CEPT T R 25-06 E-1986 Planning Parameters to Assist the Efficient and Effective Utilisation of Shared Frequency Bands Which Are Allocated to the Broadcasting Service (Television) a.pdf

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CEPT T R 25-06 E-1986 Planning Parameters to Assist the Efficient and Effective Utilisation of Shared Frequency Bands Which Are Allocated to the Broadcasting Service (Television) a.pdf_第1页
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CEPT T R 25-06 E-1986 Planning Parameters to Assist the Efficient and Effective Utilisation of Shared Frequency Bands Which Are Allocated to the Broadcasting Service (Television) a.pdf_第2页
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CEPT T R 25-06 E-1986 Planning Parameters to Assist the Efficient and Effective Utilisation of Shared Frequency Bands Which Are Allocated to the Broadcasting Service (Television) a.pdf_第3页
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CEPT T R 25-06 E-1986 Planning Parameters to Assist the Efficient and Effective Utilisation of Shared Frequency Bands Which Are Allocated to the Broadcasting Service (Television) a.pdf_第4页
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CEPT T R 25-06 E-1986 Planning Parameters to Assist the Efficient and Effective Utilisation of Shared Frequency Bands Which Are Allocated to the Broadcasting Service (Television) a.pdf_第5页
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2、ELEVISION BANDS I AND III ONLY) Recommendation proposed by “Radiocommunications” Working Group T/WG 3 (R) Text of the revised Recommendntion ndopted by the “Telecomminiicntions” Commission: “The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations, considering (a) that the WARC (Gene

3、va 1979) in the table of frequency allocations (Article 8) allocated the band 47 to 68 MHz (b) that the WARC (Geneva 1979) in the table of frequency allocations (Article 8) allocated the band 174 to 230 MHz (c) that the WARC (Geneva 1979) allocated the band 47 to 68 MHz on a permitted basis under ce

4、rtain conditions (d) that the WARC (Geneva 1979) allocated the band 174 to 230 MHz on a permitted basis under certain conditions (e) that the Regional Agreement (Stockholm 1961) contains procedures for the introduction of stations of services (f) that Bands I and III are extensively used by a number

5、 of CEPT countries for television broadcasting, (8) that in some countries Band I and/or Band III will continue to be used exclusively for television broadcasting for the foreseeable future; whilst in other countries sharing between the land mobile and broadcasting services in Band I and/or Band III

6、 has existed for some considerable time, (h) that CEPT Recommendation T/R 72-01 E conrms that frequencies below 960 MHz are particularly suitable for the land mobile service and recommends the consideration of a reduction in spectrum available for the broadcasting service, (i) that although some Adm

7、inistrations have already introduced land mobile services into these bands, there is a requirement for coordination procedures to facilitate the development of frequency assignment plans and equipment specifications, (j) that some CEPT Administrations have already concluded bilateral special agreeme

8、nts in accordance with Article 7 of the Radio Regulations based on the parameters detailed in the Annexes to this Recommendation, (k) that the future enhancement of television broadcasting systems and the development of land mobile systems with different modes of transmission does not today permit t

9、he establishment of appropriate protection criteria, (Band I) on a primary basis to the broadcasting service, (Band III) on a primary basis to the broadcasting service, to the land mobile service in those countries listed in Radio Regulation 554, to the land mobile sercice in those countries listed

10、in Radio Regulation 621 and 622, other than broadcasting, recommends 1. that CEPT Administrations intending to use parts or ali of Bands I and III for the land mobile service shall seek to enter into agreements with each Administration concerned, 2. that in developing such an agreement the provision

11、s of the Radio Regulations shall apply, taking into account the categories of services and allocations specified in Article 8 of the Radio Regulations (Geneva 1982). Such an agreement shall take into account broadcasting stations agreed in accordance with the procedures contained in the Regional Agr

