DLA MIL-W-3318 A-1971 WIRE COPPER AND WIRE STEEL COPPERCLAD W-154 AND WS-24 U《铜包W-154和WS-24 U钢线和铜线》.pdf

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DLA MIL-W-3318 A-1971 WIRE COPPER AND WIRE STEEL COPPERCLAD W-154 AND WS-24 U《铜包W-154和WS-24 U钢线和铜线》.pdf_第1页
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DLA MIL-W-3318 A-1971 WIRE COPPER AND WIRE STEEL COPPERCLAD W-154 AND WS-24 U《铜包W-154和WS-24 U钢线和铜线》.pdf_第3页
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DLA MIL-W-3318 A-1971 WIRE COPPER AND WIRE STEEL COPPERCLAD W-154 AND WS-24 U《铜包W-154和WS-24 U钢线和铜线》.pdf_第5页
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1、- ? - Y- - MIL-W-331A 75 m 7779706 OL1Li302 T m ?, .-. . /- _- 1. c I. . . MIL-W-3318A 22 February 1971 SUPERSEDING E4u; -W -33 18 25 October i950 MILITARY SPECIFICATION WRE, COPPER; AND WIRE, STEEL, COPPERW (W-154 AND WS-24/U) This specification is mandatory for use by all Departments and Agencies

2、of the Department of Defense. . ,: 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers tie wires, i9 inches long, 0.080 inches diameter, which are used for attaching copper or coppercLad steel line wires to insulators. The copper tie wire is designated a6 wire W-154 and the copperclad steel tie wire is designate

3、d as wire WS-24/TJ. 2, APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of the specification to the extent specified herein. FE3XRAL SPECIFICATIONS QQ-S -7 81 PPP-B - 58 5 PPP-B21 PPP-F-320 PPP-B-O PPP-B.636 .

4、I PPP-T-76 !. I Steel Strapping, Flat. Boxes, Wood, Wirewound. Box, Wood, Cleated-Plywood. Box, Wood, Nailed and Lock-Corner. Box , Fiberboard. Fiberboard, Corrugated and Solid, Sheet Stock !. (Container Grades) and Cut Shapes. Re6 i 6 tarit (For Carton Sealing) r. Tape, Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive

5、Paper, Water h Tape, Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive, Filament Reinforced. : . Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-W-3318A 75 m 779770b OLL4303 L . (Activities outside the Federal Government may obtain copies of Federal Specifications, Standerds, and Handbooks as outlined under General informat

6、ion in the Index of Federal Specifications and Standards and at the prices indicated in the Index. issued, is for sale on a subscription basis by the Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.) by activities outside the Federal Government for bidding purposes

7、 are available without charge at the General Services Administration Regional Offices in Boston, New York, Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Chicago, Kansas City, Mo., Dallas, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Seattle, Wash.) (Federal Government activities may obtain copies of Federal Specifications

8、, Standards and Handbooks and the Index of Federal Specifications and Standards from established distribution points in their agencies. ) The Index, which includes cumulative monthly supplements as (Single copies of this specification and other product specifications required MILITAKY SPECIFICATIONS

9、 MD-P-LL SWARDS MIL-SID-129 MIL-STD-147 Preservation, Methods Of. Marking for Shipment and Storage. Palietized and Containerized Unit Loads 40 Inch x 48 Inch Pallets, Skics, Runners, or Pallet Type Base. (Copies of Military Specif-ations and Standards required by contractors in connection with speci

10、fic procurement functions shauld be obtained frcxn the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) 2.2 Other publications. The following documents form a part of this specifica- tion, to the extent specified herein. effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal sha

11、ll apply. riiess otherwise indicated, the issue in Uniform Classification Committee (UCC) Uniform Freight classification (Application for copies should be addressed to the Uniform Classification Conmittee, 202 union Station, Chicago, ininois 6606.) National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc. (N

12、MFTA) National Motor Freight Classification (Application for copies should be addressed to the American Trucking Associa- tions, 1616 P Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036.) 2 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-W-33LBA 75 7797706 OLL4304 3 Material Copper - - - - - - Copperclad steel - MI

13、L -W - 33i8A Tensile Bredsing Nominal strength strength Elongat ion diameter (maximum) (maximum) (minimum) Inch Lbf/in2 Pounds Percent in 10 inches 0.080 39,500 139 25 o. O80 70,OOo 352 15 - 3. m-Ts 3.1 Material. The material of the tie wires shall be as specified herein. The best material for tropi

