DIN ISO 13860-2017 Machinery for forestry - Forwarders - Terms definitions and commercial specifications (ISO 13860 2016)《林业机械 集运机 术语、定义和商品规格(ISO 13860-2016)》.pdf

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DIN ISO 13860-2017 Machinery for forestry - Forwarders - Terms definitions and commercial specifications (ISO 13860 2016)《林业机械 集运机 术语、定义和商品规格(ISO 13860-2016)》.pdf_第1页
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DIN ISO 13860-2017 Machinery for forestry - Forwarders - Terms definitions and commercial specifications (ISO 13860 2016)《林业机械 集运机 术语、定义和商品规格(ISO 13860-2016)》.pdf_第2页
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DIN ISO 13860-2017 Machinery for forestry - Forwarders - Terms definitions and commercial specifications (ISO 13860 2016)《林业机械 集运机 术语、定义和商品规格(ISO 13860-2016)》.pdf_第3页
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DIN ISO 13860-2017 Machinery for forestry - Forwarders - Terms definitions and commercial specifications (ISO 13860 2016)《林业机械 集运机 术语、定义和商品规格(ISO 13860-2016)》.pdf_第4页
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DIN ISO 13860-2017 Machinery for forestry - Forwarders - Terms definitions and commercial specifications (ISO 13860 2016)《林业机械 集运机 术语、定义和商品规格(ISO 13860-2016)》.pdf_第5页
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1、May 2017 English price group 10No part of this translation may be reproduced without prior permission ofDIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).ICS 01.040.65; 65.060.80!%dC“2659432www.

2、din.deDIN ISO 13860Machinery for forestry Forwarders Terms, definitions and commercial specifications (ISO 13860:2016),English translation of DIN ISO 13860:2017-05Forstmaschinen Forwarder Begriffe und Handelsspezifikationen (ISO 13860:2016),Englische bersetzung von DIN ISO 13860:2017-05Matriel fores

3、tier Dbardeuses Termes, dfinitions et spcifications commerciales (ISO 13860:2016),Traduction anglaise de DIN ISO 13860:2017-05www.beuth.deDocument comprises 15 pagesDTranslation by DIN-Sprachendienst.In case of doubt, the German-language original shall be considered authoritative.04.17 A comma is us

4、ed as the decimal marker. National foreword 31 Scope . 42 Terms and definitions . 42.1 Basic definitions . 42.2 Masses 42.3 Main machine dimensions 52.4 Loader dimensions 92.5 Bogie and load space dimensions 103 Required information 11Bibliography .15Contents PageDIN ISO 13860:2017-05 2National Anne

5、x NA (informative) Bibliography 3National foreword This document (ISO 13860:2016) has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 23 “Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry”, (Secretariat: AFNOR, France), Subcommittee SC 15 “Machinery for forestry” (Secretariat: SFS, Finland). The respo

6、nsible German body involved in its preparation was DIN-Normenausschuss Kommunale Technik (DIN Standards Committee Municipal Services), Working Committee NA 051-03-05 AA “Forestry machinery”. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent

7、 rights. DIN and/or DKE shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. The DIN Standard corresponding to the International Standard referred to in this document is as follows: ISO 6814 DIN ISO 6814 National Annex NA (informative) Bibliography DIN ISO 6814, Machinery for

8、 forestry Mobile and self-propelled machinery Terms, definitions and classification DIN ISO 8082-1, Self-propelled machinery for forestry Laboratory tests and performance requirements for roll-over protective structures Part 1: General machines DIN ISO 8082-2, Self-propelled machinery for forestry L

9、aboratory tests and performance requirements for roll-over protective structures Part 2: Machines having a rotating platform with a cab and boom on the platform DIN ISO 8083, Machinery for forestry Falling-object protective structures (FOPS) Laboratory tests and performance requirements DIN ISO 8084

10、, Machinery for forestry Operator protective structures Laboratory tests and performance requirements DIN ISO 11169, Machinery for forestry Wheeled special machines Vocabulary, performance test methods and criteria for brake systems DIN ISO 11512, Machinery for forestry Tracked special machines Perf

11、ormance criteria for brake systems DIN ISO 13861, Machinery for forestry Wheeled skidders Terms, definitions and commercial specifications DIN ISO 13862, Machinery for forestry Feller-bunchers Terms, definitions and commercial specifications ISO 6016, Earth-moving machinery Methods of measuring the

12、masses of whole machines, their equipment and components DIN ISO 13860:2017-05 3 Machinery for forestry Forwarders Terms, definitions and commercial specifications1 ScopeThis International Standard specifies terminology and required information as a general framework for identifying and describing t

13、he main dimensions and features of wheeled forwarders.It is applicable to articulated wheeled forwarders (as defined in ISO 6814, a forwarder is a self-propelled machine designed to move trees or parts of trees by carrying them).2 Terms and definitions2.1 Basic definitions2.1.1frontdefined for the p

