GMW GMW16821-2012 Wiper Washer Reservoir Debris Test Procedure Issue 1 English.pdf

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1、 WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS Test Procedure GMW16821 Wiper Washer Reservoir Debris Test Procedure Copyright 2012 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved December 2012 Originating Department: North American Engineering Standards Page 1 of 7 1 Scope Note: Nothing in this standard supercedes app

2、licable laws and regulations. Note: In the event of conflict between the English and domestic language, the English language shall take precedence. 1.1 Purpose. The purpose of this test is to evaluate the performance of the Washer Reservoir with debris. This procedure is a Subsystem level test. 1.2

3、Foreword. This document is intended to test performance requirements of a Wiper Washer Reservoir under environmental conditions. This document is the GM Worldwide Washer System Testing Standard for Washer Reservoir Debris. Its purpose is to establish a common test methodology for washer systems to e

4、nsure that a high quality world class system is consistently developed and produced. This is a living document and any suggestions or revisions will be reviewed and/or updated annually by the Windshield Wiper Global Subsystem Leadership Team (GSSLT). The washer system is used to store and apply a wa

5、shing agent to the target area on the outside of the windscreen and back lite of vehicles. If used correctly, no washing agent shall escape and no hoses shall become detached from the screen washer. The washer reservoir also referred to for convenience as the reservoir, is the part of the washer sys

6、tem which is used to store the washer fluid. 1.3 Applicability. This procedure is applicable for all car, multipurpose passenger vehicle (MPV), and truck models produced by GM. The following reservoirs are used: Reservoir for windshield washer systems Reservoir for headlamp washer systems Reservoir

7、for windshield and backlight systems Reservoir for backlight systems Reservoir for windshield washer systems and headlamp washer systems The following pumps are used: Devices with one pressure outlet (Mono pump) Devices with two pressure outlets (Dual pump) 2 References Note: Only the latest approve

8、d standards are applicable unless otherwise specified. 2.1 External Standards/Specifications. None 2.2 GM Standards/Specifications. 9985670 GMW3600 GMW16387 2.3 Additional References. 9274023 Isopropanol GM1829 Analysis/Development/Validation Plan and Report Copyright General Motors Company Provided

9、 by IHS under license with General Motors CompanyNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW16821 Copyright 2012 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved December 2012 Page 2 of 7 3 Resources 3.1 Facilities. The test fac

10、ilities shall be accredited to ISO/IEC standards or by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation. However, all measuring variables as specified in this standard shall be determined correctly with respect to their physical definition. 3.1.1 Calibration. The test facilities and equipment

11、shall be in good working order and shall have a valid calibration label. 3.1.2 Alternatives. Alternative test facilities and equipment may also be used. However, all measuring variables as stated in this specification shall be determined correctly with respect to their physical definition. 3.2 Equip

12、ment. 3.2.1 Play Sand from Home Improvement Stores. Fine sand with a particle size of between 1 mm and 63 m with the majority falling in the 355 m to 125 m range. If the preferred sand is not available, test sand can be prepared by using appropriate screens to sort dust/sand particles to the require

13、d sizes to Table 1 below. Table 1: Dust/Sand Composition Particle Size Percent (%) by Volume 2% 1 mm 5 500 um 10 400 um 15 300 um 25 200 um 25 100 um 10 60 um 10 3.2.2 Washer Reservoirs. Program specific. 3.2.3 Vibration Table. Standard table capable of 50 mm (2 in) displacement and 1 Hz. 3.2.4 Ther

14、mal Chamber. Large enough to contain fully assembled washer systems and capable of -40 C to 120 C with controlled humidity. 3.2.5 Electrical power supply device that reflects vehicle electrical interface, e.g., mating connector, wire gage, control box, etc. 3.2.6 Graduated cylinder with 1 mL increme

15、nts to measuring cylinder content. 3.2.7 Test Nozzle See Appendix A, Figure A1 for performing pump test with reproducible measurements of pump parameters. Production level nozzles can be used for system durability. 3.3 Test Vehicle/Test Piece. Test samples shall be of production intent design and ma

