents for outlines. Alternatively, this drawing may be given in an annex to the detail specification. 8 Application or group of applications covered and/or assessment level. 9 Reference data on the most important properties, to allow comparison

22、 between the various capacitor types. EN 60384-25-1:2006 4 1 2 IEC 60384-25-1 4 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS OF ASSESSED QUALITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH: 3 Surface mount fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors with conductive polymer solid electrolyte 5 6 Outline drawing : (see Table 1) (angle projection) 7 Ass

23、essment level(s): EZ 8 Information on the availability of components qualified to this detail specification is given in EC QC 001005. 9 1 General data 1.1 Recommended method(s) of mounting (to be inserted) (See 1.4.2 of IEC 60384-25). 1.2 Dimensions Table 1 Case size reference and dimensions Dimensi

24、on mm Case size reference L W H NOTE 1 When there is no case size reference, Table 1 may be omitted and the dimensions should be given in Table 2, which then becomes Table 1. NOTE 2 The dimensions should be given as maximum dimensions or as nominal dimensions with a tolerance. NOTE 3 L, W, H of the

25、symbols of Table 1 is the example of the corner shape capacitors. 5 EN 60384-25-1:2006 1.3 Ratings and characteristics Rated capacitance range (see Table 2) Tolerance on rated capacitance Rated voltage (see Table 2) Surge voltage (see Table 2) Climatic category Rated temperature Rated ripple current

26、 (see Table 3) Tangent of loss angle (see Table 3) Leakage current (see Table 3) Equivalent series resistance (see Table 3) Table 2 Values of capacitance and of voltage related to case sizes Rated voltage V Surge voltage V Case sizes Case sizes Case sizes Case sizes Rated capacitance F Table 3 Value

27、s of rated ripple current, equivalent series resistance, tangent of loss angle and leakage current Rated ripple current A Equivalent series resistance m Tangent of loss angle tan UR V CR F at 105 C or 125 C and 100 kHz (if applicable) at 20 C and 100 kHz at 20 C and 120 Hz Leakage currentA Table 4 V

28、alues of resistance to soldering heat, damp heat, steady state and characteristics at high temperature Resistance to soldering heat Damp heat, steady state Characteristics at high temperature UR V CR F C/C % ESR/ESR % C/C % C/C % EN 60384-25-1:2006 6 1.4 Normative references The following referenced

29、 documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. IEC 60384-1:1999, Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment Part 1

30、: Generic specification IEC 60384-25: Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment Part 25: Sectional specification: Surface mount fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors with conductive polymer solid electrolyte 1.5 Marking The marking of the capacitor and the package shall be in accordance wit

31、h the requirements of 1.6 of IEC 60384-25. NOTE The details of the marking of the component and package should be given in full in the detail specification. 1.6 Ordering information Orders for capacitors covered by this specification shall contain, in clear or in coded form, the following minimum in

32、formation: a) rated capacitance; b) tolerance on rated capacitance; c) rated d.c. voltage; d) number and issue reference of the detail specification and style reference; e) packaging instructions. 1.7 Certified records of released lots Required/not required. 1.8 Additional information (not for inspe

33、ction purposes) 1.9 Additional or increased severities or requirements to those specified in the generic and/or sectional specification NOTE Additions or increased requirements should be specified only when essential. Table 5 Other characteristics This table is to be used for defining characteristic

34、s which are additional to, or more severe than, those given in the sectional specification. 2 Inspection requirements 2.1 Procedures 2.1.1 For qualification approval, the procedures shall be in accordance with 3.4 of IEC 60384-25. 2.1.2 For quality conformance inspection, the test schedule (Table 6)

35、 includes sampling, periodicity, severities and requirements. The formation of inspection lots is covered by 3.5.1 of IEC 60384-25. 7 EN 60384-25-1:2006 Table 6 Test schedule for quality conformance inspection Number of specimens and number of non-conforming itemsbSubclause number and testa D or NDb

36、Conditions of testa IL n c Performance requirementsa Group A inspection (lot-by-lot) Subgroup A0 4.20 High surge current (if applicable) ND 100 % c 4.5.1 Leakage current Protective resistor: 1 000 As in Table 3 4.5.2 Capacitance Frequency: 120 Hz Within specified tolerance 4.5.3 Tangent of loss angl

