BS IEC 60050(121)-1998 International electrotechnical vocabulary - Electromagnetism《国际电工词汇 电磁学》.pdf

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BS IEC 60050(121)-1998 International electrotechnical vocabulary - Electromagnetism《国际电工词汇 电磁学》.pdf_第1页
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BS IEC 60050(121)-1998 International electrotechnical vocabulary - Electromagnetism《国际电工词汇 电磁学》.pdf_第5页
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1、BRITISH STANDARD International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Chapter 121: Electromagnetism ICs 01.040.33: 33.100 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW BS IEC SOOSO( 121):1998 IEC 60050( 121):1998 BS IEC 60050(121):1998 3ireclioii of IIiv Elrc(notecliiiical Amd. No. S

2、ector (:oiniiiitbec. was published under tlic aut.horit.y of tlir Standards Coiiiiiiit,tee and conies into efect on 15 Deceniber 1998 National foreword Date Text affected This British Standard reproduces verbatim IEC 60050(121):1998 and implements it as the UK nationai standard. It partially superse

3、des BS 4727-1:Group 01:1983. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee GEM, Terminology, which has the responsibility to: - aid enquirers to understand the text; - present to the responsible internationaYEuropean committee any enquiries on the interpretation, or pr

4、oposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed - monitor related internationai and European developments and promulgate them in the UK A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on Request to its secretary. From 1 January 1997, all IEC publications have the number

5、60000 added to the old number. For instance, IEC 27-1 has been renumbered as IEC 60027-1. For a period of time during the change over from one numbering system to the other, publications may contain identifiers from both systms. Cross-references The British Standards which implement international or

6、 European publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the section entitled “International Standards Correspondence Index”, or by using the “Find” facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue. A British Standard does not purport to include all the

7、 necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standasds are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the IEC title pa

8、ge, pages 2 to 171 and a back cover. E, BSI 1998 I l ISBN O 580 28527 8 STD-BSI BS IEC b0050(L21)-ENGL 1998 Lb2Libb9 0737533 Lib0 0 BS IEC 60050(121):1998 NORME INTERNATIONALE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD CE1 IEC 60050-1 21 Deuxime dition Second edition 1998-08 Vocabulaire Electrotechnique Intemational -

9、Partie 121 : Electromagnet isrne I n ter nat i ona I Elect rotec h n cal Voca bu lary - Part 121 : Electromagnetism Numro de rfrence Reference number CEMEC 60050-121: 1998 STD-BSI BS IEC b0050(121)-ENGL 1778 Lb24bb7 0737534 3T7 BS IEC 60050(121):1998 CONTENTS Page Section 121-11 Electromagnetic conc

10、epts and quantities 3 121-12 Electromagnetic properties of materials 50 121 -1 3 99 Electric conduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF SYMBOLS . 110 INDEX in French, English, Arabic, German, Spanish, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese and Swedish 11 1 2 STD-BSI BS IEC bOOSO(LZL)-ENGL L778 m Lb2

11、qbbS 0737535 233 m BS IEC 60050(121):1998 SECTION 121-1 1 : NOTIONS ET GRANDEURS LECTROMAGNTIQUES SECTION 121-1 1 : ELECTROMAGNETIC CONCEPTS AND QUANTITIES 121 -1 1-01 charge lectrique, f (symbole : Q) quantit dlectricit (terme dsuet) grandeur scalaire additive, associe aux particules lmentaires et

12、a la matire macroscopique, qui caractrise leurs interactions lectromagntiques l 1 1-1 3-43 NOTE 1 - La charge lectrique est soumise une loi de conservation. NOTE 2 - Les charges lectriques obissent la loi de Coulomb. electric charge (symbol: Q) quantity of electricity (obsolete) additive scalar quan

13、tity, associated with elementary particles and with macroscopic matter that characterizes their electromagnetic interactions l 1 1 -1 3-43 NOTE 1 - Electric charge is subject to a conservation law. NOTE 2 - Electric charges obey the Coulomb law. ar de es it ia Pl Pt sv ( Q : $)(UA) CJ % elektrische

