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1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONMaterial Name Specification NumberDate Release No. Release/Revision1990 02 01 C01031532 released C E Herriott concurred J SchultWP 3948-a Page 1 of 8 PAINT, CLEARCOAT IN BASECOAT/CLEARCOAT WSK-M4J211-ASYSTEM, AIR DRYING REPAIR INTERIOR 1. SCOPEThe mat erial defined

2、 by this specification is an air drying clearcoat ofa base coat/clearcoat system required to provide the best interior qualityfinish. It consists of an air drying methacrylic polyme r clearcoat lacquersystem, suitable for repair of the stoved basecoat/clearcoat system, inconnection with the original

3、 or complementary repair basecoat.2. APPLICATIONThis specification was released originally for material used on visible andnon-ey e level visible interior parts. The material shall be suitable forbrush and spray application.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 STATISTICAL PROCESSSupplie rs must conform to the require

4、ments of Ford Quality SystemStand ard Q-101. A mutually acceptable Control Plan as describedtherein is required for material/source approval. Appropriatestatist ical tools must be used to analyze process/product data sothat variation in the final product is continually reduced.3.2 INFRARED SPECTROPH

5、OTOMETRY AND/OR THERMAL ANALYSISFord Motor Company in its option, may conduct in frared and/or thermalana lysis of materials/parts supplied to this specification. The IRspectra and thermograms established for initial approval shallconst itute the reference standard and shall be kept on file at thede

6、signated Material Laboratory. All samples sha ll produce IR spectraand thermograms that correspond to the reference standard when testedunder the same conditions.3.3 CONDITIONINGAll panels s hall be aged for 16 h at 43 +/- 2 C before testing forresistance properties unless otherwise specified.Al l t

7、ests according to this specification shall be performed in acontrolled atmosphere of 23 +/- 2 C and 50 - 65 % relative humidityif not otherwise specified.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSK-M4J211-AWP 3948-b Page 2 of 8 3.4 FLASH POINTThe flash point shall conform to the safety regu lations applic

8、able tothe plant and/or country where the material shall be used.3.5 COMPOSITION3.5.1 ResinMe thacrylic polymer basis with or without minor amounts ofplasticizers.3.5.2 SolventThe properties of solvents in the volatile portion shall beso arranged that the clearcoat will level out sa tisfactory onspr

9、ay application. The volatility of the solvents is to beso chosen that the material will give a dry film thickness of25 - 35 micrometre clearcoat without sagging and withsatisfactory freedom from roughness or dry spray.3.5.3 BasecoatClearcoat meeting this specification shall be totallycompatible with

10、 the Ford Engineering approved WSK-M32J124-Aprod uction basecoat, or repair basecoat WSK-M4J210-A, orapproved equivalent materials applied under it. Afterapplication the production basecoat or the repair basecoat/repair clearcoat system shall present an interior finish ofthe highest quality.3.5.4 Sp

11、ecific CompositionWhen i t is necessary to obtain specific data regardingmaterial formulation, it is understood that the supplier willfurnish such data on request.3.5.5 Special DataAll initial and batch submissions must indicate density andnon-v olatile content of the material as supplied on thesamp

12、le report.3.6 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES3.6.1 Non-volatile, minimum as supplied 25 %(FLTM BI 102-01)3.6.2 Density Initial Sample +/-(ASTM D 1475) 0,02 g/mL3.6.3 Viscosity(FLTM BI 111-01, Ford Cup 3, 25 C)Viscosity, as delivered 60 - 70 sENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSK-M4J211-AWP 3948-b Page 3 of 8 3.

