1、 Reference numberISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.19:2007(E)ISO/IEC 2007Information technology Coding of audio-visual objects Part 4: Conformance testing AMENDMENT 19: Audio lossless coding (ALS) Technologies de linformation Codage des objets audiovisuels Partie 4: Essai de conformit AMENDEMENT 19: Codage a
2、udio sans perte (ALS) Amendment 19:2008 toNational Standard of CanadaCAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 14496-4:06Amendment 19:2007 to International Standard ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004 has been adopted withoutmodification (IDT) as Amendment 19:2008 to CSA Standard CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 14496-4:06. ThisAmendment was reviewed by th
3、e CSA Technical Committee on Information Technology (TCIT) under thejurisdiction of the Strategic Steering Committee on Information Technology and deemed acceptable for use inCanada.September 2008 International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 2007. All rights reserved. International Electrot
4、echnical Commission (IEC), 2007. All rights reserved. NOT FOR RESALE. ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.19:2007(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are
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9、g ii ISO/IEC 2007 All rights reservedAmendment 19:2008 toCAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 14496-4:06Information technology Coding of audio-visual objects Part 4: Conformance testingAMENDMENT 19: Audio lossless coding (ALS)Technical Corrigendum 1:2009 (IDT) toAmendment 19:2008 (IDT) toNational Standard of CanadaCAN/C
10、SA-ISO/IEC 14496-4-06(ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004, IDT)NOT FOR RESALE.PUBLICATION NON DESTINE LA REVENTE.CSA Standards Update ServiceTechnical Corrigendum 1:2009 toAmendment 19:2008 toCAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 14496-4-06October 2009Title: Information technology Coding of audio-visual objects Part 4: Conformance test
11、ing AMENDMENT 19: Audio lossless coding (ALS)Pagination: 2 pages (2 text)To register for e-mail notification about any updates to this publicationgo to www.ShopCSA.caclick on E-mail Services under MY ACCOUNTclick on CSA Standards Update ServiceThe List ID that you will need to register for updates t
12、o this publication is 2419480.If you require assistance, please e-mail techsupportcsa.ca or call 416-747-2233.Visit CSAs policy on privacy at www.csagroup.org/legal to find out how we protect your personal information.ICS 35.040 Ref. No. ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.19:2007/Cor.1:2008(E) ISO/IEC 2008 Al
14、ion technology Coding of audio-visual objects Part 4: Conformance testing AMENDMENT 19: Audio lossless coding (ALS) TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 Technologies de linformation Codage des objets audiovisuels Partie 4: Essai de conformit AMENDEMENT 19: Codage audio sans perte (ALS) RECTIFICATIF TECHNIQUE 1 T
15、echnical Corrigendum 1 to ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.19:2007 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information. ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.19:2007/Cor.1:2008(E) 2 ISO/IEC 2008 All rights re
16、servedIn, block_data, replace: opt_order: Shall be encoded with a value in the range 0 Kmax, where Kmax = 2Bits 1, with Bits = minceillog2(max_order+1), maxceil(log2(NB3)-1), 1 as defined in ISO/IEC 14496-3. with: opt_order: Shall be encoded with a value in the range 0 Kmax, with Kmax
17、 as defined in ISO/IEC 14496-3. Replace all former ALS test sequences with the test sequences provided in the electronic attachment. Technical Corrigendum 1:2009 toAmendment 19:2008 toCAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 14496-4-06Copyright NoticeThis Amendment to the International Standard contains information copyrigh
18、t protected by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Except as permitted under the laws of Canada, no extract of this Amendment to the International Standard may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted
19、in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission from the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). Requests for permission to reproduce this Amendment to the International Standard or parts thereof should be addressed to Manager, Technical Document C
20、entre Standards Council of Canada 270 Albert Street, Suite 200 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6N7 The Canadian adoption of this Amendment to the International Standard contains information copyright protected by the Canadian Standards Association. All rights reserved. No part of this adopted Amendment may be r
21、eproduced in any form whatsoever without the prior permission of the publisher. ISO/IEC material is reprinted with permission. Requests for permission to reproduce this adopted Amendment or parts thereof should be addressed to Manager, Sales Canadian Standards Association 5060 Spectrum Way, Suite 10
22、0 Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5N6Copyright violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.PRINTED IN CANADAIMPRIMEAU CANADA100%The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) prints its publications on Rolland Enviro100, which contains 100% recycled post-consumer fibre, is EcoLogo and Processed Ch
23、lorine Free certified, and was manufactured using biogas energy.ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.19:2007(E) ISO/IEC 2007 All rights reserved iiiForeword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide
24、standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fiel
25、ds of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. International Standards are drafted i
26、n accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an Internatio
27、nal Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Amendm
28、ent 19 to ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information. Amendment 19:2008 toCAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 14496-4:06ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.19:2007(E) ISO/IEC 2007 All righ
29、ts reserved 1Information technology Coding of audio-visual objects Part 4: Conformance testing AMENDMENT 19: Audio lossless coding (ALS) In subclause 6.5.1 File name conventions, add the following row at the end of Table 29: Table 29 File name conventions ALS als_ als_ At the end of subclause 6.6 Au
30、dio Object Types, add the following subclauses: 6.6.22 ALS (Audio lossless coding) Compressed data Characteristics Conformant ALS compressed MPEG-4 data shall have the ALS data stored as outlined in ISO/IEC 14496-3. Test procedure Each compressed data shall meet the sy
31、ntactic and semantic requirements specified in ISO/IEC 14496-3. The decoded data shall also meet the requirements defined in ISO/IEC 14496-3. If a syntactic element is not listed below, no restrictions apply to that element. The reserved element shall be encoded with the value zero. Com
32、pressed MPEG-4 data payload AudioSpecificConfig audioObjectType: Shall be encoded with the value 36. samplingFrequencyIndex: Shall be encoded with the value 0xf. SamplingFrequency: Shall be encoded with the value samp_freq if samp_freq 3)-1), 1 as defined in ISO/IEC 14496-3.
