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1、 A-A-59328 W 9018054 0003927 720 W Beneficial comments, recommendations, additions, deletions, clarifications, etc., and any data which may improve this document should be sent to: Defense Supply Center Richmond, ATTN: DSCR-VBD, 8000 Jefferson Davis Highway, Richmond, VA 23297-5610. - INCH-POUND A-A

2、-5 9328 13 October 1998 SUPERSEDING 11 September 1987 MIL-M-80044D COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTION MILLING MACHINE, HORIZONTAL SPINDLE, KNEE The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this commercial item description for all federal agencies. 1. SCOPE. This commercial item description

3、 (CID) covers knee horizontal-spindle knee milling machines intended for use in conventional milling operations. 2. CLASSIFICATION. The milling machines shall be of the following types, classes, and sizes. The type, class, and size to be funiished shall be as specified (see 7.2(b). Type I - Plain wo

4、rktable Type II - Universal worktable Class 1 - 5-horsepower spindle drive Class 2 - 7.5-horsepower spindle drive Class 3 - 1 O-horsepower spindle drive Class 4 - 20-horsepower spindle drive Size - Sizes are shown in table I AMSC N/A FSC 3417 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; di

5、stribution is unlimited. Licensed by Information Handling Services A-A-59328 = 9018054 0003928 bb Size 1 2 A-A-59328 Minimum machine travel, inches 22 12 15 Class Longitudinal Cross-slide Vertical 1 29 9 TABLE I. Horizontal-mindle millinn machine sizes. 3 4 5 2 37 13 18 29 12 17 35 14 17 -_ - - I I

6、I -. -. I I I I 15 _ -3 37 12 14 6 7 8 9 3. SALIENT CHARACTERISTICS 41 13 18 31 10 15 3 45 15 19 3.1 General reciuirements. The milling machine shall be new and one of the manufh.cturers current models capable of operation in accordance with the requirements herein. All parts subject to wear, breaka

7、ge, or distortion shall be accessible for adjustment, replacement, and repair. 3.2 Comwnents. The milling machine shall include, as a minimum, the following components: I 3.2.1 Column and base. The milling machine column and base shall support the other elements of the machine, provide stability for

8、 the worktable, minimize adverse vibration, and provide a means for leveling and anchoring the machine. 3.2.2 Knee. The knee shall support the worktable and provide for locking the worktable within its travel range on the column. The knee adjusting crank lever or handwheel shall automatically releas

9、e when the power feed or rapid traverse is engaged or power feed to the vertical or cross axes shall be disabled when the crank lever or handwheel is engaged for that axis. 3.2.3 Worktable. Unless otherwise specified (see 7.2(c), the worktable length, width, and workpiece weight capacity shall be th

10、at considered as standard by the manufcturer. The number and size of the T-slots shall be as specified (see 7.2(d). The configuration of the T-slots shall conform to the requirements of AmericanNational Standards Institute (ANSI) B5.1. On type II machines, the worktable shall swivel horizontally at

11、least 45 degrees clockwise and 45 degrees counterclockwise hm center. The swiveling worktable shall have a position scale graduated in increments not greater than 1 degree to indicate its angular setting. 2 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesA-A-59328 D 9038054 0003727 5T3 A-A-593 2 8 3.2.4 SD

12、indle assemblv. Unless otherwise specified (see 7.2(e), the spindle shall have 12 speeds over a speed range from 40 to 1600 revolutions per minute. The taper size of the spindle shall be as specified (see 7.2(f) and shall be in accordance with ANSI B5.18. 3.2.5 Digital readout. Unless otherwise spec

13、ified (see 7.2(g), a digital readout shall be provided for positional readout of all axes. The resolution and accuracy shall be within kO.0005 inch. The repeatability shall be within f0.0002 inch measured over the full travel on each axis. The digitai readout shall indicate axis location in both Eng

14、lish and metric units. 3.2.6 Vertical-srindle milling attachment. When specified (see 7.2(h), a removable vertical- spindle milling attachment shall be furnished and bolted to the column, and driven by the horizontal spindle. The milling attachment shall swivel not less than f90 degrees in a vertica

15、l plane parallel to the longitudinal worktable motion. If required, the milling attachment shall also swivel from a vertical to a horizontal plane parallel to the cross-slide motion as specified (see 7.2(i). 3.2.7 Universal milling attachment. When specified (see 7.20), a removable universal milling

16、 attachment shall be furnished, bolted to the column, and driven by the horizontai spindle. The milling attachent shall swivel not less than 180 degrees in a vertical plane parailel to the longitudinal worktable motion and shall swivel not less than 180 degrees in a horizontal plane. 3.2.8 Universal