13、6.4 Solvent CompatabilityThe m aterial as received shall be fully compatible withWSK-M14J239-A Xylene or WSK-M14J247-A or WSK-M14J248-ACellulose Solvents. The application viscosity depends uponplant conditions. A recommended spray viscosity is 25 s FordCup 3, 25 C.3.6.5 Accelerated Shelf Stability(F

14、LTM BI 102-03)The material shall not gel or liver upon standing. Aftercooling it must be possible to reduce the material to thedesired viscosity as required by item Shelf StabilityDuring a storage of 6 months at room temperature, thematerial as received shall not gel or liver upon standi

15、ng andmu st be free from settling which cannot be dispersed bynormal agitation.3.6.7 Solvent Emissions max 0,096 kg/L(ASTM D 3960)This r equirement is as determined by the United StatesEnvironmental Protection Agency Reference Method #24 but isonly applicable to materials used in the USA.3.7 PREPARA

16、TION OF TEST PANELS(FLTM BI 103-02, Method B, b)3.7.1 SubstrateFord Engineering Approved Standard Steel Test Panels coatedwith Ford Engineering approved zinc phosphate an d prepared inaccordance with Ford Manufacturing Standard U-MA18004/U-MA18005 or Equivalent.3.7.2 Cathodic ElectrocoatFord Enginee

17、ring approved current production materials.Apply the above primer to a minimum dry film thickness of 25micro metre and bake as defined in relevant materialspecification.3.7.3 Primer SurfacerFord Engineering approved current production material.Apply the above primer to a minimum dry film thickness o

18、f 30micrometre, and bake as defined in relevant materialspecification.Do not sand the primer surface.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSK-M4J211-AWP 3948-b Page 4 of 8 3.7.4 BasecoatApply approved basecoat against specification WSK-M32J124-A(reduced to spray visco sity as specified by vendor) to a

19、dryfilm thickness of 15 - 20 micrometre.3.7.5 ClearcoatApply approved clearcoa t against specification WSK-M32J125-A(reduced to spray visco sity as specified by vendor) to a dryfilm thickness of 35 - 45 micrometre.Minimum total dry film thicknessBasecoat and clearcoat 50 micrometre3.7.6 Flash-Off Ti

20、me 1 minute between base and clearcoat application.3.7.7 Baking CyclesBasecoat and clearcoat baked simultaneously3.7.7.1 Standard Bake Bake 10 minutes at 130 C metaltemperature.3.7.8 Dry sand one end half of above prepared panels throughtopcoa t to primer using 400 grit paper. Blow off withcom press

21、ed air. Spray apply approved material metallicbasecoat WSK-M32J124-A and approved repair metallic basecoatWSK- M4J210-A each on to sufficient panels over the wholepane l area at a maximum film thickness of 15 micrometre.Overpaint all prepared panels with the repair cl earcoat undertest after a flash

22、-off time of at least 2 minutes, resultingin a dry film thickness of 25 - 35 micrometre of clearcoat.Spray repair clearcoat under test at the viscosi ty specified.Stand panels in a well ventilated but dust and draught freearea until film dry and hard to touch.3.8 APPEARANCE3.8.1 Colour Water White (

23、FLTM BI 109-01)Col our of basecoat and clearcoat shall match the relevantapproved Master Appearance Sample (MAS) Panel.3.8.2 Gloss, min 60 units(FLTM BI 110-01, 20 deg glossmeter)ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSK-M4J211-AWP 3948-b Page 5 of 8 3.8.3 LevellingThe surface of the material under test

24、 shall be equal to orbe tter than current approved production material forsmoothness when applied under identical conditions.3.9 FILM PROPERTIES3.9.1 General AppearanceThe m aterial shall produce a presentable, serviceable filmshowing no craters, pinholes or abnormal roughness.It shall not show exce

25、ssive metallic mottling in thebasecoat.3.9.2 Drying (Room Temperature)Dry and Dust Free 15 minutes afterapplicationPolishability 16 h afterapplication3.9.3 Film Thickness(FLTM BI 117-01)Basecoat plus clearcoat, min 30 micrometreCo ating must be sufficient to meet all performancerequirements of this

