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1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONMaterial Name Specification NumberDate Action Changes1995 10 06 Activated L. RodigasWP 3948-a Page 1 of 7 ABS MOLDING COMPOUND, HIGH HEAT RESISTANT WSS-M4D827-A3HIGH IMPACT MOLDING COMPOUND1. SCOPEThe material defined by this sp ecification is a high impact strengt

2、h, highhe at resistant molding compound based on acrylonitrile butadiene styrene(ABS).2. APPLICATIONThis specification was released originally for material used for paintedbody parts.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 QUALITY SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSMaterial suppliers and part producers must conform to Quality SystemReq

3、uirements, QS-9000. Material specification r equirements are to beused fo r initial qualification of materials. A Control Plan forong oing production verification is required. This plan must bereviewed and approved b y the relevant Ford Materials activity and/orFor d Supplier Technical Assistance (S

4、TA) prior to production partssubmission. Appropriate statistical tools must be used to analyzepr ocess/product data and assure consistent processing of thematerials.Part producers using this material in their products, must use Fordapproved materials and must conform to a process control plan whichh

5、as been approved by STA and/or the relevant Materials Activity.3.1.1 All requirements of thi s specification, identified by symbol(s), shall be met with data representing 3 sigma values.3.2 INFRARED SPECTROPHOTOMETRY AND/OR THERMAL ANALYSISFord Motor Company, at its option, may conduct infrared and/

6、ortherma l analysis of material/parts supplied to this specification.The IR spectra and thermograms established for i nitial approval shallconst itute the reference standard and shall be kept on file at thedesignated material lab oratory. All samples shall produce IR spectraand thermograms that corr

7、espond to the reference standard when testedunder the same conditions.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSS-M4D827-A3WP 3948-b Page 2 of 7 3.3 CONDITIONING AND TEST CONDITIONSAll test values indicated herein are based on ma terial conditioned ina c ontrolled atmosphere of 23 +/- 2 EC and 50 +/- 5 %

8、relativehumidity for not less than 24 h prior to testing and tested under thesame conditions unless otherwise specified.3.4 MOLDING COMPOUND(s) 3.4.1 Melt Flow Rate 6 - 20 g/10 minutes(ISO 1133, 220 EC, 10 kg)The material shall be dried for min of 2 h at 80 - 85 EC ina mechanical convection oven imm

9、ediately preceding the test.3.5 MOLDED TEST SPECIMEN3.5.1 Preparation of Test SpecimensUnless otherwise specif ied all tests shall be carried out oninjection molded one-end gated test specimens.The following dimensions are required:A. 150 minimum x 10 x 4.0 +/- 0.2 mm (ISO 3167, Type 1A)B. 60 x 60 x

10、 2.0 +/- 0.1 mm (ISO/DIS 294-3)C. 355 x 100 x 1.9 +/- 0.1 mm (ISO 3795)Test specimen A shall be molded using molding conditionsdefined in ISO 3167. Sp ecimens with shorter dimensions shallbe cut from the center of the specimen A. No annealingallowed.3.5.2 Density 1.03 - 1.09 g/cm 3(ISO 1183, Method

11、A)(s) 3.5.3 Tensile Strength at Max Load, min 34 MPa(ISO R 527-1 & ISO 527-2, 150 minimumx 10 x 4.0 +/- 0.2 mm specimen, testspeed: 50 mm/minute) Elongation at Break, min 20 %(Test Method accordingto para 3.5.3)(s) 3.5.4 Flexural Modulus, min 1.9 GPa(ISO 178, 80 x 10 x 4.0 +/- 0.2 mmspecimen

12、(use center section ofspecimen A), 2 mm/min test speed, 64 mm support span)ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSS-M4D827-A3WP 3948-b Page 3 of 7 3.5.5 Shear Modulus at 23 EC 0.7 - 1.10 GPa(ASTM D 5279, forced constantamplitude, fixed frequency of 1 Hz+/- 15 %, strain level below 1 %.Specimen approx.

13、60 x 10 x 4.0 +/-0.2 mm cut from the center of specimen A.Specimen length between clamps 35 - 40 mm.Soak time at each temperature interval -3 minutes minimum)Additionally, a shear mod ulus versus temperature curve shallbe plotted for - 50 to + 120 EC temperature range, at 5 ECminimum intervals. The

14、plotted curve must be withi n tolerancerange granted on the orig inal material approval and it shallcons titute the reference standard for material supplied toth is specification and shall be kept on file at thedesignated material laboratory and be available on request.(s) 3.5.6 Impact Strength, Izo

15、d, min(ISO 180/1A, 80.0 x 10 x 4.0 +/- 0.2 mm specimen (use centersection of specimen A), 10 specimens for each test) At 23 +/- 2 EC 14 kJ/m At 0 +/- 1 EC 7 kJ/m At - 40 +/- 1 EC 4 kJ/m 2The test specimens must b e conditioned for minimumof 6 h at the above speci fied temper

16、ature prior toimpact test. Low temperat ure testing shall be donewithin the cold chamber, if not possible, test maybe conducted outside, but within 5 seconds.(s) 3.5.7 Heat Deflection Temperature, min 79 EC(ISO 75-1 & ISO 75-2, 120 x 10 x 4.0 +/- 0.2 mm specimen (use center sectionof specimen A), ed

17、gewise, 0.32 +/-0.01 mm deflection. At 1.80 MPa)All specimens dry as molded. If not tested immedi ately aftermolding, specimens must be stored in a sealed, moi sture-proofcontainer filled with silica gel.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSS-M4D827-A3WP 3948-b Page 4 of 7 (s) 3.5.8 Vicat Softening T

