CAN CSA-ISO IEC 13866-1997 Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Private Integrated Services Network - Specification functional mode.pdf

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1、National Standard of Canada CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 13866-97 International Standard ISO/IEC 13866: 1995 (first edition, 1995-11-15) has been adopted without modification as CSA Standard CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 13866-97, which has been approved as a National Standard of Canada by the Standards Council of Canada. ISS

2、N 031 7-5669 February. 1997 Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Private Integrated Services Network - Specification, functional model and information flows - Call completion supplementary services Technologies de /information - Telecommunications et

3、 echange dinformation entre systemes - Reseau prive a integration de services - Specification, modele fonctionnel et debit dinformations - Services supplementaires de complement d appel Reference number lSO/IEC 13866:1995(E) LAssociation canadienne de normalisation (CSA), sous les auspices de laquel

4、le cette Norme nationale a et6 preparee, a requ ses lettres patentes en 191 9 et son accreditation au sein du Systbme de normes nationales par le Conseil canadien des normes en 1973. Association daffiliation libre, sans but lucratif ni pouvoir de reglernentation, elle se consacre h lelaboration de n

5、ormes et A la certification. Les normes CSA reflktent le consensus de producteurs et dusagers de partout au pays, au nombre desquels se trouvent des fabricants, des consommateurs, des detaillants et des representants de syndicats, de corps professionnels et dagences gouvernementales. Lutilisation de

6、s normes CSA est tr cest pourquoi il est recommand6 aux utilisateurs de se procurer Iedition la plus rbcente de la norme aupres de Iorganisme qui la preparbe. Une Norme nationale du Canada est une norme, approuvee par le Conseil canadien des normes, qui reflkte une entente raisonnable parmi les poin

7、ts de vue dun certain Lapprobation dune norme en tant que Norme nationale du Canada indique quelle est conforme aux mbthodes et crithres Btablis par le Conseil canadien des normes. II est recammande aux personnes qui ont besoin de normes de se servir des Normes nationales du Canada lorsque la chose

8、est possible. Ces normes font lobjet dexamens The Standards Council of Canada is the coordinating body of the National Standards system, a federation of independent, autonomous organizations working towards the further development and improvement of voluntary standardization in the national interest

9、. The principal objects of the Council are to foster and promote voluntary standardization as a means of advancing the national economy, benefiting the health, safety, and welfare of the public, assisting and protecting the consumer, facilitating domestic and international trade, and furthering inte

10、rnational cooperation in the field of standards. A National Standard of Canada is a standard which has been approved by the Standards Council of Canada and one which reflects a reasonable agreement among the views of a number of capable individuals whose collective interests provide to the greatest

11、practicable extent a balance of representation of producers, users, consumers, and others with relevant interests, as may be appropriate to the subject in hand. It normally is a standard which is capable of making a significant and timely contribution to the national interest. Approval does not refe

12、r to the technical content of the standard; this remains the continuing responsibility of the accredited standards-development organization. therefore, users are cautioned to obtain the latest edition from the organization preparing the standard, Approval of a standard as a National Standard of Cana

13、da indicates that a standard conforms to the criteria and procedures established by the Standards Council of Canada. Those who have a need to apply standards are encouraged to use National Standards of Canada whenever practicable. These standards are subject to periodic review; La responsabilitk dap

14、prouver les Normes nationales du Canada incombe au The responsibility for approving National Standards of Canada rests with the Conseil canadien des normes Standards Council of Canada 45, rue OConnor, Bureau 1200 45 OConnor Street, Suite 1200 Ottawa, Ontario, K1 P 6N7 Canada Bien que le but premier

15、vise par cette norme soit Bnoncd sous sa rubrique Domaine dapplication, il est important de retenir quil incombe a Iutilisateur de juger si la norme convient a ses besoins particuliers. Although the intended primary application of this Standard is stated in its Scope, it is important to note that it

16、 remains the responsibility of the user to judge its suitability for their particular purpose. Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Private integrated Services Network - Specification, functional model and information flows - Call completion suppleme

17、ntary services CAN/CSA-iSO/IEC 7 3866-97 CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 13866-97 Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Private Integvafed Services Network - Specificatton, ;Functional model and information flows - Call completion supplementary services CSA Preface S

18、tandards development within the Information Technology sector is harmonized with international standards development. Through the CSA Technical Committee on Information Technology (TCIT), Canadians serve as the Canadian Advisory Committee (CAC) on ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1 on Information T

19、echnology (fSO/IEC JTC1) for the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), the IS0 member body for Canada and sponsor of the Canadian National Committee of the IEC. Also, as a member of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Canada participates in the International Telegraph and Telephone Consult

20、ative Committee (ITU-T). This International Standard was reviewed by the CSA TClT under the jurisdiction of the Strategic Steering Committee on Information Technology and deemed acceptable for use in Canada. (A committee membership list is available on request from the CSA Committee Administrator.)

