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1、 Beneficial comments, recommendations, additions, deletions, clarifications, etc. and any data that may improve this document should be sent to DLA Aviation, VEB, 8000 Jefferson Davis Highway, Richmond, VA 23297-5616 or e-mailed to STDZNMGTdla.mil. Since contact information can change, you may want

2、to verify the currency of this address information using the ASSIST database at https:/assist.dla.mil. AMSC N/A FSC 6810 METRIC A-A-59231B 9 July 2012 SUPERSEDING A-A-59231A 17 January 2007 COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTION ETHANOLAMINES (MONOETHANOLAMINE AND TRIETHANOLAMINE), TECHNICAL The General Servic

3、es Administration has authorized the use of this commercial item description for all federal agencies. 1. SCOPE. This commercial item description (CID) covers technical grades of modified commercial monoethanolamine and triethanolamine. Monoethanolamine is intended for use as a decontaminant for rio

4、t control agent CS (ortho-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile) and for the chemical agent CS1 dispersing equipment. Monoethanolamine is also intended for the removal of carbon dioxide from air, other gases, and liquids by absorption. Triethanolamine is intended for use when an organic base is required,

5、as in maintaining alkalinity of water solutions to prevent corrosion in such equipment as boilers, pipes, and radiators. 2. CLASSIFICATION. The ethanolamines shall be of the following types as specified (see 7.3(b): 2.1 Type. Type I - Monoethanolamine (MEA) Type II - Triethanolamine (TEA) 3. SALIENT

6、 CHARACTERISTICS 3.1 Appearance. Ethanolamines shall be clear, viscous, and free of suspended matter in the liquid state when tested as specified in 3.3.1. When in solid form, ethanolamines shall have a white, crystalline appearance, without visual evidence of impurities or discoloration. 3.2 Chemic

7、al and physical characteristics. Ethanolamines shall conform to the chemical and physical characteristics of table I when tested as specified herein. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-59231B 2 TABLE I. Chemical and physical characte

8、ristics. Characteristics MEA TEA Test paragraph Specific gravity at 20 C/20 C (percent min.) 1.017 to 1.021 1.124 to 1.129 3.3.2 Percent by volume distilled between 165 C and 175 C 90 minimum - ASTM D86 Color (Platinum-Cobalt scale) 15 maximum 40 maximum ASTM D1209 Water content (percent by weight)

9、0.30 maximum 0.20 maximum ASTM E203 MEA content (percent by weight) 99.0 minimum 0.50 maximum 3.3.3 TEA content (percent by weight) 0.20 maximum 99.0 minimum 3.3.3 Diethanolamine (DEA) content (percent by weight) 0.50 maximum 0.50 maximum 3.3.3 3.3 Tests. See 7.5 for sampling and testing precautions

10、. Water, in accordance with any ASTM D1193, “Standard Specification for Reagent Water“ type and grade, and reagent grade chemicals shall be used throughout the tests. Where applicable, blank determinations shall be run and corrections applied where significant. Tests shall be conducted as follows: 3

11、.3.1 Appearance. Thoroughly mix the specimen and transfer 25 milliliters (mL) into a 50 mL test tube. Stopper the test tube and allow it to stand until the bubbles have disappeared completely. Examine by transmitted light for uniformity and for freedom from particles and foreign matter. 3.3.2 Specif

12、ic gravity. Measure the specific gravity of types I and II ethanolamine specimens at 20 C/20 C. Determine with a digital density meter calibrated to give the apparent specific gravity at the specified conditions or a specific gravity balance (chainomatic) adjusted to give a 1.000 value for the speci

13、fic gravity of water at 20 C. Other approved methods per ASTM D891, “Standard Test Methods for Specific Gravity, Apparent, of Liquid Industrial Chemicals“, may be used. 3.3.3 MEA, TEA and DEA content. Apparatus. Use a gas chromatographic method with temperature programmer, split injection sy

14、stem, capillary or packed column, flame ionization (FID) or thermal conductivity detector, and recorder, or other equivalent instrumentation and equipment for MEA, TEA and DEA content analyses. Chromatographic conditions. Recommended conditions for a gas chromatograph (GC) using a fused sili

15、ca capillary column and a FID are shown in table II. Other equivalent instrumentation or GC column and detector may be used, but may require modification of Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-59231B 3 conditions in order to obtain go

16、od peak shapes, adequate resolutions, and appropriate retention times. TABLE II. Chromatographic conditions. Characteristic Condition Column material 5.0 micron fused silica Column dimensions 30 m (0.32 mm ID) Column temperature 60 C to 270 C at 10 C/min.* Injector temperature 250 C Detector tempera

17、ture 280 C Carrier gas Helium Carrier gas flow rate 2.0 mL/min. * 60 C held for 3 minutes, then programmed to 270 C at 10 C/min., and held for 10 minutes. Standard solutions. Use MEA, DEA and TEA of no less than 99.0 percent by weight purity in preparing the standard solutions. At least one

18、standard solution shall be prepared with concentrations near the required levels as shown in table I. If multiple standard solutions are used, they shall bracket the requirements shown in table I. For MEA testing, the standard solution shall be prepared to be approximately 0.50 percent DEA and 0.20

19、percent TEA with the remainder being MEA. For TEA testing, the standard solution shall be prepared to be approximately 0.50 percent DEA and 0.50 percent MEA with the remainder being TEA. The three peaks shall exit in the following order: MEA, DEA and TEA. Repeated injections of the standard solution

20、 shall be passed through the GC until the main peak areas are each reproducible to within 2 percent of the average result (for each peak). Additional trace peaks shall be present, but the area of those peaks shall not be greater than 10 percent of the area of either of the two minor peaks. This proc

