DIN EN ISO 13704-2008 Petroleum petrochemical and natural gas industries - Calculation of heater-tube thickness in petroleum refineries (ISO 13704 2007) English version EN ISO 1370.pdf

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DIN EN ISO 13704-2008 Petroleum petrochemical and natural gas industries - Calculation of heater-tube thickness in petroleum refineries (ISO 13704 2007) English version EN ISO 1370.pdf_第1页
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DIN EN ISO 13704-2008 Petroleum petrochemical and natural gas industries - Calculation of heater-tube thickness in petroleum refineries (ISO 13704 2007) English version EN ISO 1370.pdf_第2页
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DIN EN ISO 13704-2008 Petroleum petrochemical and natural gas industries - Calculation of heater-tube thickness in petroleum refineries (ISO 13704 2007) English version EN ISO 1370.pdf_第3页
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DIN EN ISO 13704-2008 Petroleum petrochemical and natural gas industries - Calculation of heater-tube thickness in petroleum refineries (ISO 13704 2007) English version EN ISO 1370.pdf_第4页
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DIN EN ISO 13704-2008 Petroleum petrochemical and natural gas industries - Calculation of heater-tube thickness in petroleum refineries (ISO 13704 2007) English version EN ISO 1370.pdf_第5页
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1、September 2008DEUTSCHE NORM Normenausschuss Erdl- und Erdgasgewinnung (NG) im DINPreisgruppe 31DIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e.V. Jede Art der Vervielfltigung, auch auszugsweise, nur mit Genehmigung des DIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e.V., Berlin, gestattet.ICS 75.180.20!$K4“1401756www.din.de

2、DDIN EN ISO 13704Erdl- und Erdgasindustrie Berechnung der Wanddicke von Heizrohren in Erdlraffinerien(ISO 13704:2007);Englische Fassung EN ISO 13704:2007Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries Calculation of heater-tube thickness in petroleum refineries (ISO 13704:2007);English version E

3、N ISO 13704:2007Industries du ptrole, de la ptrochimie et du gaz naturel Calcul de lpaisseur des tubes de fours de raffineries de ptrole (ISO 13704:2007);Version anglaise EN ISO 13704:2007Alleinverkauf der Normen durch Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin www.beuth.deGesamtumfang 110 SeitenDIN EN ISO 137

4、04:2008-09 2 Nationales Vorwort Dieses Dokument (EN ISO 13704:2007) wurde vom Technischen Komitee ISO/TC 67 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries“, Subkomitee SC 6 Processing equipment and systems“, dessen Sekretariat vom AFNOR (Frankrei

5、ch) gehalten wird, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Technischen Komitee CEN/TC 12 Materialien, Ausrstungen und Offshore-Bauwerke fr die Erdl-, petrochemische und Erdgasindustrie“, dessen Sekretariat vom AFNOR (Frankreich) gehalten wird, erarbeitet. Es handelt sich dabei um die unvernderte bernahme von ISO

6、13704:2007. Das zustndige deutsche Gremium ist der NA 109-00-01 AA Materialien, Ausrstung und Offshore-Bauwerke fr die Erdl-, petrochemische und Erdgasindustrie“ im Normenausschuss Erdl- und Erdgasgewinnung (NG). Diese Europische Norm enthlt unter Bercksichtigung des DIN-Prsidialbeschlusses 1/2004 n

7、ur die englische Originalfassung der ISO-Norm. Diese Norm enthlt neben den gesetzlichen Einheiten auch die Einheiten Btu“, F“, ft“, inch“, lb“, lbf“, psi“, R“, die im Deutschen Normenwerk nicht zugelassen sind. Es wird jedoch ausdrcklich darauf hingewiesen, dass die Anwendung dieser Einheiten im nat

8、ionalen amtlichen und geschftlichen Verkehr aufgrund des Gesetzes ber Einheiten im Messwesen nicht zulssig ist. Umrechnung: 1 Btu = 1 055 J C = (5/9) (F 32) 1 ft = 0,304 8 m 1 inch = 25,4 mm 1 lb = 0,453 592 37 kg 1 lbf = 4,448 222 N 1 psi = 6 894,757 Pa C = (5/9) (R 491,67) EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME

9、EUROPENNE EUROPISCHE NORMEN ISO 13704 November 2007 ICS 75.180.20English Version Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries Calculation of heater-tube thickness in petroleum refineries(ISO 13704:2007) Industries du ptrole, de la ptrochimie et du gaz naturel Calcul de lpaisseur des tubes de

10、foursde raffineries de ptrole(ISO 13704:2007) Erdl- und Erdgasindustrie Berechnung der Wanddicke von Heizrohren in Erdlraffinerien(ISO 13704:2007) This European Standard was approved by CEN on 3 November 2007. CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate

