1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONDate Action Revisions 2008 10 09 N-STATUS Replaced by WSS-M13P12-A L. Schmalz, FNA 2003 10 24 Revised Para 3.0 inserted; paras 3.6 and 4 deleted 1964 03 16 Released AT1 #1112 Printed copies are uncontrolled Copyright 2008, Ford Global Technologies, Inc. Page 1 of 1
2、 GREASE - REDUCED POLYETHYLENE ESB-M1C105-A NOT TO BE USED FOR NEW DESIGN 1. SCOPE The material defined by this specification is an NLGI No. 2 grade of polyethylene grease (ESB-M1C93) reduced 1-20 parts by weight with M-5B58, Inhibited Methyl Chloroform. 2. APPLICATION This specification was release
3、d originally for grease used to lubricate door and glove compartment locks. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.0 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS FOR PRODUCTION MATERIALS Material suppliers and part producers must conform to the Companys Standard Requirements For Production Materials (WSS-M99P1111-A). 3.1 COMPOSITION 3.1.1 Vol
4、atile, as M-5B58 95 +/- 0.5% (10 g, 24 h at 100 +/- 2 C) 3.1.2 Non-Volatile 5 +/- 0.5% Soap Identification Lithium 3.2 FILLER Polyethylene (ASTM D 128) 3.3 SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 15.6 C 1.260 - 1.320 3.4 WATER RESISTANCE 3.4.1 The material, when applied to metal strips and solvent evaporated, shall wit
5、hstand 168 h at 38 +/- 2 C in a 98 +/- 2% relative humidity atmosphere without breaking. 3.4.2 The material, when applied to metal strips and solvent evaporated, shall withstand 16 h immersion in a bath of running cold water without breaking per ASTM D 1264. 3.5 QUALITY The material shall be free from dirt, lumps, abrasive material, or other impurities and shall be uniform in appearance.