12、eement (Stockholm 1961), 3. that in developing an agreement to protect the broadcasting service CEPT Administrations shall, where possible, use the parameters detiled in Annex 1, taking account of the television channel arrangements, the television system and whether the television network is existi

13、ng or planned, Edition of September 15, 1986 I -. CEPT T/R*25-06E 6 2326434 0006873 2 TIR 25-06 E Page 2 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. that in developing an agreement to protect the land mobile service CEPT Administrations shall, where possible, use the parameters detailed in Annex 2, that suchmethods as descri

14、bed in paragraph 3 and 4 above shall take into account the terrain features to calculate the required separation distances between the stations of the two services, that to ease interservice compatibility problems and to facilitate the future Co-ordination of land mobile services, consideration shou

15、ld be given to harmonize frequency assignment plans to the greatest extent possible, taking account of the situation that a number of Administrations will continue to utilise Bands I and/or III for television broadcasting for the foreseeable future, that urgent consideration shall be given to a stud

16、y of the subjective effect of interference to television reception from multiple interference sources, that CEPT Administrations should establish coordination procedures, if necessary, as part of the bilateral or multilateral agreements, that the present and future sharing criteria shall not preclud

17、e either the introduction of enhancements to broadcasting systems, or the introduction of new types of land mobile systems.” Edition of September 15, 1988 CEPT T/R*Z5-06E 8b 2326434 0006872 4 TIR 25-06 E Page 3 Annex 1 PARAMETERS RELATING TO THE PLANNING OF THE BROADCASTING SERVICE (TELEVISION) IN S

18、HARED FREQUENCY BANDS (BANDS I AND III) IN RESPECT OF INTERFERENCE FROM THE LAND MOBILE SERVICE 1. The median field strength for which protection against interference is provided in planning should never be lower than 48 dB (pV/m) for Band I and 55 dB (pV/m) for Band III. Different values of protect

19、ed field strength may be agreed between Administrations. 2. The television services protection ratio shall be as detailed in CCIR Report 306-4 (Geneva 1982) and Recom- mendation 418-3 (Geneva 1982) or any modification thereto, for the case of a CW signal interference and non-controlled conditions. 3

20、. The value of the protected field strength shall not exceed the value mentioned in paragraph 1. above as a consequence of the utilisation by the land mobile service. The value of the protected field strength shall be calculated as follows : The interference potential of a land mobile base station s

21、hall be determined by the concept of a “nuisance field”. The nuisance field is calculated from: F = E(50,T) -k A + B where E(50,T) is the field strength (dBpV/m) of the interfering transmitter exceeded at 50% of the locations for T% (behveen 1 and 10% (*) of the time with a receiving antenna height

22、of 10 m, determined from CCIR Recommendation 370-4 (Geneva 1982) and Report 239 (Geneva 1982) or any modification thereto. Effective transmitting antenna heights of less than O metre are to be disregarded. For effective antenna heights of less than 37.5 metres, the corrections given in the Final Act

23、s of the Regional Administrative Radio Conference for the Planning of VHF Sound Broadcasting (Region 1 and Part of Region 3 (Geneva 1984) shall be used. A is the protection ratio (in dB) determined in accordance with paragraph 2. above. B is the antenna discrimination factor. This shall be 15 dB in

24、the case where the broadcasting emission is horizontlly polarised, and for the case where the broadcasting emission is vertically polarised, the curves given in CCIR Recom- mendation 419 (Geneva 1982) shall apply. The effect of multiple interference arising from base stations operating at the same s

25、ite shall be calculated by means of the power sum method: where F is the nuisance field arising from the i-th interfering transmitter expressed in pV/m. The nuisance field arising from base stations operating at different sites together with the multiple interference from base stations operating at

26、the same site shall be multiplied by means of the simplified multiplication method (see CCIR Report 945, Geneva 1982). Calculations shall include all land mobile base stations within an appropriate coordination distance to be agreed between Administrations. Typically this would be of the order of 30