14、rimary direction of the travel; the primary driving direction2.1.2reardefined for the primary direction of the travel; the opposite front (2.1.1), wherein the load space is in the rear of the machine2.1.3right hand sideoperators right hand side when driving in the primary driving direction and with

15、the machine in its primary functional mode2.1.4left hand sideopposite side of the machine to the right hand side (2.1.3)2.1.5ground reference planeGRPhard, flat, horizontal surface on which the machine is placed for measurements2.2 MassesNOTE 1 Adapted from ISO 6016.NOTE 2 Masses are expressed in ki

16、lograms.2.2.1operating massOMmass of the base machine with equipment and empty attachment as specified by the manufacturer, and with the operator (75 kg), full fuel tank and all fluid systems at the levels specified by the manufacturerDIN ISO 13860:2017-05 4 2.2.2rated paymassrated payloadPMmanufact

17、urers rated mass that can be carried by the machine2.2.3gross machinery massGMMcombined mass of the operating mass (OM) (2.2.1) of the machine and the rated paymass (PM) (2.2.2)2.2.4axle distribution of masses of wheeled machinesload on each axle at operating mass (OM) (2.2.1)Note 1 to entry: See 2.

18、 loadload on each axle at operating mass (OM) (2.2.1) permissible axle loadmaximum load on each axle specified by the manufacturer2.2.5shipping massSMmass of the base machine without an operator, and with fuel level at 10 % of tank capacity, all fluid systems at their le

19、vels specified by the manufacturer and with or without equipment, attachment, cab, canopy, ROPS and/or FOPS, wheels and counterweights as stated by the manufacturerNote 1 to entry: If the machine has to be disassembled for shipping purposes, the masses of these dismounted components shall be stated

20、by the manufacturer.2.2.6cab massmass of a cab with all its components and the moorings required to secure it to the base machine2.2.7canopy massmass of a canopy with all its components and the moorings required to secure it to the base machine2.2.8ROPS massmass of an ROPS with all its components an

21、d the moorings required to secure it to the base machine2.2.9FOPS massmass of an FOPS with all its components and the moorings required to secure it to the base machine2.3 Main machine dimensions2.3.1total frame lengthl1horizontal distance between the vertical planes perpendicular to the longitudina

22、l axis passing through the farthest points on the front and rear frame of the machine, blade and loader excludedNote 1 to entry: See Figure 1.DIN ISO 13860:2017-05 5 2.3.2overall lengthl2horizontal distance from a vertical plane touching the forward-most point of the machine, blade positioned to giv

23、e maximum forward reach (if so equipped), to a vertical plane touching the rearmost point of the machine, loader excludedNote 1 to entry: See Figure distance from the centre of the front axle or front bogie axle assembly to the centre of the rear axle or rear bogie axle

24、assembly when both axles are perpendicular to the longitudinal axisNote 1 to entry: See Figure joint to maximum blade arcl4horizontal distance from the centreline of the articulation joint to a vertical line tangent to the arc of the blades lower edge as it passes from its maximu

25、m height h4to the lowest blade position h5(2.3.12)Note 1 to entry: See Figure joint to front of machinel5horizontal distance from the centreline of the articulation joint to a vertical plane touching the farthest point forward, blade excludedNote 1 to entry: See Figure

26、iculation joint to front axlel6horizontal distance from the centreline of the articulation joint to the centre of the front axle or front bogie axle assemblyNote 1 to entry: See Figure heighth1horizontal distance from the centreline of the articulation joint to the centre of the front

27、 axle or front bogie axle assemblyNote 1 to entry: See Figure cab overall heighth2height of the operator cab frame with rigid attachmentsNote 1 to entry: See Figure 1.DIN ISO 13860:2017-05 6 2.3.9blade heighth3vertical distance from the lower edge, resting on the GRP (2.1.5), to the

28、top of the blade, decking lugs excludedNote 1 to entry: See Figure widthw3horizontal distance between the outer edges of the bladeNote 1 to entry: See Figure blade lift lower edgeh4maximum vertical height to which the lower edge of the blade can be raised from the GRP (

29、2.1.5)Note 1 to entry: See Figure blade positionh5vertical distance from the GRP (2.1.5) to the blades lower edge with blade at its lowest positionNote 1 to entry: See Figure clearanceh6vertical distance from the GRP (2.1.5) to the machine centre portion, i.e. 25 % of t

30、he track width either side of the longitudinal centrelineNote 1 to entry: See Figure clearance at articulation jointh7vertical distance from the GRP (2.1.5) to the lowest point at the articulation jointNote 1 to entry: See Figure tire radiusr1vertical distance from the

