ETSI ES 203 915-4-5-2007 Open Service Access (OSA) Application Programming Interface (API) Part 4 Call Control Sub-part 5 Conference Call Control SCF (Parlay 5) (V1 2 1 Includes Di.pdf

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ETSI ES 203 915-4-5-2007 Open Service Access (OSA) Application Programming Interface (API) Part 4 Call Control Sub-part 5 Conference Call Control SCF (Parlay 5) (V1 2 1 Includes Di.pdf_第1页
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ETSI ES 203 915-4-5-2007 Open Service Access (OSA) Application Programming Interface (API) Part 4 Call Control Sub-part 5 Conference Call Control SCF (Parlay 5) (V1 2 1 Includes Di.pdf_第2页
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ETSI ES 203 915-4-5-2007 Open Service Access (OSA) Application Programming Interface (API) Part 4 Call Control Sub-part 5 Conference Call Control SCF (Parlay 5) (V1 2 1 Includes Di.pdf_第3页
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ETSI ES 203 915-4-5-2007 Open Service Access (OSA) Application Programming Interface (API) Part 4 Call Control Sub-part 5 Conference Call Control SCF (Parlay 5) (V1 2 1 Includes Di.pdf_第5页
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1、 ETSI ES 203 915-4-5 V1.2.1 (2007-01)ETSI Standard Open Service Access (OSA);Application Programming Interface (API);Part 4: Call Control;Sub-part 5: Conference Call Control SCF(Parlay 5)floppy3 ETSI ETSI ES 203 915-4-5 V1.2.1 (2007-01) 2 Reference RES/TISPAN-01029-04-05-OSA Keywords API, IDL, OSA,

2、UML ETSI 650 Route des Lucioles F-06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex - FRANCE Tel.: +33 4 92 94 42 00 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16 Siret N 348 623 562 00017 - NAF 742 C Association but non lucratif enregistre la Sous-Prfecture de Grasse (06) N 7803/88 Important notice Individual copies of the present document c

3、an be downloaded from: http:/ The present document may be made available in more than one electronic version or in print. In any case of existing or perceived difference in contents between such versions, the reference version is the Portable Document Format (PDF). In case of dispute, th

4、e reference shall be the printing on ETSI printers of the PDF version kept on a specific network drive within ETSI Secretariat. Users of the present document should be aware that the document may be subject to revision or change of status. Information on the current status of this and other ETSI doc

5、uments is available at http:/ If you find errors in the present document, please send your comment to one of the following services: http:/ Copyright Notification No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written pe

6、rmission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media. European Telecommunications Standards Institute 2007. The Parlay Group 2007. All rights reserved. DECTTM, PLUGTESTSTM and UMTSTM are Trade Marks of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members. TIPHONTMand t

7、he TIPHON logo are Trade Marks currently being registered by ETSI for the benefit of its Members. 3GPPTM is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners. ETSI ETSI ES 203 915-4-5 V1.2.1 (2007-01) 3 Contents Intellectual Property Rights5 Forew

8、ord.5 1 Scope 7 2 References 7 3 Definitions and abbreviations.7 3.1 Definitions7 3.2 Abbreviations .7 4 Conference Call Control Service Sequence Diagrams.8 4.1 Meet-me conference without subconferencing.8 4.2 Non-add hoc add-on with subconferencing10 4.3 Non-addhoc add-on multimedia .12 4.4 Resourc

9、e Reservation.14 5 Class Diagrams.15 6 Conference Call Control Service Interface Classes17 6.1 Interface Class IpConfCallControlManager.18 6.1.1 Method createConference() 18 6.1.2 Method checkResources().19 6.1.3 Method reserveResources() 20 6.1.4 Method freeResources()20 6.2 Interface Class IpAppCo

10、nfCallControlManager 21 6.2.1 Method conferenceCreated() 21 6.3 Interface Class IpConfCall .21 6.3.1 Method getSubConferences() .22 6.3.2 Method createSubConference() 22 6.3.3 Method leaveMonitorReq() 23 6.3.4 Method getConferenceAddress()23 6.4 Interface Class IpAppConfCall 23 6.4.1 Method partyJoi

