1、BS ISO16528-1:2007ICS 23.020.30; 27.060.30NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBRITISH STANDARDBoilers and pressurevesselsPart 1: Performance requirementsThis British Standardwas published underthe authority of theStandards Policy andStrategy Committee on 3ember 2008
2、 BSI 2008ISBN 978 0 580 63951 7Amendments/corrigenda issued since publicationDate CommentsBS ISO 16528-1:2007National forewordThis British Standard is the UK implementation of ISO 16528-1:2007.The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to TechnicalCommittee PVE/-/1, Pressure equipment bri
3、efing committee.A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained onrequest to its secretary.This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisionsof a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer
4、immunityfrom legal obligations.1DecBS ISO 16528-1:2007Reference numberISO 16528-1:2007(E)ISO 2007INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO16528-1First edition2007-08-15Boilers and pressure vessels Part 1: Performance requirements Chaudires et rcipients sous pression Partie 1: Exigences de performance BS ISO 16528-
5、1:2007ISO 16528-1:2007(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing.
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8、ddress given below. COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO 2007 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either
9、ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyrightiso.org Web www.iso.org Published in Switzerland ii ISO 2007 All rights reservedBS ISO 16528-1:2007ISO 165
10、28-1:2007(E) ISO 2007 All rights reserved iiiContents Page Foreword iv Introduction v 1 Scope . 1 2 Terms and definitions. 1 3 Units of measurements 3 4 Classification of boilers and pressure vessels . 3 5 Duties and responsibilities 4 5.1 General. 4 5.2 Users and contracting parties . 4 5.3 Manufac
11、turers . 4 5.4 Third-party inspectors 5 6 Failure mode 5 6.1 General. 5 6.2 Common failure modes 5 6.3 Failure modes to be addressed. 6 7 Technical requirements . 6 7.1 General. 6 7.2 Materials 7 7.3 Design 7 7.4 Manufacture. 9 7.5 Inspection, non-destructive testing and examination 10 7.6 Final ins
12、pection and testing 11 7.7 Marking/labelling. 11 8 Conformity assessment . 11 Annex A (informative) Description of some common failure modes and limit states 13 Annex B (informative) Guidance on selection of standards 16 BS ISO 16528-1:2007ISO 16528-1:2007(E) iv ISO 2007 All rights reservedForeword
13、ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
14、committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of elect
15、rotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the
16、member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for ident
17、ifying any or all such patent rights. ISO 16528-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 11, Boilers and pressure vessels. This first edition of ISO 16528-1, together with the first edition of ISO 16528-2, cancels and replaces ISO/TS 16528:2002, which has been technically revised. ISO 16528 cons
18、ists of the following parts, under the general title Boilers and pressure vessels: Part 1: Performance requirements Part 2: Procedures for fulfilling the requirements of ISO 16528-1 BS ISO 16528-1:2007ISO 16528-1:2007(E) ISO 2007 All rights reserved vIntroduction This part of ISO 16528 specifies per
19、formance requirements for boilers and pressure vessels, to ensure the integrity of the pressure boundary. An important safety requirement is the suitable provision of technical requirements taking into account the various modes of failure that can occur in boilers and pressure vessels. Guidance is g
20、iven on these modes together with the criteria for satisfying these. There are significant differences among countries in regulating the supply and operation of boilers and pressure vessels. These differences include compliance with specific standard(s) limiting source or specification of materials,
21、 use of specific inspection bodies and discriminatory certification systems or import licenses. However, these standards have a proven history of supporting public safety and good commercial operating experience. This part of ISO 16528, which is performance-based, enables these standards to co-exist
22、, providing an approach that can accommodate technical innovations, existing regulatory frameworks and market needs. Compliance with the requirements of this part of ISO 16528 does not relieve parties from obligations under local, national or international laws or regulations. ISO 16528-2 provides a
23、 procedure to identify existing prescriptive standards that fulfil the requirements of this part of ISO 16528. BS ISO 16528-1:2007BS ISO 16528-1:2007INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 16528-1:2007(E) ISO 2007 All rights reserved 1Boilers and pressure vessels Part 1: Performance requirements 1 Scope This par
24、t of ISO 16528 defines the performance requirements for the construction of boilers and pressure vessels. It is not the intent of this part of ISO 16528 to address operation, maintenance and in-service inspection of boilers and pressure vessels. In relation to the geometry of the pressure-containing
25、 parts for pressure vessels, the scope of this part of ISO 16528 includes the following: a) welding end connection for the first circumferential joint for welded connections; b) first threaded joint for screwed connections; c) face of the first flange for bolted, flanged connections; d) first sealin
26、g surface for proprietary connections or fittings; e) safety accessories, where necessary. In relation to the geometry of pressure-containing parts for boilers, the scope of this part of ISO 16528 covers the following: f) feedwater inlet (including the inlet valve) to steam outlet (including the out
27、let valve), including all inter-connecting tubing that can be exposed to a risk of overheating and cannot be isolated from the main system; g) associated safety accessories; h) connections to the boilers involved in services, such as draining, venting, desuperheating, etc. This part of ISO 16528 doe
28、s not apply for nuclear components, railway and marine boilers, gas cylinders or piping systems or mechanical equipment, e.g. turbine and machinery casings. 2 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 2.1 boiler assembly intended for generati