14、cal and arctic use commercialy available for the purpose shall be used when a definite material is not designated. 3.1.1 Copper tie wire. shall be copper of such quality and purity that when drawn and annealed the The material used in the manufacture of this wire finished wire shall confrm to this s

15、pecification. 3.1.2 Copperclad steel tie wire. The material used in the manufacture of this wire shall be soft copperclad steel wire of the grade designated commercially as “40 percent conductivity“. manner that the finished tie wire shall conform to this specification. The wire shall be drawn an an

16、nealed in such a 3.2 Physical requirements. Al1 tie wires shall be bright annealed. They shall show no evidence of burning or other injury received in the annealing process. When the annealing is done after the tie wires have been assembled in bundles, it shall be so controlled as to insure that all

17、 wires throughout the bunaes are uniformly annealed and that they conform to this specification. 3.2.1 Diameter and length. All tie wires shall have a diameter of 0.080 - +O.a . inch and an overall length of 19 inches - a.25 inch. (See 4.3.) 3.2.2 Tensile strength, breaking strength, and elongation.

18、 Tensile strength, breaking strength and elongation shall be as specified in table 1 when tested as specified in 4.4. from the nominal size, but within the tolerances specified, shall be determined by multiplyiy the applicable value of tensile strength in pound-force per square inch (lbf/in ), as sp

19、ecified in table I, bx the cross-sectional area (square inch) of the sample. The maximum allowable breaking strength for wire differing Table I. Tensile strength, breaking strength and elongation. Elongation. The elongation shall be determined as the permanent increase in length, at the time

20、 of failure of the wires in tension, measured between bench marks originally placed on the wire 10 inche6 apart. determinations shall be disregarded in cases where the break is not located between the bench marks and at least 1 inch from either bench mark. Elongation 3 Licensed by Information Handli

21、ng Servicest MIL-W-331A 95 9939906 0114305 5 W 3.2.3 Ductility of copperclad steel and copp r wire. (S Torsion. The finished wire shall not fractu-ewhen tested as specified in 4.5.1. Bending. The finished wire shall not fracture when tested as specified in 4.5.2. 3.2.4 Bonding of cop

22、per to steel. For copperclad steel wire, the copper shall not separate from the steel when tested as specified in 4.6. 3.3 Workmanship. The wire sbll be manufactured and finished in a thoroughly workmanlike manner in accordance with the best commercial practice of wire manu- facturers. scales, inequ

23、alities, splints, or other flaws, as longitudinal die marks, scratches, and minute fissures resulting from removal of small splints, are permissible provided that such imperfections do not exceed those characteristics of good manufacturing practice. shall be smoothly cut so as to be free of sharp, c

24、hisel-shaped, or ragged ends. Ail finished tie wires,shall be cylindrical in form and free from Small surface Imperfections, such The ends of the wires 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is res

25、ponsible for the performance of all inspec- tion requirements as specified herein. contract or order, the supplier may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the government. The goverment reserves the ri

26、ght to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure that supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. Except as otherwise specified in the 4.2 Selection of samples. Three sample bundles Shall be taken at random from

27、Each bundle represents 10 pounds of tie wire. each lot of 100 bundles, or fraction thereof, (but not less than five sample bundles from the complete order.) From each bundle thus selected, one sample tie wire shall be taken for each of the foUawing tests. 4.3 Diameter and length. Samples selected in

28、 accordance with 4.2 shall be inspected for compliance with the diameter and length requirements of 3.2.1. 4.4 Tensile strength, breaking strength, and elongation, Samples selected in accordance with 4.2 shall be tested on a standard materials testing machine - for coiinpliance with 3.2.2, 4.5 Ducti

29、lity tests. (See 3.2.3.) Sanples selected Ln accordance with 4.2 shall be tested as follows: 4 Licensed by Information Handling Services. -. MIL-W-33LA 45 4474406 OL1Ll30b 7 W MIL-W -3318A 4.5.1 Torsion. Each sample shall be subjected to 25 twists in a length equivalent to 100 times the diameter of

