ARMY MIL-T-50760-1971 TELESCOPE ELBOW 11737695《11737695曲折望远镜》.pdf

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1、Optical Components for Fire Control Instruments; General Specification Governing the Manufacture, Assembly, and Inspection of Fire Control Materiel, General Speci- fication Governing the Manufacture and Inspection of Parts, Equipment and Tools for Army Materiel, Packaging and Packing of Inspection E

2、quipment, Acquisition, Maintenance and Disposition of Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. flIL-T-507b 12 M 979990b 0330690 7 M, MIL-T-50760 (MU) PACKAGING DATA SHEETS 11737695 Packaging of Telescope, Elbow 11737695 (Copies of specificat

3、ions, standards, drawings and packaging data sheets required by suppliers in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the con- tracting officer.) 3. REQUIREbENTS 3.1 Fabrication.- The telescope shall be manufactured in accordance

4、 with the applicable drawing listed in 2.1. 3.2 General specification.- The contractor shall be responsible for compliance with the following requirements of MIL-F-13926. a. Order of precedence b. Dimensions and tolerances c. inorganic protective surface finishes d. Part identification and marking 3

5、.3 Temperature conditions.- The requirements of this specification shall be met with the telescope thermally stabilized at an ambient temp- erature of between 60 and 90“ Fahrenheit (F) unless otherwise specified in the requirement paragraphs. 3.4 Workmanship.- The workmanship requirements of MIL-F-1

6、3926 shall be met. The exterior protective surface finishes shall be free of any defects which effect their protective qualities or appearances. Optical surfaces shall be clean and free of any scratches or blemishes which may effect their optical qualities and shall meet the requirements of 3.5.4. 3

7、.5 Environmental.- Any telescope subjected to any or all of the requirements of 3.5.1 to inclusive shall subsequently meet the requirements of 3.5.4 to 3.6.7 inclusive, unless otherwise specified. 3.5.1 Storage temperature,- The telescope shall show no evidence of physical failure such as ce

8、ment separation, glass breakage or casting failure after having been exposed and thermally stabilized at ambient temperatures of -80“ and +160“F (see 3.5.2 Vibration.- The telescope shall be positioned with the line of sight through the eyepiece and objective tube in a horizontal plane and

9、 the telescope supported at the 0.8435 inch diameter of the objective tube. The telescope shall be vibrated at a constant frequency of 30 cycles per second with an amplitude of 1/16 inch (1/8 inch total excur- sion) for a period of 5 minutes k 15 seconds. 2 /+- I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo repr

10、oduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-HIL-T-507bO 32 = 7777706 0330673 7 M _ _ MIL-T-50760 (MU) 13 August 1971 3.5.3 Sealing.- The telescope shall show no evidence of leakage in excess of 0.2 psig when subjected to an internal pressure of 5 +_ 0.10 psig for a period of 2 hour

11、s using dry nitrogen having a dew point at least as low as -25F. Condensation (low temperature).- When viewed through the eye- piece and objective ends of the telescope, there shall be no evidence of condensation at room temperature (60“ to 90F) immediately upon thermal stabilization, subseq

12、uent to being subjected to the -80F and prior to the +160“F requirement of 3.5.1. 3.5.4 Cleanliness.- The telescope shall meet the cleanliness ments of MIL-0-13830. When viewed through the eyepiece, dirt sha ceed the following limitations of dirt, quantity, and size (see 6 equivalent) . require - 1

13、not ex- 3,- size a. inner zone (100 mils diameter).- The maximum size of any one particle of dirt or foreign material shall not exceed the area equivalent to a size 5 dig. There shall be no more than 6 particles of dirt. Three particles may be as large as a size 5 dig. Three particles shall not ex-

14、ceed a size 1 dig. Any particles smaller than a size 1/4 dig shall not be counted. b. Outer zone (limited to clear aperture of reticle ).- The maxi- mum size of any one particle of dirt: or foreign material shall not exceed the area equivalent to a size 10 dig. Three particles may be as large as a s

15、ize 10 dig. Smaller sizes may be more in number, but their combined area shall not exceed that of 3 size 10 digs, which is maximum dirt per- mitted. Any particles smaller than a size 1/4 dig shall not be counted. c. Dirt separation.- The separation between each dirt particle or foreign matter shall

