ETSI GSM 04 90-1993 European Digital Cellular Telecommunication System (Phase 2) Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) Stage 3《欧洲数字蜂窝通信系统(第2阶段) 非结构化补充数据业务(USSD) 第3阶段》.pdf

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ETSI GSM 04 90-1993 European Digital Cellular Telecommunication System (Phase 2) Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) Stage 3《欧洲数字蜂窝通信系统(第2阶段) 非结构化补充数据业务(USSD) 第3阶段》.pdf_第1页
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ETSI GSM 04 90-1993 European Digital Cellular Telecommunication System (Phase 2) Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) Stage 3《欧洲数字蜂窝通信系统(第2阶段) 非结构化补充数据业务(USSD) 第3阶段》.pdf_第2页
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ETSI GSM 04 90-1993 European Digital Cellular Telecommunication System (Phase 2) Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) Stage 3《欧洲数字蜂窝通信系统(第2阶段) 非结构化补充数据业务(USSD) 第3阶段》.pdf_第3页
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ETSI GSM 04 90-1993 European Digital Cellular Telecommunication System (Phase 2) Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) Stage 3《欧洲数字蜂窝通信系统(第2阶段) 非结构化补充数据业务(USSD) 第3阶段》.pdf_第4页
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ETSI GSM 04 90-1993 European Digital Cellular Telecommunication System (Phase 2) Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) Stage 3《欧洲数字蜂窝通信系统(第2阶段) 非结构化补充数据业务(USSD) 第3阶段》.pdf_第5页
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1、I 3404583 0098525 T1 I Released: 15 October 1993 GSM 04.90 Version: 4.0.0 Date: I October 1993 Work Item No: Key words: European digital cellular telecommunication system (phase 2); Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) Stage 3 ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute ETSI Secre

2、tariat: Route des Lucioles, F-O692 1 Sophia Antipolis Cedex . France TP. + 33 92 94 42 O0 TF. + 33 93 65 47 16 Tx. 47 O0 40 F *his is an unpublished work the copyright in which vests in the European Telecommunications Standards Institute. Ali rights reserved. The information contained herein is the

3、property of ETSI and no part may be reproduced or used except as authorised by contract or other written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction on reproduction and use extend to all media in which the information may be embodied. W 3404583 009852b 928 Page 3 version h.0 : September

4、1993 GSM 04.90 . CONTENTS 0.GENERAL 4 0.1 Scope 4 0.2 Normative References . 4 0.3 Definitions and abbreviations . 4 0.4 Cross phase compatibility . 4 1 . NETWORK INITIATED UNSTRUCTURED SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICE DATA OPERATION 5 1.1 1.2 Unstructured supplementary service data request 5 1.1.1 Normal oper

5、ation . 5 Unstructured supplementary service data notification 8 1.2.1 Normal operation . 8 2 . MOBILE INITIATED UNSTRUCTURED SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICE DATA OPERATION. 11 2.1 Normal operation . 11 2.2 Cross phas e. compatibility 14 supplementary service data operations 14 supplementary service data oper

6、ations 14 2.2.1 Network only supports protocol version 1 of unstructured 2.2.2 Mobile station only supports protocol version 1 of unstructured Previous page is blank 3404583 0098527 864 W Page 4 GSM W.90 - version bJ.0 : September 1993 O. GENERAL 0.1 scope This technical specification gives the stag

7、e 3 description of the unstructured supplementary service data operations. The group of unstructured supplementary service data operations is divided into two different classes: - Network initiated unstructured supplementary service data operations (NI-USSD) (section 1); - Mobile initiated unstructu

8、red supplementary service data operations (MI-USSD) (section 2); 0.2 Normative References 0.3 Definitions and abbreviations MS mobile station USSD unstructured supplementary setvice data 0.4 Cross phase compatibility For the mobile initiated USSD operations, a number of changes exist between this sp

9、ecification and the protocol version 1 specification. For these Operations the main body of this specification assumes that all network entities comply with this version of the service. In this case an additional sub-section defines the additional requirements for when one ovmore network entities or

10、 the MS complies with the protocol version 1 specifications for the USSD operations. U 3404583 0098528 7T0 U Page 5 version k.P.0 : September 1993 GSM 04.90 - 1. NETWORK INITIATED UNSTRUCTLTRED SUPPLPNENATRY SERVICE DATA OPERATIONS 1.1 Unstructured supplementary service data request 1.1.1 Normal ope

