CEPT T R 75-04 E-1988 Exchange of Data between Administrations and between Administrations and International Organizations Relating to Space Systems《管理部门之间和管理部门与国际组织之间有关空间系统的数据交换 欧.pdf

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CEPT T R 75-04 E-1988 Exchange of Data between Administrations and between Administrations and International Organizations Relating to Space Systems《管理部门之间和管理部门与国际组织之间有关空间系统的数据交换 欧.pdf_第1页
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CEPT T R 75-04 E-1988 Exchange of Data between Administrations and between Administrations and International Organizations Relating to Space Systems《管理部门之间和管理部门与国际组织之间有关空间系统的数据交换 欧.pdf_第2页
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CEPT T R 75-04 E-1988 Exchange of Data between Administrations and between Administrations and International Organizations Relating to Space Systems《管理部门之间和管理部门与国际组织之间有关空间系统的数据交换 欧.pdf_第3页
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CEPT T R 75-04 E-1988 Exchange of Data between Administrations and between Administrations and International Organizations Relating to Space Systems《管理部门之间和管理部门与国际组织之间有关空间系统的数据交换 欧.pdf_第4页
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CEPT T R 75-04 E-1988 Exchange of Data between Administrations and between Administrations and International Organizations Relating to Space Systems《管理部门之间和管理部门与国际组织之间有关空间系统的数据交换 欧.pdf_第5页
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1、STD-CEPT TIR 75-04 E-ENGL LS88 23264LY 0034755 005 6 im 75-04 E 9“s“ 1 Distribubon: B Recommendation T/R 75-04 (Odense 1986) EXCHANGE OF DATA BETWEEN ADMINISTRATIONS AND BETWEEN ADMINISTRATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RELATING TO SPACE SYSTEMS Recommendation proposed by the “Radiocommunicati

2、ons“ Working Group T/WG 3 (R) Revised text of Recommendation adopted by the Telecommunications“ Committee: The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations, considering (a) that it is a matter of greatest interest that Administrations should be able to exchange information re

3、lating to frequency assignments to stations of space systems in a standardised form, (b) that the administration of space systems encompasses four major categories of operation which require the exchange of data between Administrations or between Administrations and international organisations, name

4、ly: the advance publication of satellite networks, coordination between satellite networks, coordination between earth stations and terrestrial stations, and the notification to the IFRB of frequency assignments to stations of space systems (space stations and earth stations), (c) that the presentat

5、ion of information in a standardised form facilitates processing by computer, (d) that in recent years the cost to CEFT Administrations of frequency administration has significantly increased with the substantial growth in number of satellite networks involving or affecting member countries of the C

6、EiPT. recommends that Administrations exchanging information relating to space systems should do so using the relevant information and the frmat indicated in the Annex to this Recommendation.“ Edition of September 15,1988 STD-CEPT T/R 75-04 E-ENGL 3988 W 232b434 003475b T4L I TIR 75-04 E Page 2 Expl

7、anatory note on the presentation of information in the following Annex The information is set out in four columns: - The name of the data appears in the first column. Their exact definitions may be found in Appendices 3 and 4 of the Radio Regulations and in IFRB Circular No. 536. - The type of data

8、appears in the second column; this may be numeric (NUM), alphanumeric (ALJ) or graphic (GRA). - Theformat of the data appears in the third column. This format is as follows: Alphanumeric data are given either in the form X(N), where N is the number of characters, or else showing the exact position o

9、f each lype of character. (For example: Geographical coordinates of the earth station: 999 x 9999 - 99 x 9999); Integral numerical data are given either in the form 9(N), where N is the number of characters, or m an expanded form, (For example: i: 999 represents a three figure integer which may be e

10、ither positive or negative); Decimal numerical data are given in the format 9(NIi), 9(N2), where NI is the number of characters of the integer number and N2 is the numbex of characters of the decimal fraction. They may somethnes be given in an expanded form. (For example: f 9.99 represents a positiv

11、e or negative decimal number consisting of a single-figure integer and a two-figure decimal fraction); Where necessary the appropriate unit symbols appear after the data; For graphical data a reference to the corresponding Annex is given in the fourth column. - Any supplementary remarks on the data