14、Ladung carga elctrica (smbolo: Q); cantidad de electricidad (en desuso) Carica elettrica; quantit di elettricita (termine obsoleto) SPi: (%: 9) ladunek eiektryczny carga elctrica; quantidade de electricidade (obsoleto) (eiektrisk) iaddning 3 - STD-BSI BS IEC b0050(L21)-ENGL 1778 lb24bb7 073753b 17T

15、BS IEC 60050(121):1998 121 -1 1-02 loi de Coulomb, f loi donnant la force entre deux particules charges, exprime par la relation OU F,2 est la force exerce sur la particule de charge lectrique Q, par la particule de charge lectrique Q2, k une constante positive, r2 le vecteur issu de la particule de

16、 charge lectrique Q2 et aboutissant a la particule de charge lectrique QI, r = la distance entre particules et e2 le vecteur unitaire r2/r NOTE - Dans le vide la constante k est gale 1/4m0 o est la constante lectrique. Coulomb law law giving the force between two charged particles, expressed by the

17、relation where Fi, is the force exerted on the particle with electric charge Q, by the particle with electric charge Q2, k a positive constant, rZi the vector from the particle with electric charge Q2 to the particle with electric charge QI, r = Ir2, the distance between particles and e2 the unit ve

18、ctor r2/r NOTE - In vacuum the constant k is equal to 1/4 neo where Eo is the electric constant. ar tJ4 de Coulombsches Gesetz es ley de Coulomb it legge di Coulomb ja ?-DXD = 1 1 o7 NOTE 3 - La valeur de la constante lectrique est exactement gale m-kg-sA = 8,854 187 817 .p F/m 4x x 299 792 4582 ele

19、ctric constant permittivity of vacuum (symbol: E,) scalar constant eo linking the electric quantities and the mechanical quantities, obtained from the relation F=-.- 1 lQiQ2l 4R = 1 NOTE 3 -The value of the electric constant is exactly equal to n-kg-sA = 8,854 187 817 .p F/m io7 471 x 299 792 45g2 a

20、r de es it ja Pl Pt sv ( permitividad del vaco costante elettrica; permettivita del vuoto XSBmS: (as: e.) stab elektryczna; przenikainose eiektryczna prfni constante elctrica; permitividade do vazio permittiviteten fr Vakuum; elektriska konstanten 5 STD-BSI BS IEC b005U(L2L)-ENGL 1778 D 1b24bb7 0737

21、536 Tq2 E BS IEC 60050( 121):1998 121 -1 1-04 lectriquement neutre qualifie une particule, un corps ou un systme matriel dont la charge lectrique totale est nulle electrically neutral qualifies a particle, a body or a physical system in which the total electric charge is zero ar de es it ja Pl Pt sv

22、 ( oladdad 121 -1 1-05 lectriquement charg qualifie une particule, un corps ou un systme matriel dont la charge lectrique totale est differente de zero electrically charged qualifies a particle, a body or a physical system in which the total electric charge is different from zero ar de es it ia Pl P

23、t sv bA d ais; * ( Ladungsdichte densidad de carga elctrica (smbolo: p) carica (elettrica) volumica; densit di carica (elettrica) 39m5Pi%LB : GE93 : $0) gestose (objetoSciowa) ladunku (elektrycznego) carga (elctrica) volmica (vo1ym)laddningstthet; volumar laddning 7 STD-BSI BS IEC b0050(12L)-ENGL 19

24、98 Lb24bbS 07375YO bTO BS IEC 60050(121):1998 121-11-08 charge (lectrique) surfacique, f (symbole : o) en un point donn sur un lment de surface daire quasi-infinitesimale A, grandeur scalaire gale au quotient de la charge lectrique totale Q situe sur llment de surface par laire A : areic (electric)