37、e (tan ) Frequency: 120 Hz As in Table 3 4.5.4 Equivalent series resistance (ESR) Frequency: 100 kHz As in Table 3 Subgroup A1 4.4 Visual examination ND S-3 d0 As in 4.4.2 Legible marking (if required) and as specified in the detail specification Subgroup A2 4.4 Dimension (detail)eND S-3 d0 As speci

38、fied in Table 1 of this specification Group B inspection (lot-by-lot) D S-3 d0 4.7 Solderability 4.7.1 Test See detail specification for the method 4.7.2 Final measurement Visual examination As in 4.7.2 4.19 Solvent resistance of the marking (if applicable)Solvent: Solvent temperature: Method 1 Rubb

39、ing material: cotton wool Recovery time: Legible marking EN 60384-25-1:2006 8 Table 6 Test schedule for quality conformance inspection (continued) Number of specimens and number of non-conforming itemsbSubclause number and testa D or NDbConditions of testa p n c Performance requirementsa Group C ins

40、pection (Periodic) Subgroup C1 D 3 12 0 4.6 Resistance to soldering heat g4.6.1 Initial measurement Capacitance For use as reference value 4.6.2 Test Method: Deflection: s Reflow profile: Recovery: 24 h 2 h 4.6.3 Final measurement Visual examination Leakage current Capacitance Tangent of loss angle

41、(tan ) Equivalent series resistance (ESR) As in 4.6.3 As in Table 3 As in Table 4 As in Table 3 As in Table 4 4.18 Component solvent resistance (if applicable) Solvent: Solvent temperature: Method 2 Recovery: See detail specification Sub group C2 D 3 12 0 4.9 Substrate bending test g4.9.1 Initial me

42、asurement Capacitance For use as reference value 4.9.3 Final inspection Capacitance (with printed board in bent position) See detail specification Sub group C3 D 4.3 MountinghSubstrate material: 4.3. Initial measurement Capacitance (the value obtained in 4.5.2 may be used) 4.3.3 Final inspection Vis

43、ual examination Leakage current Capacitance Tangent of loss angle (tan ) Equivalent series resistance (ESR) No visible damage As in Table 3 C/C 15 % at UR 4 C/C 10 % at UR 4 As in Table 3 See detail specification 9 EN 60384-25-1:2006 Table 6 Test schedule for quality conformance inspection (continue

44、d) Number of specimens and number of non-conforming itemsbSubclause number and testa D or NDbConditions of testa p n c Performance requirementsa Subgroup C3.1 D 6 12 0 4.8 Shear test Visual examination gNo visible damage 4.10 Rapid change of temperature 4.10.1 Initial measurement Capacitance (the va

45、lue obtained in Group 3 may be used) 4.10.2 Conditioning TA= Lower category temperature TB= Upper category temperature Five cycles Duration t1= 30 min Recovery: 1 h to 2 h Leakage current Capacitance As in Table 3 C/C 10 % of the value measured in 4.10.1 4.10.3 Final measurements Tangent of loss ang

46、le (tan ) As in Table 3 4.11 Climatic sequence 4.11.1 Initial measurement Capacitance (the value obtained in 4.10.3 may be used) 4.11.2 Dry heat Temperature: upper category temperature Duration: 16 h 4.11.3 Damp heat, cyclic, test Db, first cycle 4.11.4 Cold Temperature: lower category temperature D

47、uration: 2h 4.11.5 Damp heat, cyclic, test Db, remaining cycles Recovery: 1 h to 2 h Visual examination Leakage current Capacitance No visible damage Legible marking As in Table 3 C/C 20 % of the value measured in 4.11.1 4.11.6 Final measurements Tangent of loss angle 1,5 times the limit of Table 3

48、EN 60384-25-1:2006 10 Table 6 Test schedule for quality conformance inspection (continued) Number of specimens and number of non-conforming itemsbSubclause number and testa D or NDbConditions of testa p n c Performance requirementsa Subgroup C3.2 D 6 24 0 4.12 Damp heat, steady stateRecovery: 1 h to

49、 2 hg4.12.1 Initial measurementCapacitance (the value obtained in Group 3 may be used)Visual examination Leakage current Capacitance No visible damage Legible marking 5 times initial limit As in Table 4 4.12.3 Final measurements Tangent of loss angle 1,5 times the limit of Table 3 Sub group C3.3 D 6 12 0 4.13 C

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