16、be at least 10 mils for both zones. d. Glass surfaces.- All glass surfaces shall be free of conden- sation, or stains resulting from condensation, when viewed through the objective and eyepiece ends of the telescope. 3.6 Accuracy. 3.6.1 Collimation.- The optical axis of the telescope shall be in coi

17、ncidence with the geometric axis within 0.50 mil when the telescope is rotated 3200 mils (90“ to the left and 90“ to the right from a vertical position of the eyepiece) about the geometric axis as defined by the ex- terior mounting surface of the objective tube of the telescope. 3.6.2 Parallax.- Wit

18、h the parallax shield removed, parallax at the optical axis shall not exceed 0.2 mils when viewing targets between 300 meters and 1000 meters. 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-50760 12 777770b 0330672 O W MIL-T-50760 (MU) 3.6.3

19、 Resolution.- The resolution on the optical axis shall be 15 seconds of arc or less. 3.6.4 Parallelism of reticle and image.- The vertical reticle line shall be parallel to the image of a plumb line within 30 minutes of arc, when each of the 3 indices (90“ apart) are in position for coincidence with

20、 a vertical plane index through the geometric axis of the telescopes ob j ec t ive tube. 3.6.5 Reticle accuracy.- The angular separation for the O to 50 mil span in each of the 4 quadrants of the reticle shall each be 50 mils I 1.5 mils. 3.6.6 Eyepiece focus.- The eyepiece focus of the reticle shall

21、 be set between minus 0.75 and minus 1.0 diopter. 3.6.7 Illumination.- The telescope shall meet the “Illuminated Re- ticles“ requirement of MIL-0-13830. With the reticle illuminated by In- strument Light M53E1 or equivalent, the reticle markings shall appear clearly defined when observed in a darken

22、ed area. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISTONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection.- Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. specified, the supplier may utilize his own facilities or any

23、 other faci- lities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements speci- fied herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies

24、and services conform to prescribed requirements. Except as otherwise 4.1.1 General provisions.- The component and subassembly inspection requirements of MIL-F-13926 form a part of the quality assurance provisions of this specification. Definitions of inspection terms shall be as listed in MIL-STD-10

25、9. 4.2 First article (initial production) approval.- The requirement for first article approval and the responsibility (Government or con- tractor) for first article testing shall be as specified in the contract. The sample for first article approval tests shall consist of 3 telescopes plus 3 each o

26、f all items covered by SQAP. The sample shall be manufactur- ed in the same manner, using the same ma-erials, equipment, processes, and procedures as used in regular production. All parts and materials, includ- ing packaging and packing, shall be obtained from the same source of supply as used in re

27、gular production. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-50760 12 = 7777706 0330673 2 MIL-T-50760 (MU) 4.2.1 Government testing.- When the Government is responsible for conducting first article approval tests, the contractor, prior t

28、o sub- mitting the sample to the Government, shall inspect the sample to insure that it conforms to all the requirements of the contract and submit a re- cord of this inspection with the sample, including certificates of confor- mance for materials. 4.2.2 Contractor testing.- When the contractor is

29、responsible for conducting first article approval tests, the sample shall be inspected by the contractor or all the requirements of the contract. The sample and a record of this inspection, including certificates of conformance for materials, shall be submitted to the Government for approval. The Go

30、vernment reserves the right to witness the-contractors inspection. 4.3 inspection provisions. 4.3.1 Submission of product.- Unless otherwise specified by the con- tracting officer, inspection lot size, lot formation and presentation of lots shall be in accordance with “submission of Product“ provisi

31、ons of MIL-STD-105. 4.3.2 Examination and tests. Components and subassemblies.- All components and subassemb- lies shall be inspected in accordance with the inspection provisions con- tained in Supplementary Quality Assurance Provisions (SQAP) listed in the technical data package (TDP). In t

32、he absence of SQAPs, the applicable Quality Assurance Provisions of MIL-F-13926 shall apply. Examination and tests related to Section 3 herein, shall be performed on a single defect (individual characteristic) basis in accordance with MIL-STD-105 and the sampling plans specified in Tables I, II and

33、III herein. Examination and tests for packaging, packing, and marking shall be in accordance with MIL- P-14232 and Section 5 herein. The tabulated classification of defects in Tables I, II and III shall constitute the minimum inspection to be perform- ed by the supplier after first article approval

34、and prior to Government acceptance or rejection by item or lot. TABLE I - CLASSIFICATION OF DEFECTS CLASS CRITICAL: NONE MAJOR: AQL 0.65% Defective - REQUIREMENT TEST PROCEDURE 101. Vibra tion 3.5.2 102. Sealing 3.5.3 103. Cleanliness 3.5.4 104. Resolution 3.6.3 105. Collimation 3.6.1 106. Parallax

35、3.6.2 107. Parallelism of reticle and image 3.6.4 5 4.6.2 4.6.3 4.6.4 4.6.5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-50760 (MU) 108. Reticle accuracy 109. Eyepiece focus 110. illumination 111. Workmanship 3.6.5 3.