16、terial for design validation (DV); or, production intent design and materials manufactured with production processes (home line) for product validation (PV). Any changes to the components or material, e.g., design, fit, form, function, properties, manufacturing process, and/or location of manufactur

17、e require revalidation. GM shall approve validation methods for product/process changes before the supplier is committed to the change. Refer to GMW3600 3.4 Test Time. Calendar time: 2 days Test hours: 6 hours Coordination hours: 3 hours Copyright General Motors Company Provided by IHS under license

18、 with General Motors CompanyNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW16821 Copyright 2012 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved December 2012 Page 3 of 7 3.5 Test Required Information. Requirements from the Subsyste

19、m Technical Specification (SSTS) or respective specification are necessary in order to execute test methods in this procedure. Equipment and test sample detail is included in Section 4 of this standard. 3.6 Personnel/Skills. The test facility shall have sufficient personnel having the necessary educ

20、ation, training, technical knowledge, and experience for performing the required tests. 4 Procedure 4.1 Preparation. This test procedure has been developed to reflect customer usage of markets which have more stable road systems and fewer unpaved and rough roads. Other regional or local requirements

21、 may necessitate additional test options. For further information, consult the regional Engineering Centers i.e., GM North America, GM Europe, GM Brazil, GM Holden, and GM Korea, etc. 4.2 Conditions. All conditions specified shall be targeted toward the specified value with any given tolerance () us

22、ed to compensate for variation. During testing, conditions specified shall not be readjusted within the tolerance unless it is to maintain the particular test condition within the specified tolerance. If such an adjustment is made, it shall be approved by the appropriate GM engineer prior to the sta

23、rt of any testing. Unless otherwise specified, perform the tests in the as received condition without any special pre-conditioning. 4.2.1 Environmental Conditions. Symbol definitions required for test methods contained in this procedure are listed in Table 2. Actual requirement values for the symbol

24、s shall be obtained from the SSTS or the respective specification and recorded on Datasheet A1. If not otherwise specified, tests shall be performed at TROOM. If various temperature ranges for the tests are specified, the procedure shall be constructed, if not otherwise specified, in a way that all

25、tests shall be performed first at TROOM, at high temperature, and finally at low temperature. If not specified, the test parameter for relative humidity shall be set at 50% 5% and voltage set to UNOM. Table 2: Symbol Definitions for Testing TMAX Program Maximum Temperature See Program SSTS for Value

26、 Default is 105 C 3 C TMIN Program Minimum Temperature See Program SSTS for Value Default is -30 C 3 C TROOM Ambient Temperature See Program SSTS for Value Default is 23 C 3 C UNOM Nominal Voltage See Program SSTS for Value Default is 14.5 V 1 V 4.2.2 Test Conditions. Deviations from the requirement

27、s of this standard shall have been agreed upon. Such requirements shall be specified on component drawings, test certificates, reports, etc. Such deviations shall be approved by the GM Validation Engineer and specified on the GM1829 Analysis/Development/Validation Plan and Report, and test reports 4

28、.3 Instructions. 4.3.1 Set up all washer system components (nozzles, hoses, pump, and container) in roughly design position. A setup similar to the one in Appendix A, Figure A1 can be used. Next, mount the washer container to a standard vibration table. The table should use a 50 mm displacement at 1

29、 Hz. The table should move 25 mm from zero in both directions per cycle at a rate of 1 cycle per second. The washer pump should be placed in the lowest design position to ensure worst case for sucking debris into the pump. 4.3.2 Add 10 mL of Play Sand to 3.8 L (1 gal) of clean water and mix thorough

30、ly. 4.3.3 Add water/sediment solution to washer container. 4.3.4 Activate vibration table for 1 minute. Copyright General Motors Company Provided by IHS under license with General Motors CompanyNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERIN

31、G STANDARDS GMW16821 Copyright 2012 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved December 2012 Page 4 of 7 4.3.5 Keep vibration table on and activate washer pump. Spray entire contents of the washer reservoir (if the reservoir is less than 3.8 L, refill the reservoir so a minimum of 3.8 L of solution

