BS ISO 10155-1995 Stationary source emissions - Automated monitoring of mass concentrations of particles - Performance characteristics test methods and specifications《固定辐射源 颗粒质量富集的.pdf

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BS ISO 10155-1995 Stationary source emissions - Automated monitoring of mass concentrations of particles - Performance characteristics test methods and specifications《固定辐射源 颗粒质量富集的.pdf_第1页
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BS ISO 10155-1995 Stationary source emissions - Automated monitoring of mass concentrations of particles - Performance characteristics test methods and specifications《固定辐射源 颗粒质量富集的.pdf_第2页
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BS ISO 10155-1995 Stationary source emissions - Automated monitoring of mass concentrations of particles - Performance characteristics test methods and specifications《固定辐射源 颗粒质量富集的.pdf_第3页
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BS ISO 10155-1995 Stationary source emissions - Automated monitoring of mass concentrations of particles - Performance characteristics test methods and specifications《固定辐射源 颗粒质量富集的.pdf_第4页
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BS ISO 10155-1995 Stationary source emissions - Automated monitoring of mass concentrations of particles - Performance characteristics test methods and specifications《固定辐射源 颗粒质量富集的.pdf_第5页
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1、BRITISH STANDARD BS ISO 10155:1995 Implementation of ISO 10155:1995 Stationary source emissions Automatedmonitoring of mass concentrations of particles Performance characteristics, test methods and specificationsBSISO10155:1995 This British Standard, having been prepared under the directionof the He

2、alth and Environment Sector Board, waspublished under the authorityofthe Standards Boardand comes into effect on 15October1995 BSI 10-1999 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference EH/2 Draft for comment 90/57223 DC ISBN 0 580 24820 8 Committees responsibl

3、e for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical Committee EH/2, upon which the following bodies were represented: AEA Technology Association of Consulting Scientists British Cement Association British Coal Corporation Chartered Institution of Environme

4、ntal Health Combustion Engineering Association Department of Health Department of the Environment (Her Majestys Inspectorate of Pollution) Department of Trade and Industry (Laboratory of the Government Chemist) Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association European Resin Manufacturers Associ

5、ation GAMBICA (BEAMA Ltd.) Health and Safety Executive Institute of Petroleum National Society for Clean Air Royal Society of Chemistry The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard, through subcommittees and panels: Agricultural Development and Advisory Service Asbestos

6、 Information Centre Ltd. BCIRA British Ceramic Research Ltd. British Gas plc British Iron and Steel Producers Association Castings Technology International Electricity Association Institute of Energy Institute of Wastes Management Institution of Chemical Engineers Isa England Section (Environmental

7、Section) Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date CommentsBSISO10155:1995 BSI 10-1999 i Contents Page Committees responsible Inside front cover National foreword ii Foreword iii Text of ISO 10155 1BSISO10155:1995 ii BSI 10-1999 National foreword This British Standard reproduces verbatim ISO

8、 10155:1995 and implements it as the UK national standard. This British Standard is published under the direction of the Health and Environment Sector Board whose Technical Committee EH/2, Air quality, has the responsibility to: aid enquirers to understand the text; present to the responsible intern

9、ational committee any enquiries on interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep UK interests informed; monitor related international and European developments and promulgate them in the UK. NOTEInternational and European Standards, as well as overseas standards, are available from Customer Serv

10、ices, BSI, 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obli

11、gations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, theISO title page, pages ii to iv, pages 1 to 14 and abackcover. This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendme

12、nt table on the inside front cover.ISO10155:1995(E) ii BSI 10-1999 Contents Page Foreword iii 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Definitions 1 4 Measurement system components 2 4.1 Sampling and analytical components 2 4.2 Data recorder 2 5 Installation criteria 3 5.1 Sampling location 3 5.2 Enviro

13、nmental conditions 3 6 System performance specifications 3 6.1 Response time 3 6.2 Zero drift 3 6.3 Span 3 6.4 Span drift 3 6.5 Calibration specifications 4 7 Test procedures to validate specifications 4 7.1 Response time test 4 7.2 Zero and span setting in the field 4 7.3 System calibration 4 Annex

