CEPT T CS 20-20 E-1986 Connection Splitting《连接拆分》.pdf

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CEPT T CS 20-20 E-1986 Connection Splitting《连接拆分》.pdf_第1页
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CEPT T CS 20-20 E-1986 Connection Splitting《连接拆分》.pdf_第2页
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1、CEPT T/CS+20-20*E b D 23Zb414 0012b98 735 D T/CS20-20E Page 1 Recommendation T/CS 20-20 (Vienna 1982) CONNKCTION SP1,lITING Rccomincndiiiion proposcd by Workiiig Group T/WG I I *.Siiiidiitig nl .Sitiilliti“ (CS) Test of flii. Rcottittiitlirioti ilop/ld hr flic) “ Tlrtittiitriitrrrior*“ Ctmttiissioti

2、 : “Tlic Europctin Coifcrcncc of Iostid rind Tlctiiiitiiiiis Adiiiiistritiiis, comiddtix - that in accordancc with the principlcs outlincd in Rcmmmcndaiion TICS 20-01 i J. ihc cxchangc and network fcaturcs which are required for ihc implcmcniiiiion of scrviccs iind facilitics should bc idcntilicd an

3、d spccificd; - that several siipplcmcntiiry scrviccs nced ihc possibility of having rcpcatcd acccss io the system. without rclcasing an existing call: - that having several conncctions at thc samc timc can iillcct ihc use of other supplcmcntary scrviccs: - that this feature is rcquircd in combiiiiit

4、ion with othcr rccommcndcd fuitures; - lili1 thc iscrc involved r:in he stii:itcd in diflcrciit coiiniric.;. recotitit iiwih that the mcmbcrs of the CEPT rccognisc iind usc ihc following definition iind iirrangcmcnts for the fciitic cwrtwiot: split iiiig.* I. DEFINITION The tatitici-timi splittittg

5、caturc is thc ability ofan cxshangc to miikc ;i sccond connection from a user already engiigcd in an cstablishcd cull, iiftcr hiiving placcd thc othcr pirrty(ics) of thc first conncciion in the hold state (see Recommcndiiiion T/CS 20-19 Z). 2. DESCRIPTION Conncction splitting givcs ihc possibility t

6、o thc iniiiiiting iiscr (u) who is alrcudy engugcd in ti hi cull wiih iinotlicr party. to cstublisli conncction with u third purty. after ihc sccond has bccn placcd in the hold statc. Thc sccond call miiy bc sct-up cithcr by thc initiating user (enquiry ciill) or by the third party (call waiting): (

7、b) who lias iilrcudy Set-up a multi-party call: - of adding me morc party into the call after the othcr linc(s) hits (hiive) bccn placcd in thc hold state; - of placing a party of thc call in the hold Stiitc; - of taking a party OUI of the hold Stiitc. 3. TECHNICAL CHARACERlSTlCS 3.1. The initiating

8、 subscriber requires the rBgisti*r rcwill fqiuiurc, (scc Rccommendiition T/CS 20-09 JI). to have the possibility o transmitting thc appropriatc switching order to the crichiingc. The feature shill1 be appliciiblc to the initiating user whcthcr hc is the calling or Ciillcd party in the cxisting conne

9、ction. 3.2. 3.3. The transmission loss of the sccond conncction in the cxchiinp o thc initiating uscr shall not cxcced the muximum viiluc ullowcd for this cxchiingc. The ncw ciill cstiihlishcd by ihc initiiiting iiscr (inquiry ciill) shiill be chiirgcd ils if it wiis u simplc cull. If the lirst ciil

10、l tis well tis the second ciil1 hiivc io hc charged io ihc siimc subscrihcr, ncccssciry prcciiutions shull be tiikcn whcn chtirgc piilscs 11rc sent to tlic mctcr iit Ilic suhscrihcrs prcmiscs, in ordcr not to scnd the pulses wiih too short iin intcrviil hctwccn ihcni. Nw: Tlic itUlllb24 an ilili rcr

11、lsi (I/(% 20) ill H.iiiiiirirtidiitiliii liw IIic sriiiircs iii 1111 iiiiiilo&!iic siivlroiiiiiciil hui now hw icrminiitc. A continitulion of ihc riiiilicn hiir siriricd wiih the iiim to iiiiicii thsrc cxisiitiy rciitufcr, where nrunuury, iind to specify ncw fsiiturcn liir the ISDN. Thcrc Hcomiiicii

12、.iliitiinr will hripiithcrcd in ii new series or Hcoinniciidationr. 3.4. 3.5, CEPT T/CS*20-20*E 8b m 232b4L4 00L2b99 b72 D TICS 20.20 E Page 2 3.6. None of ihc parties. except the initiating uscr. shill1 hnvc accss to iiny supplcincniary scrvicc. in ordcr to avoid compatibility problems. The call sh

13、all be releascd if lhe controlling subscrihcr clciirs. If cinothcr subscriber clciirs, his conncction. only. shall be rclciiscd in the normal wily. 3.7. 4. UTILISATION Thc feature is used io prcpin: for the usc of supplenicniiiry scrviccs. Rc fcrcnccn I J Recornmendation T/CS 20-0 I . E.w/t(rrtgc (irtil ri(wi*rk /wttr(:v. 2 Rccornmendation T/CS 20- 19. /lo/(/. (31 Recommendation T/CS 20-09. R(gisrcr r(wil/.


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