32、are used thru the system) of fluid through system while watching spray pattern of both nozzles, making sure there is no performance degradation with the spray pattern. Note: Pump should be run until no more fluid in the reservoir can be pumped out. 4.3.6 Rinse out container and repeat 4.3.2 thru 4.3

33、.5 two more times. 4.3.7 Optional - check flow-rate of nozzles before and after test. 4.3.8 Complete a Design Review Based on Test Results (DRBTR) after the test. 4.3.9 Repeat 4.3.1 thru 4.3.8 at TMIN and TMAX. When running TMIN, use the appropriate washer fluid for the region validation as required

34、. Table 3: Recommended Washer Fluid per Region GM Europe (GME) 9274023 Isopropanol GM North America (GMNA) GMW16387/9985670 Methanol All Other Regions Use Local Recommended Default Washer Fluid 9985670 5 Data 5.1 Calculations. Not applicable 5.2 Interpretation of Results. Not applicable 5.3 Test Doc

35、umentation. Results Table (See Datasheet A1). The Supplier shall write evaluation reports to document the results of all validation activities and shall make the test results and evaluation reports available to GM Engineers upon request. See GMW3600. All test reports are to be in English. 6 Safety T

36、his standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This standard does not propose to address all the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicabili

37、ty of regulatory limitations prior to use. 7 Notes 7.1 Glossary. Bidirectional Washer Pump: A device that operates in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions for transferring washer solution from the reservoir through the washer hoses and nozzles onto the windshield and back glass glazing sur

38、faces. International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC): The ILAC and International Accreditation Forum (IAF) are global networks of accreditation bodies and organization involved in conformity assessment activities. Nominal Voltage: Specified in the SSTS (Defaults 13.5 V non Global A and 1

39、4.5 V for Global A). Regional Engineering Center: The Regional Engineering Centers are: GM North America, GM Europe, GM Brazil, GM Holden, and GM Korea. Test Hose: A standard hose piece with 4.0 mm Inner Diameter (ID) that is used for performing functional pump test with reproducible measurements of

40、 pump parameters. Test Nozzle: A standard nozzle shape with given orifice size used for performing functional pump test with reproducible measurements of pump parameters. Washer Nozzle: A device for directing washer solution onto the windshield glazing surface. Copyright General Motors Company Provi

41、ded by IHS under license with General Motors CompanyNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW16821 Copyright 2012 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved December 2012 Page 5 of 7 Washer Pump: A device for transferrin

42、g the washer solution from the reservoir through the washer hoses and nozzles on to the windshield glazing surface. Washer Reservoir: A container capable of storing the washer solution. Washer System: An apparatus for applying fluid to exterior surface of the windshield glazing. 7.2 Acronyms, Abbrev

43、iations, and Symbols. DRBTR Design Review Based on Test Results DV Design Validation IEC International Electrotechnical Commission GSSLT Global Subsystem Leadership Team Hz Hertz IAF International Accreditation Forum ID Inner Diameter ILAC International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation ISO Inter

44、national Organization for Standardization MPV Multipurpose Passenger Vehicle PV Product Validation SSTS Subsystem Technical Specification TMAX Temperature Maximum TMIN Temperature Minimum TROOM Ambient Temperature UNOM Nominal Voltage VTS Vehicle Technical Specification 8 Coding System This standard

45、 shall be referenced in other documents, drawings, etc., as follows: Test to GMW16821 9 Release and Revisions This standard was originated in June 2012. It was first approved by the Windshield Wiper Global Subsystem Leadership Team in December 2012. It was first published in December 2012. Issue Pub

46、lication Date Description (Organization) 1 DEC 2012 Initial publication. Copyright General Motors Company Provided by IHS under license with General Motors CompanyNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW16821 Copyright

47、2012 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved December 2012 Page 6 of 7 Appendix A Note: Example of a test set up production representative parts are to be used when possible. Figure A1: Washer Reservoir Debris Test Set up Copyright General Motors Company Provided by IHS under license with General

48、 Motors CompanyNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW16821 Copyright 2012 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved December 2012 Page 7 of 7 Data Sheet A1 Copyright General Motors Company Provided by IHS under license with General Motors CompanyNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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