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1、740 47 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition) Pt. 12 EOM codes. Analog and digital tele-vision broadcast stations, analog cable systems, digital cable systems, wireless cable systems, and DBS providers shall comply with the aural and visual mes-sage requirements in 11.51. Special EAS tests at the State and Local

2、 Area levels may be conducted on daily basis following procedures in State and Local Area EAS plans. (b) Entries shall be made in EAS Par-ticipant records, as specified in 11.35(a) and 11.54(b)(13). 70 FR 71038, Nov. 25, 2005 PART 12REDUNDANCY OF COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS Sec. 12.1 Purpose. 12.2 Backup

3、 power. 12.3 911 and E911 analyses and reports. AUTHORITY: Sections 1, 4(i), 4(j), 4(o), 5(c), 218, 219, 301, 303(g), 303(j), 303(r), 332, 403, 621(b)(3), and 621(d) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i), 154(j), 154(o), 155(c), 218, 219, 301, 303(g), 303(j), 303(r), 3

4、32, 403, 621(b)(3), and 621(d), unless otherwise noted. SOURCE: 72 FR 37673, July 11, 2007, unless otherwise noted. 12.1 Purpose. The rules in this part include re-quirements that will help ensure the resiliency, redundancy and reliability of communications systems, particu-larly 911 and E911 networ

5、ks and/or sys-tems. 12.2 Backup power. (a) Except to the extent set forth in 12.2(b) and 12.2(c)(4) of the Commis-sions rules, local exchange carriers, in-cluding incumbent local exchange car-riers and competitive local exchange carriers (collectively, LECs), and com-mercial mobile radio service (CM

6、RS) providers, as defined in 20.9 of this chapter, must have an emergency backup power source (e.g., batteries, generators, fuel cells) for all assets necessary to maintain communications that are normally powered from local commercial power, including those as-sets located inside central offices, c

7、ell sites, remote switches and digital loop carrier system remote terminals. LECs and CMRS providers must maintain emergency backup power for a min-imum of twenty-four hours for assets that are normally powered from local commercial power and located inside central offices, and eight hours for as-se

8、ts that are normally powered from local commercial power and at other locations, including cell sites, remote switches and digital loop carrier sys-tem remote terminals. Power sources satisfy this requirement if they were originally designed to provide the min-imum backup power capacity level re-qui

9、red herein and the provider has im-plemented reasonable methods and pro-cedures to ensure that the power sources are regularly checked and re-placed when they deteriorate. LECs that meet the definition of a Class B company as set forth in 32.11(b)(2) of this chapter and non-nationwide CMRS providers

10、 with no more than 500,000 subscribers are exempt from this rule. (b) LECs and CMRS providers are not required to comply with paragraph (a) of this section for assets as described in paragraph (a) of this section where the LEC or CMRS provider demonstrates, through the reporting requirement as descr

11、ibed in paragraph (c) of this sec-tion, that such compliance is precluded by: (1) Federal, state, tribal or local law; (2) Risk to safety of life or health; or (3) Private legal obligation or agree-ment. (c) Within six months of the effective date of this requirement, LECs and CMRS providers subject

12、 to this section must file reports with the Chief of the Public Safety (ii) Each asset where compliance with paragraph (a) of this section is precluded due to risk to safety of life or health; (iii) Each asset where compliance with paragraph (a) of this section is precluded by a private legal obliga

13、tion or agreement; (iv) Each asset where compliance with paragraph (a) of this section is VerDate Mar2010 09:35 Dec 08, 2010 Jkt 220200 PO 00000 Frm 00750 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220200.XXX 220200wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted

14、without license from IHS-,-,-741 Federal Communications Commission 12.3 precluded by Federal, state, tribal or local law; and (v) Each asset that was designed with less than the emergency backup power capacity specified in paragraph (a) of this section and that is not precluded from compliance under

15、 paragraph (b) of this section. (2) Reports listing assets falling with-in the categories identified in para-graphs (c)(1)(ii) through (iv) of this sec-tion must include a description of facts supporting the basis of the LECs or CMRS providers claim of preclusion from compliance. For example, claims

16、 that a LEC or CMRS provider cannot comply with this section due to a legal constraint must include the citation(s) to the relevant law(s) and, in order to demonstrate that it is precluded from compliance, the provider must show that the legal constraint prohibits the provider from compliance. Claim

17、s that a LEC or CMRS provider cannot com-ply with this section with respect to a particular asset due to a private legal obligation or agreement must include a description of the relevant terms of the obligation or agreement and the dates on which the relevant terms of the agreement became effective

18、 and are set to expire. Claims that a LEC or CMRS provider cannot comply with this sec-tion with respect to a particular asset due to risk to safety of life or health must include a description of the safe-ty of life or health risk and facts that demonstrate a substantial risk of harm. (3) For purpo

19、ses of complying with the reporting requirements set forth in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (v) of this section, in cases where more than one asset necessary to maintain commu-nications that are normally powered from local commercial power are lo-cated at a single site (i.e., within one central offic

20、e), the reporting entity may identify all of such assets by the name of the site. (4) In cases where a LEC or CMRS provider identifies assets pursuant to paragraph (c)(1)(v) of this section, such LEC or CMRS provider must comply with the backup power requirement in paragraph (a) of this section or,

21、within 12 months from the effective date of this rule, file with the Commission a certified emergency backup power compliance plan. That plan must cer-tify that and describe how the LEC or CMRS provider will provide emergency backup power to 100 percent of the area covered by any non-compliant asset