18、emperature, min 96 EC(ISO 306, 10 x 10 x 4.0 +/- 0.2 mm specimens (use center section ofspecimen A). Bath - silicone oil, temperature raise 50 +/- 5 EC/h. Dialgage reset to 0 after addition of5 kg weight. At 50 N load)All specimens dry as molded. If not tested immedi ately aftermolding, specimens mu

19、st be stored in a sealed, moi sture-proofcontainer filled with silica gel.3.5.9 Heat Aging Performance(ISO 188, except 150 +/- 50 air changes/h, 1000 h at 80 +/- 2 EC. Unaged property values shall be determined at the time of the aged properties determination) Tensile Strength at Max Load Cha

20、nge +/- 15 %(Test Method per para 3.5.3) Impact Strength, Izod Change, max +/- 35 %(Test Method per para,specimens to be notched beforeheat aging)3.6 FOGGING(SAE J1756, 3 h at 100 EC heating, 21 EC coolingplate, post test conditioning 1 h)Fog Number, min 90Forma tion of a clear film,

21、droplets or crystals is cause forrejection.3.7 FLAMMABILITY(ISO 3795/SAE J369)Burn Rate, max 100 mm/minuteThe specimen size required for material approval is 355 x 100 x 1.9+/- 0.1 mm (use specimen C) with a smooth surface.3.8 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSSpecific requirements for material and/or manufact

22、 ured parts shall bespecified on the Engineering drawing, Engineering parts specificationand/or performance specifications. All critical areas with respectto thes e properties shall be clearly designated on the Engineeringdrawing.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSS-M4D827-A3WP 3948-b Page 5 of 7 3

23、.9 SUPPLIERS RESPONSIBILITYAll mat erials supplied to this specification must be equivalent inall characteristics to the material upon which approval wasoriginally granted.Prior to making any change in the properties, composition,cons truction, color, processing or labeling of the materialor iginall

24、y approved under this specification, whether or not suchchan ges affect the materials ability to meet the specificationrequ irements, the Supplier shall notify Purchasing, Toxicology andthe affected Materials Engineering activity of the proposed changesand obt ain the written approval of the Materia

25、ls Engineeringactivity. Test data, tes t samples and a new code identification areto be submitted with the request.Substance restrictions im posed by law, regulations or Ford, apply tothe materials addressed by this document. The restrictions aredefined in Engineering Materials Specification WSS-M99

26、P9999-A1.4. APPROVAL OF MATERIALSMaterials defined by this specification must have prior approval by theresponsible Materials Engineering activity. Suppl iers desiring approval oftheir materials shall first obtain an expression of interest from theaffe cted Purchasing, Design and Materials Engineeri

27、ng activity. Uponrequest , the Supplier shall submit to the affected Materials Engineeringactivi ty a completed copy of their laboratory test reports, signed by aqualified and authorized representative of the tes t facility, demonstratingfull compliance with all the requirements of this specificatio

28、n (testresults, not nominal values), the material designa tion and code number, andtest specimens for Ford evaluation. Fords engineering approval of amaterial will be based on its performance to this specification and on anassessm ent of suitability for intended process and/or application. Uponappro

29、val, the material will be added to the Engineering Material ApprovedSource List.5. GENERAL INFORMATIONThe information given below is provided for clarif ication and assistance inmeeting the requirements to the specification.5.1 COEFFICIENT OF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION 7 - 10E-5/ EC(ASTM E 831 TMA, te

30、mperature range - 30 to + 30 EC)ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSS-M4D827-A3WP 3948-b Page 6 of 7 5.2 MOLD SHRINKAGE(ISO/DIS 294-3, 60 x 60 x 2.0 +/- 0.1 mminjection molded specimen)5.2.1 Molding Shrinkage. After 48 h at 23 +/- 2 EC 0.4 - 0.8 %5.2.2 Post Shrinkage(Separate specimens required for

31、each test). After 48 h at 80 EC 0.0 - 0.2 %5.3 MELT VOLUME RATE 7 - 21 g/10 minutes(ISO 1133, 220 EC, 10 kg)Note: The material shall be dried for 2 h minimum at 80 - 85 EC ina mechanical convection oven immediately preceding the test.5.4 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY tbd(ISO 527-1 & 527-2, 150 minimum x10 x

32、 4 +/- 0.2 mm specimen,test speed: 1 mm/minute)5.5 IMPACT STRENGTH, CHARPY(ISO 179/1eA, 80 x 10 x 4.0+/- 0.2 mm specimen (use centersection of specimen A), 10 specimensfor each test)5.5.1 At 23 +/- 2 EC tbd5.5.2 At - 40 +/- 1 EC tbdThe test specimens must be conditioned for minimum of 6 hoursat the

33、above specified temperature prior to impact test. Lowtemperature testing shall be done within the cold chamber, ifnot p ossible, test may be conducted outside, but within 5seconds.5.6 HEAT DEFLECTION TEMPERATURE 89 EC(ISO 75-1 & ISO 75-2, 120 x 10 x 4.0 +/- 0.2 mm specimen (use centersection of spec

34、imen A), edgewise, 0.32 +/- 0.01 mm deflection. At0.45 MPa)All specimens dry as molded. If not tested immediately aftermoldin g, specimens must be stored in a sealed, moisture-proofcontainer filled with silica gel.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSS-M4D827-A3WP 3948-b Page 7 of 7 5.7 HEAT DEFLECTI

35、ON TEMPERATURE tbd(ISO 75-1 & ISO 75-2, 80 x 10 x 4.0+/- 0.2 mm specimen (use centersection of specimen A), flatwise,0.34 +/- 0.01 mm deflection. At 1.80 MPa)All specimens dry as molded. If not tested immediately aftermoldin g, specimens must be stored in a sealed, moisture-proofcontainer filled with silica gel.5.8 MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION FOR RECYCLING PURPOSESABS

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