11、ration The network invokes an USSD request by sending a REGISTER message containing a UnstructuredSS- Request invoke component to the mobile station. The mobile station shall respond to the request by sending a FACILITY message containing the users mobile subscribers response in a return result comp

12、onent. The network shall pass the data received in the response to the application handling USSD operations and shall wait for the response of the application. The application may either continue or terminate the dialogue. When the application continues the dialogue, it may initiate another USSD ope

13、ration by sending a FACILITY message (see figure 1.2). Tne operation may either be an USSD request or notification (see section 1 .I 2). When the application terminates the dialogue, the network shall clear the transaction by sending a RELEASE COMPLETE message. The mobile station may also clear the

14、transaction at any time by sending a RELEASE COMPLETE message upon the request of the user. If the mobile station is unable to process the request received from the network, it shall return an error indication by sending a FACILITY message containing a return error component. Error values are specif

15、ied in TS GSM 04.80. When the mobile station receives an USSD operation in parallel to any call independent supplementary service transaction, it shall respond with a return error component in a RELEASE COMPLETE message, containing the USSD-Busy error as specified in TS GSM 04.80, to indicate the fa

16、ilure in handling a parallel USSD operation. However, the network is allowed to initiate USSD operations in parallel to call related transactions. 3404583 0098529 637 = Page 6 GSM 04.90 - version k&O : September 1993 MS Network REGISTER Facility (Invoke = UnstructuredSS-Request (ussd-DataCodingScher

17、ne, ussd-String) RELEASE COMPLETE .- Note: The mobile station may clear the transaction at any time by sending a RELEASE COMPLETE upon request of the user. Figure l.l/GSM 04.90 Single network initiated USSD request 3404583 0098530 359 Page 7 version 6.0.0 : September 1993 GSM 04.90 - MS Network REG

18、ISTER Facility (Invoke = UnstructuredSS-Request (ussd-DataCodingScheme, ussd-String) -_- FACILIN Facility (Invoke = UnstructuredSS-Request (ussd-DataCodingScheme, ussd-String) -_-_-_-_-_-*- Note: The mobile station may clear the transaction at any time by sending a RELEASE COMPLETE upon request of t

19、he user. Note: The second USSD operation may also be an USSD notification. The network may use the on-going transaction for sending further USSD operations. Only one additional USSD request is shown. Figure 1.2/GSM 04.90 Multiple network initiated USSD request 3404583 0098531 295 = * Page 8 GSM 04.9

20、0 - version 4.0.0 : September 1993 1.2 Unstructured supplementary service data notification 1.2.1 Normal operation The network invokes an USSD notification by sending a REGISTER message to the mobile station containing a UnstructuredSS-Notify invoke component. The mobile station shall acknowledge th

21、e operation by sending a FACILITY message containing an empty result component to the network. The application may either continue or terminate the dialogue. When the application continues the dialogue, it may initiate another USSD operation by sending a FACILITY message (see figure 1.4). The operat

22、ion may either be an USSD request (see section 1.1 .l) or notification. When the application terminates the dialogue, the network shall clear the transaction by sending a RELEASE COMPLETE message. The mobile station may also clear the transaction at any time by sending a RELEASE COMPLETE message upo

23、n request of the user. If the mobile station is unable to process the request received from the network, it shall return an error indication by sending a FACILITY message containing a return error component. Error values are specified in TS GSM 04.80. When the mobile station receives an USSD operati

24、on in parailel to any call independent supplementary service transaction, it shall respond with a return error component in a RELEASE COMPLETE message, containing the USSD-Busy error as specified in TS GSM 04.80, to indicate the failure in handling a parallel USSD operation. However, the network is

25、allowed to initiated USSD operations in parallel to call related transactions. Page 9 version 4.0.0 : September 1993 GSM 04.90 - MS Network REGISTER Facility (Invoke = UnstructuredSS-Notify (ussd-DataCodingScheme, ussd-String) Note: The mobile station may clear the transaction at any time by sending

26、 a RELEASE COMPLETE upon request of the user. Figure 1 .WGSM 04.90 Single network initiated USSD notification 3404583 0098533 Ob8 I Page 10 GSM 04.90 - version cJ.0 : September 1993 MS Network REGISTER FACILITY Facility (Reject (Invokegroblem) - FACILITY .- Facility (Invoke = UnstructuredSS-Notify (