12、are given in the fourth column. The expression “refer to corresponding annex“ which appears in the “remarks column“ means that for exchanging the corresponding data it is necessary to provide them by an annex that could consist of a graph, a table, or a formula. Edition of September 15,1988 STDaCEPT

13、 T/R 75-04 E-ENGL 3988 2326434 0034757 988 T/R 75-04 E Pqe 3 Annex to Recommendation 1. CHARACTERISTICS RELATING TO THE SATELLITE 1.1. Orbit and network characteristics Name of data Type Format Name of satellite ALF x (20) Type of orbit ALF x (1) Nominal longitude ALP 999.99x (O) Longitudinal tolera

14、nce Inclination excursion Visible arc ALF 9.99W - 9.99 E (“) NUM 9.99 (0) ALP 999x - 999x (O) Service arc ALP 999x - 999x (O) Angle of inclination of the orbit NUM 99.99 (“) Satellite period ALP 999 x 99 Altitude of the apogee Altitude of the perigee Number of satellites 1.2. 1.2.1. For each transmi

15、tting antenna Characteristics relating to satellite antennas Identity of the transmitting beam Isotropic gain of the antenna Radiation pattern or gain contour ALP NUM GRA plotted on the Earths surface Polarisation of the antenna ALF Reference coordinates for pointing of the antenna ALF NUM Pointing

16、accuracy of the antenna Remarks X = G Geostationary Orbit X = N Non-geostationary 99.9x (“) For symbols refer to IFRB circular No. 536 The first X may be E or W The second X maybe N or S 9.99 (O) Edition of September 15,1988 STD.CEPT T/R 75-04 E-ENGL 1988 232hYLY O014758 ?AL4 T/R 75-04 E Page 4 1.2.

17、2. For each receiving antenna Identity of the receiving beam ALP Isotropic gain of the antenna NUM Reception pattern or gain contour GRA plotted on the Earths surface Polarisation of the antenna ALP Reference coordinates for pointing of the antenna ALP NUM Pointing accuracy of the antenna x (9) 199.

18、9 dB Refer to corresponding Annex x (4) 999.9x; 99.9x (O) For symbols refer to IFRB circular No. 536 The fist X may be E or W The second may be N or S 9.99 (“) 1.3. Characteristics of the satellite transponder (to be given for each transponder) Name of data Identity of the transponder (name or numbe

19、r) Central transmitting fiequency of the transponder Central receiving frequency of the transponder Assigned frequency band Transmitting antennas associated with the transponder Receiving antennas associated with the transponder Total peak envelope power of the transponder Maximm power density per H

20、z Receiving system noise temperature of the satellite ALF NUM ALP ALP NUM NUM NUM Remarks 99999.99999x Hz K Kilo G Giga 99999.99999x Hz K Kilo x= M Mega x= M Mega G Giga 9 (7). 9 (1) IrHz x (9) f 99.9 dBW f 99.9 dB (Wk) 9 (5) (K) 1.4. Other data relating to the satellite Class of station ALP x (2) N

21、ature of service ALF x (2) Operating lifetime of the satellite NUM 9 (2) years Date (foreseen or actual) of bringing ALF JJ/MM/AA into use Por code refer to IFRB circular No. 536 For code refer to IFRB circular No. 536 Edition of September 15, 1988 STDmCEPT T/R 75-04 E-ENGL 1988 232b4l14 0014757 750

22、 9 T/R 7544 E page 5 2. CHARACTERISTICS RELATING TO EARTH STATIONS 2.1. Name of earth station ALF Country or geographical area in which ALF earth station is located station (degrees, minutes and seconds) Altitude NUM Angle of elevation of the horizon TABLE around earth station or GRA Standard define

23、d ALF transmissionlrecep tion zone (zone represented by a symbol) Minimum angle of elevation of the earth station antenna Data relating to each site Geographical coordinates of earth ALP Types of earth station at this site ALF NUM 2.2. Data relating to each type of earth station Name of data Type of

