2、ectricalappliances Test codefor thedeterminationofairborneacousticalnoisePart 2-5:Particularrequirementsforelectric thermal storage roomheaters(IEC 60704-2-5:2005)Appareilslectrodomestiqueset analoguesCodedessaipourladterminationdubruit arienPartie 2-5:Rglesparticulirespourlesappareilslectriquesdech
3、auffagedeslocauxaccumulation(CEI 60704-2-5:2005)ElektrischeGertefrdenHausgebrauchundhnlicheZweckePrfvorschrift frdieBestimmungderLuftschallemissionTeil 2-5:BesondereAnforderungenanSpeicherheizgerte(IEC 60704-2-5:2005)This European Standardwas approved by CENELEC on 2005-09-01.CENELEC membersare boun
4、d tocomplywith theCEN/CENELECInternalRegulationswhichstipulate theconditionsforgiving thisEuropeanStandard thestatusofanationalstandardwithout anyalteration.Up-to-date lists and bibliographical referencesconcerningsuch national standards may be obtained onapplication to theCentralSecretariat or toan
5、yCENELECmember.This EuropeanStandardexistsin threeofficial versions(English, French,German).Aversion inanyotherlanguage made by translation under the responsibility of aCENELEC member into its ownlanguage andnotified to theCentralSecretariat has thesamestatusas theofficialversions.CENELEC membersare
6、 the nationalelectrotechnicalcommitteesofAustria, Belgium, Cyprus,CzechRepublic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,Greece, Hungary,Iceland,Ireland,Italy,Latvia,Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,SwitzerlandandUnitedKingdom.E
7、N 60704-2-5:2005+A1March 2015- 2 -ForewordThe text ofdocument 59C/124/FDIS,futureedition 2ofIEC 60704-2-5,preparedbySC59C,Heatingappliances,ofIECTC59, Performanceofhouseholdelectricalappliances,was submitted to theIEC-CENELECparallelvoteandwasapprovedbyCENELECasEN 60704-2-5on 2005-09-01.ThisEuropean
8、StandardsupersedesEN 60704-2-5:1994.TherevisionofEN 60704-2-5has become necessary due to the publicationofEN 60704-1:1997.Therearenomajor technicalchanges,apart from thoseintroducedinEN 60704-1.Thefollowingdateswerefixed:latest datebywhich theENhastobeimplementedat nationallevelbypublicationofaniden
9、ticalnationalstandardorbyendorsement (dop) 2006-06-01latestdatebywhich thenationalstandardsconflictingwith theENhave tobewithdrawn (dow) 2008-09-01This Part 2-5isintended to be usedinconjunctionwith EN 60704-1:1997, Householdand similarelectrical appliances Test code for the determinationofairbornea
10、coustical noisePart1:Generalrequirements.Therelevant textofPart1asamendedbythisdocument establishesthe test codeforelectric thermalstorageroomheaters.This Part 2-5supplements or modifies the correspondingclauses of EN60704-1. When aparticularsubclauseofPart1is not mentioned in thisPart2-5, that subc
11、lauseapplies as farasisreasonable.Where this Part2-5states “addition“, “modification“or“replacement“, the relevant text of Part1is tobeadaptedaccordingly.Subclausesorfigureswhichareadditional to thoseinPart 1arenumberedstartingfrom101.UnlessnotesareinanewsubclauseorinvolvenotesinPart 1, theyarenumbe
12、redstartingfrom101,including thoseinareplacedclauseorsubclause._ Endorsement noticeThe text of the InternationalStandardIEC 60704-2-5:2005was approved by CENELEC as aEuropeanStandardwithoutanymodification._ EN 60704-2-5:2005- 2 -BS EN 60704-2-5:2005+A1:2015EN 60704-2-5:2005+A1:2015- 3 -BS EN 60704-2
13、-5:2005+A1:2015EN 60704-2-5:2005+A1:2015EN 60704-2-5:2005/A1:2015 - 2 - Foreword The text of document 59C/178/CDV, future IEC 60704-2-5:2005/A1, prepared by SC 59C “Heating appliances“ of IEC/TC 59 “Performance of household electrical appliances“ was submitted to the IEC-CENELEC parallel vote and ap
14、proved by CENELEC as EN 60704-2-5:2005/A1:2015. The following dates are fixed: latest date by which the document has to be implemented at national level by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement (dop) 2015-06-20 latest date by which the national standards conflicting with th
15、e document have to be withdrawn (dow) 2017-11-21 Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. CENELEC and/or CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Endorsement notice The text of the In
16、ternational Standard IEC 60704-2-5:2005/A1:2014 was approved by CENELEC as a European Standard without any modification. Foreword to amendment A1BS EN 60704-2-5:2005+A1:2015IEC 60704-2-5:2005+A1:2014 - 4 -INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION _ HOUSEHOLD AND SIMILAR ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES TEST CO
17、DE FOR THE DETERMINATION OF AIRBORNE ACOUSTICAL NOISE Part 2-5: Particular requirements for electric thermal storage room heaters FOREWORD 1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprisingall national electrotechnical committees (IEC Na
18、tional Committees). The object of IEC is to promoteinternational co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. Tothis end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications,Technical Reports, Public
19、ly Available Specifications (PAS) and Guides (hereafter referred to as “IECPublication(s)”). Their preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interestedin the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non-government
20、al organizations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation. IEC collaborates closelywith the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined byagreement between the two organizations.2) The formal decisions or agreements of IEC on techni
21、cal matters express, as nearly as possible, an internationalconsensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representation from allinterested IEC National Committees.3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IEC Na
22、tionalCommittees in that sense. While all reasonable efforts are made to ensure that the technical content of IECPublications is accurate, IEC cannot be held responsible for the way in which they are used or for anymisinterpretation by any end user.4) In order to promote international uniformity, IE
23、C National Committees undertake to apply IEC Publicationstransparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional publications. Any divergencebetween any IEC Publication and the corresponding national or regional publication shall be clearly indicated inthe latter.5) IEC itself do
24、es not provide any attestation of conformity. Independent certification bodies provide conformityassessment services and, in some areas, access to IEC marks of conformity. IEC is not responsible for anyservices carried out by independent certification bodies.6) All users should ensure that they have
25、 the latest edition of this publication.7) No liability shall attach to IEC or its directors, employees, servants or agents including individual experts andmembers of its technical committees and IEC National Committees for any personal injury, property damage orother damage of any nature whatsoever
