1、DAEN-CWP 3535789 0052538 519 DEPARIME“ OF THE ARMY U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington, D. C. 20314-1000 Panphlet NO. 1105-2-15 Planning PLANNING FRXRAMS (3-wTER 1. c- 2. CHAmEX 3. p4S-05 E2 1105-2-15 15 November 1985 Table of Contents CHANGES ID UNCMPLETE ALJTHXIZE Paragraph Page PROJECIS Purp
2、ose 1-1 1-1 Applicability 1-2 1-1 Discussion of Chief of Engineers 1-3 1-1 Discretionary Authority Purpose Applicability References Program Management Program Objective Flood Plain Management Services Activities Reimbursable Activities Planning Assistance to States (PAS) Program Operational Guidance
3、 Program Funding Activities Civil Works Information System Technical Service Information Coordinat ion (WS) Nunbers sys tal PLANNING ASSISTANCE Purpose and Scope Applicability References Authorities General Reimbursable Work Coastal Zone Management Technical and Engineering Assistance on Shore and S
4、treambank Erosion 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 3- 1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-8 2-8 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-2 3-2 ?his revised pamphlet supersedes F2 1105-2-15, dated 27 January 1982. 35 96 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduct
5、ion or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3535789 0052539 455 EP 1105-2-15 15 Nov 85 Paragraph BE Purpose Applicability References Procedure APPENDIX A. Technical Services Information System Instructions (Flood Plain Management Services) 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-1 4-3 4-1 4-4 4-1 A-1 ii 3s 95 Pr
6、ovided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-W 3515789 0052540 I177 = EP 1105-2-15 15 Nov 85 CHANGES TO UNCDPLJZlED AUTHORIZED PROJECTS 1-1. Pur se. ?his chapter provides a general discussion of discretionary authority -3- or changes to uncqleted pr
7、ojects. 1-2. A licabilit . his chapter is a plicable to all HQUSACE/OCE elements and al mting activities (FA P having Civil Works responsibilities. 1-3. Discussion of Chief of Engineers Discretionary Authority. a. Feasibility reports sulmitted to Congress recmeding Federal he Corps of Engineers reco
8、gnizes that such authority to involvement usually recamnend authorization of certain improvements, subject to such modifications as, in the discretion of the Chief of Engineers, may be advisable. alter projects is an important delegation, and has exercised the privilege carefully. the full utility o
9、f the improvement envisioned by Congress, such as; The Corps classes such difications in two categories: (1) Those necessary for engineering or construction reasons to produce (a) shifting a dam site; (b) changing reservoir storage capacity or storage allocation to ensure its optima use; (c) changin
10、g channel alinement because of more detailed surveys; or (d) changing the type of dam, because of more detailed investigations; and (2) Changes required to meet current engineering, economic, enviromental or social conditions, within the intent of Congress in authorizing the project. such as levee e
11、xtentions to protect developing urban areas, is an example of this type of change. Moderate extensions of authorized project limits, b. It is necessary to bring project modifications to the attention of Congress for authorization whenever such difications will: (1) Materially alter the function of t
12、he project, such as the deletion or addition of a project purpose when not otherwise authorized by law. (2) Materially change the scope of the authorized plan of improvement. (3) Change legal relationships, such as requirements of local 1-1 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking
13、permitted without license from IHS-,-,-m 35i15789 0052543 003 m E2 1105-2-15 2-1. Pur se. Ihis chapter provides informational guidance for managing the Fl if not, in the Engineering Division. 2-5. The FPI% Program is authorized by Section 206 of the Flood Control Act of 1960. The objective of the FF
14、MS Program is to support canprehensive flood plain management planning with technical services and planning guidance at all appropriate govermental levels ; and thereby, to encourage and to uide them toward prudent use of the Nations flood plains Federal agencies is especially important because they
15、 must meet the requirements of Executive Order 11988, titled “Floodplain Maragement .“ Changes in program direction, emphasis, etc., will be b. Field Offices. In the field, ER 10-1-3 identifies the organizational In Program Objective. for the benefit o f the national econq and welfare. Assistance to
16、 other 2-6. frm States, counties, cities and Federal aencies, the FPMS Program provides Flood Plain Management Services Activities. On request to the Corps a full range of technical services and pianhg guidance on f load and- flood plain issues within the broad umbrella of Flood Plain Management (FE
