DOT MIL-B-22700-1960 BRIDLE CHAIN BUOY《马鞍链节浮标》.pdf

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1、MIL-B-22700 20 H 7777706 0372207 T H /-7 . w -. MIGB-22700( CC) 3 llovenber 1960 MILI i;rIlY SPECIFICATION BRIDU, CHAIN; BUOY 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope,- This specification covers bridles fabricated from chain of the open link pattern, with appropriate center rings, used :i.ficr! iii -“he Grier or C: ntrzc

2、t, The lire of t!ic bridles shril ie siib!iiitted 5.n iiatural color aixi finish. va xishes or ot.iiyht cause lcinlcinp of the bridle in servj-ce. PROOF u.x3 (pounds) 22,000 29,000 u, 500 65,500 3.8 shaLl be capable of withs%andinf; the ap:diceble breaking lod spcified in Table V. 3.9 Erea!dnF load.

3、- aien tested as specified in 4.h.4 t!ie Chri?ri Proof load.- Iflien tested 2.s specified in h.Ii.6 tile bri.dles shall vithstanti the prcof load speci ficcl in Ta.ble V x5.thcii.t; iractwe, tendency to open at l;he weld, ctretchinf beiyond the tolerance si-:own in Table II, or revealing any othcr d

4、efect which mipht a2iect the service- ability-of the bnidles. . I 44,000 58,000 91,000 131,000 /“j g- . . . . . . _ Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.IL-B-Z27O( CG) 3.10 Markin:.- One terminal e1-:1 link on each bridle shall be legibly

5、 and permanently stamped with the sisnul“acturer s trade-zark or name, and the month and year of manufacture, 3.U 1JorlmanshiE.- 1.lorknanship shall be first claes in .every particular, form and prcportions, and free from visible defects. The surface of all links shall be smooth, of the required 4.

6、QUALITY ASSURA.?CE PRGVISIONS 4.1 Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order all bridles . shall be inspected.and tested at the place of manufacture. of test specimens and the handling of material necessary for testing and inspection shall be arranged by the contractor at his expense. Inspe

7、ction records of the examinatioris and tests shall be kept coniplete and available to the Governinent (see 3.1.2). be prsvisional subject to final acceptance by the contracting officer. The preparation . Acceptance by the Goverment inspector shall 4.2 .- A.lot shall consist of all bridles of the sxn

8、e size and from the same melt of steel, subnitted for inspection at the same time. 4.3. Visual and dimensional examination.- Cne bridle out of each ten or less in each lot shall be selected and exanined by the Govenment inspector to deterinine conformance with this specification regarding dimen- sio

9、ns, quality of welds, weight, finish, surfce, and other requirements not involving tests. 4.3.1 Re,jectionc.- Any lot from which a bridle does not conform to the requirements specified in 4.3 shall be rejected. be resubmitted for examination after the manufacturer has remved the desiciency cusing re

10、jections. Rejected chain may 4.4 - Tests.- Government inspector. Acceptance tests shall be made in the presence of the 4.4.1 Order of tests.- Breaking and elongation tests shall be conducted prior to the proof test. 4.4.2 i4ethod of tests.- Samples for breaking and elongation tests md lengths for pr

11、oof testing shall be.tested by suitably securing them in a testing machine approved by the agency concerned in such manner that the samples shall be free from twist. all stresses bearing on the terminal links of the section under test are the same as those applied to every link tested. The holding a

12、rrangenient shall be such that 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_1 . ._ MIL-E-22700 20 = 7777706 0372233 5 W 4.4.3 Yam-linp far brcakinE 2nd elon!%tion tests.- A sarnple for the breaking and elongation tests dial1 consist of a sectio

13、n of co:nnon links cut from a bridle of a lot which has met the requirements of 4.3. sample shall be mescured to determine its gage length for the elongation test. specimens shall be selected at random and subjected to the saxe tests. Failure ofthe two additional specimens to pass the breakhg and el

14、ongation tests shall be cause for the rejection of the entire lot. The If the sample fails the breaking and elongztion tests, two additional 4.4.4 Breaking test.- The sample shall be subjected to the breaking loads specified in Table IV to determine compliance with 3.8. “he chain , will be considere

15、d to have passed the breaking test if the sample with- stands the specified load for 15 seconds, or if it bi+eaks at a load greater than that specified in Table V. . 4.4.5. Elongation test.- The remains of the satisfactory breaking test sample shall be measured for length to determine the znount of

16、elongation. The elongation shall be not .less than 15 percent. 4.4.6 Proof test.- All bridles in each lot shall be proof-tested for compliance with 3.9. After the proof test, the bridles shall be thoroughly inspected and any links showing cold welding, surface rupture, deformation, inferior worknian

17、ship, or other defects, shall be replaced and the bridles again subjected to the proof test. requiring replacement exceeds 5 percent, the lot shall be rejected. for length in accordance with Table I. the end ofthe terminal end links. bridle, a load not to exceed.10 percent of the proof load shall be

18、 applied to take up the slack. than 5 percent of the length specified. the length requirements shall be rejected. If the total nwber of defective links LenFth.- After proof-testing, all bridles shall be measured The bridles shall be measured to In determining the length of the The measuremen

19、t shall not vary plus or minus more Any bridle failing to conform to 5. PREFARATION FOR DELIVERY. 5.1 Packaging and packing.- Bridles shall be bundled with wire or bundling chain of sufficient size and strength to insure safe handling and delivery Bundling chain, as used, shall becoae the property o

20、f the Government. The maximum number of bridles per bundle shall be as follows : . 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-B-22700 20 m 7777706 017221Ll 7 m MIL-B-22700 (CG) SEE - ?b 1 1-1/4 142 18 26 10 10 10 Unless otherwise specified

21、 bridles shall be loaaed for chipnent in conformance with Uniform Freight classification Rules (see 6.1). water-proofed shipping tags indiczting complete na:;G unli Lddress of Consignee, Contract and contract item nuniber, lct mrdx:i-, quactity contained and size; name of the zanuiacturer and Federa

22、l stock nilrriter (see 6.1). . 5.2 Mar!:ing,- Each bundle of bridles shell bc tagged with inetal or - 6. NOTFS 6.1 Ordering data.- Procurement documents shoul sAvcify the following : (a) (b) (c) uantity required. Title, number and date of this specification. Size and length required (see 1.2). (d) (

23、e) Any special marking required other tlian thet specified (see 3.10 and 5.2). Special shipaent requirenents other than that specified (see 5.1). (f) Stock numbers. Notice .- When Governnient drawings, specifications, or other data are used for any purpose other than in connection with a definitely

24、. related Governnient procurement operation, the Uiiited States Government thereby incurs no responsibility nor any oblipt on whatsoever; arxi the fact that the Government may have formulated, furnished, or iri any way supplied the said drwings, specifications, .or other data is not to be regarded b

25、y inplication or otherwise as in ar,y niariner licensing the holder or any other person or corporation, or conveying any rights or permission to manufacture, use, or sell any patented invention that may in any way be related thereto. Frepzring Activity: U. S, Coast Guard 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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