31、GRP (2.1.5) to the horizontal centre of the axle with the machine at normal operating mass (OM) (2.2.1)Note 1 to entry: See Figure joint to the axis of loader rotationl7horizontal distance from the centreline of the articulation joint to the centreline of the vertical axis of lo

32、ader rotation along the longitudinal axis of the machineNote 1 to entry: See Figure 1.N1)National footnote: When using a bogie, use the dimension r1, see Figure 1. N1)DIN ISO 13860:2017-05 7 2.3.17distance of load bunk headboard to rear axledistance of load bunk front guard to rear axlel8horizontal

33、distance from the load side of the headboard to the centre of rear axle or to rear bogie axle assemblyNote 1 to entry: See Figure of load bunk headboard to rearmost bunkdistance of load bunk front guard to rearmost bunkl9horizontal distance from the load side of the headboard to the

34、 rear of the rearmost position of adjustable bunkNote 1 to entry: See Figure widthw1horizontal distance between two vertical planes parallel to the longitudinal axis of the machine and passing through the farthest points on the two sides of this axisNote 1 to entry: See Figure 2.2.3.

35、20trackwidthw2horizontal distance between two parallel vertical planes passing through the centreline of the tires on an axleNote 1 to entry: If the front and rear are different, both must be specified.Note 2 to entry: See Figure oscillation anglea1angle that one frame will rotate from

36、 a horizontal datum, in both directions, without rotating the other frame, measured in degreesNote 1 to entry: See Figure oscillation anglea2angle that one axle will rotate from a horizontal datum, in both directions, without rotating either frame, measured in degreesNote 1 to entry: Se

37、e Figure circled1diameter of the smallest circle that the outermost point on the machine will describe when turning (brakes unapplied, blade in uppermost position, unloaded)Note 1 to entry: See Figure 3.DIN ISO 13860:2017-05 8 2.3.24angle of articulationa3maximum angle of frame ste

38、ering movement from the straight ahead position measured in degrees between longitudinal centrelines of the front and rear framesNote 1 to entry: Quantify both left and right if unequal.Note 2 to entry: See Figure 3.2.4 Loader dimensions2.4.1loader tiltaa1maximum angle between the axis of loader rot

39、ation and vertical line, on loaders with a tilting baseNote 1 to entry: Specify direction if unequal.Note 2 to entry: See Figure rotationaa2maximum loader horizontal rotation from the longitudinal centreline of the machine, measured in degreesNote 1 to entry: Specify if continuous rota

40、tion, quantify both right and left if unequal.Note 2 to entry: See Figure loader reachll1maximum horizontal distance from the loader axis of rotation to the centreline of the grapple yokeNote 1 to entry: See Figure loader reach at ground levelll2maximum horizontal dista

41、nce from the loader axis of rotation to the grapple yoke with the open grapple resting on the GRP (2.1.5), measured when loader oriented 90 degrees sideways from the machine axisNote 1 to entry: See Figure loader lift heighthh1maximum vertical lift height from the GRP (2.1.5) to the b

42、ottom of the grapple in tip-to-tip condition at a specified horizontal radius from the axis of rotationNote 1 to entry: See Figure height of loader at maximum reachhh2vertical distance from the GRP (2.1.5) to the bottom of the grapple in tip-to-tip condition with the loader at the max

43、imum horizontal reach (EE)Note 1 to entry: See Figure 4.DIN ISO 13860:2017-05 9 2.4.7maximum depth of loaderhh3maximum depth below the GRP (2.1.5) to the bottom of the grapple in tip-to-tip condition at a specified horizontal radius from the loader axis of rotationNote 1 to entry: See Figure

44、grapple height closedhh4vertical distance between the centreline of the boom pivot of the grapple yoke and the bottom of the grapple in tip-to-tip conditionNote 1 to entry: See Figure height openhh5vertical distance between the centreline of the boom pivot of the grapple yoke and the

45、tips of the fully open grappleNote 1 to entry: See Figure of grapple openingAcross-sectional area of the grapple opening in the tip-to-tip positionNote 1 to entry: See Figure of main boom pivothh6vertical distance between the GRP (2.1.5) and the horizontal axis of the mai

46、n boom pivotNote 1 to entry: See Figure 4.2.5 Bogie and load space dimensions2.5.1bogie axle assembly centreline distancell3horizontal distance from the centreline of the bogie axle to the centreline of the front or rear tire of the bogie axle assemblyNote 1 to entry: See Figure axle as

47、sembly wheelbasell4horizontal distance between the centrelines of the front and rear tire of the bogie axle assemblyNote 1 to entry: See Figure axle assembly wheelbase angleaa3angle that the bogie axle assembly can rotate from a horizontal datumNote 1 to entry: See Figure 5.DIN ISO 13860:2017-05 10 2.5.4cross-sectional area of load spaceAAeffective area of the load space in a vertical plane perpendicular to t

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