17、W). Requests for services from within the Corps should normally be paid for out of funds for the applicable project or study. individuals when the necessary information is readily available. exception, services are non-reimbursable. However, involvement of requesters is encouraged. information and t
18、he like. reduce costs to the general public; establish priorities; and assure that the ccmnunity benefits fran our services. Generally, detailed mapping should not be done as a part of the FPMS Program. services, consideration should be given to providing information where growth pressures are the m
19、ost significant. described below: Requests are also honored from They may furnish field survey data, maps, historical flood With minor Such participation by requesters can help to: In establishing priorities for Activities under the FI?PS Program are a. Technical Services. Flood and flood plain rela
20、ted data are obtained or developed and interpreted. This includes information on flood formation and timing, flood depth or stage, floodwater velocity, extent of flooding, duration of flooding, flood frequency, obstruction to flood flows, regulatory floodways, natural and cultural resource values of
21、 note and flood loss potentials before and after employment of FPM measures. b. Planning Assistance. Assistance and guidance are provided on request for: (1) developing flood plain re dations; (2) flood warning and flood emergency preparedness planning; (3 f flood proofing measures (e.g., elevation,
22、 closures and seals, and anchorage) ; (4) permanent evacuation and relocation; (5) meeting National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) standards; and (6) EO 11988 requirements. The Corps assists in all aspects of FPM planning. This 2-2 32 98 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking per
23、mitted without license from IHS-,-,-W 3535789 0052543 986 = EP 1105-2-15 15 Nov 85 can range frm helping the cmunity identify the future of the flood plain and related problems (present and future), to broad assessment of which measures (both of the flood modifying and damage modifying varieties) ma
24、y be appropriate to this future. ?his includes the possible impacts of off-flood plain land use changes on the physical, mio-econanic and enviromental conditions of the flood plain. At State level, sane of the same types of guidance are furnished under Section 22, Water Resources Development Act of
25、1974. Similiar guidance may also cane fram studies of alternatives under Level C studies. FFI% activities are coordinated with the Corps and with these programs to insure local and national efficiencies. c. (1) Guides, Pamphlets and Supportirg Studies. ?he FPMS Program includes studies to improve me
26、thods and procedures for flood damage prevention and abatement; and preparation of guides and pamphlets on flood proofing, flood plain regulations, flood plain occupance, econmics of flood plain regulations, identification of important natural flood plain values, and other related aspects of flood p
27、lain management programs. local govermnts, private citizens, and Federal agencies in planning and taking action to reduce their flood danages or damage potential as part of a flood plain management program. (2) HQUSACE. achieving FPM goals for the benefit of concerned local, States and Federal offic
28、ials. The guides and pamphlets can be prepared for the use of States and Supporting studies are conducted by or under close direction of They include studies and means for illustrating alternative ways of 2-7. Reimbursable Activities. Certain technical water resource related work can be performed or
29、 administered by the Corps and paid for by others. of the type of reimbursable work are described below: Details a. Flood Insurance Studies. (1) (FN). Studies (FIS) which require detailed hydrologic and hydraulic analysis to determine areas of flood hazards and the degree of flood risk. requirements
30、 are outlined in the “Instructions for type 15 Flood Insurance Studies, dated November 1977,“ (reference 5-3b of ER 1105-2-10) and supplanentary directives by FEMA. ?he NFIP is administered by the Federal Etnergency Phnagement Agency A cmponent of that Program is the accanplishnent of Flood Insuranc
31、e Study (2) Acceptance of technical studies by the Corps is conditioned by a field offices expressed interest and capability to do them efficiently. field office prepares a Time and Cost (TU) estimate when and if this estimate is requested by FEM4 and if there is an interest and capability to do the
32、 work. Once a T canprehensive plannirg for effective management of its flood plains. Generally, these studies should basically be related or similar to the type of activities normally done under the FPPIS Program. ?hey should be undertaken only at the joint request of the State and the Corps PAS Pro
33、gram coordinator. 2-9. ope rational Guidance. a. Al1 services provided under Section 206 (reference 2-3a) require that a request be received frm outside the imnediate Corps of Engineers office. Requests which require more than a file search should be in writing. normally should be by letter or by sh
