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DLA SMD-5962-77056-1977 MICROCIRCUITS DIGITAL CMOS HEX OPEN DRAIN N-CHANNEL BUFFERS《六位N沟道开路漏极缓冲器 氧化物半导体数字微型电路》.pdf_第1页
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DLA SMD-5962-77056-1977 MICROCIRCUITS DIGITAL CMOS HEX OPEN DRAIN N-CHANNEL BUFFERS《六位N沟道开路漏极缓冲器 氧化物半导体数字微型电路》.pdf_第2页
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DLA SMD-5962-77056-1977 MICROCIRCUITS DIGITAL CMOS HEX OPEN DRAIN N-CHANNEL BUFFERS《六位N沟道开路漏极缓冲器 氧化物半导体数字微型电路》.pdf_第3页
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DLA SMD-5962-77056-1977 MICROCIRCUITS DIGITAL CMOS HEX OPEN DRAIN N-CHANNEL BUFFERS《六位N沟道开路漏极缓冲器 氧化物半导体数字微型电路》.pdf_第4页
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DLA SMD-5962-77056-1977 MICROCIRCUITS DIGITAL CMOS HEX OPEN DRAIN N-CHANNEL BUFFERS《六位N沟道开路漏极缓冲器 氧化物半导体数字微型电路》.pdf_第5页
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1、- 999999b 0334894 Lbb 1 i ed in ac REVISIONS DESCRIPTION . 1 DATE I APPROVED LTR I ordance with MIL-STD-100 Ss1 ectsd i ;em arawi ?q REV I I I l I IIII!llll 1 Til Of PIGE3 II111 I i I I I! I II PAQE I I I 1 1111ll1ll HI I II I Illll!lillil _ TITLE Microcircuits, Digital, POS, Hex, Open Drain, ir-cna

2、nncl Buffers lL -2 o -7t I Of 10 n EV PAQE 1 5962-EI31 Dac pony 1U u41 76 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I ? l I ! 1 l. SCOPE I I i I I T 1.1 Scope. -This drawing describes the requirements for nonolithic silicon, digltal, CMOS buffe

3、rs I This Craning provides for a levei of microcircuit quality and re1 iabil i ty assurance for procurenent of nicrocircui ts in accordance wi th X1L-M-38510. 1.2 Part number. The canplete part number hall be ds shokn in the following example: T I I i i 1/ absolute maximum ratings are those values,

4、beyond wnich the safety of the device cannot be - uaranteed. They are not meant to imply that the device should be operated at these limits. 9 he electrlcal characteristics table provides condi tfons for actual devic- operation. X i BEfE1SE ILtCTROHICS SUPPLY CEIITII 1AYTO1, 01111 I Orawi ng number

5、Oevico vpe Case luti ine Lead tinish (1.2.1) (1.2.2) (3.3) A 14933 77056 R CV PAGE 2 I I ! i 1.2.1 Oevico Pise. The device “jpe shall fdentify the circuit function as follows: Jevi ce type Generic number O1 54C306 Circuit ifex buffer 1.2.2 Case outline. The case outl ine shall be 3s designate4 in HI

6、L-M-38510, appendix C and is io1 1 ows : i i4 I I j I ! I Outline letter A Case outl i ne -I (1/4“ x 1/4“ flat package) 0-1 (1/4“ X 3/4“ dual-in-line package) F-2 (1/4 X 3/3“ flat package) 1.3 Absolute maximum ratinas. t/ Voltage at any input pin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -0.3 i to Ycc 9.3

7、 v Voltage at any output pin- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -0.3 to cl8 V Operating temperature range- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -55Y to r12SC Storage temo. range- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -65C to +150C Package dissipation- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 500 mW Oper

8、ating VCc range- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.0 V io 15 v Absolute maxlmum VCt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 V Lead temperature (soldering, 10 seconds) - - - - - - - - - - 300C ! C I I OCIC PORY 1UA nha rd Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted

9、 without license from IHS-,-,-. m 999999b OLL489b T39 m 1 I I l I I i 1 I I ! ! 1 I ! i i I I ! ! i 1 I i ! I 1 I ! I i ! ! .! I il I .I i ! i ! I 2. RPCL KABLE OOCUMENTS 2.1 The fol1Owing documents, of the issue In affect on date of invitatioh for bids or rquest ar proposal, tom a part of this draw

10、ing ta the extent specified heroin. SPECiFICATIOH MILITARY MtL-M-38510 - Microcircuits, General Specification for. SANOARO MILITARY Mil-STD-883 - Test Hcthodf and Procedures for Hicroel ectronics. (Copies sf soecifications, standards, drawings, and publications r?quit?d 3y suool iert in csnnec- .ion

11、 with specific ;irocure!nent functions snould be obtained frnn tfie :rocYing activity at as lirtcced ay the contraczing officer.! 3. REQUIRNENTS 3.1 Its rociuirments. Tho individual itw requiroroents shall 3e in dCCorCanCe wi:3 IIL-38510, ana is specriied herein. 3.2 Desicn, construction, and mysici