33、Decoders Characteristics The object type ALS has the Object Type ID 36, and the compressed MPEG-4 data syntax is defined in ISO/IEC 14496-3. The Audio Object Type ALS contains the ALS tools. ALS conformance test procedure Compressed data and reference decoder output signals are
34、 provided to apply the conformance criterion using the procedure described in the following subclause. The conformance of the ALS decoder can be checked with compressed data for the ALS object type. For lossless compressed data the conformance criterion is bit exact reproduction of the reference dec
35、oder output, this means that all bits in the output of the test decoder are identical to the corresponding bits in the output of the reference decoder. To be called a conforming ALS decoder, the required conformance criterion must be met for all compressed data listed in subclause Amendm
36、ent 19:2008 toCAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 14496-4:06ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.19:2007(E) ISO/IEC 2007 All rights reserved Proposed test sequences Table AMD19-1 ALS test sequences filebasenamecontent NumberofChannels samplingfrequency (kHz) wordlength(bit)adaptive order randomaccessblock switching LTP
37、joint stereo MCC BGMCRLSLMSConformance criteria als_00 music 2 48, 96,192 16, 20, 24 y y Bit exact als_01 music 2 48, 96,192 16, 20, 24 y y y Bit exact als_02 music 2 48, 96,192 16, 20, 24 y Bit exact als_03 music 2 48, 96,192 16, 20, 24 y Bit exact als_04 music 2 48, 96,192 16, 20, 24 y Bit exact a
38、ls_05 music 2 48, 96,192 16, 20, 24 y Bit exact als_06 music 2 48, 96,192 16, 20, 24 y Bit exact als_07 music 2 192 32 float y Bit exact als_08 music 6 96 24 y y y y y y y Bit exact als_09 bio data 512 2 16 y y y y y y Bit exact Encoders In order to guarantee for an encoder implementation t
39、hat the decoded output results in an exact replica of the input signal, the following procedure should be followed: - Generate bitstreams using the target encoder for the conformance test item reference waveform data; - Decode these bitstreams using the conformant reference software decoder; - Verif
40、y that the decoded outputs are identical to the inputs. ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.19:2007(E) ICS 35.040 ISO/IEC 2007 All rights reserved Copyright NoticeThis Amendment to the International Standard contains information copyright protected by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) an
41、d the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Except as permitted under the laws of Canada, no extract of this Amendment to the International Standard may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording, or other
42、wise, without prior permission from the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). Requests for permission to reproduce this Amendment to the International Standard or parts thereof should be addressed to Manager, Technical Document Centre Standards Council of Canada 270 Albert Street, Suite 200 Ottawa, Ont
43、ario K1P 6N7 The Canadian adoption of this Amendment to the International Standard contains information copyright protected by the Canadian Standards Association. All rights reserved. No part of this adopted Amendment may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the prior permission of the publi
44、sher. ISO/IECmaterial is reprinted with permission. Requests for permission to reproduce this adopted Amendment or parts thereof should be addressed to Director, Information Products Canadian Standards Association 5060 Spectrum Way, Suite 100 Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5N6Copyright violators will be p
45、rosecuted to the full extent of the law. PRINTED IN CANADAIMPRIMEAU CANADA100%The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) prints its publications on Rolland Enviro100, which contains 100% recycled post-consumer fibre, is EcoLogo and Processed Chlorine Free certified, and was manufactured using biogas energy.