21、From time to time, ISO/IEC may publish addenda, corrigenda, etc. The CSA TClT will review these documents for approval and publication. For a listing, refer to CSA Information Products Catalogue or CSA Info Update or contact a CSA Sales representative. This Standard has been formally approved, witho

22、ut modification, by these Committees and has been approved as a National Standard of Canada by the Standards Council of Canada. February 7997 0 Canadian Standards Association - 7997. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or

23、otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. ISO/lEC material is reprinted with the permission of the publisher. February 7997 CSA/ I 1 NTE RNAT IO NAL S TA N D A R D ISO/IEC 13866 First edition 1995-1 1-1 5 Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between sy

24、stems - Private Integrated Services Network - Specification, functional model and information flows - Call completion supplementary services Technologies de Iinformation - Telkcommunications et echange dinformation entre systemes - Reseau priv6 a integration de services - Specification, rnodele func

25、tionnel et debit dinformations - Seivices supplementaires de complement dappel Reference number ISO/IEC 13866:1995(E) ISO/IEC 13866: 1995 (E) Contents Page Foreword Vi Introduction vi i 1 Scope 1 2 Conformance 3 Normative references 4 Definitions 4.1 External definitions 4.2 Other definitions 5 List

26、 of acronyms 6 SS-CCBS Stage I specification 6.1 Description 6.1 - I General description 6.1.2 6.2 Procedures 6.2.1 Provision / Withdrawal 6.2.2 Normal procedures 6.2 -2.1 Activatioddeact ivation/registration/l nterrogation Invocation and operation Can cellat ion 6.2.3 Exceptional Pr

27、ocedures 6.2 -3.1 Act ivatioddeact ivatiodregistratiodinterrogation Invocation and Operation Qualifications on applicability to telecommunication services Net work congest ion Duplicate SS-CCBS requests Other failure situa

28、tions Rejection of SS-CCBS Service request User A is busy on SS-CC recall User B becomes busy after successful SS-CC recall User B becomes busy during path reservation Cancellat ion 6.3 Interactions with other supplementary services 6.3.1 6.3.2 No interaction. Calling Line Identification Pre

29、sentation (SS-CLIP Connected Line Identification Presentat ion (SS-COLP) 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 ISO/IEC 1995 AH rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or m

30、echanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the pu bl ishe r. ISO/IEC Copyright Office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneve 20 Switzerland ii 0 ISOAEC ISO/IEC 1 3866: 1 995 (E) 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 6.3.6 6.3.7 6.3.8 Call Transfer SS-CT) 6.3.9 Call Fonvarding Unconditio

31、nal (SS-CFU) 6.3.1 0 Call Forwarding Busy (SS-CFB) 6.3.1 1 Call Forwarding on No Reply (SS-CFNR) 6.3.12 Path Replacement (ANF-PR) Calling/Connected Line Identification Restriction (SS-CLIR) Calling Name Identification Presentation (SS-CNIP Connected Name identification Presentation (SS-CON P) Caltin

32、gEonnected Name Identification Restriction SS-CNIR) Completion of Calls on No Reply (SS-CCNR) 6.4 Interworking considerations 6.5 SS-CCBS overall SDL 7 SS-CCNR Stage 1 description 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 8 ss-cc Description 7.1.1 General description 7.1.2 Procedures 7.2.1 Provisio Withdrawal 7.2.2 Norma

33、l Procedures Qualifications on applicability to telecommunicafion services Act ivatio ddeact ivatiodregistratiodinterrogation Invocation and operation 7.2.2 -3 Cancellat ion 7.2.3 Exceptional procedures Activatioddeactivatiordregistration and Interrogation Invocation

34、and operation Rejection of SS-CCNR service request User A is busy on SS-CC recall Network congest ion User B becomes busy after successful SS-CC recall User B becomes busy during path reservation Duplicate SS-CCNR requests Other f