12、l dimensions. The design, construc:ion, ana mysicsl limensions snaii Je as Specified in 4liL-M-38SiO ana herein. 3.2.1 Desian documentation. The design documentation shall 9e in accordance vi th :*IL-M-38510 md, unless ofnerwi sc specified in the contract or Durchass order, shall De retaine4 by the

13、nanu- Facturer Jut be available for r%vieu by the procuring activity or contractor upon request. 3.2.2 Tenina1 connections. The taminal cmnec3ons shall be as specified on fisure 1. 3.2.3 Case outlines. The case outlines shall be in accardance with 1.2.2. 3.3 Lead material and finish. Lead mdter!al a

14、nd finish shall be ln accordance uith YIL-#-38510. 3.4 Electrical aerfanance charxteri stfcs. The el ectricai ptrfonanco chatacteri stics are as specified in taole t ana apply over tne full recmmended moient aperating tenoerature range, un- 1 ess otnewi se spei fled. Marking shall be in accordance W

15、ith NIL-M-38510 except the part number shall be in accordance with 1.2 herein. The M38510/XXX part number, and the “JAN“ or “J“ mark shall not be used. subjected u), and passed ai :he regue in accordance .di tn iIL4-38RO and netnod jU si :4IL-STil-a83, xcapt as maifiod heroin. Gual ificatfon insoect

16、ion to this aevico type snai i ?at ae requi ro- a. Burn-in tost (inethod 101: 3f NIL-STO-883). (1) (21 TA = 125C minimum. Test condition O or i, each circuit must be driven wi tfi an sootootiate siqnal u) simulate cirai t apol ications and oach ti rcui t saal 1 have maximum 1 odd sop1 i ecf. b. tnte

17、rim and final dectrical test parameters snail be as specified in tJElc !i, oxczit interfm electrical parameters :est prior to burn-in is optional at the discretion of the manufacturer. c. from group A, subgroup 1, test after cooldoun as final c!ect?ical test in accordancc with method SO04 OC ?(IL-ST

18、O-883, and with no intervening rlecttical nessurments. :f interim eiectrical 3armefer tests are performed prlor ta burn-in, failures Cesu1 tiqg from pre burn-in screening may be zxcluded from tne PDA. If interim electrical oarm- cter tests prior to burn-in are anitfed, then all screening failures sn

19、all be incluaed in the POA. The vcriffed failures of group A, subgrouo 1, after burn-in divided by the total nunbet OC devicas suomitted for burn-in in taat Tot shall )e uscd :J determine the percent defective for the lot. M1L-H-3830. Grouos A and a inspections shall be perionned on eacn lot. Qualit

20、y assurance shall keep lot records for 3 years (minimum), monitar for capi iance ta the proscribed procedures, and observe L9at satisfactory manufacturing conditions and rtxords on lots are maintained for these devices. The records, including as a minimum an attributes scmimary of all screening and

21、qua1iQ confonnance inspections conducted cn oach lot, shall be available for review by the customer at al 1 times. values shown in Uole I of method SOO5 of MIL-STO-883 (class a) and as foilous: Partent defectivo allowable (POAI - The P0A is specified as 10 percent based on failures 4.4 Oual ity conf

22、onance insoection. Quality conformance inrpecfion Shall Je in acCOrUdnCe with 4.4.1 Jrouo d insoection. Group A inspection shall cmsist of the est subgroups ano LTPO a. Tests shall be as speclfied in table Il. b. Subgroups 5, 6, 7, and 8 of table I of method SOO5 of NIL-STO-883 shall be anitfed. I I

23、 I Oese POW 144A I 111 16 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- 1 i ! i 1 ! i DEFENSE ELECTRONICS SUPllT CENTER DAYTON, OPIO r- - 312 COO IOENI: HO. DWQ NO. A 14933 77056 A EV PAGE 8 I I i i i l l l I I ! ! 4.4.2 Grouo B insoection. 4.4.3

24、Grouo C and grouo 3 insoection. ln group 8 inspection, each inspection lot shall be subjected to the Group C and group O inspectfons shall be as specified in test subgroups apd LIPO values shown in table IIb of method 5005 of MIL-SfD-883, class 8. nethod 5005 of MIL-SZ-a83. class 3. dance with NIL-W

25、-38510. Generfc test data (6.51 may be used to satisfy the requirements for Group C ind group D inspection. The frequency of testing and the ramplo sirs shall be in actor- a. End point electrical parametsrs shal: Se as specified in table It. b. uperatfng life test (method 1005 of MIL-5-383) condltio

26、ns: (il Test candi tion 3 or E, each CltCUit. must bc driven wi ta an 3ppraoriate signal to 2) TA = 12S“C, minimum. (3) Test duration: 1,000 hours. Subgrouos 3,and 4 shall be added to the group C insoection requirments and shall simuiate circuit appiications and esch clrcuit jira i have aaxiauni laa

27、d 300i ibd. c. consist of tfie tests, conditions, and lini ts specified for suogroups 10 and 11 f Sf3UQ A. . Insaectiqn af vonaration for deliver:. Inscection oi Jriparation for delivery shai i 3e in accordance ui ta YiL-+S350, xc-ot Enat the rough iIandling Cesz iIal1 not apply. TABLE II. El ectr!c

