BS ISO 18875-2015 Coalbed methane exploration and development Terms and definitions《煤层气勘探和开发 术语和定义》.pdf

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1、BSI Standards PublicationBS ISO 18875:2015Coalbed methane explorationand development Terms anddefinitionsBS ISO 18875:2015 BRITISH STANDARDNational forewordThis British Standard is the UK implementation of ISO 18875:2015. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to TechnicalCommittee PT

2、I/15, Natural Gas and Gas Analysis.A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary.This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. The British Standards Insti

3、tution 2015.Published by BSI Standards Limited 2015ISBN 978 0 580 86769 9 ICS 01.040.73; 73.020 Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations.This British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 December 2015.

4、Amendments/corrigenda issued since publicationDate T e x t a f f e c t e dBS ISO 18875:2015 ISO 2015Coalbed methane exploration and development Terms and definitionsExploration et dveloppement du mthane de houille Termes et dfinitionsINTERNATIONAL STANDARDISO18875First edition2015-12-15Reference num

5、berISO 18875:2015(E)BS ISO 18875:2015ISO 18875:2015(E)ii ISO 2015 All rights reservedCOPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO 2015, Published in SwitzerlandAll rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electr

6、onic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester.ISO copyright officeCh. de Blandonnet 8 CP 401CH-1214 Vernier,

7、 Geneva, SwitzerlandTel. +41 22 749 01 11Fax +41 22 749 09 47copyrightiso.orgwww.iso.orgBS ISO 18875:2015ISO 18875:2015(E)Foreword iv1 Scope . 12 Terms relating to geology and exploration . 13 Terms relating to engineering and construction 54 Terms relating to development and production 8Bibliograph

8、y .11 ISO 2015 All rights reserved iiiContents PageBS ISO 18875:2015ISO 18875:2015(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out thro

9、ugh ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collabor

10、ates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval c

11、riteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subjec

12、t of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see Any trade

13、name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement.For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISOs adherence to the WTO principles in the Techn

14、ical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary informationThe committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 263, Coalbed methane (CBM).iv ISO 2015 All rights reservedBS ISO 18875:2015INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 18875:2015(E)Coalbed methane exploration and development

15、 Terms and definitions1 ScopeThis International Standard provides terminology on geology and exploration, engineering construction, field development and production in coalbed methane industry. This International Standard does not contain surface gathering.2 Terms relating to geology and exploration

16、2.1coalbed methaneCBMmethane-rich gas naturally occurring in coal seams (and surrounding rock) typically comprising of 80 % to 95 % methane with lower proportions of ethane, propane, nitrogen and carbon dioxideNote 1 to entry: In common international use, this term refers to methane recovered from u

17、n-mined coal seams using surface boreholes.2.2adsorptionenrichment of the absorptive gas at the external and accessible internal surfaces of a solid material (coal matrix)SOURCE: ISO 15901-2:2006, 3.22.3desorptionopposite of adsorption (2.2), in which adsorbed gases leave the surface of a solid mate

18、rial (coal matrix)Note 1 to entry: The liberation can be spontaneous but can be accelerated by physical actions.SOURCE: ISO 3529-1:1981, contentvolume of gas per unit mass of coal, usually expressed in cubic meter of gas per ton of coal under standard temperature and pressure (STP) cond

19、itionsNote 1 to entry: Unit is m3/t or cm/g. STP conditions are 100 000 Pa and 0 C (273,15 K).2.5CBM contentvolume of hydrocarbon gas per unit mass of coal, usually expressed in cubic meter of gas per ton of coal under standard temperature and pressure (STP) conditionsNote 1 to entry: Unit is m3/t o

20、r cm/g. STP conditions are 100 000 Pa and 0 C (273,15 K).2.6CBM reservoircoal seams and surrounding rock with hydrocarbon resources that can potentially be extracted for commercial purposes ISO 2015 All rights reserved 1BS ISO 18875:2015ISO 18875:2015(E)2.7initial reservoir pressurePiinitial gas pre