14、 A (normative) Statistical treatment of data 6 Annex B (informative) Possible sampling configurations 10 Annex C (informative) Test data forms 10 Annex D (informative) Example of calculations 12 Figure D.1 Measurement system options 13 Figure D.2 Linear calibration curve 14 Table A.1 t-Distribution

15、and tolerance factors 10 Table D.1 12ISO10155:1995(E) BSI 10-1999 iii Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO techni

16、cal committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely w

17、ith the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least75% of t

18、he member bodies casting a vote. International Standard ISO10155was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC146, Air quality, Subcommittee SC1,Stationary source emissions. Annex A forms an integral part of this International Standard.Annex B, Annex C and Annex D are for information only.iv blankISO101

19、55:1995(E) BSI 10-1999 1 1 Scope This International Standard specifies conditions and criteria for the automated monitoring of the mass concentration of particulate matter in stationary source gas streams. This includes performance characteristics and test procedures. This International Standard pro

20、vides the field evaluation test program and its application to automated monitoring systems. Its approach is general and not limited to a specific measurement principle or instrument system. The scope includes system operation characteristics, calibration, test procedures and data treatment. This In

21、ternational Standard is applicable only on a site-specific basis by direct correlation with the manual testing method in ISO9096. If site conditions change (i.e.change in emission controls, change in fuel type), the calibration needs to be repeated. The mass concentration range of application is onl

22、y confined to those automated methods that can meet the calibration specifications. Consequently, the actual range will vary according to the measurement technique of the automated method. Changes in the physical properties (i.e. size, shape, colour, etc.) and chemical composition of the particulate

23、 matter may exist, to the extent that the integrity of the calibration cannot be maintained for the measurement system used. In such instances this technique ceases to be applicable. Reported and suspected limitations of various measurement methods need to be evaluated on a site-by-site basis. 2 Nor

24、mative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Inte

25、rnational Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 4225:1994, Air quality General aspects Vocabulary. ISO 6879:1983, Air qual

26、ity Performance characteristics and related concepts for air quality measuring methods. ISO 7504:1984, Gas analysis Vocabulary. ISO 9096:1992, Stationary source emissions Determination of concentration and mass flow rate of particulate material in gas-carrying ducts Manual gravimetric method. ISO 91

27、69:1994, Air quality Determination of performance characteristics of measurement methods. 3 Definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply. 3.1 monitoring 1) In the wide sense of the term, repeated measurement to follow changes over a period of time. 2)

28、In the restricted sense of the term, regular measurement of pollutant levels in relation to some standard or in order to assess the effectiveness of the system of regulation and control. ISO4225 3.2 analyser an assembly comprising a) lines permitting the introduction and removal of the gas to be ana

29、lysed and/or of calibration gas; b) a measuring cell which, from the physical or chemical properties of the components of the gas to be analysed, gives signals allowing their identification or measurement; c) signal processing devices (amplification, recording) or, if need be, data processing device

30、s. ISO7504 3.3 System operating characteristics 3.3.1 response time Time taken for an instrument to respond to a rapid change in value of the air quality characteristic. It can be divided into two parts. ISO 6879 lag time time taken to reach10% of the total change in instrument response 3.3.

31、1.2 rise time (fall time) time taken to pass from10% to90 % of the total change in instrument response 3.3.2 zero instability (drift) change in instrument reading in response to a zero sample over a stated period of unattended operationISO 6879ISO10155:1995(E) 2 BSI 10-1999 3.3.3 span difference bet

32、ween the instrument readings for a stated value of air quality characteristic and a zero sample. By convention, this value of air quality characteristic is selected to be95% of the upper limit of measurement ISO 6879 3.3.4 span instability (drift) change which takes place in instrument span over a s

33、tated period of unattended operation ISO 6879 3.4 System calibration characteristics 3.4.1 calibration function instrument reading as a function of some measurable property of the particulate mass concentration under investigation and represented by the reference manual method (see ISO9096) with all

