1、March 2010 Translation by DIN-Sprachendienst.English price group 7No part of this translation may be reproduced without prior permission ofDIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).ICS 2
2、1.120.10!$HR“1933747www.din.deDDIN 5464Straight-sided splines Heavy series,English translation of DIN 5464:2010-03Passverzahnungen mit Keilflanken Schwere Reihe,Englische bersetzung von DIN 5464:2010-03Profils de moyeux darbres coin Srie lourde,Traduction anglaise de DIN 5464:2010-03SupersedesDIN 54
3、64:1965-09www.beuth.deDocument comprises 9 pagesIn case of doubt, the German-language original shall be considered authoritative.04.13 DIN 5464:2010-03 2 A comma is used as the decimal marker. Contents Seite Foreword 3 Introduction . 4 1 Scope 5 2 Normative references 5 3 Symbols, definitions and un
4、its . 5 4 Dimensions, designation 5 5 Tolerances 8 Bibliography 9 Figures Figure 1 Hub dimensions 6 Figure 2 Shaft dimensions 6 Tables Table 1 Nominal dimensions . 7 Table 2 Recommended tolerances . 8 DIN 5464:2010-03 3 Foreword This standard has been prepared by Working Committee NA 060-34-31 Passv
5、erzahnungen of Section Antriebstechnik of the Normenausschuss Maschinenbau (NAM) (Mechanical Engineering Standards Committee) of DIN. Amendments This standard differs from DIN 5464:1965-09 as follows: a) the title has been changed to “Straight-sided splines Heavy series”; b) the tolerances specified
6、 in the withdrawn standard DIN 5465:1937-02 have been included; c) the designation has been changed. Previous editions DIN 5464: 1937-02, 1939xx-02, 1965-09 DIN 5464:2010-03 4 Introduction This standard applies to straight-sided splines with a flank angle of 0. In comparison to the specifications of
7、 DIN ISO 14, the heavy-duty series has a larger number of splines, resulting in a greater load-bearing capacity. This standard contains specifications for the geometry of these splines and for the corresponding tolerances. The general procedures for gauging and verification as specified in DIN ISO 1
8、4 also apply to the splines covered by this standard and are not included here. DIN 5464:2010-03 5 1 Scope This standard specifies requirements for straight-sided splines for fixed and moving shaft-hub connections. Straight-sided splines are particularly suitable for transmitting high torques via lo
9、w hub wall thicknesses because the flank angle of 0 prevents the hub from expanding by radial components of the flank forces. Such spline connections are normally flank-centered, but they may also be defined by additional diameter centering. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents
10、are indispensable for application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. DIN ISO 286-1, ISO system of limits and fits Bases of tolerances, deviations and fits DI
11、N ISO 286-2, ISO system of limits and fits Tables of standard tolerance grades and limit deviations for holes and shafts 3 Symbols, definitions and units The following symbols, definitions and units are used for application of this standard. Symbol Definition Unit b tooth thickness or space width mm
12、 d1tip circle diameter of hub mm d2tip circle diameter of shaft root circle diameter of hub mm d3centering diameter of shaft root mm g shaft tip chamfer mm k hub tip chamfer mm r hub root fillet radius mm z number of spline teeth 4 Dimensions, designation Figure 1 shows dimensions for splined hubs.
13、Figure 2 shows dimensions for splined shafts. Any details not specified here shall be designed appropriately to suit the purpose. DIN 5464:2010-03 6 Figure 1 Hub dimensions Figure 2 Shaft dimensions The flanks of splines on shafts shall be parallel up to the point where they intersect the hub tip ci
14、rcle diameter, the shape of the roots being freely selectable. Splines conforming to this standard are to be designated by name, the main number of the standard (DIN 5464), the abbreviations N for the hub (Nabe) and W for the shaft (Welle), the number of teeth and the diameters d1 and d2. EXAMPLE De
15、signation of a connection with straight-sided splines in accordance with DIN 5464, 10 teeth, hub tip circle diameter d1= 46 mm and shaft tip circle diameter d2= 56 mm: Splined connection DIN 5464 10 46 56 Hub DIN 5464 N 10 46 56 Shaft DIN 5464 W 10 46 56 DIN 5464:2010-03 7 Table 1 Nominal dimensions
16、 Dimensions in millimetres Abbreviated identification of number of teeth hub tip circle diameter shaft tip circle diameter z Centering d1d2b d3min. g max. k max. r max. 10 16 20 10 internal centering or flank centering 16 20 2,5 14 0,3 0,3 0,15 10 18 23 18 23 3 15,6 0,3 0,3 0,15 10 21 26 21 26 3 18,
17、44 0,3 0,3 0,15 10 23 29 23 29 4 20,3 0,3 0,3 0,15 10 26 32 26 32 4 23 0,4 0,4 0,15 10 28 35 28 35 4 24,4 0,4 0,4 0,25 10 32 40 32 40 5 28 0,4 0,4 0,25 10 36 45 36 45 5 31,3 0,4 0,4 0,25 10 42 52 42 52 6 36,9 0,5 0,4 0,4 10 46 56 46 56 7 40,9 0,5 0,5 0,4 16 52 60 16 flank centering 52 60 5 47 0,5 0,
18、5 0,4 16 56 65 56 65 5 50,6 0,5 0,5 0,4 16 62 72 62 72 6 56,1 0,5 0,5 0,4 16 72 82 72 82 7 65,9 0,5 0,5 0,4 20 82 92 20 82 92 6 75,6 0,5 0,5 0,4 20 92 102 92 102 7 85,5 0,5 0,5 0,4 20 102 115 102 115 8 93,7 0,5 0,5 0,4 20 112 125 112 125 9 103,7 0,5 0,5 0,4 DIN 5464:2010-03 8 5 Tolerances Table 2 Re
19、commended tolerances Splined connection b d1d2Hub, unhardened Hub hardened Hub, hardened or unhardened Hub, hardened or unhardened Hub D9 F10 H7 H11 Shaftainternal centeringbshaft can move in the hub f9 d9 e8 a11 h8 e8 f7 j7 f7 g6 k7 shaft fixed in the hub p6 h6 j6 s6 j6 k6 s6cj6cm6 u6dk6du6 m6 n6 f
20、lank centering shaft can move in the hub h8 e8 a11 j7 f7 k7 g6 n6 shaft fixed in the hub u6 k6 m6 n6 aThe values in bold type are preferred. Other values are to be selected where more accurate or less accurate fits are required. bFor internal centering, experience has shown that it is useful to sele
21、ct the tolerance of the space width and tooth thickness b in relation to the tolerance of the hub tip circle diameter d1. The shaft tooth thickness tolerance should be selected from the values given in the table in relation to the respective hub tip circle tolerance. EXAMPLE hub tip circle tolerance
22、 d1= f7 hub, hardened: tooth thickness tolerance = e8 hub, unhardened: tooth thickness tolerance = h8 cFor tooth thicknesses from 2,5 mm to 6 mm dFor tooth thicknesses from 6 mm to 9 mm Tolerances are to be given in accordance with DIN ISO 286-1 and DIN ISO 286-2. External centering is permitted for
23、 special applications. DIN 5464:2010-03 9 Bibliography DIN 323-1, Preferred numbers and series of preferred numbers Basic values, calculated values, rounded values DIN 5466-1, Splined joints, calculation of load capacity Part 1: General basis DIN 7150-2, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) System of limits and fits Part 2: Limit gauges and gauging for plain cylindrical workpieces DIN ISO 14, Straight-sided splines for cylindrical shafts with internal centering Dimensions, tolerances and verification DIN ISO 6413, Technical drawings Representation of splines and serrations