EN 1780-1-2002 en Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Designation of alloyed aluminium ingots for remelting master alloys and castings - Part 1 Numerical designation system《铝和铝合金 再熔化母.pdf

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EN 1780-1-2002 en Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Designation of alloyed aluminium ingots for remelting master alloys and castings - Part 1 Numerical designation system《铝和铝合金 再熔化母.pdf_第1页
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EN 1780-1-2002 en Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Designation of alloyed aluminium ingots for remelting master alloys and castings - Part 1 Numerical designation system《铝和铝合金 再熔化母.pdf_第2页
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EN 1780-1-2002 en Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Designation of alloyed aluminium ingots for remelting master alloys and castings - Part 1 Numerical designation system《铝和铝合金 再熔化母.pdf_第3页
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EN 1780-1-2002 en Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Designation of alloyed aluminium ingots for remelting master alloys and castings - Part 1 Numerical designation system《铝和铝合金 再熔化母.pdf_第4页
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EN 1780-1-2002 en Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Designation of alloyed aluminium ingots for remelting master alloys and castings - Part 1 Numerical designation system《铝和铝合金 再熔化母.pdf_第5页
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1、BRITISH STANDARD BS EN 1780-1:2002 Aluminium and aluminium alloys Designation of alloyed aluminium ingots for remelting, master alloys and castings Part 1: Numerical designation system The European Standard EN 1780-1:2002 has the status of a British Standard ICS 77.150.10 BS EN 1780-1:2002 This Brit

2、ish Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Engineering Sector Policy and Strategy Committee, was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 30 October 2002 BSI 30 October 2002 ISBN 0 580 40656 3 National foreword This British Standard is the of

3、ficial English language version of EN 1780-1:2002. It supersedes BS EN 1780-1:1997 which is withdrawn. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee NFE/35, Light metals and their alloys, which has the responsibility to: A list of organizations represented on this comm

4、ittee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Cross-references The British Standards which implement international or European publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Catalogue under the section entitled “International Standards Correspondence Index”, or by using the “

5、Search” facility of the BSI Electronic Catalogue or of British Standards Online. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from lega

6、l obligations. aid enquirers to understand the text; present to the responsible international/European committee any enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed; monitor related international and European developments and promulgate them in the UK. Su

7、mmary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page, pages 2 to 7 and a back cover. The BSI copyright date displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date CommentsEUROPEANSTANDARD NOR

8、MEEUROPENNE EUROPISCHENORM EN17801 October2002 ICS77.150.10 SupersedesEN17801:2002 Englishversion AluminiumandaluminiumalloysDesignationofalloyed aluminiumingotsforremelting,masteralloysandcastingsPart 1:Numericaldesignationsystem AluminiumetalliagesdaluminiumSystmede dsignationapplicableauxlingotsp

9、ourrefusionen aluminiumalli,auxalliagesmresetauxproduitsmouls Partie1:Systmededsignationnumrique AluminiumundAluminiumlegierungenBezeichnungvon legiertemAluminiuminMasseln,Vorlegierungenund GussstckenTeil1:NumerischesBezeichnungssystem ThisEuropeanStandardwasapprovedbyCENon2September2002. CENmembers

10、areboundtocomplywiththeCEN/CENELECInternalRegulationswhichstipulatetheconditionsforgivingthisEurope an Standardthestatusofanationalstandardwithoutanyalteration.Uptodatelistsandbibliographicalreferencesconcernings uchnational standardsmaybeobtainedonapplicationtotheManagementCentreortoanyCENmember. T

11、hisEuropeanStandardexistsinthreeofficialversions(English,French,German).Aversioninanyotherlanguagemadebytra nslation undertheresponsibilityofaCENmemberintoitsownlanguageandnotifiedtotheManagementCentrehasthesamestatusasthe official versions. CENmembersarethenationalstandardsbodiesofAustria,Belgium,C

12、zechRepublic,Denmark,Finland,France,Germany,Greece, Iceland,Ireland,Italy,Luxembourg,Malta,Netherlands,Norway,Portugal,Spain,Sweden,SwitzerlandandUnitedKingdom. EUROPEANCOMMITTEEFORSTANDARDIZATION COMITEUROPENDENORMALISATION EUROPISCHESKOMITEEFRNORMUNG ManagementCentre:ruedeStassart,36B1050Brussels