26、specification.3.9.4 PolishingTh e enamel surface shall be capable of being sanded andpolished, or polished only. No noticeable chang e in gloss orapp earance, except for a minimum of polishing lines shallresul t. Deep polishing lines or swirl marks are notacceptable.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIO

27、NWSK-M4J211-AWP 3948-b Page 6 of 8 3.10 RESISTANCE PROPERTIES3.10.1 Paint Adhesion(FLTM BI 106-01, Method B) Grade 0No chippingThere shall be no flaking of repair clearcoat or basecoatfrom the substrate.3.10.2 Water Resistance 240 h(FLTM BI 104-01)No blistering, softening, dulling, gloss or colour c

28、hangeand/or loss of adhesion.Adhesion shall be tested according to item LIGHT FASTNESS3.11.1 Accelerated Exposure, min AATCC Rating 5(SAE J1885)Radiant Exposure 400 KJ/m2Comparative testing onl y is permitted. Materials shall onlybe tested against similar materials of known satisfactoryp

29、erformance.Prior to examination the exposed samples must be cleaned withapproved soap solution.After exposure washed but unpolished exposure samples shallshow a minimum change w hen compared to an unexposed retainedmaster.These samples shall show no colour change, or ir ridescence inexcess of specif

30、ied AATCC rating (AATCC Grey Scale forEvaluating Change in Colour, 10 step).Gloss change is not permitted.Spotting is not permitted.Chalking is not permitted.The panels shall be completely free from evidence ofcracking, checking, rusting, blistering, and peeling.3.12 PRODUCTION SAMPLESProdu ction sh

31、ipments and samples shall be equivalent to approvedinitial sample in laboratory and production tests.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSK-M4J211-AWP 3948-b Page 7 of 8 3.13 PAINT COMPATABILITYPri or to making any changes in properties and/or composition ofori ginally approved paint, the supplier mu

32、st certify compliance toall requirements of Direct Glazing System specif ication (test values,not nominal values) and obtain approval from the responsibleMaterials Engineering activity. For approved Direct Glazing Systemcontact the responsible Materials Engineering activity.3.14 SUPPLIERS RESPONSIBI

33、LITYAll materials supplied to this specification must be equivalent inal l characteristics to the material upon which approval wasoriginally granted.Pri or to making any change in the properties, composition,constr uction, color, processing or labeling of the materialorig inally approved under this

34、specification, whether or not suchchange s affect the materials ability to meet the specificationrequir ements, the Supplier shall notify Purchasing, Toxicology andthe affected Materials Engineering activity of the proposed changesand obtain the written approval of the Materials Engineeringactivity.

35、 Test data, t est samples and a new code identification areto be submitted with the request.Substance restrictions imposed by law, regulations or Ford, apply tothe materials addressed by this document. The restrictions aredefined in Engineering Material Specification WS S-M99P9999-A1, unlessa differ

36、ent suffix (e.g., A2 or A3) is specified on the engineeringdocument for the application.4. APPROVAL OF MATERIALSMat erials defined by this specification must have prior approval by theresponsible Materials Engineeri ng activity. Suppliers desiring approval ofthe ir materials shall first obtain an ex

37、pression of interest from theaffec ted Purchasing, Design and Materials Engineering activity. Uponrequest, the Supplier shall submit to the affected Materials Engineeringactivity its own laboratory rep ort to the specification (test results, notnominal values), the material designation and code numb

38、er, and testspecim ens for Ford evaluation. Upon approval, the material will be addedto the Engineering Material Approved Source List.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSK-M4J211-AWP 3948-b Page 8 of 8 5. GENERAL INFORMATIONThe information below is provided for clarification and assistance inmeeting the requirements of the specification.5.1 MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING REFERENCESApplicable Process StandardVehicles which are produced in NAAOC-200 (F) General PaintingC-600 (F) ElectrocoatPL53-33 (F) PhosphateVehicles which are produced in EAOC-800 PAINTING -PROCESS

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