CGSB 32 6M-1987 Flours Specialty《专用面粉 代替32-GP-6M》.pdf

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1、CGSB 32=bM 87 L87qb50 0015338 408 CGSB SPCIFICATION SPECIFICATION de IONGC Flours, Specialty Farines spciales 32.6M DecemberIDecembre 1987 Canada Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license fr

2、om IHS-,-,-CGSB 32.bM The CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD (CCSB), under whose auspices this specification has been developed, produces voluntary standards and specifications in many subject areas, at the request of sources in both the private and public sectors. The CGSB has been accredited by the

3、Standards Council of Canada as a national standards-writin organization. The standards that it develops and offers as Nationaf Standards of Canada conform to the criteria and procedures established for this purpose by the Standards Council of Canada. In addition to standards it publishes as national

4、 standards, the CGSB produces standards and specifications to meet particular needs, in response to requests from a variety of sources in both the public and private sectors. CGSB standards and specifications, and national standards developed by the CGSB, are developed in conformance with the polici

5、es described in the Policy Manual for the Development and Maintenance of Standards by CGSB. CGSB specifications are developed to state the particular requirements of a government or an industry for a material, a product, or a service. A specification also states the procedures to determine if the re

6、quirements have been met. Unlike a CGSB standard, a CGSB specification may lack any one or any combination of the followin factors: broad application, committee balance, representation of ai vital interests or consensus approval. CGSB specifications are subect to review and revision at any time, so

7、as to ensure that they ieep abreast of technological progress. Suggestions for their improvement, which are always welcome, should be brought to the notice of the committee concerned. Changes to specifications are issued either as separate amendment sheets or in new editions of specifications. An up

8、-to-date listing of CGSB specifications, including details on latest issues and amendments, and ordering instructions, will be found in the Catalogue of Standards and Qualified Products Lists which is published annually and is available without charge upon request. Although the intended primary appl

9、ication of this specification is stated in its Scope, it is important to note that it remains the responsibility of the users of the specification to judge its suitability for their particular purpose. Many tests required by CCSB specifications are inherently harardous. The CGSB neither assumes nor

10、accepts any responsibility for any injury or damage that may occur during or as the result of tests, wherever performed. The CGSB takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted with any item connected with this specification. Users of this specification are expressly advised

11、 that determination of the validity of any such patent rights are entirely their own responsibility. Further information on the CGSB and its services may be obtained from: The Secretary Canadian General Standards bard ttawa, Canada K1A 1G6 07 3074b50 O035339 344 La rsente spcification 9 labore sous

12、les auspices de rdiee des normes facultatives et des socifications saooliauant a OFFCE DES NORMES GENERALES DU CANADA (ONGC) qui plushm domaines, a la demande dirganismes tant du &ter priv que du secteur public. Le Conseil canadien des normes a confr IONGC le titre dorganisme rdacteur de normes nati

13、onales. En consquence, les normes ue 1Onice labore et soumet titre de Normes nationales du Cana%a se conforment aux criteres et procdures tablis a cette fin par le Conseil canadien des normes. Outre la publication de normes nationales, IONGC rdige galement des normes et des specifications visant des

14、 besoins particuliers, la demande de usieurs organismes tant du secteur riv ue du secteur public. Es normes et les spcifications de 108GC etles normes nationales tablies par cet organisme sont conformes aux politiques nonces dans le Manuel desxlitiques pour llaboration et la mise jour des normes de

15、lON Les spcifications de IONGC sont tablies afin de prciser les exigences particulilres dun gouvernement OU dune industrie qui sappliquent un matriau, un produit ou un service. Une spcification prcise galement les rgles observer pour dterminer si les exigences ont t satisfaites. Contrairement a une

16、norme de IONGC, une spcification de IONGC peut ne pas tenir compte dun ou de plusieurs des facteurs suivants: application gnrale, comit quilibr reprsentant tous les groupes dinter& importants ou approbation par voie de consensus. Etant donn lvolution technique, les s ifications de IONGC font lobjet

17、de rvisions priodiques. gutes les suggestions susceptibles den amliorer la teneur sont accueillies avec grand intrt et portes a lattention des comits concerns. Les changements apports aux spcifications font lobjet de modifcatifs distincts ou sont incorpors dans les nouvelles ditions des spcification

18、s. Une liste jour des spcifications de IONGC com renant des renseignements sur les spcifications rcentes et Ls derniers modificatifs parus, et sur la faon de se les procurer figure au Catalogue des normes et des listes des produits homologus publi chaque anne. Cette publication peut galement 6tre ob

