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1、ISBN 3 900 734 42 9 COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DE LCLAIRAGE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON ILLUMINATION INTERNATIONALE BELEUCHTUNGSKOMM ISSION TECHNICAL COLLECTION 1993 1031 i 03l 1 O313 1034 1035 1 036 Colour Appearance Analysis Industrial Lighting and Safety at Work Reference Action Spectra for Ultrav

2、iolet Induced Erythema and Pigmentation of Different Human Skin Types 6iologicalIy Effective Emissions and Hazard Potential of Desk- Top Luminaires Incorporating Tungsten Halogen Lamps The Economics of Interior Lighting Maintenance Clarification of Maintained Illuminance and Associated Terms Abstrac

3、ts of CIE Publications issued since 1991 Pub. No. CIE 103 1 st Edition 1993 COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesThe Technical Reports in this publication have been prepared by vanous CIE Technical Committees and have been approved by the Board o

4、f Administration of the Commission Internationale de IEclairage for study and application. The reports draw on current knowledge and experience within the specific field of light and lighting described, and are intended to be used by the CIE membership and other interested parties. It should be note

5、d, however, that the status of the reports is advisory and not mandatory. The latest CIE proceedings, CIE NEWS, future issues in the “CIE Collection“ Series or publication listings should be consulted regarding possible subsequent amendments. Les rapports techniques ont t prpars par diffrents Comits

6、 Techniques de la CIE et ont t approuvs par le Bureau dAdministration de la Commission Internationale de IEclairage, pour tude et application. Les rapports traitent des connaissances courantes et de lexprience dans le domaine spcifique indiqu de la lumire et de lclairage, et ils ont t tablis pour lu

7、sage des membres de la CIE et autres groupements intresss. II faut cependant noter que les rapports sont indicatifs et non obligatoires. Pour connaitre dventuels amendements, consulter les plus rcents comptes rendus de la CIE, CIE NEWS, ditions futures de la srie “CIE Collection“ ou les listes de pu

8、blications de la CIE. Die Technischen Berichte wurden von verschiedenen Technischen Komitees der CIE ausgearbeitet und vom Vorstand der Commission Internationale de IEclairage gebilligt. Die Berichte behandeln den derzeitigen Stand des Wissens und Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiet Licht und Beleuchtung; si

9、e sind zur Verwendung durch CIE-Mitglieder und durch andere Interessierte bestimmt. Es sollte jedoch beachtet werden, da die Berichte Empfehlungen und keine Vorschriften sind. Die neuesten CIE-Tagungsberichte, das CIE NEWS, zuknftige Ausgaben in der Serie *CIE Collection“ oder die Publikationsliste

10、sollten im Hinblick auf mgliche sptere Andenmgen zu Rate gezogen werden. Any mention of organisations or products does not imply endorsement by the CIE. Whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of any lists, up to the time of going to press, these may not be comprehensive. Toute mention d

11、organisme ou de produit nimplique pas une prfrence de la CIE. Malgr le soin apport la compilation de tous les documents jusqu la mise sous presse, ce travail ne saurait tre exhaustif. Die Erwhnung von Organisationen oder Erzeugnissen bedeutet keine Billigung durch die CIE. Obgleich groe Sorgfalt bei

12、 der Erstellung von Verzeichnissen bis zum Zeitpunkt der Drucklegung angewendet wurde, ist es mglich, da diese nicht vollstndig sind. Ca CIE 1993 II COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services CIE 103 93 I 900bZ45 0004763 TI0 I CONTENTS Page 103/1 Colo

13、ur Appearance Analysis 1 10312 Industrial Lighting and Safety at Work 7 10313 103t4 Reference Action Spectra for Ultraviolet induced Erylhema and Pigmentation of Different Human Skin Types Biologically Effective Emissions and Hazard Potential of Desk- Top Luminaires Incorporating Tungsten Halogen La

14、mps 15 23 I 0315 The Economics of Interior Lighting Maintenance 37 1 0316 Clarification of Maintained Illuminance and Associated Terms 47 Abstracts of CIE Publications issued since 1991 49 III COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesI CIE Technical

15、Collection 199311 Colour Appearance Analysis Foreword The following members of TC 1-13: Colour appearance analysis took part in the discussions leading to this report. The Committee was constituted within Division I -Vision and Colour. Chairman: M R Pointer A N Chalmers (ZAF) M B Halstead (GBR) R W