21、ssure measured in a reservoir, prior to the start of productionSOURCE: WWW.GLOSSARY.OILFIELD.SLB.COM2.8pressure gradientpressure change with distance ratio of fluid pressure in the middle of the coal seam and reservoir depth rate of pressure change with respect to depth of coalbed methane reservoir

22、in unit depth, MPa/m, increasing pressure value of coalbed methane reservoir in unit depth, MPa/m2.9abandonment pressurelowest pressure at which commercial production can be maintained under present economic and technical conditions expressed by flowing bottom hole pressure (FBHP)2.10adsorption isot

23、hermrelationship between the amount of gas adsorbed and the equilibrium pressure of the gas at constant temperatureNote 1 to entry: Normally described by the Langmuir equation Vads=VL (p/(PL+p).SOURCE: ISO 15901-2:2006, 3.52.11Langmuir volumeVLmaximum adsorbed gas content per unit mass of coal at in

24、finite pressure under particular temperature conditions2.12Langmuir pressurePLpressure at which half of the Langmuir volume exists within the coal under particular temperature conditions2.13adsorption timetime in hour or day taken for 63,2% of the total absorbed gas to desorb from the matrix2.14adso

25、rption saturationratio of measured gas content to the maximum adsorbed gas content in theory per unit mass of coal under particular CBM reservoir pressure and temperature conditions2.15critical desorption pressurepressure in which the gas begins to desorb from the coal matrix as the CBM reservoir pr

26、essure declines2.16shrinkagecontraction coefficientdecrease in volume of coal matrix after gas desorption expressed as a percentage of the initial volumeSOURCE: ISO 14616:1997, 2.2 modified2 ISO 2015 All rights reservedBS ISO 18875:2015ISO 18875:2015(E)2.17diffusion coefficientrate of gas diffusion

27、through a materialNote 1 to entry: Expressed in m2/s.Note 2 to entry: Express flow ability of coalbed methane depending on concentration.SOURCE: ISO 9346:2007,3.342.18dual porosity systemrock characterized by primary porosity from original deposition and secondary porosity from some other mechanism

28、cleat (2.20) or fracture (2.19) and in which all flow to the well effectively occurs in one porosity system, and most of the fluid is stored in the otherSOURCE: WWW.GLOSSARY.OILFIELD.SLB.COM modified2.19fracturenatural fractures in a formation resulting from external stress, usually being associated

29、 with a displacement2.20cleatnatural fractures (2.19) in a coal seam usually being associated with coalification (2.21)Note 1 to entry: Normally in a form as two groups of parallel fractures orthogonal with each other the group with better fracture continuity is called surface cleat (face cleat), th

30、e other group limited by surface cleat is called end cleat (butt cleat).2.21coalificationprocess by which deposited and compacted plant remains are transformed into coalNote 1 to entry: Includes diagenesis and metamorphism.SOURCE: ISO 1213-2:1992, 3.292.22coal rankposition of a coal in the coalifica

31、tion series from lignite coal (low rank) to anthracite (high rank), indicating maturity in terms of chemical and physical propertiesSOURCE: ISO 7404-1:1994, explorationinitial phase in coalbed methane operations that includes generation of a prospect or play or both, and drilling of an

32、exploration wellSOURCE: WWW.GLOSSARY.OILFIELD.SLB.COM2.24CBM resourcesnaturally occurring concentrations or reservoirs of coalbed methane in coal seams and surrounding rock in such forms and amounts that economic extraction is currently or potentially feasibleSOURCE: WWW.EIA.G OV/ T OOL S/GLOSSARY2.

33、25original CBM in placevolume of coalbed methane in a reservoir prior to production ISO 2015 All rights reserved 3BS ISO 18875:2015ISO 18875:2015(E)2.26recovery factorratio of recoverable amount of hydrocarbon initially in placeSOURCE: WWW.GLOSSARY.OILFIELD.SLB.COM2.27reserveportion of the demonstra

34、ted reserve base that is estimated to be recoverable at the time of determinationNote 1 to entry: Derived by applying a recovery factor to that component of the identified resource designated as the demonstrated reserve base.2.28CBM resource abundanceamount of hydrocarbons in unit area2.29zone evalu

