GMSA EMS 9309866-2008 First filling engine oil.pdf

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1、 ENGINEERING STANDARDS Material Specification (Fuels and Lubricants) EMS 9309866 Title. First filling engine oil Ttulo. leo de motor para primeiro enchimento Copyright 2002 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved September 2008 Originating Department: LAAM Specification Center Page 1 of 7 BRA

2、SIL1 Scope This specification covers the requirements for first filling engine oil 5W30 ILSAC GF-3. 1 Escopo Esta especificao descreve os requisitos do leo de motor 5W30 ILSAC GF-3 para primeiro enchimento. 1.1 Material Description Mineral oil prepared with non conventional basic oils and special ad

3、ditivies as friction modifiers. 1.1 Descrio do Material leo mineral elaborado com leos bsicos no convencionais, aditivos especiais, incluindo os modificadores de atrito. 1.1.1 Material Identification Not applicable. 1.1.1 Identificao do Material No aplicvel. 1.2 Acronyms, Abbreviations and Symbols V

4、TS Vehicle Technical Specification. CTS - Component Technical Specification. 1.2 Siglas, Abreviaes e Smbolos VTS Especificao Tcnica do Veculo. CTS Especificao Tcnica do Componente. 1.3 Typical Application First filling lubricant for gasoline, alcohol and flexible engines. 1.3 Aplicao Tpica leo lubri

5、ficante para primeiro enchimento de motores gasolina, lcool e flex. 2 References Note: Only the latest approved standards are applicable unless otherwise specified. 2 Referncias Nota: Apenas as mais recentes especificaes aprovadas so aplicveis a menos que especificado de outra forma. 2.1 Normative 2

6、.1 Normativo 2.2 GM. GMW 3059 2.2 GM. GMW 3059 EMS 9309866 GM BRASIL ENGINEERING STANDARDS Copyright 2002 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved Page 2 of 7 September, 2008 3 Requirements 3 Requisitos 3.1 Requirements on Delivery 3.1 Requisitos de Entrega 3.1.1 Physical Chemicals Requirement

7、s 3.1.1 Requisitos Fsico-Qumicos REQUISITOS REQUIREMENTS ESPECIFICADO SPECIFIED MTODO DE ENSAIO TEST PROCEDURE Viscosidade a 1000C / Viscosity at 1000 C, mm2/s 9,4-.001 %) report EMS 9309866 GM BRASIL ENGINEERING STANDARDS Copyright 2002 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved Page 4 of 7 Sep

8、tember, 2008 Teste de corroso de bola/Ball rust test 100 min. GM9099P modified (EOFT), Reduo de fluxo / flow reduction, % 20 max. GM9099P modified (EOWTT), tolerncia a gua / water tolerance c/0,6% H2O / w/0.6 H2O 50 max. c/1,0% H2O / w/1.0 H2O 50 max. c/2,0% H2O / w/2.0 H2O 50 max. c/3,0% H2O / w/3.

9、0 H2O 50 max. Homogeneidade e miscibilidade / Homogeneity and miscibility Passa / Pass FTM 791C 3.1.2 Mechanical Requirements 3.1.2 Requisitos Mecnicos 3.1.3 Physical Requirements 3.1.3 Requisitos Fsicos 3.2 Processing Requirements Not Applicable. 3.2 Requisitos de Processamento No Aplicvel. 3.3 Per

10、formance Requirements 3.3 Requisitos de Desempenho Testes em motores Engine test ESPECIFICADO SPECIFIED MTODO DE ENSAIO TEST PROCEDURE Sequence IIIF Aumento de viscosidade / Viscosity increase 80 horas, % 100 max. Verniz na saia do pisto / Piston skirt varnish, merits 9,0 / 9.0 min. Depsito no pisto

11、 peso / Weighted piston deposit, merits 4,0 / 4.0 min. Desgaste mdio de comando de vlvula e cilindro / Average cam+liner wear, m 20 max. Travamento de anis carbonizao / Hot stuck rings No / none Consumo de leo / Oil consumption, L 4,5 / 4.5 max. GM BRASIL ENGINEERING STANDARDS EMS 9309866 Copyright

12、2002 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved September, 2008 Page 5 of 7 Sequence IV A Desgaste mdio do comando de vlvulas (7 posies) / Average cam wear ( 7 positions), m 40max Sequence VG Borra no motor (mdia) / Average engine sludge, merits 7,8 / 7.8 min. Borra na tampa do comando de vvula