24、 earth station Frequency band Isotropic gam of the antenna when transmitting Isotropic gam of the antenna when receiving Radiation pattern of the antenna when transmitting Radiation pattern of the antenna when receiving Type ALF ALF NUM NUM ALF GRA ALF GRA Polarisation of the antenna when transmitti

25、ng Polarisation of the antenna when receiving Width of main radiation beam when transmitting Width of main radiation beam when receiving Receiving system noise temperature of the earth station ALF ALF NUM NUM NUM x (20) x (3) 999x9999 - 99x9999 I9999 m Symbol of the Preface to the International Freq

26、uency List X = E or W for the first X X=NorSforthesecondX Refer to corresponding Annex Remarks Refer to corresponding Annex Refer to corresponding Annex For code refer to IFRB circular No. 536 For code refer to IFRB circular No. 536 Edition of September 15,1988 STDmCEPT T/R 75-04 E-ENGL 1788 W 23264

27、14 0014760 472 m T/R 7544 E Page 6 2.3. Other data relating to the earth station Class of station ALF x (2) Date (foreseen or actual) of bringing ALF JJIMMIAA into use 3. CHARACTERISTICS RELATING TO THE CARRIERS 3.1. For each carrier Name or number of the transponder(s) used for the type of carrier

28、Maximum value of peak envelope power supplied to the input of the antenna - for the earth station NUM - forthesatellite NUM Maximum power density per Hz NUM Class of emission m indication, if possible, of the frequency ALF (-ies) used for the type of carrier ALP Necessary (occupied) bandwidth NUM Ba

29、ndwidth allotted on the satellite 3.2. NUM For FDM/FM or SCPC/FM carriers Name of data Type Telephone channel capacity of each carrier of this type NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM Highest frequency of the baseband Lowest frequency of the baseband R.m.s. frequency deviation of the O dBm0 test-tone R.m.s. frequen

30、cy deviation of a multi- channel signal Characteristics of the energy dispersal where relevant - Peak-to peak fiequimcy deviation NUM Sweep frequency of the energy Re-emphasis characteristics - NUM dispersai waveform For code refer to IFRB circular No. 536 For code refer to IFRB circular No. 536 199

31、.9 dBW 199.9 dBW t 99.9 dB (Wm) x (5) N 99999.99999X Hz K Kilo x= M Mega GGiga 9 (7),9 (1) = 9 (7), 9 (1) = Remarks Refer to corresponding Annex 9 (4) 9 (4)= Refer to corresponding Annex Edition of September 15, 1988 STD-CEPT TIR 75-04 E-ENGL iwfl m 232414 OOLLL 309 m T/R 75-04 E page 7 3.3. For W/F

32、M carriers Type of multiplexing of the video signal and the sound sipal(s) or other signal(s) Standard of the TV signal - TV system - Colour system Pre-emphasis characteristics Frequency deviation for the reference frequency of the pre-emphasis characteristic 3.4. For digital carriers Bit rate Type

33、of modulation and number of phases Type of demodulation (coherent or differen tial) - NUM 9 (4) kHz Refa to conespondhg Annex For code refer to IFRB circular No. 536 For code refer to IFRB circular No. 536 Refer to corresponding Annex ALF 999x bitk X=KKilo ALP x (5) X = M Mega C = Coherent D = Diffe

34、rential 4. OTHER CHARACTERISTICS ASSOCIATED WITH THE SATELLITE NETWORK Minimum equivalent noise NUM 9 (5) (KI temperature of the satellite link Associated transmission gab NUM f 99.9 (dB) weekly circular in which advance publication of the satellite network appeared weekly circular in which the requ

35、est for coordination with other satellite networks appeared Annexed special section of the IFRB ALF x (16) Annexed special section of the IFRB ALP x (16) Edition of September 15,1988 Exchange of data between Administrations and between Administrations and international organisations relating to spac

36、e systems I Adrn AUT BEL Imp1 Remarks No No IFRB Circular Letter No. 820 dated 4 May i 990 is applied CZE D DNK E No F No FIN No IFRB Circular Letter No. 820 dated 4 May 1990 is applied No No No IFRB Circular Letter No. 820 dated 4 May 1990 is applied POL I No POR I No I- S No Should be deleted SUI Planned SVN Under I study TUR I Yes I


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