19、tenue sur demande, sans frais. Mme si lobjet de la prsente s ifcation prcise lapplication premire que lon peut en faire, igut cependant remarquer quil incombe a lutilisateur, au tout premier chef, de dcider si la spcification peut servir aux fins quil envisage. Plusieurs des tests requis aux termes

20、des spcifications de IONGC sont dan reux. LONGC nassume ni naccepte aucune responsabiK pour les blessures ou les dommages qui pourraient survenir pendant les essais, peu importe lendroit o ceux-ci sont effectus. LONCC ne se prononce pas quant la validit de la proprit industrielle de chaque article a

21、ssujetti la prsente spcification. Les utilisateurs de la spcification sont informs de f on personnelle quil leur revient entirement de dterminer la val& de la proprit industrielle. Pour de plus amples renseignements sur IONCC et ses services, prire de communiquer avec: Le Secrtaire Mice des normes g

22、nrales du Canada Ottawa, Canada K1A 1G6 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Canadian General Standards Board Office des normes generales du Canada This CGSB specification

23、supersedes former standard 32-GP-6M of September 1978, which is now withdrawn. La prsente spcification de IONGC remplace lancienne norme 32-GP-6M de septembre 1978, qui est maintenant retire. Flours, Specialty Farines spciales 32.6M DecembedDecembre 1987 Supersedes 32-GP-6M September 1978 Remplace 3

24、2-GP-6M Septembre 1978 Published by the Publie par Canadian General Standards Board Ottawa, Canada K1A 1G6 lOffice des normes generales du Canada Ottawa, Canada K1A 1G6 I 5 5 O O f m u) il O O O u) 9 3 r- eg il I yc eg z 9 lu m . m (/I Q V Minister of Supply and Services Canada - 1987 No part of thi

25、s publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the publisher. OMinistre des Approvisionnements et Services Canada - 1987 Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut tre reproduite daucune manire sans ia permission pralable de Iediteur. e 6 Copyright Canadian General Stand

26、ards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB 32.bM 87 = 1874650 0035343 TT2 General Mills Canada Inc. Catelli Ltd. Department of Supply and Services CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD OFFICE DES NORMES GNRALES

27、 DU CANADA COMMITTEE ON CEREAL PRODUCTS COMIT DES PRODUITS BASE DE CRALES (Membership at date of approval) (Composition a la date dapprobation) Kellogg Salada Canada Inc. The Quaker Oats Co. of Canada Ltd. Nabisco Brands Canada Ltd. Effem Foods Ltd. General Foods Inc. CSP Foods Ltd. Department of Na

28、tional Health and Welfare Bakery Council of Canada Dainty Foods Inc. Maple Leaf Milis Ltd. Department of Agriculture Department of Consumer and Corporate Department of National Defence Primo Foods Ltd. Ogilvie Mills Ltd. Canadian General Standards Board Affairs Biodgett, J. Chabot, C. Ms./Mme Doust,

29、 W. Enke, P. Goslin, D. Harwood, R. Hersh, K. Knight, Dr R.M. Macdonald, E. Mercer, J. Nelson, P.A. Rozon, W. R. Saunders, B. Smith, J. Ms./Mme Thibodeau, P.L. Trpanier, Lt J. Turner, E. Weadon, D.R. Siikanen, E. Mrs./Mme Secretary/Secrtaire General Mills Canada inc. Catelli Ltd. Ministre des Approv

30、isionnements et Kellogg Salada Canada Inc. La Cie Quaker Oats du Canada Lte Nabisco Brands Canada Ltee Effem Foods Ltd. General Foods Inc. CSP Foods Ltd. Ministre de la Sant nationale et du Conseil canadien de la boulangerie Les aliments Dainty Foods Inc. Les Moulins Maple Leaf Lte Ministre de lAgri

31、culture Services Bien-tre social Ministre de la Consommation et des Corporations Ministre de la Dfense nationale Primo Foods Inc. Les Minoteries Ogilvie Lte Office des normes gnrales du Canada Acknowledgment is made for the French translation of this Canadian General Standards Board specification by

32、 the Translation Bureau of the Department of the Secretary of State. Nous remercions le Bureau des traductions du Secrtariat dtat de la traduction franaise de ia prsente spcification de iice des normes gnrales du Canada 32.6M Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license w

33、ith CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB 32-bM 87 m 1874b50 0035342 739 m 1. 1 .l 2. 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 a 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2 3. 3.1 L 3.1.1 4. 4.1 a CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDSBOARD FLOURS, SPECIALTY SCOPE This specification applies to the flour produc