11、ned()24 6.4.2 Method leaveMonitorRes().24 6.5 Interface Class IpSubConfCall .25 6.5.1 Method splitSubConference().25 6.5.2 Method mergeSubConference()26 6.5.3 Method moveCallLeg().26 6.5.4 Method inspectVideo() .27 6.5.5 Method inspectVideoCancel() 27 6.5.6 Method appointSpeaker() .27 6.5.7 Method c

12、hairSelection() .28 6.5.8 Method changeConferencePolicy().28 6.6 Interface Class IpAppSubConfCall 28 6.6.1 Method chairSelection() .29 6.6.2 Method floorRequest()29 7 Conference Call Control Service State Transition Diagrams.29 8 Conference Call Control Data Definitions .29 8.1 Event Notification Da

13、ta Definitions.30 8.2 Conference Call Control Data Definitions .30 8.2.1 IpConfCall 30 8.2.2 IpConfCallRef.30 8.2.3 IpAppConfCall .30 8.2.4 IpAppConfCallRef30 8.2.5 IpSubConfCall 30 8.2.6 IpSubConfCallRef 30 ETSI ETSI ES 203 915-4-5 V1.2.1 (2007-01) 4 8.2.7 IpAppSubConfCall .30 8.2.8 IpAppSubConfCal

14、lRef30 8.2.9 TpSubConfCallIdentifierSet .30 8.2.10 TpConfCallIdentifier 31 8.2.11 TpSubConfCallIdentifier 31 8.2.12 IpAppConfCallControlManager .31 8.2.13 IpAppConfCallControlManagerRef .31 8.2.14 TpConfPolicyType31 8.2.15 TpConfPolicy32 8.2.16 TpMonoMediaConfPolicy32 8.2.17 TpJoinEventInfo .32 8.2.

15、18 TpConfSearchCriteria.32 8.2.19 TpConfSearchResult.33 8.2.20 TpMultiMediaConfPolicy.33 8.2.21 TpResourceReservation33 8.2.22 TpVideoHandlingType .33 Annex A (normative): OMG IDL Description of Conference Call Control SCF.34 Annex B (informative): W3C WSDL Description of Conference Call Control SCF

16、 .35 Annex C (informative): Java API Description of the Call Control SCFs36 Annex D (informative): Contents of 3GPP OSA Rel-6 Call Control .37 Annex E (informative): Record of changes 38 E.1 Interfaces 38 E.1.1 New 38 E.1.2 Deprecated38 E.1.3 Removed.38 E.2 Methods38 E.2.1 New 38 E.2.2 Deprecated39

17、E.2.3 Modified.39 E.2.4 Removed.39 E.3 Data Definitions .39 E.3.1 New 39 E.3.2 Modified.39 E.3.3 Removed.40 E.4 Service Properties.40 E.4.1 New 40 E.4.2 Deprecated40 E.4.3 Modified.40 E.4.4 Removed.40 E.5 Exceptions 41 E.5.1 New 41 E.5.2 Modified.41 E.5.3 Removed.41 E.6 Others .41 History 42 ETSI ET

18、SI ES 203 915-4-5 V1.2.1 (2007-01) 5 Intellectual Property Rights IPRs essential or potentially essential to the present document may have been declared to ETSI. The information pertaining to these essential IPRs, if any, is publicly available for ETSI members and non-members, and can be found in ET

19、SI SR 000 314: “Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs); Essential, or potentially Essential, IPRs notified to ETSI in respect of ETSI standards“, which is available from the ETSI Secretariat. Latest updates are available on the ETSI Web server (http:/ Pursuant to the ETSI

20、IPR Policy, no investigation, including IPR searches, has been carried out by ETSI. No guarantee can be given as to the existence of other IPRs not referenced in ETSI SR 000 314 (or the updates on the ETSI Web server) which are, or may be, or may become, essential to the present document. Foreword T

21、his ETSI Standard (ES) has been produced by ETSI Technical Committee Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN). The present document is part 4, sub-part 5 of a multi-part deliverable covering Open Service Access (OSA); Application Programming I