13、2002CEN Allrightsofexploitationinanyformandbyanymeansreserved worldwideforCENnationalMembers. Ref.No.EN17801:2002EEN17801:2002(E) 2 Contents page Foreword3 1 Scope 4 2 Normativereferences 4 3 Basisofcodification. .4 4 Fivefiguredesignationsystem 4 4.1 Aluminiumalloysingotandcastings . .4 4.2 Mastera

14、lloys . .6 Bibliography 7EN17801:2002(E) 3 Foreword Thisdocument(EN17801:2002)hasbeenpreparedbyTechnicalCommitteeCEN/TC132,“Aluminiumand aluminiumalloys“,thesecretariatofwhichisheldbyAFNOR. ThisEuropeanStandardshallbegiventhestatusofanationalstandard,eitherbypublicationofanidenticaltextor byendorsem

15、ent,atthelatestbyApril2003,andconflictingnationalstandardsshallbewithdrawnatthelatestby April2003. Withinitsprogrammeofwork,TechnicalCommitteeCEN/TC132entrustedCEN/TC132/WG1“Liquidmetal, unalloyedandalloyedingots “topreparethefollowingstandard: EN17801, AluminiumandaluminiumalloysDesignationofalloye

16、daluminiumingotsforremelting,masteralloys andcastingsPart1:Numericaldesignationsystem . ThisdocumentsupersedesEN17801:1996“AluminiumandaluminiumalloysDesignationofunalloyedand alloyedaluminiumingotsforremelting,masteralloysandcastingsPart1:Numericaldesignationsystem“. Inthisrevisededition,unalloyeda

17、luminiumingotshavebeenremovedfromthescopeandprovisionsforunalloyed aluminiumingotshavebeendeleted. Theprovisionsaboutthewritingrulesofunalloyedaluminiumhavebeentransferredintotherevisedversionof EN576. ThisEuropeanStandardEN1780,“ AluminiumandaluminiumalloysDesignationofalloyedaluminiumingotsfor rem

18、elting,masteralloysandcastings ”,comprisesofthefollowingparts: Part1:Numericaldesignationsystem Part2:Chemicalsymbolbaseddesignationsystem Part3:Writingrulesforchemicalcomposition AccordingtotheCEN/CENELECInternalRegulations,thenationalstandardsorganizationsofthefollowing countriesareboundtoimplemen

19、tthisEuropeanStandard:Austria,Belgium,CzechRepublic,Denmark,Finland, France,Germany,Greece,Iceland,Ireland,Italy,Luxembourg,Malta,Netherlands,Norway,Portugal,Spain, Sweden,SwitzerlandandtheUnitedKingdom.EN17801:2002(E) 4 1Scope ThisEuropeanStandardspecifiesafivefigurenumericaldesignationsystemforalu

20、miniumalloysandmaster alloysasspecifiedintherelevantEuropeanStandards.Itappliestoingotsforremeltingandtocastingsforall applicationsincludingaerospace. AdesignationsystemforunalloyedaluminiumisspecifiedinEN576. AnalternativechemicalsymbolbaseddesignationsystemisspecifiedinEN17802.Thewritingrulesforch

21、emical compositionarespecifiedinEN17803. 2 Normativereferences ThisEuropeanStandardincorporatesbydatedorundatedreference,provisionsfromotherpublications.These normativereferencesarecitedattheappropriateplacesinthetextandthepublicationsarelistedhereafter.For datedreferences,subsequentamendmentstoorre

22、visionsofanyofthesepublicationsapplytothisEuropean Standardonlywhenincorporatedinitbyamendmentorrevision.Forundatedreferencesthelatesteditionofthe publicationreferredtoapplies(includingamendments). EN20321, AerospaceseriesMetallicmaterialsPart1:Conventionaldesignation. 3 Basisofcodification Thedesig