22、 in the event of a commercial power fail-ure. For purposes of the plan, a pro-vider may rely on on-site and/or port-able backup power sources or other sources, as appropriate, sufficient for service coverage as follows: a minimum of 24 hours of service for assets inside central offices and eight hou

23、rs for other assets, including cell sites, re-mote switches, and digital loop carrier system remote terminals. The emer-gency backup power compliance plans submitted are subject to Commission review. (5) Reports submitted pursuant to this paragraph must be supported by an affidavit or declaration un

24、der penalty of perjury and signed and dated by a duly authorized representative of the LEC or CMRS provider with personal knowledge of the facts contained there-in. (6) Information filed with the Com-mission pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section shall be automatically af-forded confidentiality i

25、n accordance with the Commissions rules. (7) LECs that meet the definition of a Class B company as set forth in 32.11(b)(2) of this chapter and non-na-tionwide CMRS providers with no more than 500,000 subscribers are exempt from this reporting requirement. 72 FR 57887, Oct. 11, 2007 EFFECTIVE DATE N

26、OTE: At 72 FR 57887, Oct. 11, 2007, 12.2 was revised. This section con-tains information collection and record-keeping requirements and will not become effective until approval has been given by the Office of Management and Budget. 12.3 911 and E911 analyses and re-ports. The following entities must

27、 analyze their 911 and E911 networks and/or sys-tems and provide a detailed report to the Commission on the redundancy, re-siliency, and reliability of those net-works and/or systems: Local exchange carriers (LECs), including incumbent LECs (ILECS) and competitive LECs (CLECs); commercial mobile rad

28、io service providers required to comply with the wireless 911 rules set forth in VerDate Mar2010 09:35 Dec 08, 2010 Jkt 220200 PO 00000 Frm 00751 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220200.XXX 220200wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without l

29、icense from IHS-,-,-742 47 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition) Pt. 13 20.18 of this chapter; and inter-connected Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service providers. LECs that meet the definition of a Class B com-pany set forth in 32.11(b)(2) of this chapter, non-nationwide commercial mobile radio service p

30、roviders with no more than 500,000 subscribers at the end of 2001, and interconnected VoIP service providers with annual revenues below the revenue threshold estab-lished pursuant to 32.11 of this chap-ter are exempt from this rule. (a) The Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau (PSHSB) has the

31、dele-gated authority to implement and acti-vate a process through which these re-ports will be submitted, including the authority to establish the specific data that will be required. Where relevant, these reports should include descrip-tions of the steps the service providers intend to take to ensu

32、re diversity and dependability in their 911 and E911 net-works and/or systems, including any plans they have to migrate those net-works and/or systems to a next genera-tion Internet Protocol-based E911 plat-form. (b) These reports are due 120 days from the date that the Commission or its staff annou

33、nces activation of the 911 network and system reporting proc-ess. (c) Reports filed under this Part will be presumed to be confidential. These reports will be shared with The Na-tional Emergency Number Association, The Association of Public Safety Com-munications Officials, and The Na-tional Associa

34、tion of State 911 Ad-ministrators only pursuant to a protec-tive order. PSHSB has the delegated authority to issue such protective or-ders. All other access to these reports must be sought pursuant to procedures set forth in 47 CFR 0.461. Notice of any requests for inspection of these reports will b

35、e provided to the filers of the re-ports pursuant to 47 CFR 0.461(d)(3). 72 FR 37673, July 11, 2007 PART 13COMMERCIAL RADIO OPERATORS GENERAL Sec. 13.1 Basis and purpose. 13.3 Definitions. 13.5 Licensed commercial radio operator re-quired. 13.7 Classification of operator licenses and endorsements. 1

36、3.8 Authority conveyed. 13.9 Eligibility and application for new li-cense or endorsement. 13.10 Licensee address. 13.11 Holding more than one commercial radio operator license. 13.13 Application for a renewed or modified license. 13.15 License term. 13.17 Replacement license. 13.19 Operators respons

37、ibility. EXAMINATION SYSTEM 13.201 Qualifying for a commercial operator license or endorsement. 13.203 Examination elements. 13.207 Preparing an examination. 13.209 Examination procedures. 13.211 Commercial radio operator license examination. 13.213 COLEM qualifications. 13.215 Question pools. 13.21

38、7 Records. AUTHORITY: Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat. 1066, 1082 as amended; 47 U.S.C. 154, 303. SOURCE: 58 FR 9124, Feb. 19, 1993, unless otherwise noted. GENERAL 13.1 Basis and purpose. (a) Basis. The basis for the rules con-tained in this part is the Communica-tions Act of 1934, as amended, and ap-plicabl

39、e treaties and agreements to which the United States is a party. (b) Purpose. The purpose of the rules in this part is to prescribe the manner and conditions under which commer-cial radio operators are licensed by the Commission. 13.3 Definitions. The definitions of terms used in part 13 are: (a) CO

40、LEM. Commercial operator li-cense examination manager. (b) Commercial radio operator. A per-son holding a license or licenses speci-fied in 13.7(b). (c) GMDSS. Global Maritime Distress and Safety System. (d) FCC. Federal Communications Commission. (e) International Morse Code. A dot- dash code as defined in International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative VerDate Mar2010 09:35 Dec 08, 2010 Jkt 220200 PO 00000 Frm 00752 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220200.XXX 220200wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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