34、 the interferents remaining constant 3.4.2 linear function a calibration function wherein the instrument reading is linear with respect to the particulate mass concentration measured by the reference manual method (see ISO9096) 3.4.3 nonlinear function a calibration function wherein the instrument r

35、eading is not linear with respect to the particulate mass concentration measured by the reference manual method (see ISO9096). Nonlinearity may be expressed by higher order regression coefficients 3.4.4 confidence interval the interval with lower and upper limits within which the mean values of the

36、regression line lie with a given level of confidence 3.4.5 tolerance interval the interval with lower and upper limits within which a specified percentage of the population lies with a given level of confidence 4 Measurement system components The system consists of the total equipment required for t

37、he determination of particulate mass concentration in a source effluent. Systems shall consist of major components as follows (seealsoFigure D.1). 4.1 Sampling and analytical components 4.1.1 Sampling components This is the portion of the system which samples the source effluent. The sampling is car

38、ried out by extractive or nonextractive (in situ) means, either on a continuous or noncontinuous basis. Extractive sampling This requires the transport of a volume of the gas stream outside the source environment into the instrument system for subsequent analysis. The interface includes all

39、the elements necessary to extract, transport, and maintain the particulate mass concentration. Nonextractive (in situ) sampling This does not involve extraction and transport. Sampling consists of defining and limiting the sample volume to be analysed, which is usually done by physical metho

40、ds, such as electromagnetic radiation techniques. Continuous sampling This is associated with both extractive and nonextractive sampling techniques and, primarily, with continuous analysis. Sequential sampling This is most often associated with extractive sampling techniques having d

41、iscrete sampling volumes and sampling time intervals. 4.1.2 Analyser This portion of the monitoring system shall sense the particulate quality characteristic of the gas sample and generate a detection signal output that can be correlated to mass concentration. 4.2 Data recorder This portion of the m

42、onitoring system shall process the analyser (4.1.2) output and provide a record of the output signal in terms of particulate mass concentration.ISO10155:1995(E) BSI 10-1999 3 5 Installation criteria 5.1 Sampling location The place at which the sample is taken for the automated measurement of the mas

43、s concentration of particulate matter emissions in stationary source gas streams shall be designated as the sampling location. This is the location where there is no interference between the reference method (ISO9096) and automated method. This arrangement ensures that both methods are operating on

44、gases with the same characteristics. Openings shall be provided in the gas flow duct for the sampling probes of the reference measurement method (see ISO9096) so that reference measurements can be made in the same vicinity as the continuous measurements. The sampling location may require one of a nu

45、mber of sampling configurations which can vary in complexity depending upon the design of the measurement system and the spatial and time dependent distribution of the mass concentration of particulate matter in the cross-section of the gas stream. The objective ideally shall be to obtain, with the

46、simplest configuration, a sample representative of the cross-sectional mass concentration of the particulate matter. The sampling location shall be defined in order to minimize spatial and time dependent distribution of the mean concentration of particulate matter in the cross-section of the gas str

47、eam. The representativeness of the sampling procedure and location is verified by compliance with the calibration specifications (see6.5 and7.3.4). 5.2 Environmental conditions A number of conditions shall be considered in the installation of emission measurement systems both with respect to the sam

48、pling environment and the sampling technique. In particular, the following conditions are to be met. a) Compliance with the operational temperatures specified by the manufacturer. b) Provision for adequate protection against weather influences. c) Avoidance of exposure to corrosive and damaging gase

49、s on the measurement system. d) Avoidance of exposure to interfering electric and magnetic fields in the immediate vicinity. e) Avoidance of locations where vibration affects the instruments stability. Working platforms for conducting reference measurements and for checking and maintaining the continuous measurement systems shall be required to provide an ongoing and reliable measurement operation. Access to these platforms, to the measurement systems, and to the sampling locations are to be easily and safely achievable. 5.2.1 In-s

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