17、 dividing head. When specified (see 7.2(k), a universal dividing head shall be furnished and shall rotate and index workpieces in conjunction with longitudinal movement of the worktable. The index plates shall be those normally funiished with the manufacturers standard model dividing head. When spec

18、ified (see 7.2(l), additional index plates shall be funiished to provide for dividing a single spindle rotation into any integral number of equal divisions from 2 to 100 when using the plain indexing method. When specified (see 7.2(m), a complete driving mechanism with enclosed gears shall be provid

19、ed to drive the dividing head by power from the worktable feed screw. The dividing head shall be complete with centers, steady rest, tailstock, and three-jaw universal chuck with reversible jaws. 3.2.9 Rom table. If required, a rotary table with a peripheral scale graduated in 1- degree increments s

20、hall be furnished and shall include a handwheel, T-slots, T-bolts, nuts, washers, and locking clamp for the rotary motor as specified (see 7.2(n). The table diameter and workpiece weight capacity shall be as specified (see 7.2(0). When specified (see 7.2(p), the table shall be power driven, and two

21、trip dogs shall be funiished. If required, an indexing attachment with indexing plates shall be furnished as specified (see 7.2(q). 3.2.10 Controls. As a minimum, the milling machine shall be equipped with the following controls: 3.2.1 O. 1 Manual feed controls. The milling machine shall be equipped

22、 with crank levers or handwheels to elevate the knee and move the worktable. The crank levers or handwheels shall be equipped with micrometer scales graduated in 0.00 1 -inch increments. 3 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesA-A-59328 9018054 0003930 215 W A-A-593 28 Power feed control

23、s. The milling machine shall be equipped with a feed rate selector that shall control the power feed rate for worktable and knee in inches per minute. The power feed shall be engaged by individual controls on the worktable and knee. Trip dogs at axis travel limits shall be provided to automatically

24、disengage the power feed to prevent accidental damage to the feed mechanism. Adjustable power feed trip dogs shall be provided to preset the point at which the feed is to be disengaged. Unless otherwise specified (see 7.2(r), the machine shall be capable of 12 feed rates over a range from 1.5 to 25

25、inches per minute on the longitudinal and cross-slide axes, and from 1 to 7 inches per minute on the vertical axis. RaDid traverse. The milling machine shall be equipped with rapid traverse controls of the knee, saddle, and worktable to move the workpiece up to the cutter or clear of the ov

26、erarm. When engaged, the rapid traverse shall override the feed rate of the worktable, saddle, or knee in the direction of the feed. Unless otherwise specified (see 7.2(s), the longitudinal, cross-slide, and vertical axis rapid traverse rates shall be not less than 63 inches per minute, 63 inches pe

27、r minute, and 20 inches per minute, respectively. SDindle controls. The milling machine shall be equipped with spindle controls including the main motor forward and reverse switch, clutch, and spindle speed controls. Locks. The milling machine shall be equipped with locks on the wo

28、rktable, saddle, and knee to permit the components to be locked in place during machining operations. Automatic cvcle worktable control. When specified (see 7.2(t), the milling machine shall have automatic cycle worktable control of the following functions: power feed, rapid traverse, autom

29、atic reverse, automatic knee retraction, and stop. 3.2.1 1 Coolant system. Unless otherwise specified (see 7.2(u), the cutting tool coolant system shall be the flood type and shail provide a means for directing and controlling the rate of coolant flow. The coolant returning to the central reservoir

30、shall be filtered through a 1000-micron filter. 3.2.12 Electrical system. Unless otherwise specified (see 7.2(v), the electrical system shall confomi to the ANSIMational Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 79. The machine shall have dual 230/460-volt, 3-phase, 60-hertz circuit capability and shall be

31、 wired for the voltage specified (see 7.2(w). 3.2.13 Electric motor. The spindle drive motor shall have a 30-minute duty cycle horsepower rating, shall have sealed and permanently lubricated ball or roller bearings, shall be energy efficient, and shall conform to the National Electrical Mandctmrs As

32、sociation (NEMA) MG-1. Unless otherwise specified (see 7.2(x), the motors shall have open dripproof enclosures. 3.2.14 Optional accessories. Optional accessories shall be furnished as specified (see 7.2(y). 3.3 Pdonnance. Unless otherwise specsed (see 7.2(2), the conform to the mandacturers own draw