25、charge surface (electric) charge density (symbol: o) at a given point on a surface element of quasi-infinitesimal area A, scalar quantity equal to the total electric charge Q on the surface element divided by the area A: ar de es it ia Pl Pt sv (0 : ) ( Ladungsbedeckung densidad de carga (elctrica)

26、superficial (smbolo: a) carica (elettrica) areica; densit superficiale di carica (elettrica) aaumam : (I carga (elctrica) areica ytladdningstthet; arear laddning 121 -1 1-09 charge (lectrique) linique, f (symbole : z) en un point donn sur un element de ligne de longueur quasi-infinitsimale s, grande

27、ur scalaire gale au quotient de la charge lectrique totale Q situe sur llment de ligne par la longueur s : Q r=- S lineic (electric) charge linear (electric) charge density (symbol: z) at a given point on a line element of quasi-infinitesimal length s, scalar quantity equal to the total electric cha

28、rge Q on the line element divided by the length s : ar de es it ia Pl Pt sv Q r=- S (7 : 1.9) ;42; ( Ladungsbelag densidad de carga (elctrica) lineal (smbolo: r) carica (elettrica) lineica; densit lineare di carica (elettrica) (i% : r) gqstoSC liniowa Cadunku (elektrycznego) carga (elctrica) lineal;

29、 carga (elctrica) lineica linjeladdningstthet; linear laddning 8 STD*BSI BS IEC b0050(121)-ENGL 1798 M lb24bb9 0737541 537 H BS IEC 60050(121):1998 121 -1 1-1 o porteur de charge libre, m porteur de charge capable de se mouvoir librement sous linfluence dun champ lectrique appliqu 1 1 1-1 4-45 free

30、charge carrier charge carrier which is able to move freely under the influence of an applied electric field l 1 1-1 4-45 ar de es it ja Pl Pt sv JsW3.t freier Ladungstrger portador de carga libre portatore libero di Carica IEBik?B+ * I 7 nosnik ladunku swobodnego portador de carga livre fri laddning

31、sbrare 121 -1 1-1 1 densit de courant (lectrique), f densit de courant (de conduction), f (symbole : J) en un point donn lintrieur dun lment despace de volume quasi-infinitsimal V , grandeur vectorielle gale au quotient, par le volume VI de la somme, tendue tous les porteurs de charge libres situs l

32、intrieur de llment despace, des produits de leur charge lectrique par leur vitesse : O n est le nombre de porteurs de charge libres lintrieur de llment despace, Qi la charge lectrique du porteur de rang i et vi sa vitesse. NOTE- Le flux de la densit de courant lectrique J travers une surface oriente

33、 quelconque S est gal au courant lectrique I travers cette surface : I =fJ-e,dA S O e, densit di corrente (di conduzione) 8Hl.?Be; (Re: J) gqstosc prqdu (elektrycznego); gestosc prqdu przewodzenia densidade de corrente (elctrica); densidade de corrente (de conduo) strmtthet 10 STD-BSI BS IEC b0050(L

34、21-ENGL 1998 Lb2LibbS 0737543 30T BS IEC 60050(121):1998 121-1 1-12 densit linique de courant (lectrique), f (symbole : A) en un point donn d?un lment de surface d?aire quasi-infinitsimale SI grandeur vectorielle gale au quotient, par l?aire SI de la somme, tendue tous les porteurs de charge libres

35、confins sur l?lment de surface, des produits de leur charge lectrique par leur vitesse : OU n est le nombre de porteurs de charge libres confins sur l?lment de surface, Qi la charge lectrique du porteur de rang i et vi sa vitesse NOTE - Pour des porteurs de charge confins sur une surface, l?intgrale

36、 tendue une courbe de cette surface joignant deux points a et b , dont l?lment diffrentiel est le produit scalaire de la densit linique de courant A et du vecteur ends normal la courbe dans une direction spcifie tangente la surface et de norme gale l?lment scalaire d?arc ds , est gale a la limite du