23、nationshallbeconstitutedsuccessivelyby: a) theprefixENfollowedbyablankspace; b) theletterArepresentingaluminium; c) aletterrepresentingtheformoftheproduct: theletterBrepresentingalloyedaluminiumingotsforremelting;or Crepresentingcastings;or Mrepresentingmasteralloys; d)a hyphen ; e) fivefiguresrepre

24、sentingthealloycompositionlimits. EXAMPLE1 ENAB44000EXAMPLE2ENAM91400 Theprefixlettersofalloysforaerospaceapplicationsaredifferentfromthoseaboveandarespecifiedin EN20321. 4 Fivefiguredesignationsystem 4.1 Aluminiumalloysingotandcastings Foragivenalloy,ingotsandcastingsshallhavethesamenumericaldesign

25、ation. Thefirstofthefivefiguresinthedesignationshallindicatethemajoralloyingelementsasfollows: copper:2XXXX;EN17801:2002(E) 5 silicon:4 XXXX; magnesium:5XXXX; zinc:7XXXX. Thesecondofthefivefiguresinthedesignationshallindicatethealloygroupasfollows: 21XXX:AlCu; 41XXX:AlSiMgTi; 42XXX:AlSi7Mg; 43XXX:Al

26、Si10Mg; 44XXX:AlSi; 45XXX:AlSi5Cu; 46XXX:AlSi9Cu; 47XXX:AlSi(Cu); 48XXX:AlSiCuNiMg; 51XXX:AlMg; 71XXX:AlZnMg. Thethirdfigureisarbitrary. Thefourthfigureisgenerally0. Thefifthfigureshallbe0,exceptforaerospaceapplications.EN17801:2002(E) 6 4.2 Masteralloys Thefirstofthefivefiguresinthedesignationsyste

27、mshallbethenumber9. Thesecondandthirdfiguresshallrepresenttheatomicnumberofthemainelement. EXAMPLE1 05forboron; EXAMPLE2 14forsilicon; EXAMPLE3 29forcopper. Thelasttwofiguresshallbechronologicalnumbers,butforthefifthfigure: anevenfigureisreservedforamasteralloywithlowlevelofimpurities;or anoddfigure

28、isreservedforamasteralloywithhighlevelofimpurities.EN17801:2002(E) 7 Bibliography 1 EN576, AluminiumandaluminiumalloysUnalloyedaluminiumingotsforremeltingSpecifications. 2EN 17802, AluminiumandaluminiumalloysDesignationofalloyedaluminiumingotsforremelting, masteralloysandcastingsPart2:Chemicalsymbol

29、baseddesignationsystem. 3EN 17803, AluminiumandaluminiumalloysDesignationofalloyedaluminiumingotsforremelting, masteralloysandcastingsPart3:Writingrulesforchemicalcomposition.BS EN 1780-1:2002 BSI 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL BSI British Standards Institution BSI is the independent national

30、body responsible for preparing British Standards. It presents the UK view on standards in Europe and at the international level. It is incorporated by Royal Charter. Revisions British Standards are updated by amendment or revision. Users of British Standards should make sure that they possess the la

31、test amendments or editions. It is the constant aim of BSI to improve the quality of our products and services. We would be grateful if anyone finding an inaccuracy or ambiguity while using this British Standard would inform the Secretary of the technical committee responsible, the identity of which

32、 can be found on the inside front cover. Tel: +44 (0)20 8996 9000. Fax: +44 (0)20 8996 7400. BSI offers members an individual updating service called PLUS which ensures that subscribers automatically receive the latest editions of standards. Buying standards Orders for all BSI, international and for

33、eign standards publications should be addressed to Customer Services. Tel: +44 (0)20 8996 9001. Fax: +44 (0)20 8996 7001. Email: ordersbsi-. Standards are also available from the BSI website at http:/www.bsi-. In response to orders for international standards, it is BSI policy to supply the BSI impl

34、ementation of those that have been published as British Standards, unless otherwise requested. Information on standards BSI provides a wide range of information on national, European and international standards through its Library and its Technical Help to Exporters Service. Various BSI electronic i

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37、bsi- Further information about BSI is available on the BSI website at http:/www.bsi-. Copyright Copyright subsists in all BSI publications. BSI also holds the copyright, in the UK, of the publications of the international standardization bodies. Except as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and P

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