35、ailure situations Cancellat ion Interaction with other supplementary sewices 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4 7.3.5 7.3.6 7.3.7 7.3.8 7.3.9 7.3.10 7.3.1 1 7.3.1 2 Calling Line Identification Presentation SS-CLIP) Connected Line ldent if icat ion Presentation (SS-CO L P) Calling/Connected Line Identif

36、ication Restriction (SS-CLIR) Calling Name Identification Presentation (SS-CNIP) Connected Name Identification Presentation (SS-CONP) Calli ng/Connected Name ldentif ication Restriction SS-CN I R) Completion of Calls to Busy Subscribers (SS-CCBS) Call Transfer (SS-CT) Call Forwarding Unconditional (

37、SS-CFU Call Forwarding Busy (SS-CFB) Call Forwarding on No Reply (SS-CFNR) Path Replacement (ANF-PR) I nt erwo rking considerat ions SS-CCNR Overall SDL Stage 2 specification 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

38、 17 18 18 18 18 20 8.1 Functional model 20 iii 0 ISOIIEC ISO/IEC 13866: 1995 (E) 8.1 .I Functional model description 8.1.2 Description of the functional entities 8. I -2.3 8.1 -2.4 Originating SS-CC agent FE, FEI Originating SS-CC controlfing FE, FE2 Terminating SS-CC controlling FE,

39、 FE3 Terminating SS-CC agent FE, FE4 Relationship to basic call functional model 8.1.3 8.2.1 Definition of Information flows ra-CC-cancellation-access ra-CC-cancelled ra-CC-failed ra-CC-Iist ra-CC-recall-accepted ra-CC-rem-user-free ra-CC-reque

40、st ra-CC-status-req ra-CC-stop-recal1 8.2.1 .I 0 ra-CC-user-B-free 1 rb-CC-call rb-CC-call-reject 8.2.1 .I 3 rb-CC-cancellation 8.2.1 .I 4 rb-CC-free-notification rb-CC-monitor 8.2.1 .I 6 rb-CC-pat h-reserve 8-21. .17 rb-CC-resume-completion 8.2.1 .I 8 rb-CC

41、-suspend-complet ion 9 rb-CC-suspend-path-reservation 8.2.1 -20 rc-CC-status-req 8.2 Information flows 8.2.2 8.2.3 Relationship of Information flows to Basic Call Information flows Examples of information flow sequences .I Successful invocation of SS-CCBS Successful Invocat

42、ion of SS-CCNR Successful invocation of SS-CC 8.2 -3.2 8.2 -3.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Status request procedure, User A Status request procedure, User B Cancellation of previously invoked SS-CC req

43、uest by User A Remote cancellation of previously invoked SS-CC request for service reasons Local cancellation of previously invoked SS-CC request for service reasons List of SS-CC request status Successful completion of SS-CC (without reservation) Successful completion of SS-CC (path reservation s u

44、 cc essf u I) Successful completion of SS-CC (path reservation attempted, fall back to non-reservation) Local rejection of SS-CC by PlSN Remote rejection of SS-CC by PlSN User A busy when User B becomes not busy (without reservation, request suspended) User A busy when User B becomes not busy (path

45、reservation su ccessf u I) User A busy when User B becomes not busy (path reservation attempted, fall back to non-reservation) No response by User A to SS-CC Recall (without reservation) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 23 23 23 24 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 29 29 29 29 30 32 33 33 34 35 35 36 36

46、 37 37 38 39 40 41 41 41 43 44 45 iv 0 ISO/IEC ISWIEC 13866:1995 (E) 8.3 8.4 7 No response by User A to SS-CC Recall (path reservation s u ccessf u I) 8 No response by User A to SS-CC recall (path reservation attempted, fall back to non-reservation) 9 Successful SS-CC recall,

47、 User B busy (without reservation) Successful SS-CC recall, User B busy (path reservation Successful SS-CC recall, no path to User B (without reservation) Failure of path reservation due to network congestion Failure of path reservation due to busy User B succesf

48、ul) Functional entity actions 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 Functional entity Behaviour 8.4.1 Behaviour of FE1 8.4.2 Behaviour of FE2 8.4.3 Behaviour of FE3 8.4.4 Behaviour of FE4 Allocation of functional entities to physical locations Functional entity actions of FE1 Functional entity actions of FE2 Func

49、tional entity actions of FE3 Functional entity actions of FE4 8.5 - 8.6 Interworking considerations 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 52 52 53 56 57 57 57 59 63 66 67 67 Annex A 68 V ISO/IEC 13866: 1995 (E) 0 ISOAEC Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of IS0 or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to


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