21、edure gives the response factor of the GC apparatus for all three ethanolamines at the appropriate concentrations. Response factors may not be constant over a large range of concentrations and should either be determined for several concentrations or at the expected concentration of the samples to b

22、e analyzed. Standard solutions can also be made with the ethanolamines in a solvent such as 2-propanol. In that case, the actual samples of product under test must also be prepared with the same dilution so that the concentration of primary component (MEA or TEA) in the solvent is the same as that i

23、n the standard solutions. Procedure. Ethanolamines are sensitive to oxygen present in the GC carrier gas. Use a high purity grade of helium carrier gas. In addition, it is recommended that an oxygen/moisture trap be installed in the carrier gas feed prior to the GC. Repeatedly inject identic

24、al volumes of the sample into the GC until the areas of the three main peaks are each reproducible to within 2 percent of the average result for each peak. Calculate the average peak area for the three major peaks. If diluted standards were prepared in step, then identical dilutions shall be

25、 prepared with the samples prior to analysis. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-59231B 4 Calculations. Calculate the percent by weight of MEA, DEA and TEA as follows: Percent by weight MEA in sample = C1 x A1 / S1 where: C1

26、= percent by weight of MEA in standard A1 = average MEA peak area of sample S1 = average MEA peak area of standard Percent by weight DEA in sample = C2 x A2 / S2 where: C2 = percent by weight of DEA in standard A2 = average DEA peak area of sample S2 = average DEA peak area of standard Percent by we

27、ight TEA in sample = C3 x A3 / S3 where: C3 = percent by weight of TEA in standard A3 = average TEA peak area of sample S3 = average TEA peak area of standard 4. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Marking, packaging, and labeling. Material shall be labeled, packed, and marked in accordance with Title 49, C

28、ode of Federal Regulations (CFR) paragraphs 100 to 185. 4.2 Recycled materials. The offeror/contractor is encouraged to use recovered materials to the maximum extent practical, in accordance with paragraph 23.403 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). 4.3 Material safety data sheet (MSDS). The

29、 manufacturer shall comply with requirements set forth by the Hazardous Communication Standard 29 CFR paragraph 1910.1200 (d) through (g). All MSDSs submitted shall comply with provisions of FED-STD-313, “Material Safety Data, Transportation Data and Disposal Data for Hazardous Materials Furnished t

30、o Government Activities“. 5. PRODUCT CONFORMANCE PROVISIONS 5.1 Product conformance. The products provided shall meet the salient characteristics of this CID, conform to the producers own drawings, specifications, standards, and quality assurance practices, and be the same product offered for sale i

31、n the commercial marketplace. The government reserves the right to require proof of such conformance. 5.2 Market acceptability. The following market acceptability criteria are necessary to document the quality of the product to be provided under this CID: Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction

32、 or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-59231B 5 a. The item offered must have been sold to the government within the past 2 years. b. The company must be able to show test data or lab results of meeting the salient characteristics of the ethanolamines. 6. PACKAGING. Preservation,

33、packing, and marking shall be as specified in the acquisition order (see 7.3(c). 7. NOTES 7.1 Part or identification number (PIN). The following PIN procedure is for government purposes and does not constitute a requirement for the contractor. 7.2 Sources of documents. 7.2.1 CFR and FAR. Copies of C

34、FR and FAR may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954. Electronic copies of CFR documents may be obtained from http:/www.gpoaccess.gov/cfr/. Electronic copies of FAR documents may be obtained from http:/www.arnet.gov/far/. 7.2.2 Federal standards

35、. Copies of federal standards may be obtained from General Services Administration, Federal Supply Service, Specification Section, 470 East LEnfant Plaza SW, Suite 8100, Washington, DC 20407. Electronic copies of federal standards may be obtained from https:/assist.dla.mil/. 7.2.3 ASTM standards. Co

36、pies of ASTM standards may be obtained from the ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. Electronic copies of ASTM standards may be obtained from http:/www.astm.org/. 7.3 Ordering data. The acquisition order should specify the following information:

37、 a. CID document number, revision, and CID PIN. b. Type of ethanolamine required (see 2). c. Packaging requirements (see 6). d. Unit of issue and quantity. Type: I - MEA II - TEA AA59231 - I CID number Example of reference part number: AA59231-I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networ

38、king permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-59231B 6 7.4 Cross-reference data. Table III provides a cross-reference between the A-A-59231 and MIL-E-50011 types for each assigned NSN. TABLE III. Cross-reference of A-A-59231 to MIL-E-50011 types. NSN A-A-59231 Type MIL-E-50011 Type 6810-00-075-687

39、6 I I 6810-00-270-6207 I I 6810-00-281-2192 II III 6810-00-922-0866 I I 7.5 Sampling and testing precautions. This CID requires inspection and use of chemical material which is potentially dangerous to personnel. All applicable safety rules, regulations, and procedures must be followed in the sampli

40、ng and testing of this material. 7.6 Significant figures. For the purpose of determining conformance with this CID, an observed or calculated value should be rounded off “to the nearest unit” in the last right-hand place of figures used in expressing the limiting value, in accordance with the roundi

41、ng-off method of ASTM E29, “Standard Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications“. 7.7 Subject term (key word) listing. Chemical agent CS1 DEA Diethanolamine Gas chromatograph MEA Riot control agent CS TEA Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproducti

42、on or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-59231B 7 MILITARY INTERESTS: CIVIL AGENCY COORDINATING ACTIVITY: Custodians: Army CR4 Navy SH Air Force 68 DLA GS GSA FAS Review Activity: Army SM Preparing Activity: DLA GS3 (Project 6810-2006-004) NOTE: The activities listed above were in

43、terested in this document as of the date of this document. Since organizations and responsibilities can change, you should verify the currency of the information above using the ASSIST database at https:/assist.dla.mil/. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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