33、ings, specifications, standards, and quality assurance practices; and be the same product offered for sale in the commercial market. The Government reserves the right to require proof of such conformance. 5.2 Inspection. The milling machine shall be inspected to determine compliance with all require

34、ments specified in this CID. 5.3 Testing. Unless otherwise specified (see 7.2(ff), the milling machine shall be tested in accordance with sections 5.3.1 through 5.3.4. 5.3.1 Test setup and conditions. Unless otherwise specified (see 7.2(gg), the manufacturer shall be responsible for supplying all to

35、oling and materiais and shall conduct all tests required by the Government. The manufacturer shall provide test instruments and equipment with calibration traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (”IST) and shall provide certification of calibration as specified (see 7.2(hh). Unle

36、ss otherwise specified (see 7.2(ii), the milling machine shall be tested in accordance with the environmental conditions specified in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) B5.54. 5.3.2 Orerational test. The milling machine shall be operated in accordance with the mandacturers standard

37、operating procedures for warm-up and operation. Proper operation of all controls and features shall be verified during the trial period. 5.3.3 Performance tests. The alignment and cutting performance tests shall be conducted in accordance with NAS 985 and NAS 979, respectively. Aliment tests

38、. The alignment test results shall meet the requirements shown in table II. Maximum torque cutting test. The machine shall meet the performance requirements of NAS 979paragraph4. Maximum rated horseuower cutting tests. The machine shall meet the performance requirements of NA

39、S 979 paragraph The test shall be performed using a 4-inch width of cut, a 8-inch-per-minute feed rate, a 250-revolutions-per-minute spindle speed, a 0.0053-inch-per- tooth chip load, and a type IX cutter shown in table I of NAS 979. The depth of cut for class 1 machines shall be 0.094 in

40、ch, for class 2 machines 0.141 inch, for class 3 machines 0.188 inch, and for class 4 machines 0.375 inch. Maximum feed rate cutting test. The machine shall meet the performance requirements of NAS 979 paragraph The test shall be performed using an 11-inch width of cut, a 25-inch-

41、 per-minute feed rate, a 1 200-revolutions-per-minute spindle speed, a 0.0052-inch-per-tooth chip load, and a type III cutter shown in table I of NAS 979. The depth of cut for class 1 machines shall 7 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesA - A-5 9 32 8 9018054 0003934 9b0 H A-A-59328 be 0.070 in

42、ch, for class 2 machines 0.1 10 inch, for class 3 machines 0.145 inch, and for class 4 machines 0.290 inch. Flatness and mismatch cutting; test. The machine shall meet the performance requirements of NAS 979 paragraph 5.3.4 Optional tests. Optional tests shall be conducted as spe

43、cified (see 7.2jj). 5.4 Acceptance. Unless otherwise specified (see 7.2(kk), prehmary and final acceptance tests shall be conducted at the manufcturers site. The results of the performance tests shall be compared to the ormance requirements stated in sections 5.3.3 through 5.3.4 and as shown in tabl

44、e II. Failure of the machine to meet these performance requirements shall be cause for rejection. 6. PACKAGING. Unless otherwise specified (see 7.2(11), preservation, packing, and marking shall be as specified in the contract or order. 7. NOTES 7.1 Source of documents. 7.1.1 Government documents. Co

45、pies of Federal documents may be obtained fkom the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. 7.1.2 Industry standards. Copies of industry standards referenced in this CID may be obtained from the following addresses: Aerospace Industries Association of Ameri

46、ca (AIM) NAS 979 Uniform Cutting Tests - NAS Series Metal Cutting Equipment Specifications Uniform Alignment Test - NAS 900 Series Equipment Specifications NAS 985 Applications for copies should be sent to the Aerospace Industries Association of America, 1725 De Sales Street NW, Washington, DC 20036

47、 American National Standards Institute (ANSI) ANSI B5.1 T-slots, Their Bolts, Nuts, Tongues, and Cutters ANSI B5.18 Spindle Noses and Arbors for Milling Machines ANSI B11.8 Machine Tools - Drilling, Milling, and Boring Machines - Safety Requirements for Construction, Care, and Use 8 Licensed by Info

48、rmation Handling ServicesA-A-59328 9018054 0003935 8T7 = A-A-59328 and Boring Machines and Machine Tools. Applications for copies should be sent to the American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) ASME B5.54 Methods f

49、or Performance Evaluation of Computer Numerically Controlled Machining Centers Applications for copies should be sent to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 1001 7. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) NEMA MG-1 Motors and Generators Applications for copies should be sent to the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1847, Rosslyn, VA 22209. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) ANSI/NFPA-79 Electrical Standard for Industrial


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