26、, whether direct or indirect, or for costs (including legal fees) andexpenses arising out of the publication, use of, or reliance upon, this IEC Publication or any other IECPublications.8) Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this publication. Use of the referenced publications is
27、indispensable for the correct application of this publication.9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may be the subject ofpatent rights. IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.This Consolidated version of IE
28、C 60704-2-5 bears the edition number 2.1. It consists of the second edition (2005-07) documents 59C/124/FDIS and 59C/127/RVD and its amendment 1 (2014-10) documents 59C/178/CDV and 59C/186/RVC. The technical content is identical to the base edition and its amendment. In this Redline version, a verti
29、cal line in the margin shows where the technical content is modified by amendment 1. Additions and deletions are displayed in red, with deletions being struck through. A separate Final version with all changes accepted is available in this publication. This publication has been prepared for user con
30、venience. BS EN 60704-2-5:2005+A1:2015IEC 60704-2-5:2005+A1:2014- 5 -INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION _ HOUSEHOLD AND SIMILAR ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES TEST CODE FOR THE DETERMINATION OF AIRBORNE ACOUSTICAL NOISE Part 2-5: Particular requirements for electric thermal storage room heaters FOREWO
31、RD 1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprisingall national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promoteinternational co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electri
32、cal and electronic fields. Tothis end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications,Technical Reports, Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) and Guides (hereafter referred to as “IECPublication(s)”). Their preparation is entrusted to technical
33、 committees; any IEC National Committee interestedin the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non-governmental organizations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation. IEC collaborates closelywith the International Organization
34、 for Standardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined byagreement between the two organizations.2) The formal decisions or agreements of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an internationalconsensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee
35、 has representation from allinterested IEC National Committees.3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IEC NationalCommittees in that sense. While all reasonable efforts are made to ensure that the technical content of IECPublications is accurat
36、e, IEC cannot be held responsible for the way in which they are used or for anymisinterpretation by any end user.4) In order to promote international uniformity, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC Publicationstransparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional pub
37、lications. Any divergencebetween any IEC Publication and the corresponding national or regional publication shall be clearly indicated inthe latter.5) IEC itself does not provide any attestation of conformity. Independent certification bodies provide conformityassessment services and, in some areas,
38、 access to IEC marks of conformity. IEC is not responsible for anyservices carried out by independent certification bodies.6) All users should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publication.7) No liability shall attach to IEC or its directors, employees, servants or agents including in
39、dividual experts andmembers of its technical committees and IEC National Committees for any personal injury, property damage orother damage of any nature whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, or for costs (including legal fees) andexpenses arising out of the publication, use of, or reliance upon,
40、this IEC Publication or any other IECPublications.8) Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this publication. Use of the referenced publications isindispensable for the correct application of this publication.9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this
41、 IEC Publication may be the subject ofpatent rights. IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.This Consolidated version of IEC 60704-2-5 bears the edition number 2.1. It consists of the second edition (2005-07) documents 59C/124/FDIS and 59C/127/RVD and its ame
42、ndment 1 (2014-10) documents 59C/178/CDV and 59C/186/RVC. The technical content is identical to the base edition and its amendment. In this Redline version, a vertical line in the margin shows where the technical content is modified by amendment 1. Additions and deletions are displayed in red, with
43、deletions being struck through. A separate Final version with all changes accepted is available in this publication. This publication has been prepared for user convenience. International standard IEC 60704-2-5 has been prepared by subcommittee 59C: Heating appliances, of IEC technical committee 59:
44、 Performance of household electrical appliances. The second edition of this standard cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1989 and constitutes a technical revision. This revision has become necessary due to the publication of the second edition of IEC 60704-1. There are no major techn
45、ical changes, apart from those introduced in IEC 60704-1. This publication has been drafted in accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. This Part 2-5 is intended to be used in conjunction with IEC 60704-1, 3rd edition, 2010: Household and similar electrical appliances Test code for the determinat
46、ion of airborne acoustical noise Part 1: General requirements. The relevant text of Part 1 as amended by this publication establishes the test code for electric thermal storage room heaters. This Part 2-5 supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses in IEC 60704-1. When a particular subclause o
47、f Part 1 is not mentioned in this Part 2-5, that subclause applies as far as reasonable. Where this Part 2-5 states “addition“, “modification“ or “replacement“, the relevant requirements, test specifications or explanatory matter in Part 1 shall be adapted accordingly. Subclauses or figures which ar
48、e additional to those in Part 1 are numbered starting from 101. Unless notes are in a new subclause or involve notes in Part 1, they are numbered starting from 101, including those in a replaced clause or subclause. The committee has decided that the contents of the base publication and its amendment will remain unchanged until the stability date indicated on the IEC web site under “http:/webstore.iec.ch“ in the data related to the specif