30、the wire under test. be made in a standard torsion machine or equivalent, with one head of the machine rotating and the opposite head nonrotating but capable of moving horizontally. The weight on the movable head shall be 15 pounds, and the rate of rotation approximately 15 twists per minute. shall

31、meet the requirements of This test shall After completion of the testing, the samples 4.5.2 Bending. Each sample shall be subjected to 15 bends through an angle The bends shall be made at a uniform rate of not more than 60 bends of 180 degrees over a 3/16-inch radius. A bend shallbe defined

32、 as the movement of the wire through an ame of 90 degrees in either direction from the original position. per minute. requirements of At the completion of the testing, the samples shall meet the 4.6 Bonding test on copperclad steel wire. At the conclusion of the torsion and bending tests sp

33、ecified in 4.5.1 and 4.5.2, each sample of copperclad steel wire used in these tests shall be tested further until the wire fractures. The fracture shall be examined visually to insure that the sample conforms to 3.2.4. 4.7 Lot acceptance criteria. The lot shall be accepted if no failures occur in t

34、he sample. 4.8 Inspection of preparation for deliveq. Sample packages or packs and the inspection of the preservation, packaging, packing and marking for shipment and storage shall be in accordance with the requirements of section 5. 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Preservation and packaging. Unless

35、 otherwise specified, preservation and packaging shall be level A or C, as specified. (See 6.i() .) 5.1.1 evei A. Cleanin . Tie wire-s shall be cleaned in accordance with process C-1 of MIL-P-11 + Dry-. Tie wires shall be dried in accordance with the applicable procedure of MIL-P-IX.

36、 Preservation application. None required. Packaging. The tie wires shall be packaged method III of MIL-P-u. Tie wires shall be prepared in bundles of 10 pounds each, the bundles shall be secured with soft copper or copperclad steel tie wires. Place the bundled tie wires individually

37、within a close-f itting container conforming to PPP-B-636, grade ec. Close the box in accordance with the appendix of the box specification. Licensed by Information Handling Services- MIL-W-33LA 95 = 9999906 OLL4307 9 .- . ._ . 5.1.2 Level C. Tie wires shall be preserved and packaged in a manner tha

38、t will afford adequate protection against physical and environmental damage during shipent, handling and limited intransit storage. practice is acceptable when it fulfills these requirements. The suppliers standard 5.2 P-. Packing shall be level A or C as specified. Shipping containers for all level

39、s shall be capable of stacking and supporting superimposed loads during shipment and storage without damaging the container(s) or its contents. (See 6.1(c).) % 5.2.1 Level A. Consolidation. A quantity of tie wires, packaged as specified in 5.1, shall be packed within a close-fitting fiberboa

40、rd box conforming .f;o PPP-B-636, type CA?, class weather-resistant. appendix to the box specification. shaU be unfom in size and contain equal quantities of the packaged items to the greatest extent practicable. Box closure shall be as specified in the To facilitate palletization, fiberboard boxes

41、 Palletized load. A quantity of containers, packed 86 specified in shall be palletized as specified in, except that fiberboerd caps shall be class domestic. Less than palletized load. When quantities per destination are less than a pallet load, the containers packed as

42、 specified in shall be used as the shipping container. No mther packing shall be required. Alternate method of packing. The wire shall be packed in a manner which vin insure arrival. at destination in satisfactory condition and be acceptable to the carrier at lowest rates. Freight Cl

43、assification rules or National Motor Freight Classification rules. order, interior packages and exterior shipping containers shall be marked in accordance with MIL-SE-l29. Containers and packing shall comply with Uniform 5.3 Marki%. In addition to any special marking required by the contract or 6. m

44、TEs 6.1 Ordering data. Procurement documents shad specify the following: T itle, number and date of this mecification. la - (b) Type required. (See 1.1, 3.1.1, and 3.1.2.) (c) (d) Levels of preservation, packaging, packing and marking. When the rough handling and functional tests are required. (See

45、Section 5.) 6.2 Indirect shipments. The preservation, packaging, packing and marking speci- fied in-section 5 apply only to direct purchases by or direct shipments to the government, and are not intended to apply to contracts or orders between the supplier and prime contractor. Custodians: .Army - EL navy - YD &r Force - 84 Review: Army - AT Navy - n Air .Force - 84 NSA IS Preparing Activity: Army-= J Users: 7 Licensed by Information Handling Services


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