27、0 km. Depending on the actual circumstances, other methods of multiple interference calculations currently under study may be more appropriate. The nuisance field from mobile stations could be assumed to be around 20 dB less than the nuisance field arising from the corresponding base stations. (*) T

28、he precise figures for T within this range shall be agreed between Administrations. Edition of September 15, 1988 t CEPT T/R*25-06 6 M 2326414 0006893 6 TIR 25-06 E Page 4 Annex 2 PARAMETERS RELATING TO THE PLANNING OF THE LAND MOBILE SERVICE IN SHARED FREQUENCY BANDS (BANDS I AND III) IN RESPECT OF

29、 INTERFERENCE FROM THE BROADCASTING SERVICE 1. The minimum protected median field strength (dBpV/m) for the land mobile service is: Band I 13 dB Band III 22 dB Different values of protected field strength may be agreed between Administrations. 2. Calculations shall be carried out using Recommendatio

30、n 370-4 (Geneva 1982) or any modification thereto. Appropriate figures for 10% time and 50% of locations shall be used. 3. The protection ratio shall be 10 dB. 4. The power of L/SECAM, B/PAL and I/PAL television signals, measured in a reference bandwidth of 7 kHz shall be assumed to be contained wit

31、hin the masks detailed in Figures 1 (T/R 25-06), 2 (T/R 25-06) and 3 (T/R 25-06) of this Annex. These masks shall not constitute a restriction on the spectral content of the signal of the television service operating within its authorized characteristics, which shall be agreed between the concerned

32、Administrations. 5. The values of antenna discrimination for horizontally polarised broadcasting emissions shall be: 18 dB for base stations 5 to 8 dB for mobile stations Edition of September 15, 1988 TIR 25-06 E - QMHz Page 5 / O a .* a / -40 I -2 -1 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 t $3 sL MHz 2.2 E .2 58 G; t: -)

33、. 0,4 MHz - 1 MHz t Figure 1 (T/R 25-06). Mask for an L/SECAM television signal. !5 Q -20 - 5 2 a a .- 0 - -2 -1 O 1 2 3 4 6 7 MHz 12.2 .L; 5; k js2 2 gc .2 0,4 MHz Figure 2 (T/R 25-06). Mask for a B/PAL television signal. - - 1 MHz -t 40 -2 -1 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MHz 1 2 g.2 t: 1- 5 i: B SE? $8 Figure

34、3 (T/R 25-06). Mask for an I/PAL television signal. Edition of September 15, 1988 - Recommandation T/R 25-06 (adopte en 1986) / Recommendation T/R 25-06 (adopted in 1986) Information de la suite donne / Information regarding implementation a = La Recommandation est applique. 1 The Recommendation has

35、 been implemented. b = Lapplication de la Recommandation est prvue. 1 Implementation of the Recommendation is planned. c = Lapplication de la Recommandation nest pas prvue. / Implementation of the Recommendation is not planned. - No No. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

36、4 25 26 _. Pays Countries L Alleviagrie (Rp. fd. d)/ Gerniariy (Fed. Rep. of) Autriche 1 Airstria Belgique 1 Belgiiim Chypre 1 Cypriis Danertiark 1 Detimarlc Espagne 1 Spaiii Firilaiide / Firilaiid Fraiice Grce Greece Irlaiide Ireland Islatide 1 Iceland Italie 1 Italy Liechteiisteiti Liixemboirrg Ma

37、lte 1 Malta Monaco Norvge 1 Norway Pays-Bas 1 Netherlands Portugal Royairme-Urii 1 United Kingdom Saitit-Marin 1 Satz Maritio Siide 1 Sivedeti Suisse 1 Switzerlarid Ttirqiie 1 Turkey Vatican (Cit) 1 (City) Yoiigoslavie 1 Yiigoslavia Infor- mation 3 C b b I Edition du 15 septembre 1988 / Edition of September 15, 1988 Remarques 1 Remarks 4 A ltude. 1 Under study.

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