22、nterface (API), as identified below. The API specification (ES 203 915) is structured in the following parts: Part 1: “Overview“; Part 2: “Common Data Definitions“; Part 3: “Framework“; Part 4: “Call Control“; Sub-part 1: “Call Control Common Definitions“; Sub-part 2: “Generic Call Control SCF“; Sub

23、-part 3: “Multi-Party Call Control SCF“; Sub-part 4: “Multi-Media Call Control SCF“; Sub-part 5: “Conference Call Control SCF“; Part 5: “User Interaction SCF“; Part 6: “Mobility SCF“; Part 7: “Terminal Capabilities SCF“; Part 8: “Data Session Control SCF“; Part 9: “Generic Messaging SCF“; Part 10: “

24、Connectivity Manager SCF“; Part 11: “Account Management SCF“; Part 12: “Charging SCF“; Part 13: “Policy Management SCF“; Part 14: “Presence and Availability Management SCF“; Part 15: “Multi-Media Messaging SCF“. ETSI ETSI ES 203 915-4-5 V1.2.1 (2007-01) 6 The present document has been defined jointl

25、y between ETSI, The Parlay Group (http:/ and the 3GPP, in co-operation with a number of JAIN Community (http:/ member companies. The present document forms part of the Parlay 5.1 set of specifications. ETSI ETSI ES 203 915-4-5 V1.2.1 (2007-01) 7 1 Scope The present document is part 4,

26、 sub-part 5 of the Stage 3 specification for an Application Programming Interface (API) for Open Service Access (OSA). The OSA specifications define an architecture that enables application developers to make use of network functionality through an open standardised interface, i.e. the OSA APIs. The

27、 present document specifies the Conference Call Control Service Capability Feature (SCF) aspects of the interface. All aspects of the Conference Call Control SCF are defined here, these being: Sequence Diagrams. Class Diagrams. Interface specification plus detailed method descriptions. State Transit

28、ion diagrams. Data Definitions. IDL Description of the interfaces. WSDL Description of the interfaces. Reference to the Java API description of the interfaces. The process by which this task is accomplished is through the use of object modelling techniques described by the Unified Modelling Language

29、 (UML). 2 References The references listed in clause 2 of ES 203 915-1 contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document. ETSI ES 203 915-1: “Open Service Access (OSA); Application Programming Interface (API); Part 1: Overview (Parlay 5)“. 3 Defi

30、nitions and abbreviations 3.1 Definitions For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in ES 203 915-1 apply. 3.2 Abbreviations For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations defined in ES 203 915-1 apply. ETSI ETSI ES 203 915-4-5 V1.2.1 (2007-01) 8 4 Confer

31、ence Call Control Service Sequence Diagrams 4.1 Meet-me conference without subconferencing This sequence illustrates a pre-arranged meet-me conference for a specified time period. During this timeslot parties can call in to the meet-me conference by dialling a special number. For each participant jo

32、ining the conference, the application can decide to accept the participant in to the conference. The application can also be notified when parties are leaving the conference. ETSI ETSI ES 203 915-4-5 V1.2.1 (2007-01) 9 : (Logical View:IpAppLogic): IpAppConfCallControlManager: IpAppConfC all: IpConfC

33、allControlM anager: IpConfCall1: new()5: new()2: reserveResources( )6: leaveMonitorReq( )9: partyJoined( )10: “forward event“3: conferenceCreated( )4: “forward event“12: leaveMonitorRes( )13: “forward event“11: attachMediaReq( )14: release( )8: attachMediaReq( )7: partyJoined( )1: The application cr

34、eates a new object to receive the callbacks from the conference call control manager. 2: The application reserves resources for some time in the future. With this same method the application registers interest in the creation of the conference (e.g. when the first party to joins the conference or at

35、 the specified start time, this is implementation dependant). ETSI ETSI ES 203 915-4-5 V1.2.1 (2007-01) 10The reservation also includes the conference policy. One of the elements is whether joined parties must be explicitly attached. If so, this is treated as an implicit joinMonitorReq. 3: The confe