11、the conditions for giving this EuropeanStandard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN Management Centre or to any CEN member. This European Standard exists

12、 in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translationunder the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN Management Centre has the same status as the official versions. CEN members are the national standards bodi

13、es of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. Mana

14、gement Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels 2007 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members. Ref. No. EN ISO 13704:2007: EEUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMIT EUROPEN DE NORMALISATION EUROPISCHES KOMITEE FR NORMUNG Contents

15、Page1233. .3 Scope4 Terms and definitions .4 General design information6 Information required .6 Limitations for design procedures 7 Design.7 General .7 Equation for stress10 Elastic design (lower temperatures)10 Rupture d

16、esign (higher temperatures) 11 Intermediate temperature range 11 Minimum allowable thickness11 Minimum and average thicknesses.11 Equivalent tube metal temperature .12 Component fittings16 Allowable stresses 18 General .18 Elastic allowable stress 19 Rupture allowable stress19 Rupture exponent19 Yie

17、ld and tensile strengths.19 Larson-Miller parameter curves.19 Limiting design metal temperature20 Allowable stress curves20 Sample calculations21 Elastic design 21 Thermal-stress check (for elastic range only).22 Rupture design with constant temperature26 Rupture design with linearly changing temper

18、ature .28 Annex A (informative) Estimation of remaining tube life31 Annex B (informative) Calculation of maximum radiant section tube skin temperature 36 Annex C (normative) Thermal-stress limitations (elastic range) .47 Annex D (informative) Calculation sheets51 Annex E (normative) Stress curves (S

19、I units)53 Annex F (normative) Stress curves (USC units)73 Annex G (normative) Derivation of corrosion fraction and temperature fraction93 Annex H (informative) Data sources .101 Bibliography106 EN ISO 13704:2007 (E)2DIN EN ISO 13704:2008-09 Foreword natural gas industries” the secretariat of which

20、is held by AFNOR. latest by May 2008. countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Endorsement notice The text of ISO 13704:2007 has been approved by CEN as a EN ISO 13704:2007 without any modification.

21、 text or by endorsement, at the latest by May 2008, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the equipment and offshore structures for petroleum and natural gas industries” in collaboration with Technical Committee CEN/TC 12 “Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum

22、, petrochemical and This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical This document (EN ISO 13704:2007) has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 67 “Materials, Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, I

23、celand, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, EN ISO 13704:2007 (E)3DIN EN ISO 13704:2008-09 1 Scope Thi

24、s International Standard specifies the requirements and gives recommendations for the procedures and design criteria used for calculating the required wall thickness of new tubes and associated component fittings for petroleum-refinery heaters. These procedures are appropriate for designing tubes fo

25、r service in both corrosive and non-corrosive applications. These procedures have been developed specifically for the design of refinery and related process-fired heater tubes (direct-fired, heat-absorbing tubes within enclosures). These procedures are not intended to be used for the design of exter

26、nal piping. This International Standard does not give recommendations for tube retirement thickness; Annex A describes a technique for estimating the life remaining for a heater tube. 2 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 2.1actual insi

27、de diameter Diinside diameter of a new tube NOTE The actual inside diameter is used to calculate the tube skin temperature in Annex B and the thermal stress in Annex C. 2.2component fitting fitting connected to the fired heater tubes EXAMPLES Return bends, elbows, reducers. NOTE 1 There is a distinc

28、tion between standard component fittings and specially designed component fittings; see 4.9. NOTE 2 Typical material specifications for standard component fittings are ASTM A 234, ASTM A 403 and ASTM B 366. 2.3corrosion allowance GCAadditional material thickness added to allow for material loss duri

29、ng the design life of the component 2.4design life tDLoperating time used as a basis for tube design NOTE The design life is not necessarily the same as the retirement or replacement life. EN ISO 13704:2007 (E)4DIN EN ISO 13704:2008-09 2.5design metal temperature Tdtube-metal or skin temperature use

30、d for design NOTE This is determined by calculating the maximum tube metal temperature (Tmaxin Annex B) or the equivalent tube metal temperature (Teqin 2.8) and adding an appropriate temperature allowance (see 2.16). A procedure for calculating the maximum tube metal temperature from the heat-flux d

31、ensity is included in Annex B. When the equivalent tube metal temperature is used, the maximum operating temperature can be greater than the design metal temperature. When the equivalent tube metal temperature is used to determine the design metal temperature, this design metal temperature is only a

32、pplicable to the rupture design. It is necessary to develop a separate design metal temperature applicable to the elastic design. The design metal temperature applicable to the elastic design is the maximum calculated tube metal temperature among all operating cases plus the appropriate temperature

