1、 CEPT T/L*03-O3*E 83 2326434 0005989 3 II TIL oite ; (old reference: T/TR 03-08 E) Recommendation T/L 03-01 (Innsbruck 1981) INTERFACES Recommendation proposed by Working Group T/GT 12 “Transmission” (TR) Text of the Recommendation adopted by the “Telecommunications” Commission: “The European Confer
2、ence of Posts and Telecommunications Administrations, considering - that it is desirable to define interfaces which provide operational access to the digital signal, ensuring the interconnection between two associated systems, - that the relevant CCITT existing Recommendations contain various option
3、s and differences which are necessary on a worldwide basis, - that the CEPT Administrations support the harmonization of telecommunication equipment and systems which could lead to a reduction in the development and production costs for the manufacturers supplying equipment to several countries, O r
4、ecommends that the members of the CEPT adhere to the specifications for equipment interfaces contained in this Recommenda- tion.” Recommendation T/L 03-0 1 corresponds to CCITT Recornmendation G.703 with the following indications : - Interface at 64 kbit/s, - delete 1.1.4. (centralized clock interface), and 1.2.2.; - delete paragraphs 2., 3., 4., 5. (respectively interfaces at 1,544, 6,312, 32,064, 44,786 kbit/s). Edition of December 15, 1987 r 7 i I l -1