29、on of steam or hot water above atmospheric pressure BS ISO 16528-1:2007ISO 16528-1:2007(E) 2 ISO 2007 All rights reserved2.2 pressure vessel housing designed and built to contain gases or liquids under pressure 2.3 certification procedure by which a third party or manufacturer gives written assuranc
30、e that a product, process or service conforms to specified requirements NOTE Adapted from ISO/IEC 17000:2004. 2.4 conformity fulfilment of specified requirements 2.5 construction processes that include design, material specification, manufacture, inspection, examination, testing and conformity asses
31、sment of boilers and pressure vessels 2.6 contracting party individual or organization procuring boilers and pressure vessels for a user or for resale 2.7 designer organization or individual that performs design of boilers and pressure vessels in compliance with a standard 2.8 examination activity c
32、arried out by qualified personnel using qualified procedures to assess that given products, processes or services are in conformance with specified acceptance criteria 2.9 inspection activity to check that the results of required testing or examinations comply with specified requirements 2.10 manufa
33、cturer individual or legal entity who is responsible for the construction of boilers and pressure vessels in accordance with specifications provided by the contracting party, and requirements of the standard applicable to boilers and pressure vessels under consideration NOTE The manufacturer may ent
34、rust subcontractors with all or part of the operations or works (including design or assembly), after informing (if applicable) the third party inspection body. The manufacturer remains fully responsible for the operations or works subcontracted. 2.11 maximum allowable pressure maximum pressure for
35、which boilers and pressure vessels are designed 2.12 owner individual or organization having legal title to boilers and pressure vessels BS ISO 16528-1:2007ISO 16528-1:2007(E) ISO 2007 All rights reserved 32.13 qualification proof of suitability of an individual, process, procedure or service to ful
36、fil specified requirements 2.14 regulation rules promulgated by a government authority in accordance with legal statutes or directives 2.15 safety accessory devices designed to protect boilers and pressure vessels against the allowable limits being exceeded NOTE Such devices include devices for dire
37、ct pressure limitation, such as safety valves, bursting disc safety devices, buckling rods, controlled safety pressure relief systems; limiting devices, which either activate the means for correction or provide for shutdown or lockout, such as pressure switches or temperature switches or fluid level
38、 switches; safety related measurement, control and regulation devices. 2.16 standard code document established and approved by a standard issuing body that provides for common and repeated use, mandatory requirements, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results NOTE The word “stand
39、ard” used throughout this part of ISO 16528 shall be considered as the equivalent of “code” and vice versa. 2.17 testing activity carried out to determine, by specific procedures, that one or more characteristic of a product, process or service meet(s) one or more specified requirements 2.18 third-p
40、arty inspection body organization that performs inspections on boilers and pressure vessels as provided for by standards and is independent of the manufacturer, contracting party, owner or user 2.19 user organization or individual using or operating boilers and pressure vessels 3 Units of measuremen
41、ts Measurements shall be in SI Units. Product standards that are available only in other units may be used. 4 Classification of boilers and pressure vessels Due to the broad application of boilers and pressure vessels, this part of ISO 16528 does not provide a use-based application scheme. This part
42、 of ISO 16528 addresses a minimum set of failure modes and technical requirements that aid users of this part of ISO 16528 in determining appropriate applications. BS ISO 16528-1:2007ISO 16528-1:2007(E) 4 ISO 2007 All rights reserved5 Duties and responsibilities 5.1 General It is essential that the
43、duties, responsibilities and the interfaces between contracting parties, manufacturers and third-party inspection bodies are clearly established. The general duties and responsibilities are provided in 5.2 to 5.4. 5.2 Users and contracting parties The user or the contracting party should establish t
44、he technical requirements for the boilers and pressure vessels, taking into consideration factors associated with all aspects of use. The following is a summary of the major design elements that shall be considered by the user in establishing these requirements: a) construction standard; b) installa
45、tion site or application of boilers and pressure vessels built for stock; c) vessel classification; d) vessel configuration and controlling dimensions; e) design conditions, e.g. loads and load cases and environmental requirements; f) design life (fatigue, creep, corrosion); g) materials of construc
46、tion; h) overpressure protection, e.g. safety accessories. NOTE Where the manufacturer is the only party involved in the construction of boilers or pressure vessels (e.g. built for stock, turnkey units, etc.), the manufacturer also has the responsibilities of the user. 5.3 Manufacturers The manufact
47、urer is responsible for assuring that boilers and pressure vessels comply with the users requirements and with a standard fulfilling the requirements of this part of ISO 16528. Information documenting compliance with a standard fulfilling the requirements of this part of ISO 16528 and the users requ
48、irements specification should be available in the manufacturers documentation, including as a minimum the following: a) detailed and general assembly drawings; b) design calculations and analysis that establish the construction details; c) documentation of design by experiment or testing, when emplo
49、yed; d) documentation of material, fabrication, examination and testing processes and results, e.g. forming, welding, heat treatment and radiography, etc.; e) documented statement signed by the manufacturer and, where appropriate, verified by a third-party inspection body, that the boilers and pressure vessels comply with the applicable standard; f) any necessary operating or maintenance instructions. BS ISO 16528-1:2007ISO 16528-1:2007(E) ISO 2007 All rights reserved 55.4 Third-party inspectors It is the duty of inspectors