16、G Hunt (GBR) L Mon (JPN) Y Nayatani (JPN) K Richter (DEU) Th Seim (NOR) W N Sproson (GBR) H Terstiege (DEU) G Tonnquist (SWE) SUMMARY COLOUR APPEARANCE ANALYSIS Traditional colorimetry in itself is unable to define the appearance of a colour. What are required are measures that accurately correlate

17、with the perceived hue, satura- tion, chroma, colourfulness, lightness and brightness of the coloured samples when seen under specified viewing conditions. The Committee has selected two models that adequately predict the appearance of simple coloured stimuli under a light source whose chromaticity

18、is not far from the Planckian locus and with a colour temperature between those of typical daylight and tungsten light. Four newly formed Technical Committees will follow up the present work: TC 1-27 TC 1-32 TC 1-33 Colour Rendering TC 1-34 Specification of Colour Appearance for Reflective Media and

19、 SeH Luminous Display Comparisons Prediction of Corresponding Colours Testing of Colour Appearance Models ZUSAMMENFASSUNG UNTERSUCHUNG DES FARBEINDRUCKES Die traditionelle Farbmessung ist von sich aus nicht fhig, den Farbeindruck einer Farbe zu definieren. Was bentigt wird, sind Mazahlen, die genau

20、mit den wahrgenommenen Werten von Buntton, Sttigung, Buntheit, Helligkeit U.S.W. von Farbmustern korrelieren, wenn sie unter definierten Sehbedingungen wahrgenommen werden. Das Komitee hat zwei Modelle ausgewilhtt, die den Eindruck eines einfachen bunten Farbreizes eines Farbmusters hinreichend vorh

21、ersagen, wenn dieses von einer Lichtquelle beleuchtet wird, deren Farbart nicht weit vom Planck-Kurvenzug liegt und deren Farbtemperatur zwischen der von typischem Tageslicht und der von Wolfram- licht liegt. Vier neue Technische Komitees werden sich mit diesen Arbeiten befassen: TC 1-27 Spezifikati

22、on des Farbeindruckes reflektierender Stoffe und Vergleiche selbstleuchtender Anzeigen TC 1-32 Vorhersage korrespondierender Farben TC 1-33 Farbwiedergabe TC 1-34 Prfung von Farbeindruck-Modellen CIE Publication 10311 1 COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handli

23、ng ServicesCIE LO3 93 9006345 0004765 873 = CIE Technical Collection 1993/1 RESUME ANALYSEDELAPPARENCEDESCOULEURS La colorimtrie traditionelle nest pas en mesure de dfinir par elle-mme lapparence dune couleur. Ce quil faut ce sont des mesures qui soient en corrlation fidle avec la teinte, ia saturat

24、ion, le chroma, le niveau de coloration, la clart et la luminosit des matriaux colors, quand ces attributs sont perus dans des conditions dobser- vation spcifies. Le Comit a retenu deux modles qui prdisent convenablement lapparence de stimulus colors simples, pour des sources de lumire dont la chrom

25、aticit nest pas loigne du lieu des radiateurs de Planck et dont la temprature de couleur est comprise entre celle de la lumire naturelle normale et celle de sources incande- scence. Quatre Comits Techniques rcemment forms poursuivront le travail actuel: TC 1-27: Spcification de iapparence des couleu

26、rs en vue de comparaisons entre matriaux rflchissants et afficheurs auto-lumineux TC 1-32: Prdiction des couleurs correspondantes TC 1-33: Rendu des couleurs TC 1-34: Essai des modles dapparence des couleurs I. Introduction Traditional colorimetry has been with us for a long time - the i931 CIE Stan

27、dard Colorimetric Observer celebrated its 50th birthday in 1981. The CIE system of colour measurement, based as it is on the colour matching functions that represent the standard observer, has stood the test of time and proved to be of immense value in helping to solve many measurement problems. How

28、ever, as W D Wright, one of the fathers of the standard observer has aptly pointed out: “The definition of a colour C by the equation: C5X(x) + YO + Z(Z) expresses the fact that a certain mixture of three reference stimuli will produce the same colour sensation as C, when both are seen under the sam

29、e viewing conditions. Although this specifi- cation involves an obsetver and is therefore a subjective relationship, it does not in itself define the appearance of C .I i .i J. Thus the situation can be imagined where there are two colours, both specified in terms of their tristimulus values, and it

30、 is required to know the difference in their appearances when viewed under the same specified viewing conditions. Some approximate estimates can be obtained by transforming the tristimulus values to chromaticity coordinates and plotting these coordinates on a chromaticity diagram together with the p

31、osition of the appropriate white point. In this way a relative idea can be obtained as to whether one sample is, for example, redder than another, and which sample has the higher punty. No infomation is available, however, as to their absolute colour appearance. In the field of lighting evaluation i

