ECA 520A000-A-1992 Sectional Specification for Pushbutton Switches of Certified Quality《质量认证的按钮开关分规范》.pdf

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ECA 520A000-A-1992 Sectional Specification for Pushbutton Switches of Certified Quality《质量认证的按钮开关分规范》.pdf_第1页
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1、a a I O O O a O cy v) I W 1 ANWZtA-S2OAOOO-A-1992 AMOVED May 26, lS2 EIA SPECIFICATION Sectional Specification for Pushbutton Switches of Certified Quality EIA-52 OAOOO-A (Revision of EIA-520AooO) JUNE 1992 ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT The NECQ Svstem EIA 520A000-A 92 = 3

2、234600 0502390 728 NOTICE IA Engineering Standards and PuMications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining

3、 with minimum delay the proper product for his partiailar need. Existence of such standards and Publications shall not in any respect predude any member or non- member of EIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to SUC Standards and Publications, nor shall the existence of such Stan

4、dards and Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than EIA members, whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally. Recommended Standards and Publications are adopted by EIA in accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) patent policy.

5、 By such action, IA does not assume any liability to any patent owner, IXK does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the Recommended Standard or Publication. This EIA Specification is considered to have International Standardization implication, but the International Electrotechnica

6、l Commission activity has not progressed to the point where a valid comparison between the EIA Specification and the IEC document can be made. This Specification does not purport to address all safety problems associated with its use or all applicable regulatory requirements. It is the responsibilit

7、y of the user of this Specification to establish appropriate safety and heaith practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations before its use. Published by ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION Engineering Department 2001 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. Washington, D.C. 26 PRICE: Please

8、refer to the current Catalog of IA B JEDEC STANDARDS ROUP E (destructive) Sample size applies to momentary switches only. Full Overtravel Force The straight line force required to move the switch actuator from the free position to the total travel position. Illuminated Button A button (actuator) wit

9、h an associated light source(s) that can give visual indication by illimination. The liaht source (s) may be related to, - or independent of, the abutton action. Lamp A generic term for a man-made light source. the term is also used to denote sources that radiate in regions of the spectrum adjacent

10、to the visible. By extension, Legend Visual information such as numbers, words, abbreviations, or symbols displayed on a button. Latched Position The mechanical position of the actuator after operation to maintain the circuit transfer. Momentary Action A mechanical system in which the contacts trans

11、fer when the button is depressed through the operating position, and the button and contacts return to their original mode when the operating force is removed. Operating Force The force that must be applied to the actuator to cause it to move from the free position to the operating position. operati

12、ng Position The position of the actuator at which the circuit transfers. EIA-520A000-A Page 19 Overtravel The distance between the operating position and the total travel position. Pretravel The distance through which the actuator moves from the free position to the operating position. Poles The num

13、ber of separate circuits that can conduct current through the switch at one time. Pushbutton Switch A manually operated device containing an actuator and switch having noncritical force and travel characteristics. (NOTE: or rotary switch.) This EIA-446-A definition could also cover a toggle Quality

14、Conformance Inspection An inspection carried out by or on behalf of the manufacturer on the components he manufactures, in order to establish that their quality is being maintained in accordance with the requirements of the applicable specification. Release Travel The distance between the release po

15、sition and the free position, on nonlatching switches. Reset Force The force required to release a two-level alternate action switch from its maintained position to its free position. Screen Dispiay The surface of an illuminated button that displays color with or without legending. Split Display Scr

16、een A display screen divided into two or more sections that can be independently illuminated. EIA-520A000-A Page 20 Switch Station A setting of the actuator that results in a particular circuit condition. Total Travel The distance that is the sum of the pretravel and the overtravel. Total Travel Pos

17、ition The position of the switch actuator beyond which further travel would cause damage to the switch. EIA 520A000-A 92 m 3234600 0502433 055 m EIA-520A000-A Page 21 The following excerpt is taken from the BASIC RULES AND RULES OF PROCEDURE for the NECQ-System: 8.4 Defectives 8.4.1 Specimens found

18、defective during lot-by-lot testing shall be withdrawn from the lot and not delivered. Lots rejected in lot-by-lot tests may be re-submitted in accordance with IEC Publication 410, or the equivalent industry or other (e.g., Mil. Standard 105) standard for sampling, and the requirements prescribed in

19、 the relevant specification for the sampling procedure, but no inspection lot or part of it shall be submitted more than three times in total to the lot-by-lot tests. 8.5 a 8.6 8.4.2 The records of the results of tests shall state the defects observed in all quality conformance tests. of at least tw

20、o years. These records shall be kept for a period Release or rejection of lots Except where otherwise stated in the relevant specification, the lots shall be released or rejected on the basis of the lot-by-lot tests. sample submitted to one of the periodic tests shall cause the rejection of the lot