34、ts made from rye, buckwheat and soybeans. It is intended to be used by food services in procurement of food. APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS The following publications are applicable to this specification: Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) CANICGSB-8.1 - Sieves, Testing, Woven Wire. Department of Cons

35、umer and Corporate Affairs Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act and Department of National Health and Welfare Food and Drugs Act and Regulations General Principles of Food Hygiene for Use by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC. Reference to

36、 the above publications is to the latest issues. The sources for these publications are shown in the Notes Section. CLASSIFICATION Regulations. Food Industry in Canada. Flour to this specification shall be supplied in the following types, as specified (par. 8.1): Types Light Rye Flour Buckwheat Flou

37、r Defatted Soy Flour. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS In addition to meeting the requirements of this specification, the flour shall comply with the relevant portions of the Acts and Regulations listed in par. 2.1.2 and 2.1.3. 3261111 December/Decembre 1987 SupersedesiRemplace 32-GP-6M SeptemberISeptembre 1978

38、 OFFICE DES NORMES GNRALESDUCANADA FARINES SPCIALES OBJET La prsente spcification sapplique aux farines de seigle, de sarrasin et de soja. Elle est destine tre utilise par les services procdant lachat de denres alimentaires. PUBLICATIONS APPLICABLES Les publications suivantes sappliquent a la prsent

39、e spcification: Office des normes gnrales du Canada (ONGC) CANCGSB-8.1 - Tamis de contrle en fil mtallique tress. Ministre de la Consommation et des Corporations Loi et Rglement sur lemballage et ltiquetage des Ministre de la Sant nationale et du Bien-tre social Loi et Rglement des aliments et drogu

40、es Principes gnraux dhygine alimentaire devant servir a produits de consommation. lindustrie alimentaire canadienne. Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC. Les publications susmentionnes sentendent de ldition la plus rcente. La source de diffusio

41、n est indique dans la section intitule Remarques. CLASSIFICATION La farine fournie sur rfrence la prsente spcification doit appartenir aux types suivants, selon les prescriptions (par. 8.1): TYPS Farine de seigle claire Farine de sarrasin Farine de soja dgraisse. EXIGENCES GNRALES En plus de satisfa

42、ire aux exigences de la prsente spcification, la farine doit tre conforme aux sections applicables des Lois et Rglements numrs aux al. 2.1.2 et 2.1.3. 1 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without lic

43、ense from IHS-,-,-CGSB 32-bM 87 M L874b.50 0015343 875 4.2 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 6. 6.1 6.2 7. 7.1 7.2 2 The flour shall be sweet, clean, sound and free from adulteration, contamination and foreign material. DETAIL REQUIREMENTS Light Rye Flour - Light rye flour shall be the fine product made by grinding an

44、d bolting sound rye grain. It shall be equal to or better than what is known in the trade by the same name. Improvers and bleaching agents may be used as required and in accordance with the Food and Drug Regulations. It shall have a maximum ash content of 0.65% on a 14.0% moisture basis. It shall no

45、t have more than 13.5% moisture when delivered. Buckwheat Flour - Buckwheat flour shall be the fine product made by grinding and bolting sound, clean, high-quality buckwheat. It shall not have more than 1.5% ash content and not less than 1.1% organic nitrogen on a 14.0% moisture basis. It shall not

46、have more than 12.0% moisture when delivered. Defatted Soy Flour - Defatted soy flour shall be processed from high quality, sound, clean, dehulled, yellow soybeans. The soybeans shall be subjected to a thorough cleaning operation that shall remove all foreign material. Disagreeable flavours and odou

47、rs shall be removed by subjecting the soy material to adequate processing. The defatted soy flour shall have a maximum of 8.0% moisture and 97% of the flour shall pass through a 150 (No. 100) sieve (CANICGSB-8.1). It shall have the following proximate analysis per mass on a dry matter basis: Protein

48、 (N x 6.25) 50.0% minimum Fat (ether extract) 2.0% maximum Fibre Ash 3.5% maximum 6.5% maximum. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY Unless otherwise specified (par. 8.), the flour shall be packaged in new cotton or multiwall paper bags containing 40 kg when packed. Each bag shall carry the name of the flour mill, the type and brand name of the flour, and the mass of the contents. In addition, each bag shall be marked with the date of packaging. INSPECTION Sampling - Sampling for inspection and testing shall be at the discretion of t

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