27、ussd-DataCodingScheme, ussd-String) FACILITY Facility (Return error (Error) - Note: Note: The mobile station may clear the transaction at any time by sending a RELEASE COMPLETE upon request of the user. The second USSD operation may also be an USSD request. The network may use the on-going transacti

28、on for sending further USSD operations. Only one additional USSD notification is shown. Figure 1.4/GSM 04.90 Multiple network initiated USSD notification m 3404583 O098534 TT4 m Page 11 version bS.0 : September 1993 GSM 04.90 - 2. MOBILE INITIATED UNSTRUCTURED SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICE DATA OPERATIONS 2

29、.1 Normal operation The mobile station invokes an USSD request by sending a REGISTER message to the network containing a ProcessUnstructuredSS-Request invoke component. The receiving network entity shall pass the data received in the request to the application handling USSD operations and shall wait

30、 for the response of the application. The application may either termiante the dialogue or may request several times further information in order to perform the requested operation (see figures 2.1 and 2.2). When the application requests more information to process the request, the network shall ini

31、tiate an USSD request (see section 1.1.1), using the on-going transaction (see figure 2.2). The mobile station shall return the users response in a FACILITY message containing a return result component. The network shall pass the data received in the response to the application. If the mobile statio

32、n is unable to process the request received from the network, it shall return an error indication by sending a FACILITY message containing a return error component. When the application terminates the dialogue, the network shall clear the transaction by sending a RELEASE COMPLETE message containing

33、a return result component. The mobile station may also clear the transaction at any time by sending a RELEASE COMPLETE message upon request of the user. If the network is unable to process the request received from the mobile station, it shall return an error indication by sending a FACILITY message

34、 containing a return error component. Error values are specified in TS GSM 04.80. The mobile station shall not initiate USSD operations in parallel to any call independent supplementary service transaction. Only one transaction for USSD operations per user is allowed at a time. However, the mobile s

35、tation is allowed to initiate USSD operations in parallel to call related transactions. Page 12 GSM 04.90 - 3404583 0098535 930 version 4.0.0 : Septembew 1993 MS Network R EG I STE R Facility (Invoke = ProcessUnstructuredSS-Request (ussd-DataCodingScheme, ussd-String) _-_- RELEASE COMPLETE Facility

36、(Return result = ProcessUnstructuredSS-Request (ussd-DataCodingScheme, ussd-String) FACILITY Facility (Invoke = UnstructuredSS-Request (ussd-DataCodingScheme, ussd-String) RELEASE COMPLETE Facility (Return result = ProcessUnstructuredSS-Request (ussd-DataCodingScheme, ussd-String) -“- RELEASE COMPLE

37、TE Facilrty (Return error (Error) - Note: Note: The mobile station may clear the transaction at any time by sending a RELEASE COMPLETE upon request of the user. The network may request further information several times. Only one information request is shown. The network initiated USSD operation may

38、also be an USSD notification. Only a network initated USSD request is shown. Figure 2.2/GSM 04.90 Mobile initiated USSD operation, network requests further information Page 14 GSM 04.90 - version 4.0.0 : September 1993 2.2 Cross phase compatibility 2.2.1 Network only supports protocol version 1 of u

39、nstructured supplementary service data operations If a mobile initiated USSD request using protocol version 2 is rejected by the network, and the reason for the rejection is indicated either by the problem code unrecognized operation or a cause Facility rejected, the mobile station shall assume that

40、 the network only supports protocol version 1 of USSD operations. The mobile station shall reattempt the request by using the appropriate protocol version 1 USSD operation without a SS version indicator if the unstructured data entered by the user can be coded as an IA5 string. 2.2.2 Mobile station

41、only supports protocol version 1 of unstructured supplementary service data operations A mobile station supporting only protocol version 1 invokes an USSD request by sending a REGISTER message to the network containing a ProcessUnstnicturedSsData invoke component without a SS version indicator. In t

42、his situation the network is not allowed to start a network initiated USSD operation. .If the application requires such an operation for its proper function, the USSD operation sent by the mobile station shall be rejected by the application. The network shall terminate the transaction by sending a RELEASE COMPLETE message with cause Facility rejected (see TS GSM 04.08).


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