36、6.6 3.6.7 3.4 4.6.7 4.6.8 MINOR: NONE NOTE: The tests in Table I shall be conducted at a temperature between 60“ and 90F. 4.3.3 Acceptance and rejection.- Rejected lots shall be screened for all defective characteristics. Removal or correction of defective units and resubmittance of

37、rejected lots shall be in accordance with “Accept- ance. and Rejection“ as specified in MIL-STD-105. 4.4 Special sampling. 4.4.1 General.- One telescope shall be selected at random as a speci- al sampling from each 100 produced. The sample shall meet the requirements and tests in Table II. TABLE IL

38、NO e CHARACTERISTIC REQUIREMENT TEST PROCEDURE - 301. Fabrication 302. General specification 3.1 Applicable Draw- ing - Visual Visual 3.2 MIL-F-13926, NOTE: The tests in Table II shall be conducted at a temperature between 60“ and 90F. 4.4.2 Environmental.- Three telescopes shall be selected at rand

39、om as samples from each 50 produced, or from each months production, which- ever occurs first. Each sample shall meet the requirements and tests in Table III and shall then meet the requirements and tests in Table I. TABLE III NO e CHARACTERISTIC REQUIREMENT TE ST PROCEDURE 303. Storage temperature

40、(-80F) 3.5.1 4.6.1 304. Condensation (low temperature 3.5.1, 4.6.1, -80F) 305. Storage temperature (4-160“F) 3.5.1 - 4.43 Failure of sample.- Should any one item of a special sampling fail to meet the specified test requirements, acceptance of the represent- ed inspection lot

41、 shall be suspended. by the Government until necessary corrections have been made by the contractor and the resubmitted items have been approved (see 4.3.3). 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-50760 (MU) 4.5 Inspection equipment.

42、- Except as otherwise provided for by the contract, the contractor shall supply and maintain inspection equipment in accordance with the applicable requirements of MIL-1-45607. 4.5.1 Government furnished inspection equipment.- Where the contract provides for Government furnished test equipment, supp

43、ly and maintenance of test equipment shall be in accordance with applicable requirements specified in MIL-1-45607. 4.5.2 Contractor furnished inspection equipment, Government design.- All inspection equipment specified by drawing number in specifications or SQAPs forming a part of the contra

44、ct shall be supplied by the contractor in accordance with technical data in- cluded in the technical data package list. Contractor design.- The contractor shall design and supply inspection equipment compatible with the “Test Methods and Procedures“ specified in 4.6 of this specification and

45、 with the component inspection procedures specified in “Examination“ and “Test Facilities“ requirements of MIL-F-13926. Since tolerance of test equipment is normally considered to be within 10% of the product tolerance for which it is intended, this inherent error in the test equipment design must b

46、e considered as part of the prescribed product tolerance limit. Thus, concept, construction, ma- terials, dimensions and tolerances used in the design of test equipment shall be so selected and controlled as to insure that the test equipment will reliably indicate acceptability of a product which do

47、es not exceed 90% of the prescribed tolerance limit, and permit positive rejection when non-conforming. Construction shall be such as to facilitate routine cali- bration of test equipment. inspection equipment design requirements. Accuracy.- Special testing equipment to test the te

48、lescope shall conform to the following requirements: a. Leveling of special testing equipment.- The qualified surface of the testing equipment utilized for securing a precision “V“ block with a calibrated vertical index, a clamping device and a target projector collimator shall be crossleveled withi

49、n 10 seconds. Provisions shall be made on the testing equipment for locating and securing the “V“ block utilized to assure accurate and repeatable positioning of the telescope. A precision level shall be used to align the “VI block within 10 seconds. b. lV“ block with vertical index and clamping device.- The “V“ block and clamping device shall be capable of securing the exterior mount- ing surface of the objective tube of the telescope. Th


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