34、ort report, and the action recorded in a log for later entry in the Technical Services Information System (see paragraph 2-12 below). fran States, comnunities, other Federal agencies, and from individuals. Responses to individuals and private firms are normally limited to file search and reproductio
35、n of data. If the volune of requested data falls within “charge“ guidelines under the Freedan of Information Act for search and reproduction, those guidelines may be followed. Response b. Within personnel and funds capabilities, requests are to be honored c. In cases where the local request for assi
36、stance may require a Level C study or could result in a Federal project under other authorities, the 2-4 36 00 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-= 3515789 00525Li5 759 EP 1105-2-15 15 Nov 85 requester should to avoid overlapping or dupl
37、ication of special service functions among Federal agencies, States and local govermnts; and to make available specialized or technical services in areas of agency expertise. Planning assistance may be provided on a reimbursable basis for Federal agencies as set forth in ER 1140-2-211, and for State
38、s and local units of goverment as set forth in ER 1140-2-303. 3-1 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-35115789 0052550 OLb EP 1105-2-15 15 Nov 85 3-6. Coastal Zone Management. The Coastal Zone Management Act establishes a national policy
39、to preserve, protect, develop, and where possible, restore or enhance the resources of the U.S. coastal zone. It requires Federal agencies to cooperate and actively participate with States and local goverrments and regional agencies towards achieving integrated policy and action proposals for managi
40、ng the coastal zone. Planning assistance may be provided to assist States in coastalmanagement activities in several ways. on-going research, surveys, or studies or regulatory activities should be furnished without cost to the State. a. Available data or other information collected in the course of
41、b. Special data, information, or studies requested by the State which require significant additional effort in collection, canpilation, interpretation, or analysis, including specific research projects, should be furnished by the Corps on a fully reimbursable basis. should be informed that requested
42、 data or studies will require reimbursement. The State agency c. Special coastal zone related studies may be conducted under the authority provided by Section 22 of PL 93-251 when the primary purpose is to complement canprebensive State planning for effective management of its coastal zone. 3-7. Tec
43、hnical and Engineering Assistance on Shore and Streambank Erosion. ibe purpose of this program is to provide technical and engineering assistance to non-Federal public interests in the developnent of structural and nonstructural methods for preventing damages attributable to shore and streanbank ero
44、sion. under this program contact CDR USACE (DAEN-WH) WASH DC 20314-1000. For information on the provision of planning assistance 36 U6 3-2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-m 3515787 0052551 T52 m E2 1105-2-15 15 Nov 85 CHAYTER 4 CONTIN
45、UING AUTHRITIES PFWRAM PRoCEDuRE 4-1. Purpose. his chapter describes the continuing authorities program procedure, step by step. 4-2. A licabilit . Ibis chapter is applicable to all HQUSACE/OCE responsibilities. referenced below. elements -eecy-y an all field operating activities (FA) having Civil W
46、orks It has applicability, in full or in part, to studies 4-3. References. a. Section 3 of Public Law 79-14. b. Section 14 of Public Law 79-526, as amended; c. Section 103 of miblic Law 87-874, as ended; d. Section 107 of Public Law 86-645, as amended; e. Section 111 of Public Law 90-483; f. Section
47、 205 of Public Law 80-858, as aumended; g. h. Section 221 of Public Law 91-611, as amended; and Section 208 (Sec. 2 of Public Law 406, 75th Congress, as amended); i. ER 1105-2-10. 4-4. Procedure. ?he following procedure applies, generally, to the continuing authorities program, with variations allow
48、ed as requested to accomnodate certain authorities. Although explicit requirements for local sponsor review are not specified in this procedure, such reviews should be accarmodated, as appropriate, in the study process. a. Step 1. In response to a request frcm local interests, the district proceeds
49、to accomplish an Initial Appraisal. Appraisal Report, and, if findings support additional study, an accmpanying cost-estimate. If the Appraisal Report serves as a decision docunent, in accordance with Chapter 4 of ER 1105-2-10, HQUSACE will review the report. If HQUSACE concurs in the reporting officers reccumendations, the project will be approved, if funds for construction are available, and a Section 221 agreement has been