33、allowance. 2.6elastic allowable stress Velallowable stress for the elastic range See 5.2. 2.7elastic design pressure pelmaximum pressure that the heater coil can sustain for short periods of time NOTE This pressure is usually related to relief-valve settings, pump shut-in pressures, etc. 2.8equivale

34、nt tube metal temperature Teqcalculated constant metal temperature that in a specified period of time produces the same creep damage as does a changing metal temperature NOTE In 4.8 the equivalent tube metal temperature concept is described in more detail. It provides a procedure to calculate the eq

35、uivalent tube metal temperature based on a linear change of tube metal temperature from start-of-run to end-of-run. 2.9inside diameter iinside diameter of a tube with the corrosion allowance removed; used in the design calculations DNOTE The inside diameter of an as-cast tube is the inside diameter

36、of the tube with the porosity and corrosion allowances removed. 2.10minimum thickness Gminminimum required thickness of a new tube, taking into account all appropriate allowances NOTE See Equation (5). 2.11outside diameter Dooutside diameter of a new tube EN ISO 13704:2007 (E)5DIN EN ISO 13704:2008-

37、09 2.12rupture allowable stress Vrallowable stress for the creep-rupture range See 4.4. 2.13rupture design pressure prmaximum operating pressure that the coil section can sustain during normal operation 2.14rupture exponent nparameter used for design in the creep-rupture range NOTE See figures in An

38、nexes E and F. 2.15stress thickness GVthickness, excluding all thickness allowances, calculated from an equation that uses an allowable stress 2.16temperature allowance TApart of the design metal temperature that is included for process- or flue-gas mal-distribution, operating unknowns, and design i

39、naccuracies NOTE The temperature allowance is added to the calculated maximum tube metal temperature or to the equivalent tube metal temperature to obtain the design metal temperature (see 2.5). 3 General design information 3.1 Information required The design parameters (design pressures, design flu

40、id temperature, corrosion allowance and tube material) shall be defined. In addition, the following information shall be furnished: a) design life of the heater tube; b) whether the equivalent-temperature concept is to be applied and, if so, the operating conditions at the start and at the end of th

41、e run; c) temperature allowance (see ISO 13705), if any; d) corrosion fraction (if different from that shown in Figure 1); e) whether elastic-range thermal-stress limits are to be applied. If any of items a) to e) are not furnished, use the following applicable parameters: design life equal to 100 0

42、00 h; design metal temperature based on the maximum metal temperature (the equivalent-temperature concept shall not apply); EN ISO 13704:2007 (E)6DIN EN ISO 13704:2008-09 temperature allowance equal to 15 C (25 F); corrosion fraction given in Figure 1; elastic-range thermal-stress limits. 3.2 Limita

43、tions for design procedures 3.2.1 The allowable stresses are based on a consideration of yield strength and rupture strength only; plastic or creep strain has not been considered. Using these allowable stresses can result in small permanent strains in some applications; however, these small strains

44、do not affect the safety or operability of heater tubes.3.2.2 No considerations are included for adverse environmental effects, such as graphitization, carburization or hydrogen attack. Limitations imposed by hydrogen attack can be developed from the Nelson curves in API 941 These design pro

45、cedures have been developed for seamless tubes. They are not applicable to tubes that have a longitudinal weld. ISO 13705 allows only seamless tubes. 3.2.4 These design procedures have been developed for thin tubes (tubes with a thickness-to-outside-diameter ratio, Gmin/Do, of less than 0,15). Addit

46、ional considerations can apply to the design of thicker tubes. 3.2.5 No considerations are included for the effects of cyclic pressure or cyclic thermal loading. 3.2.6 Limits for thermal stresses are provided in Annex C. Limits for stresses developed by mass, supports, end connections and so forth a

47、re not discussed in this International Standard. 3.2.7 Most of the Larson-Miller parameter referenced curves in 5.6 are not Larson-Miller curves in the traditional sense but are derived from the 100 000 h rupture strength as explained in Clause H.3. Consequently, the curves might not provide a relia

48、ble estimate of the rupture strength for a design life that is less than 20 000 h or more than 200 000 h. 3.2.8 The procedures in this International Standard have been developed for systems in which the heater tubes are subject to an internal pressure that exceeds the external pressure. There are so

49、me cases in which a heater tube can be subject to a greater external pressure than the internal pressure. This can occur, for example, in vacuum heaters or on other types of heaters during shutdown or trip conditions, especially when a unit is cooling or draining, forming a vacuum inside the heater tubes. Conditions where external pressures exceed the internal pressures can govern heater-tube wall thickness. Determination of this (i.e. vacuum design) is not covered in this Internation

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