13、/ Rocker cover sludge, merits 8,0 / 8.0 min. Verniz no motor (mdia) / Average engine varnish, merits 8,9 / 8.9 min. Verniz no pisto (mdia) / Average piston varnish, merits 7,5 / 7.5 min. Entupimento na tela do pescador da bomba de leo / Oil screen clogging, % 10 max. Deteriorao da tela do pescador d

14、a bomba de leo / Oil screen debris, % Reportar / Report Travamento de anis de compresso-carbonizao / Compression ring sticking (hot stuck) Reportar / Report Travamento de anis / Ring sticking (cold stuck) Reportar / Report Sequence VIII - Perda de peso em mancais / Bearing wt. Loss, mg 26,4 / 26.4 m

15、ax. Viscosidade aps 10h / 10 h stripped viscosity Grau SAE constante / SAE grade constant Sequence VIB Economia de combustvel aps 16h (1) / FEI at 16h, % 1,3 / 1.3 min. Economia de combustvel aps 16h (2) / FEI at 96h, % 1,0 / 1.0 min. Economia de combustvel (1) + (2) / FEI (1) + (2), % 2,3 / 2.3 min

16、. DYNAMOMETER DURABILITY TEST 450 h Complete with GMs information - OIL/ELASTOMER COMPATIBILITY - CEC-L-39-T-96 Elastomer Type RE1 Hardness DIDC, points -1/+5 max Tensile Strength, % 50/+10 max EMS 9309866 GM BRASIL ENGINEERING STANDARDS Copyright 2002 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved

17、Page 6 of 7 September, 2008 Elongation at Rupture, % 60/+10 max Volume Variation, % -1/+5 max Elastomer Type RE2 Hardness DIDC, points -5/+5 max Tensile Strength, % 15/+10 max Elongation at Rupture, % 35/+10 max Volume Variation, % -5/+5 max Elastomer Type RE3 Hardness DIDC, points -25/+1 max Tensil

18、e Strength, % 45/+10 max Elongation at Rupture, % 20/+10 max Volume Variation, % -1/+30 max Elastomer Type RE4 Hardness DIDC, points -5/+5 max Tensile Strength, % 20/+10 max Elongation at Rupture, % 50/+10 max Volume Variation, % -5/+5 max Complete with GMs elastomer compatibility test FLEET TEST Co

19、mplete with GMs fuel economy test, durability test (CPCA), etc - 3.3.1 Chemical Requirements 3.3.1 Requisitos Qumicos 3.3.2 Mechanical Requirements 3.3.2 Requisitos Mecnicos 3.3.3 Physical Requirements 3.3.3 Requisitos Fsicos 3.3.4 Additional Requirements 3.3.4 Requisitos Adicionais 3.4 Requirements

20、 on other Stages during Life Cycle Not applicable. 3.4 Requisitos sobre outros Estgios durante o Ciclo de Vida No aplicvel. GM BRASIL ENGINEERING STANDARDS EMS 9309866 Copyright 2002 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved September, 2008 Page 7 of 7 4 Manufacturing Process Not applicable. 4

21、Processo de Fabricao No aplicvel. 5 Rules and Regulations 5.1 All materials supplied to this specification must comply with the requirements of GMW3059, Restricted and Reportable Substances for Parts. 5 Regras e Regulamentos 5.1 Todos os materiais fornecidos de acordo com esta especificao tm que obe

22、decer s exigncias da GMW 3059, Substncias Restritas e Declarveis para Peas. 6 Approved Sources For each GM location the responsible engineering group should be contacted to obtain the approved source in the individual country. 6 Fontes Aprovadas Para cada diviso GM o grupo de engenharia responsvel d

23、ever ser contatado para obter a fonte aprovada no pas. 7 Coding System This material specification shall be referenced in other documents, drawings, VTS, CTS, etc. as follows: EMS 9309866 7 Sistema de Codificao Esta especificao deve ser mencionada em outros documentos, desenhos, VTS, CTS etc., como

24、segue: EMS 9309866 8 Release and Revisions 8.1 Release This specification was first approved and published in September,2008. 8 Liberao e Revises 8.1 Liberao A primeira aprovao e publicao desta especificao foi em Setembro de 2008. 8.2 Revisions 8.2 Revises Rev. Date Description Rev. Data Descrio A A B B


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