21、from which the sample came. Procedure in the event of failure in a periodic test 8.6.1 Whenever possible the failure of the When a sample fails to satisfy the requirements of a periodic test the QA Manager shall immediately: a) suspend further releases under the System of the component in question,

22、b) initiate an investigation to determine the reasons for failure, and c) report the situation to the SSI. The QA Manager shall maintain this suspension until the investigation has been concluded and the SSI has been informed accordingly. The QA Manager shall then proceed according to the appropriat

23、e conditions in subclauses 8.6.3, 8.6.4, or 8.6.5. 8.6.2 EIA 520A000-A 72 3234b00 0502414 TqL EIA-520A000-A Page 22 8.6.3 If the failure is concluded to be due solely to an error in test procedure: a) the procedure for release under the System shall be resumed immediately, and b) the correct test pr

24、ocedure shall be applied to a sample drawn from the first available inspection lot. 8.6.4 If the failure is concluded to be due to an identified manufacturing fault that can immediately be corrected: a) the procedure for release under the System of corrected lots shall be resumed immediately, and b)

25、 the test shall be repeated on the first available corrected inspection lot and, if the result is unsatisfactory, the procedure defined in subclause 8.6.5 or 8.6.6 shall be applied as appropriate. 8.6.5 If the failure is concluded to be due to an identified manufacturing fault that cannot be correct

26、ed immediately, but defective components can be detected and rejected by an appropriate screening test acceptable to the QA Manager: a) the procedure for release under the System of screened components shall be resumed immediately, and b) screening before submission for acceptance shall be continued

27、 until the necessary steps to correct the manufacturing fault have been taken and until satisfactory results for the periodic test in question have been obtained on a sample from the first unscreened lot presented for inspection after correction. 8.6.6 a) If the failure is concluded to be due to an

28、identified manufacturing fault that cannot be corrected immediately and defective components cannot be removed by the application of a screening test, the right to use the Mark or Certificate of Conformity EIA 520A000-A 92 9 3234600 0502435 928 9 EIA-520A000-A Page 23 shall be suspended for the comp

29、onent in question (see subclause 6.6.1). The right to use the Mark or Certificate of Conformity shall be reinstated when the manufacturer has demonstrated, by the successful submission of a sample from a production lot to the periodic test, that the manufacturing fault has been eliminated. b) If the

30、 failure cannot be attributed with certainty to a specific error in test procedure or to an identified manufacturing fault, samples from subsequent lots shall then be subjected to all tests in the subgroup of the periodic test in which the failure occurred, on a lot-by-lot basis, and these lots may

31、be released if these samples pass the test successfully. The sample size shall be that designated for the applicable subgroup. Normal periodic testing shall be resumed only when a number of successive lots, defined in the generic specification for the product, have successfully passed the tests in t

32、he subgroup in question. 8.6.7 If the requirements of subclauses 8.6.4, 8.6.5 or 8.6.6 are not fulfilled within a reasonable period of time, qualification approval shall be re-examined and may be withdrawn. If the qualification approval has been withdrawn in accordance with subclause 8.6.7, it may b

33、e re-instated by a simplified procedure at the discretion of the SSI. 8.6.8 8.6.9 If the duration of the periodic test in question exceeds three months and if special conditions would be appropriato to the particular type of component and the nature or extent of the failure, the relevant specificati

34、on shall define any special procedure to be followed. EIA 520A000-A 92 3234b00 0502416 864 D Standard or Generic Specification Standard Prefix for all Numbers Sectional Specification Designator Blank Detail Specification Designator SI EM STANDARD AND SPECIFICATION NUMBERING STANDARD A document that

35、establishes engineering and technical requirements for processes, procedures, practices and methods that have been decreed by authority or adopted by consensus. Standards may also be established for selection, application and design criteria for material. (: Standards and other documents not in the

36、specification format use only the IA basic numbering system as follows: EIA-123 Original Standard IA-1 23-1 Addendum to Original Standard EIA-123-A First Revision of original Standard incorporating all Addenda WECIFICATION A document prepared specifically to facilitate procurement which clearly and

37、accurately describes the essential technical requirements for purchased material. Procedures necessary to determine that the requirements for the purchased material covered by the specification have been met shall also be referenced or included. c EIA Specifications use the following system: A - Det

38、ail Specification Designator IA 123 EIA 123AOOO EIA 123AAOO EIA 123- IA 123OOAA is a Generic Specification is a Sectional Specification is a Blank Detail Specification is a Detail Specification is a Detail Specification for which no Sectional or Blank Detail Specification was issued. NOTES; 1. Some older specifications may not have been converted to this numbering system. 2. See EP-11 “Guide for the Preparation of Specification Using IECQ-System Format, for more detail.


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