36、rence is created. 4: The message is forwarded to the application. 5: The application creates an object to receive the call back messages from the conference call. 6: The application also requests to be notified when parties leave the conference. 7: The application is notified of the first party that

37、 joined the conference. 8: When the party is allowed to join the conference, the party is added. Alternatively, the party could have been rejected with a releaseCallLeg. 9: A new party joins the conference and the application is notified. 10: The message is forwarded to the application. 11: This par

38、ty also is allowed into the conference by attaching the leg. 12: A party leaves the conference. 13: The message is forwarded to the application. 14: The application decides to release the entire conference. 4.2 Non-add hoc add-on with subconferencing This sequence illustrates a prearranged add-on co

39、nference. The end user that initiates the call, communicates with the conference application via a web interface (not shown). By dragging and dropping names from the addressbook, the end-user adds parties to the conference. Also via the web-interface, the end-user can group parties in subconferences

40、. Only parties in the same subconference can talk to each other. ETSI ETSI ES 203 915-4-5 V1.2.1 (2007-01) 11: IpConfCallControlManager: IpAppConfCall: (Log ical View:IpAppLogic): IpConfCall first : IpSubConfCallsecond : IpSubConfCall: IpCallLeg : IpAp pCallLeg2: createConference( )1: new()3: getSub

41、Conferences( )5: createAndRouteCallLegReq( )7: createAndRouteCallLegReq( )8: createAndRouteCallLegReq( )12: splitSubConference( )9: createAndRouteCallLegReq( )13: moveCallLeg( )14: release( )10: eventReportRes( )11: “forward event“4: new()6: new()1: The application creates a new interface to receive

42、 the callbacks from the conference call. 2: The application initiates the conference. There has been no prior resource reservation, so there is a chance that no resources are available when parties are added to the conference. The conferenceCall interface object is returned. 3: Together with the con

43、ference a subconference is implicitly created. However, the subconference is not returned as a result of the createConference, therefore the application uses this method to get the subconference. 4: The application creates a new IpAppCallLeg interface. 5: The application adds the first party to the

44、subconference. This process is repeated for all 4 parties. Note that in the following not all steps are shown. 6: The gateway creates a new IpCallLeg interface. 7: The application adds parties to the subconference. 8: The application adds parties to the subconference. 9: The application adds parties

45、 to the subconference. 10: When a party A answers the application is notified. We assume that all parties answer. This happens in the same way as for party A and is not shown in the following. ETSI ETSI ES 203 915-4-5 V1.2.1 (2007-01) 1211: The message is forwarded to the application. 12: The applic

46、ation decides to split the conference. Party C the conference interfaces are specialisations of the corresponding multi-party call interfaces. Communication between the application and service packages is done via the relations; the interfaces can communicate with callback methods in the correspondi

47、ng application interfaces. ETSI ETSI ES 203 915-4-5 V1.2.1 (2007-01) 16IpAppConfCallpartyJoined()leaveMonitorRes()(from cccs)IpAppConfCallControlManagerconferenceCreated()(from cccs)IpAppSubConfCallchairSelection()floorRequest()(from cccs)IpConfCallgetSubConferences()createSubConference()leaveMonito

48、rReq()getConferenceAddress()(from cccs)IpSubConfCallsplitSubConference()mergeSubConference()m oveCal lLe g()inspectVideo()inspectVideoCancel()ap po intSpeaker()chairSelection()chan ge Conferen ce Po li cy()(from cccs)IpConfCallControlManagercreateConference()checkResources()reserveResources()freeRes

49、ources()(from cccs)1 0n1 0nIpA ppM ul tiM e dia Call Co nt rolM an ag erreportMediaNotification()(from mmccs)IpAppMultiMediaCallsuperviseVolumeRes()superviseVolumeErr()(from mmccs)IpMultiMediaCallLegmediaStreamAllow()mediaStreamMonitorReq()getMediaStreams()(from mmccs)IpAppMultiMediaCallLegmediaStreamMonitorRes()(from mmccs)1 0n10n10n1 0n10n10nFigure 1: Application Interfaces This class diagram shows the interfaces that make up the conference call control service package. The diagram also shows the inherit

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