28、al tost roclui rements. I NIL-STO-883 test requi tments I Subgroups 1/ j - Interim el ecttical parameters I 1 (pre burn-in) (method 5004, 3.1.9) 1 Fi na1 electrical test parameters (method 5004, 3.1.15) Group A test regui tements (method 5005) Groups C and I end point electrical garameters (method 5

29、0051 1. 2, 3, 4, 9 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 1, 2, 3 Addi tional electrical sub- groups for group C periodic inspections 10, 11 POA applies to subgroup 1 (see 4.3). - 11 Subgroups per method 5005, Table I. 5. PACKAGING 5.1 Packaging requirements. The reguirements for packaging shall be in accordanco with MIL-M-

30、385l O. 6. NOTES 6.1 HoteJ. Only 6.4 of the notes specified in HILA-38510 shall apply ta this drawing. ! l i I ! I i l I I I l i ! l i i I 1 l e! I I ! I : j i i ! I I I I i I I , - ._ PROBLEM HA-RDDCOPY . , Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IH

31、S-,-,- b 0334702 Ob2 W I l I i i i ! I I l I 1 I I I I i I 1 I ! I I j I I 1 ! ! t I 6.2 Intended use. Microclrcuits Conforming to this drawing are intended for use when oilitary specifications do not oxist and Qualified military devices that uill perform the requirzd function are not available for

32、OEM application. This drawing is intenbed exclusivsty to provegt the prolif- eratlon of unneccssdrl dupl icate Sped ff Catians, drawl ngs and stock cata1 og li stings. mi 1 i tary saeci fication u1 Its and the product covered by this drawl ng has been qual i fied for 1 i sting Ahen a in OPL-38510, t

33、his drauing DWaneS cbaolcte and will not be used for new aesign. The QPL-38SiO Froduct shall Se the preferred itm for all applcations. 6.3 3rderina data. The COntrzct ar Oeer should speciff the foilowing: a. b. c. Requirement for certificate of canpliance, if applfcaaie. d. e. f. Requirments ?ar car

34、fier, swcial lead lengths or lead foning, if aoolicdoio. %ese Complete aart number seo 1.2). Requirments for deliver of one copy of the quali21 raniomancz insarction iata pertinent to the device insarction lot a be suppi ied with ?ack rnipment oy ;he device manufactwer, if apoi icaole. Requircnients

35、 for notification of change of product or process t? prxwing xtivity, if applicable. Requi rements for sackagi ng snd packi ng . requi rments shal i riot i?eC the 7ars numoer. Jni oss 2tkerdi se jxc ffec, :esa reauirnien:s wil 1 not aopiy 3 direct shiomenr ta :ne Savermerit. 5.4 Zeglxeability. Regla

36、ceability is dctenined as ioilows: Wcrocircui ts cavered by this arawing will replace tne same generic device c9ver-d :y $antrattar jr$.arecl specification or drawing. 6.5 Generic test data. Generic test data may be used Co satisfy tne rociuirementj sf 4.s.3. Generic test data is aefined as test dat

37、a frm devices manufactured during the same time =eriod, by means of the same prOOUCti0n technique, materials, contr3ls and Cesign, ind in tne same nricro- circuit group (see 3.1.3h) of MfL4-38570 as the Oeliverable devices. The same time period shai 1 Se interpreted 3s covering a maximum span of 180

38、 days aetween the generic test samole fabricatfan and the fabrication of deliverable devices. The vendor is requited to retain generic data for a period of not less than 36 months frem the date of shipment. I Dtsc row iUA MAI 74 PR6i-tM HAU0 COPY Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or netwo

39、rking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- _ . 9999996 OLL4903 TT9 9 r- I I I ! I l l l I , I I ! I l ! i l i 1 1 I i j ! i l I i I 1 I I 6.6 Succested soutces) of suoolz. i/ 3ESC OR:4W t NG VENOOR SIMILAR 1/ PART NUMBER i SCM NIU48EB VENOOR TYPE l 7705601tX 34371 i Ho1 44c306-a 27011 NM54C9CS l

40、I MMSJCSCI i 1 7705301AX 1 34371 I H09-34C906-a I f70531 OX 1 27014 MMSGC906F 34371 27016 ENDOR NAME ANO AOORES 3arri 5 Cenic0nduc:or Heibourne, FL 33201 P. o. EIOX aa3 National Semiconductor Corp. . 2900 Semicqnductor Orive Santa Clara, C 05057 1/ CXUfON. 50 XOT USE fFIIS NUMBEZ FOR !TM PROCURMENT.

41、 ITEMS “SCCURED 70 THE 31.1IJR YENOOR YPE CNLY MAY #OT SAISfY THE PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Of THIS 5RAWING. - 2/ ror additional suggested sources of supply or assistance in the use of tnis drawiig contact JESC-EC, 1507 Ailmiogton Pike, Dayton, Ohio 45444 or telephone 513-296-5375. - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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