37、 quotient de la charge lectrique Q traversant cette courbe dans la direction spcifie pendant un intervalle de temps par la dure T de cet intervalle lorsque o tend vers zro : lA-ends = lirn - Q 7-0 7 sa o sa et sb sont les abscisses curvilignes de a et b respectivement. lineic (electric) current line

38、ar (electric) current density (symbol: A) at a given point within a surface element of quasi-infinitesimal area SI vector quantity equal to the sum, for all free charge carriers confined to the surface element, of the products of electric charge and velocity, divided by the area S : where n is the n

39、umber of free carriers confined to the surface element, Qi the electric charge of the i? carrier and vi its velocity NOTE - For charge carriers confined to a surface, the integral along a curve of this surface joining two points a and b, the differential element of which is the scalar product of the

40、 lineic electric current A and the vector ends normal to the curve in a specified direction tangent to the surface and of magnitude equal to the scalar line element ds, is equal to the limit of the quotient of the electric charge Q transferred across the curve in the specified direction during a tim

41、e interval by the duration 7 of this interval when 7 tends to zero: A-e,ds = lim - Q T-+O 7 Ja where sa and s, are the path coordinates for a and b, respectively. ar de es it ja Pl Pt sv (A : i.$) A (44) A Strom belag densidad lineal de corriente (elctrica) (smbolo: A) densit lineica di corrente (el

42、ettrica) #SR?B : (E9 : A) okkd prqdu densidade lineal de corrente (elctrica) strmbelggning 11 BS IEC 60050( 121):1998 121-1 1-13 courant (lectrique), m courant (de conduction), m (symbole : I ) grandeur scalaire gale au flux de la densit de courant lectrique J a travers une surface oriente donne S :

43、 . I= J J.,CIA S o e, ( Leitungsstrornstrke corriente (elctrica) (smbolo: I); corriente (de conduccin) corrente (elettrica); corrente (di conduzione) m: tW 8a: ( prqd pnewodzenia corrente (elctrica); corrente (de conduo) (elektrisk) strm 12 121-11-14 constante magntique, f permabilit du vide, f (sym

44、bole : po) constante scalaire po reliant les grandeurs lectromagntiques mcaniques, obtenue daprs la relation et les grandeurs 1 2x d O F/1 est la norme de la force lineique sexerant entre deux conducteurs parallles, rectilignes, de longueur infinie, de section circulaire ngligeable, places a une dis

45、tance d lun de lautre dans le vide et parcourus par des courants lectriques I, et I, NOTE 1 - Dans le vide, le produit de la constante magntique par le champ magntique H est gal linduction magntique B : B=poH NOTE 2 - La constante magntique est lie la constante lectrique lumire dans le vide co par l

46、a relation et la vitesse de la po = 1 NOTE 3 - La valeur de la constante magntique est gale exactement a 4xlO-rnkgs-A- =1,256 637 0614 .p H/m magnetic constant permeability of vacuum (symbol: po) scalar constant po linking the electromagnetic quantities and the mechanical quantities, obtained from t

47、he relation where FIE is the magnitude of the lineic force between two straight parallel conductors of infinite length and negligible circular cross section, placed at a distance d apart in vacuum and carrying electric currents I, and I, NOTE 1 - In vacuum, the product of the magnetic constant and t

48、he magnetic field strength H is equal to the magnetic flux density B : B=poH NOTE 2 -The magnetic constant is related to the electric constant permeabilidad del vaco costante magnetica; permeabilit del vuoto srna*; ($33: przenikalnosc magnetyczna prini constante magntica; permeabilidade do vazio permeabiliteten fr Vakuum; magnetiska konstanten 13 STD.BS1 BS IEC b0050(121)-ENGL 1778 lb24bb 073754b 019 BS IEC 60050( 121):1998 121-1 1-15 filiforme qualifie un corps en forme de filament dont la section droite en chaque point est daire quasi-inf

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