32、t is oten required to know how colours will look under different light sources. Some indications can be derived from a knowledge of the CIE Colour Rendering Indices of the particular light sources i .2, but, again, no absolute colour appearance information is available and so it is difficult to deri

33、ve consistent measures of differences in colour appearance. what are required are measures that accurately correlate with the perceived hue, saturation, chroma, colourfulnecs. lightness and brightness of a coloured samples when seen under specified viewing conditions. 2. The Committee It was to addr

34、ess this problem that Technical Committee 1-1 3 - Colour Appearance Analysis was established in Amsterdam in 1983 under the auspices of CIE Division 1 -Vision and Colour. 2 CIE Publication 103/1 COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services CIE LO3 93 U

35、900bL45 0004766 2T U CIE Technical Collection 1993/1 The Terms of Reference of the Committee were as follows: To derive methods of evaluating the colour rendering properties of illuminants based on A Working Programme was established to provide guidelines for the work: The acceptance of an appearanc

36、e model that adequately predicts the appearance of simple coloured stimuli under a light source whose chromaticity is not far from the Planckian locus and with a colour temperature between those of typical daylight and tungsten light. The application of the model to the assessment of the colour rend

37、ering capabilities of light sources. To collect data from experimental determinations of colour appearance. (Item 3 of the working programme was added at the CIE Quadrennial Meeting in Venice in 1987.) The Committee has been successful in achieving results that fulfil the first item in the working p

38、rogramme in as much that two models have been developed that enable colour appearance parameters to be predicted for coloured stimuli seen in defined viewing conditions. The models are from Dr Y Nayatani and his co-workers in Japan, and from Dr R W G Hunt in Great Britain. It has not, however, been

39、possible for the Committee to make a single recommen- dation for a preference between these two models. colour appearance. 1. 2. 3. 3. The Models The two models have many similarities. They both require input in the form of the CIE tristimulus values for the coloured sample, together with informatio

40、n about the colour and absolute light level of the surround adapting field; they both then use empirical equations to model the signal processing of the retina and the interpretation of these signals by the brain. Although empirical, the equations used are modelled according to physiological data wh

41、ere this is available. Thus the overall philosophy of the two models is very similar; the differences can be found in one or two parts of the models where their authors have chosen to model physiological functions in a different way. The current formulation of the Hunt Model can be found in the June

42、 1991 issue of Color Research and Application 3.1. The paper deals with both related and unrelated colours and represents a revision of previous versions of the model 3.2-3.61 The current formulation of the Nayatani Model for related colours can be found in the October 1987 and the August 1990 issue

43、s of Color Research and Application 3.7, 3.81. The model is a considerable extension of the authors earlierwork on chromatic adaptation 3.9-3.141. Both authors list the steps required to calculate the various parameters and Hunt 3.1 includes a worked example. 4. Field Trials There has been a conside

44、rable amount of work carried out to evaluate these models. Both authors report resuits of predictions of the Swedish NCS colour order system. Nayatani and his co-workers have conducted several sets of fieid trials 3.8, 4.1-4.41 to substantiate their model. The largest set of available data that test

45、 both models has been derived by Lu0 and his Co-workers working at Loughborough University in England 4.5,4.6. 5. The Future At the Division 1 meeting held during the 22nd CIE Quadrennial meeting in Melbourne, Australia in 1991 it was agreed that TC 1-13 should be disbanded following the publication

46、 of this report. The work will be continued by several new committees: CIE Publication 103i1 3 COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE Technical Collection 199311 TC 132 Prediction of Corresponding Colours Chairman: Y Nayatani (JPN) Terms of Ref

47、erence: To write a technical report describing the chromatic adaptation transfotm previously proposed for study 5.1 together with subsequent modifications. TC 1-33 Colour Rendering Chairman: W Waiter (USA) Terms of Reference: To study indices for evaluation of colour rendering properties of light so

48、urces based on a colour appearance model. To prepare a report on a proposed method that will replace CIE Publ. No. 13.2 (this report has the potential to become a standard). TC 1-34 Testing of Colour Appearance Models Chairman: M Fairchild (USA) Terms of Reference: To investigate the performance of

49、models based on their ability to predict the colour appearance of surface colours in simple and complex scenes under various illumination conditions. These are in addition to the following Committee which was established at a Division 1 meeting in Vienna in 1989: TC 1-27 Specification of Colour Appearance for Reflective Media and Self-Luminous Display Comparison Chairman: P J Alessi (USA) Terms of Reference: i. To study and make recommendations for the specificati

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