35、ationscreening of various zones to decide on one or more favorable zone through comprehensive geological research2.30prospecting wellwildcat wellwell drilled for the purpose of discovering a new field or reservoir in the new frontierSOURCE: http:/ wellwells drilled after gas has been discovered, in

36、order to establish the limits of the accumulation in terms of both the area extent and thickness of the reservoir and the volume of hydrocarbons it contains, and in order to obtain fluid samples to investigate the distribution of fluid properties in the reservoir2.32dirt bandpartinglayer of mineral

37、matter lying parallel to the bedding plane in a seam of coalSOURCE: ISO 1213-2:19922.33ashresidue obtained by incineration of a solid mineral fuel under specified conditionsSOURCE: ISO 1213-2:19922.34volatile matterloss in mass, corrected for moisture, when a solid mineral fuel is heated out of cont

38、act with air under specified conditionsSOURCE: ISO 1213-2:19922.35proximate analysisanalysis of a solid mineral fuel reported in terms of moisture, volatile matter (2.34), ash (2.33) and fixed carbonSOURCE: ISO 1213-2:1992, 3.1344 ISO 2015 All rights reservedBS ISO 18875:2015ISO 18875:2015(E)2.36air

39、 dried basismeans of expressing an analytical result based on the condition in which a solid mineral fuel is in equilibrium with atmospheric humiditySOURCE: ISO 1213-2:1992, 3.52.37dry ash-free basismeans of expressing an analytical result based on a hypothetical condition in which the solid mineral

40、 fuel is considered to be free from both moisture and ashSOURCE: ISO 1213-2:1992, 3.482.38seismicexploration technique that can find structures and potential reservoir traps by reflecting sound waves from the rock strataSOURCE: http:/ Terms relating to engineering and construction3.1casing programme

41、number of casing layers in one well, depth of setting and diameters of each casing pipe, wellbore diameter of relevant well depth and returning cement depth3.2directional wellwell drilled at an angle from a surface location to reach a target which is not located directly underneath the wellhead3.3cl

42、uster wellsgroup of two or more wells drilled from one drilling pad3.4horizontal welldirectional well (3.2) whose hole deviation angle is near, equal or larger than 90 with bore hole entering target seam and extending to a length3.5multi-lateral horizontal wellhorizontal well (3.4) with more horizon

43、tal well segments or with more branch horizontal well segments drilled in one horizontal well segment3.6U-type wellcombination of a horizontal well (3.4) and a vertical well with far end of the former connecting to the latter3.7V-type wellcombination of horizontal well (3.4) wells with far ends conn

44、ecting to the same vertical well3.8coalbed following drillingdrilling type following coal seams with dip more than 45 ISO 2015 All rights reserved 5BS ISO 18875:2015ISO 18875:2015(E)3.9inclinationdeviation angleangle of tangent line at one point of borehole axis and plumb line of the point3.10dog-le

45、g severitydog-leg angle with unit length in well unit /30m3.11azimuthangle of projection line of tangent line from one point of borehole axis following drilling direction and true north traverse line (clockwise rotation start with true north traverse line)3.12measured depthMDmeasured length of boreh

46、ole axis from rig rotary table surface to measure point in the well3.13true vertical depthTVDvertical distance from measured point to kelly bushing surface3.14horizontal displacementhorizontal distance from measured point on well track to wellbore3.15wireline coringoperation to obtain rock sample (c

47、ore (3.16) drilled from stratum by wire line core barrel3.16corecylinder coal rock sample obtained in the well by coring operation3.17core cuttingoperation to cut core cylinder from drill to bottom when drilling to designed depth in coring3.18well cementingoperation to inject cement into annular spa

48、ce between casing string and borehole wall3.19injectionfall off testmethod of determination of reservoir permeability based on measurement and analysis of pressure data gathered while injection of a fluid3.20skin effectchange in permeability near wellbore causing additional flow effect when permeabi

49、lity after drilling, well completion or well stimulation3.21CBM well completiontechnology to achieve connection between drilled coalbed methane well and target stratum of development6 ISO 2015 All rights reservedBS ISO 18875:2015ISO 18875:2015(E)3.22open hole completionwell completion method when casing pipe reaches target coal seam of development and cementing, exposing production layer3.23cased hole completionwell

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